Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Sep 1963, p. 4

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Q»xwo, OTAMO tOIE 14 K&CK TO SCIIeOOL, SALE Thî-s-i1lb to Sat. Sept. e7 Late Arrivai for. Back-to-Seliool Sale Boy's Printed Flajinelette Shirts, one p9cket, long sleeves, sizes 2 to 6X. Regular 8c This week for each.................. 69c. Boy' Polo Shirts, Cotton Knit, long sleeve*s, Pullover with collar. Sizes 2 to 6 Regular $1.9 Sale Price a low.................... 88c. PilIow Cases, made in India, compare with regular $1.19 a pair. Sale price a pair .. 3 Ladies' Seamless Nylons, 1irýsb quality, ;sabon-' able shades. Sizes 9 to Il. Two pair and a spare ( five stockings) Regular $1.39 For only .. .........................9q9c. 1Ladies' Eze-On Stretchy Brocaded Slippers.: Sizes small, medium or large. Pair .... 97e Resto Spring Arch Supports, relief for weak or fallen arches, tired aching feet. Sizes 6 to 8 *or 9 to 11. Priced per pair .........., 5 Window Cleaner' 2. large bottles with FREE Sprayer for......... ............... 79e Electrie Tea Kettie, complete with cord. $7.69 ORONO S c to $1 STORE Scandai Rouets States "The evidence of scanda i nie 20 year eld Tory Govérrrnmnt mounts day by day" Durham 1ib- eral candidate Allan Beer told a mreeting 0fthe Cavan Tow;Ànship i Luberal Executive in MillIbrook last 'Wedinesday night. Pointdng to the ,tlteraý,tionis made in key sections o the officiai report on municipal corruption in- Znstview to proterct Con servativi, C'~.P ordon La- ver~gne as- rev.*ealed by Liberal iI eader .IJohn Wintermneyer, Mr. )Beer gald that ?remîier Robarts has been so b>usyfordering investi- g9ations that he lias no Màme ta govern the Province. The Liberal candidate recounted ý,hat in the pagt week Premnier RoD- barts had not orily or(lered an ina- vestig'ation. . into- the Lavergne af- fair butý hé had beet intrumental in having i charge of perjury laid 1against Noi4thern Ontfanio Natural Gas President Raiiph Harris there-. by effectively sealing off any publie dijscussion of tVlýt iuvestigation un, tiI atter the trial which W111 flot ie Concluded unti after the election. Tice third job -of eovering Up In Viet week Was the order tiait the On- tarlo Police Commission lie re- quested Ic> investilgate the;activities cd the Ontario Provincial Police in dealinig with alieged Mafia Infiltra- tion 0f organized crime into On- taria. 'To aslkîle police Com- mission ta iiwestigate the' police is like orderi- Ng r. RObarts té in- vestigate the Conservative Party, 5sid Mr. Beer.' M(r. Bee~r old his audience th j paen vtly he PeoPle of Ontario' were pre0nred ta 9verlook a c tain a&ipnt of scanda1l og I a Mr. FWrost was Premnier. siuation lias now ahnped. Mër. Whloexniessy Tory nmachuie 1ied. igKeISO ROberts and. other hanug- ers-o frSpte, rost era,," waid the Liberal candidate. "Anotiier factor i a t U Lpai lc*der ,,T WffternOyr ,iexiôw de nstrating- t'O the Ontloý'c voter that lie hns the d e abi4ftY sa4 4xri to clean Up te whb1lp éard!d ies.1 He le the mian wlio e'xpoed the grir't JIcid yndL<afed gambiing andi organized crime in Onmtario, f0rcing ýcided By Local 1-ydro The Orono Hydro Comimissaon frequiring underground services and spent Tuesday evening discussing had as1ked for a policy to, be M1r- whetiher or neot and to what extent redout for the south bal f uF Dv- they should delve into underground Igion Street, Algo for the area at wiring. The issue *was flot settled the nortli of Mil Street just Southi of as the Commission has asked for the -cemetery. In both