Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1963, p. 6

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OROQNO WEEKLY TIESB, THV"~DAY, AUGUST IM, 19"S, -Counties Urged ýTo 0-ay A Share 0f University Site Referred to the Warden's advis- [ and Durham would be approxi- muy committee at the close of the mately $60,000 (combined popu- zsession 0of the United Counties lation of these counties is 190,000 ICouncil Thursday was a letter re- today). 7 -eived from Howard Weese, Prince ,-hdward County, advocating pro- Cost of board1 at university is viding a site for an institution of about $600 per annumn and Mr. 'higiier learning wv'thn the arca, Weese said if a student lived at .According 10 the bItter in 1962 home and commuted tbis expense file presidents of unversities re- would be ilalved. Northumberland ~poiec tl"~ by194 terexvii e as ai lcast 1,000 students Who approx1maQely 6,000 students elig- could do this for a saving of $300,- aille and that the universeties xiii 000 on an investment of $60,000. be un-able to accommodate theni. -By . b70, t icre viii ýbe 3 0,000 to 40,- Accordling 10 Dr. Jackson's re- >ýO0 sudents in the 18-21 year age port in 1970 hie 18-21 year age -,cvt e iich he universilaes and group population in Northuinber- el itcal' L~ utes could not ac- land-Durha'm will be 6,550. In Has- ~omodaein spite of the buÉId- tings 7,450 and in Prince Edward ing ji ' w-ý universfties in Peter- 2,000. This indicates that Trenton borouýgh and Niagara FaIls and the would be a central location. Il ,'e3nlarging o! the existing ones. could be developed said Mr. Weese int one of Vile best campuses in T1hroughout Southern Ontario Canada. 'there are or will be two universi- '%les in Toronto, two in Ottawa and 'rno oni a ged1 One encil in Windsor, Waterloo, gTventan cbnil s als ed to, *Hamilton, Peteii1yorough and King- give andwi Vie realderofthe land ionwitb Ingtitll4es,0f Technoligy000,uad betie paminpaidofor vern Ml Toýronto, Haisn1.ton, London'and cudb idu n adfroe C«1ttawavý but between Toronto andi a period o! three years causîflg no iaioa dIstance o! 160, milesý hardshtp 10 any county. "heeis no post secondary edu- cational institution. Mr. Weese asked the council Co The ounieso! astigsN~-h- ass a motion to the effect tha.t the Thrcoutis o HatigsWýnh-United Counties of Northumber- sumberland..Durham and Prince Ed. land-Duzbham would be willing to ward bY 1970 wll have aipproxi. pay on a per capita basis iith mately 16,000 students in the 18-20 Hastings and Prince Edward for verage bracket. This i.s 2,000 a site for a teabnological institute more tlhan allotted to Queen's in in this location, and to appoint two that area, and 4,000 more than ai- memibers to represent the counties ot'e O the Peterýbcoroug'h area. on the committee. The committee Mr. 'Weese reporteel that -when at present consists o! O. W. Larry, '-8ked if he was prepared tofr Dr. W. L. D. McD)onald and Mr. zIish a site in this area le had Weese. - ocated one north o! the inter- -secUoiin 'o! higbwaYs 33 and 401. saiof Vthe site is in Trenton, part àD Hastings anid a- large part inK -Rurray Toîwnship O! Nortilumber- K ndal N ew s bnd3. With tile town of Trenton Those In Bowmanville 'Hospital g11vng th part located witliin its frSm titis area thIs week are: Mrs. "Mdax-Y Vthe cost o! the balance Joahn Stone, Mrs.. Jack Stapleton ., ,Z4 file site would be approximrately Mrs. C. Glass, MrS. F. Brima- 4135,000 - $150,000. On a per capita combe, Mr. Merrili Grahamn, Mr. -Rsis with Hastings and Prince Ed- John McMullen. Mr. Johni Koropat- ,rward the cost to Nortihumberland wa is ini a Toronto Hospital. ACROSO 1 Porticou 6 Hiatu8es 10OGo at certain gait 14 A flambeau 15 Unruly outbreak 16 Unuanal 17 Growlng out ,Î8 Scotch Ckaellc 15 The bird8 20 Excavation 