Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1963, p. 3

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ORONO EEKLy TIMES, THur#J>AY, SECPTEMBER IM14 103 PROM THE ORONO IJNITED CHURCH You In Your Small Corner And .1inMine st. Matt.: il: 16-20 out of touch with reality; that yeu ln aur Scripture text, Jesus tried are too muc;h concerned wïttj your. to express the attitude of His gen- self. They realized that what he eration. He said they were like said was true. ehfldren playing in the markoet To be truly Christian, I think, we pl3tce.,The children suggested they have to be nai ve; to be reaily play weddings with joyful music, Christian we muet be intellectually trhe others joining in. Their play- honest. Here the world canpon mates said, "No,- we don't want to a finger at us and,,say, "lYou are play weddinge." Tien the children flot inteilectuaflyhonest. Facts ar 1e said, "Let us play funerals with put before you which you cannol .zrournful music." The others said deny and yet you go on in youy "No, we don't wan't to play rLm- own littie corner believing what er" Jesuse was saying they are you want to believe." Tt is true out of tune with what the children when they say,* "You are out ol ,were trying ta, do and He liIkened touch with reality. You don't knoW that to'spiritual truth. John came how the rest of. society talks or and was rejected. Jesus came, a acte. You just think you do. Be- difftr:ent type of person, and Mis fore the close of camp our friend ,Zeneration rejected flim. coninented, -You are not wrong; 'T7oday the greater part of society you are intellectually honest, but ls out of toucli and out of harmOfly you are a dying race unless you -tbthe Christian Churofi. Statis- learn to speak the language of the Vics reveal that Churclh mexuber- world. "1 Èh *p continues to limnb but the Outstanding leaders of the Anrgli- pereentage of Christian people i a church. have, recentiy said, the world is declining. There muet "hnk God the Anglican churcli beareason for At. is beginning to awaken." One said, PEeraps the reason partly is lù effect, "Our Prayer Book an d that we in the churdh have mis- our way of worship is beautiful understood Christian expression. and bas meant a great deal to us, we recail the chidren's hymn: but we are a handful of people "Jïesus bide us shine who are enjoying this and the rest Wth a pure, clear light, of 'the world doesn't know why we I.ke a littie candie can, or how to do it themiselves. Burning in the niglht. We've been content to stay in our In this ýworld is darkness, own littie corner, let our own littie se let us shine, liglit shine,, and it hasn't been -You in your aruall corner, shining far enough." And I in mine." We read of a 1galloping grand- Ths hymn had truth for nmen mother" who bas been going ahl -when 1 was a dhild, and stiil does. over the country ta get nafles ta But it happens that we gain cer- force the government ta, authorize tain ideas "hen we are sinall, otten sweepstakes in Canada. When ask- 'iettîng hem suffice for the rest of ed if she received mucli opposition .our lives. We have been content to to tis, she repiied, "Practically neii i our own.little corner and none! Only the higher-ups in the t orget about the rest of the world. church frown on the idea, and they .Tîîs summer at camp, 1 was as- are a buuch of hyprocites who socïated with' young University close their eyes ta bingo and char- peuple. They are influeuced by ity lotteries. They are not even persons who have a great deal of close enough to the people to know ïmnowledge- in one or two subjects whaât they wa-. " She ýdoesn't re- and who tend ta set theniselves Up alize that bý s what the asauthorities on the whole 0if lfe. Ipeople waut is no, or them. -Mus is a iniiake. Christian youuglIf -we go to Qur doctu. and tell' people are learning more and more hlim what we want lie may examine tiat they are sadly outnumnbered us and realize soanething very ser- by people who do not speak their ious is wrong, he xnay say, "What language in regard tai lue. you need is a certain treatment or Some of them were shocked when medicine. Tt may not be 'what we a very weil-educated, devôtedIwant but it may be what le best Christian Camp Leader with a Ieen for us. ~mnd said ta them, "Do you know We in the churcli have been shin- that when you talk about a Per- ing in aur own corner, little real- aonal God and experieln3e the izing how the rest of the world warmth. and strengtih of prayer, expresses itself. We used to sing, nan ay 1educated people tod'ay "We'll build a sweet littie nest, are nau seated by the f act that you Somewhere in the West can accept it?" Their first ro iAnd let the rest of the world go by" action was, "Tis can't be truO Tis is a wonderful idea for a 1eas don't feeci t." But it is houcymoon couple who, for the trac aill the same. moment, are not facng up to real- 'Ihe young people asked, '"WhY ity, but it is net good enoulfr should People feel tbis way?" Hepeople who intead to live a f ull, sà1d, "'They thinký that you arellif e. Maybe the churcli bas been- naive. They think that you are not Igetting smaller perceutage-Urise intellectually bonest; that you are1 (Coninued page 6) ROYAL THURS., FR1., SAT. Bowmanville 623-5589 - SEPT. 19-21 MATINEE SAT. 2 P.M. WALT DISNEV'S wvitb the Vienna Boys' Choir (Color), Children - 2,5 cents anytimne SUN., MON., TUES., WED. at 7.30 JACQUELINE KENNEDY'S ASIAN TOUR ln Colour - and at 8 p.m. IT JUST DIDN'T FIGUýRE.:, that they would that they could... ll11,.-.ý.-,ýýl.- thattheydid! M !SCflTRES ROB' RT %PS- T i IN "'~~C' Il S P RDUCION NC UNTEfARTIS EtERSE Adut antertainment Specially Selected - Value Slvek'd Branded Bflade or Short 4b Rib Roast i l Standing - Short Cnt - Chef Style RIB, ROAST lb'73g Speciaily Selected - Value Check'd Boneless - Rolled Ili in tV'% NA ci For meat ]pies or Stews es-Nurtu -Sie Lean - Boneless -,Cube Style 0 c utiin -Sie Stewing Beef lb 49c ý BEEF LIVER s e b 49c lb 39c Discount Featur1e! Save 13o - Deep Bromned4 LIBBY8 BEANS 20 ,oz 4for, 87c Discount Featureé Save 5c - Fancy (Jream Style 15 oz. Tinte GREEN GIANT, OORN 3 for 53c Discount Feature! Save 5c - lu New Ilecater OROWN CORN SYRUP 2 lb tin 34c 40,scount Feature! 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