ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST lSthi, 1963 Greenwood Race Resuits Ths /e ejoy fo!,i i e ed ome on M1t'tOrono. the ppi'î eek and it --reai hoxv aUd shrub s have ho n adm ir rng the l'oc ~, native ocf iie southeri pe1e.o Shewn qobove is M.Wo' Hibscu bni ifr J cf ý' C . -en Iceef Il -boom fLyr hide the bush. One cfý the hottest basebal play- cifs le years is curreutiy 'under-1 ay as Ceurtice and Keedal lin theý Juverile bracket of the bakeshere Mi1-ner Basbebaii' Association are try-ing fer the league crown and, our- aise the right te advaece alIong- the OBA Miner playdown trail. At home iast ý!Mondny, August 5, Courtice picked '!p a bard foughit close 441 triumiph over, Kendal te tie the best c2f seven series at two ORONO 5c, to, $1 STORE ïi Sun Suits, Children's Linen, assorted styles Sîze 2 - 4. Regular 59c. Sale Price ..... 47C Pop Tops, Childrens and Misses- Odd sizes at Clearing Price Girls TEE Shirts' Cotton Knit, Polo Style ,Collar, sizes 2 to 6X.,Regular 89c. for... 72c. Girl's Co-ordinates, 2-piece Pedal Pusher Sets Sizes 4 and 5 only. Regular $1.98 for .. $173 Boy 's Polo Shirts, short sleeves, reg. $1.98 - On Sale now for......... ......... $1.79 Boy' Polo Shirts, Manly Famous Knit- Our low price of .................. $1.49 Boy' s Sport Shirts, short sleeves, many colors and prints on white background. Pegular price was $1,69 for .......... $139 New. Fall Shipnîent Bell-Lon Pullovers, three-quarter sleeves, sizes 14 to 20. Colors black, whlite and blue.. Each.......... $398 NEW ~ Cl'sPullever Dea-Lon. A texturiz',ed garmnt. ues4 to 6X. Colors brown, blue ai-, red. Eaých for ............$289 New Woibu_'s Golden Rich Shampoo- Reg- ula T25Value for only.......79C ganios oi'h. Behiýre the largest crowd ever te M- ide the MonCal Paàrk 'last Thu'-adav, the hDme side Won a game up in the s,ýreàsas they pickod tn-)mi oa3Y one-sided victory by a court cof 9-2. The sixth game was ruied eut on Monday, August l2th at Courtice whee the umpre calied the game due te Keeýdal delïberately playtng te retire their own side. Kendal ias le, the lead at the time the g-ame wras calied le the top of the fifth. This game will be replayed in Courtice Thursday nigh.t, tonight. PLAYDOWNS IN LADIES' SOFTBALL The Ladies Saftball league has ,omipleted their regular scheýdule f play for the season and are now in the midst of the first round of p1ay-ýoffs. The Orono entry was eliminaed from the playdowns as they were unable to catch one of the top four positions. In fart the local team forfieited twic remaining games in the regular ,zchedule. 'n the deurrent playoff ser-es, Bowmanville is playing with Cour- tiLce land in t'he first game of the series Bowm:anville were the vie ors by a score of 9.0. In the other seriês Port Hope and 'Newcstleare siated toge/ber wl/b the first game ending in a 7-al deadiock. This game had to be eaul- ed on accounit of darkness. BotA series were again ie action lk.st night. I Oronio Club Enteîe in o.A. -Series The ViIlage of Orono is te have an entry te the Ontario Bascba1i Association piaydoweýs Interni ed - ate "D" division. The first game for Orono will be played th:s Su'n- Iday when the Orono teani travels te Little Brîtain. The second gi n't of flhc series wiil be pla'Ted len Ion and at preýss, fine the date unkeown. It is understood that