11French for summer 23 Journeya 25 Smnellieg .28 - 11ail, Irish crownlng atone M 9Lubricatîng llquid 320 Judgnnnt (Pl.) M 5Tc purlfy 328 Rotate 39 Charge upon property -~40 River island -41 Gun (slang) 43 The self 45 New Guinea City' 16 Part of boat 48 Raised plaîforîn :50 An adheslye 352 Membera o! Upper House of Congresa stake, numerai 56 Weddlng 61 Saloon i provisie store 85 Tibetan gazelle 66A gul 67 Opposec, aweather 68 Arrow poison 70 String 72 To acore 73 A.M. hou 14 Anious, *75 Makes la edgîng - 76 Mannero niovins foot 77 Waate malter DOWN i walks 2 Bracing 3Speak il publie 4 Perfdrn - SCloth sultabiè bed liner 6 Inexperie 7 Atmospht 8 To mail an n d, to rc Answr To Puzzle 752 M A E I 5I!Iw ! CD) rF IN A L lIAES TOMAýTO GROWERS AWABDED $15PO0O IN 14088 0F OROF .. Irlch Ruegger, a Newtonvllei district tomýato grower has been awarded $15, 000 damages for the loss of a tomato crop in 196i in a civil action against Sheli 011 Com- pany and Harvey Farrow, a New- tonville area custom, sprayer.. Ruegger claimed his tomatoes were ruined when bis corn was sprayed wiith a herbicide. Crop loss was set ai $15,000 during the, 'nine-day hearing. Mr. Justice R. I. Ferguson re- served judgement ai the end of the trial. His Lordshiýp made the award Mond'ay, Farrow was awarded bis share of the damages in an acition againsi Seek Prison S3ite In Northumberland A two and a half year bear 'h INSPECTOII'S ROLE CITEJ) ýnow is narrowed to,",on e of a James McNair of the construc-Ifew" sites in Northumberland tion brancil of the department of County as location for a $'4,000, 000 labor visited the counties council îi ediuit security prison. session at Cabourg, thus week to' exolain the Construction Saf ety jA'ct Construction is scheduled to be- and the need for the contest gin 1h15 year. appoint an inspector. The act is only a year old and so far only 21 counties oui of a total of 58 have'complied with reg- ulations and appointed aninec Paullne Jewett, M.P. for Nort\l< imtberlanýd, told The Journal ini a telepilone interview recenily t3hait the search, which hegan in Nortilï- umberland, and tlhon mo-ved 10 Owen Sound area, has réeturned 10 me eslsestartinCoplace. ~JuIIpany.Dominion governînent began con- Durig te harig, ueger old Mr. MeNair said lhe prime re- sidering sites in Northumberland the court he contracted witil Far- sponsibility was on the employer, two years ago, said Dr. Jeweit. row in July 1961, to spray two thie second on the worker and the "A montil ago the government fields o! corn on bis farm with third on the inspector. reîurned ta thîs counity as the most S-2-4-D weed killer supplied by suitable loocation," she added. As ShelI Oul. Tedféec ewe h many as seven or eight sites have aThendifference btwen bilýe new jbeen under consîderittion ai one The, plaintif! adFarwunder- Cmeatho c s at o tethWrk e's Vi 1100k blait the spraying wuU flot omensààatin d as adtht' îhaeleiîey ecd h barm a 45-acre tomato crop which former ws mnbyantptd ae hin- isn"we have deaInitedinedthe adjoined one o! thé corn fields. He, pe trs oimpoted hgaethepfwlîb stllsedi h oharedi cort ila flt <ly as Qwe 10impse he eguatin~,Kingston- Peter<borough - Oshawa 04agedM;Curttht nt oly aswh ereas: the inspcetoî's for te triangle, " said Dr.