locations a more positive pice on the under- further extensTons to the prkmaty ground installation from the man, hme are going ta be carried1 out ager. alonig with, acditional transformners. The' manager pointed'out that el- The question is whether or' not te, ectrical heateél hoÙ-seý* liieýé almxost go underground in these locations, " or to continue with overhead wïr- CANADA SETS: THE TABLE AT CJOLOGNE Cana9d'ian food produel7s and pro- cegsors, aided by the Departrment. of Trade and Coniierce, are mak- ing a concerted effort to sel their, prodlicts ta Germnany and other 'Euopan onm-on IMarket Cown-. In Septeniber, 14, Oaniadian finms, an aogociation. for the export of Canadi'an poultry, and the Canad- an Cheddar Oheese industry, will display tiheir wares at the Provis. ions and Fine roods Exhibition M 1 Cologne, Germany, September 21- 29, 1963.'1 A~lready, Trade qornmissioners. ini Europe are ,9pl e - aIý, . .directi inail caimpaigli to pûtential cuist- omners to publieize the event. .: .major feýatire 0f the Canadianl publicity programn is, a colourftil toJlder called "Canada Sets 'The Table,"~ prepared by the EàitoriàLI and Art Services Division of the Departmnent 0f Trade andi Coml- merce'. Printed ini Getnanf, French,-i. Dutali andi Englisfh, the folders, acmpanied by anivîtation tu visit the daadt'an EWit, aret eiifg sent bl Tr adë Coimnissioiera to biîésàn à iith fo field iii thei r ara. Folders Wili' àlgo lie valsI t itereýýedvii5tairs 2at1 thý Coxf.ser atve 4gkefià-nent tù apon ýi (3nix iusin. He le a a ' , frh ~ sigÉted to g'ive Ontrio reepog#IbeJ and cdean iivrnêàift "the candi.j date coneluà,ed. ing. H. Mer.cer, chnJrm!ln '0fl J e- Board, f elt-.that it was not yet the-l tiýme to, po uaherg-round and ta it^ was too costly -ind lie feare that th e moiiey wouldi not lie afetý l elble. "Where are you going t ot e10,000?" lie %ske-d. F'Urtherýý lie galid underground1 wirinig eas ndt going ta niake more mnoney for thei 'CkaMmaOnes Simnpsoni and For. rester niated- that it wPuld ie a& graduai turn ta underground iii locations that were being re*~ilt or extended and thaithetii. Village woul4 not be done aton tirne. Uf. Forrester feit that the looji Hyro was, sçhoAwng a fînanchsl iniprovnient and that it could af- tord to make astart p>n purcing, "nes underground witere cawe were to lie made. "If voudot -*art noiw you iVili neyer start,ý le said. Comixnssioner SiînLpscn oand For,- rester fa'voured the new eeim. tiÉedl light standardi which Jior- porated tii. transformer, wtbe and laxnp postat ainoneitr TWey, felt it woul4 'oextabily lie the o~ for thie fture. head pri3nawy on J>ivlstn $ýr-.! ¶'as set -at roligl-Iy M$Q0 wî?,le that of clisuging to the 1~~~ pàsts and transforjnere unt:c-) ýroiýnd wirziig wasý set betweenr wa lie otaned before the pdticy i J set, The new unîtwâas thoub t be, ý>y ene C« tie Coni Seloi.a &ej -nos servi>ceable and modern. Athe pressetine it is dei. û2ped. tp o àuzsý up tOa ~2ý5 X.. iriçea-fing it to 37 K.V.A. hItii.- near future 0O FORWARD -O GOLIBERAL 'EFFECTIVE ACTION with BEER DURHAM DESERVES A MEMBER WHO IS FREE TO GIVE FULL TIME TO THIE REQ SE,3NTS 0F DURIIAM R le wiil give const.-,nt attepiiion to the problenîs of his constituents. H fe will make the nieeds of Durham known at Queen's Park. H fe will insure Durhanx's participation in Ontario's. industrial growth. IBeer, AIan ýI Durham Liberal Association HEAR BRUCE BEER Parliament Assistant to the Federal Nfinister of Agriculture on Monday, Sept. 9, at ORONO, 8 P. AL

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