Orone, has signed tee local playors for tho playdowns and with this tearn i wll make their bld for the Ontario t hamnpionahp. The local teani bac flot played this year and to the wrifer's knowledge have net eve, heid a practice, ROCA Arr icas Finest Confection FK7oztn$1 STUT'S PHARMACY ORLONO, ONT. ACROB8 1 Reduce to pulp 5 Article of food 10 To satlsty 14 Wild buffalO of India 15 Big 16 Wife of Geraint 17 Early Irish tenant 18 Wrath 19 WVithere'd 20 Timorous 22 Substance 24 Tinker to ---ý to Chance 27 High card 28 Class 31 Harvest goddess 33 Short news article (Pi.) 37 Atmosphere 38 Pleased 40 Large tub 41 Stroke lightly 42 Scoundrels 43 Form of -'ebeff 44 French for summer 45 Part of church (Pl -) 46 J :pire 47 Drawing room 49 Sainte (abbr.) 50 Velocity 52 Thing In Ilaw 54 compound eth et 56 Saturated 59 Cbecked 63 Opposed ta aweather 64 Winged- 68 Ireland 69 Shakespearean king' 70 Storms fiercely 71 Rotate 72 Covers wlth pitch 73 Lends 74 Prepares leather DOWN l part of ship 2 Sandarac tree 3 To eut, after snick 4.Referred to somethlng repeatedly' 5 Cutting part of an instrument 6 Operated, 7 Unit of energy 8 Yeats old PHONE 188Jil Answer To Puzzle n LA A A FA L TA 0TA P E E R E RNE MEE DR S A0 A 'FS S l RGAOi 9 Sensitive layer of the skin 10 six line stanza i The diil 12 To weary 13 River of Germany 21 1 have (contr.) 23 A Sour substance (Pi.) 25 Moves briskly 26 Polnted 28 Yawns 29 Lasso 30 Russian trade guiid 32 Looks at fixedly 34 To elude 35 airl's name 36 Splrited horse 38 East Indian tree 39 Raised transportatiomi lines 42 Hindu queen 48 Commande 50 Observe 51 one of the clergy 53 Tangle 55 Long lock of hair 56 Season 57 Genus o! olives 58 Darling 60 Kind of palm 61 Ireland 62 Lairs 65 A dialect o! Siamese 66 Turkish tit 67 Number P 'Li'-7 i NO0. ;ï . K~n~ IX Ïp tice Iii jvenile Seriesi Racing' at the Greenwood race- Mac entered in the sixth rac -l f ww re-cpeeed on Thursda y last a purse of 1$1500,00. Flash R1 ý after beinig closed for three days placed fourth and Happy Mec, ~ due to a dispute over purse money This was the second tir-ie between the race men and the' two heorses raced aga.r-t one Agreemnent over payment of the'other. The first time Happy MCr purse eýioney was reached and' the came ie second and Fa Rý .4~nnare new racing for great- le the fifth hole. ly increased purses. Brown Valley of th(, Wc5t- M t, stable placed seven n mas i 3 Merry Pence cf the West-Mi ,ieI dowview Champ of the Re s' ables was racing on epening night but trailed in sith position. Worthy Mite ow-ned q McCrae did however bring Counit by Junior West place i+ Dreet and, Grattan Counsel both Mondray night. in foui-th position in the seventh and eighth race.TwRedhreeoa i 'c Fedoramite aniother starter on the Hollywood Riýhard paoedIh opening eight fromn the Reid stableoptin nTedy ghct was aise well eut cf the money. Ci er the mochend Bhr Lawrence H-ooey's Futurity Chief reund1 li.C n a recent wineer at the Greenwood1 entendi n a saka taCi toek a second on Friday night f31- horse o vned hi M E, ý1,ing Joe Symbol fer seven fur- placedi fifth in a ran a: longs at Saturday evenieg sw two Croco Wednesday nîght at the G n herses, Jack Reid's Flash Riddell, woed Happy Baba, cii Cc j iRC a three-time winner at the Green- West and driven hy JunI voood and Jack Wiliam's Happylplaced fourth.