ý Jewett. Thd part o h corn crop damagedbu Workmen's Compensation Ac aechoice has now been arrowod' ta the tometo crop was rendered un- mainly adisory and have no power "one o! a f ew" ýn Northumberland fit for consumption and was a total ta entorce tue régulations. I-not on the lakeshore. loss.I Canbell's Soups, Ruegger sald, refused bile entire crop because of the nuniber o! culs and black cen- tres. Ho said ho was under contract with the soup comipany ait the time. Under the act, Mr. McNair said, the counties wIll bave to ap- point -an inspector who Will ho re- sponsible to the council and the en- gineer. Small municipalitis cn elther benefit from sucil services under a share-the-coqt system orl else notify o! their desdre to ap- point their own inspector. Local, N.ews. Such an inspector must be more PrIends antd Neighbours o! Mrs.' than 25 years o! age and have -ai Les Alldred galthiered ai Vile home 1least four. years- pz4acti*cal experi- o! M!rs. Vernia, Hooey, IýOwman-, ene in safety work. Ho must flot vile' last ovendlng <WedU-eY), only be quoli!ied but available. giving ber a surprise party and pres'entation before shé and Mr. Whlle the need for suoh. an in- Alldred and famly move to Osh- opector is specificaîîy, directed 10 aWa. The ladies presented Mn.rs e construictiion, bouse con- Alldred witb an oil painlting also a asrgeinned aeu iseto cup andi saucer. for mao;ny cfodns ae unspectare unsafe. Costs o! inspection may be Lunch was served -and a mosi, en- defrayed, by the, issue iok permits joyable evening spent playinýg con. and by tees from contributl\-g mun- tests and games.j icipalities. Twin Cou-nties Forests Il - MR ARS NIaE E L ar 0A laborlous task àce il Runt 12 Ruasiaàa of City an 13 ---- ofthle D'Urbevilles 22 The sesame 24 Scotch for own 20 2Common (Haw.) 27 Grand Oid D at 31 Pastry (Pi.) 32 Lubricates a. 33 Tidy 34 To cut, after s;ick 35 Head cover- for ing p.) n 36 italîan coin ienced <PI.> ere 37 Englîsh boys, Iver school 1 f2'3 4[5 678 9 1 -i -s T7- 18 38 Asterlak 42 ýEmbelliahlng 44 Ran 47 One who squanders 49 Doctrine 5 1 Fogrtb cÇalif 53 Japanese porgie 54 Paid athlete 57 Factor 58 Friend Sp.) 59 Heredity factor 60 Vases 61 To throw 62 Appellation of Athena 63 Tridy 64 Ox of the Celebes 69 Sllkworni 71 Armed conf lct z jTj 2021 2223 24 ;526 27 - - - - 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 - - 38 -39- ,4 4 42 4 344 45 46-47 \48 49 - 50W51 5253 - 54 565ý7 - 58 59 60 61 162 63 6 4 à\\\\,,6 76 97 PUZZLE ÎNO. 753 J. R. Stone, cleputy peniitentiaries commissionier said last week, "We have looked ai several pieces of property and we are getting ckne, but go far no site bas been selected. 1Availability of waher and' type o! tfpography have been primary Considerations, said Dr. Jewott. The Prison would prnibably use about 200,000 gallons of waier 'a day. We also have tried 10, stay away from, the built. up areas The Prison Wouldrequire a mini- imIum O! 20 acres and would prob- ably need mol(re in the neigilioUr- hood of 300 acres, she sad. Silo told Mr., Wilson that the location o! the prison would be known 10o the public Shs w-,ek. Construction will begin.thisyear and end in 1965. Dr. Jewett said tilat as M.P. for Northumberland rdding she has en- deavoured 10 direct the location o! bileprison to ibis county since 'il would be a great asset," AU Dominion goverament establisi- m ents are generally considered as beneficial to an area and'ibis case ids no exception Thle prison will 10rocade opl e boh dcf cri ~~I~Jr'~rI-h Oo ~stru cron and $1 9n lcl eolebul oduricon- Il is believed tilat public works Areport on present conditins o! In presenting bhis report'bo the officiais from Toronito and an uni- the Northumberland an d Iuram United Counties, Alberit Haas o! dentif!ed man f romn Peteilborougil ICounty Forces was presented t.othe department o! lands andI for- were looîring at a site in theWark- counties council in ýsession at Col êsts, Orono, said tuai present day wori-u area. bourg tuis week. value o! the two forests, if clear This site is beleived 10 ho about Thle foresis were sbaited in 1921 cut today, was $189,000 witb îhe 400 acres in size. on sub-marginal and, wind blown future value, if clear eut in the farm lands. O!fbile two forests, year 2,005 being $5,675,000. Tiese tilat o! N-;orthumibýerland is tue lar- figures are net values after log- ing burni. Tus year the red ilead-» ger witil 4,342 acres, bilai o! Dur- ging costs are deducted. They are ed pine sawfly is not bile serious ham being 1,449 acres. based on current market prices for defoliator as it was in otiler years In île past bhree years, 386,000 pulpwood, polos and saw-logs. due ho the fact that tilere has been seedlings have been planted in '*Inathe past two years seven ad- a disease in bile larva population. Nortuumberland couptywibb 30,000 ditional ponds were consbructed at Mr. Haas asked méembers o! being planted in Durham, Wilel North.um'beriand ForesÏts ,bo pro- council 10 consider tile purchase of no' additional land bas- been ac- vide waber supply in case o! fire l'and adjoining bile present North.- quired in îhe Durham County forest and several secondary roads were umberland Counity Forest off Hîgil- department o! lands and forests coanstructed for fire prevention way 45. On any sucil acreage xvhich officiais are not concerned as sudh and control. migili ho obtained, bbree quarters land is being added Vo tue adjoin- Each year tue' forests are being Of the, purchiase price would be ing foresi o!fbile Ganaraska Con- pruned te control tue wirite pine payable under Dominion and pro- servation Board. weevîl witl infacted branches be- vincial graits. 1 1 Soil Judging Competition HeId On Tuesday, July 23 tue five bedrodk, shoniness, organic matier, Minerai Dofiuîencies in Plants by field crop 4-H clubs met with other subsoil and waber rua-off. I Visual Sympboms", on 4-H award !4-H'rs, Junior Farmers and aduli Lunch was eaten back aitute nigili. The Junior winners wore farmers for the !i!Vi annual Dur- roadsîde park on H-ighway 115 and EHoward Morion, Cavan and Piliip ham County Souls Tour and Land Concession 7, Cavan. So!h drinks Winslow, Ida. Thle Senior winners Use Judging Compebiion. were provided. were Paul Winslow, Ida; and Gary At 9:00 a.m. bile tour began. Thle Thle Judging Competition was at Jfarers Bwre Bruce. Tyltor, tnni group was splib in ihree witil Mr. the far7n o! Mr. Gerald Armstrong, skills en; anrucrsTaLloKellgg Hal Hooke f rombile Conservation Millbrook. Four di!! erent pits were sPort Hope.dFiifheelopdizelwere Brancil o! îhe Departmenh of Lands dug and contestants ilacibo figure Pgiven oui. foteen pirce ti-e and Foresis, Mr. John Ingratta, ouitue quality o! île soul, drainage gvnh u onr ietyhreSer e ie Fruit and Vegetable Specialisi, topograpily, etc. ai eacil pit. Tl or ilaniownt r ometition.iv Bowmanville, and Mr. Harvey contestents also ilad te put down Also on'tle program was a Hay Wrigilt, Soil and Field Crop Spec- hifrsecntrdadouh Judging Compehition under Mr. À alisi, Lind.say eacil conducting a choice o! fields, for growing wînter O. Dalrymple. Tile five wiime,, group. The tour consisted o! driv- Wetcon lafa and polaloes. are as follows: ing tilrough various Cavan Town. Reasons ilad ho ho given for bile 1 ae ikrBwavl ship roads wilere stops were' made, placing o! oneofo! biose crops. 2. BiJan illr ok nil aln iewyshowing different Tilere were hree sections in tue 3. David Brackenridge, Millbrook types of profile. Thle guides aiso I competition: juniors- up bo and 4. Doug Jose, Newcastle pointed oui the uses ho Wiicil var- including 16; 4-IH and Junior Farmi- -5. Grant Yeo, Orono j bus types o! land could ho adaphed. ors 17 and over; and farmers op- After the prize money was lan.d- jAmong the points discussed were erabing their own farms. The firsi od out, everyone lefi for home the sou htexture, draina.ge, topo ,to winners ineoacb section willre- eln htec a oipo grapily, e'o-sioin, !looding, dI--ptuh o ceive a book entled "Diagnosis o!fiÉtable and enjoyable'day. 7MM -7 1 1 v

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