Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Aug 1963, p. 5

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ORONOWEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1963l Local Children Pass Tests At Orono Swimming Pool On SaurlI-'J'v 27 t'le O'07--~ Gll Edie Kilpatnick, Brian PRed Cr0s33 5w mcg 3,P- "" 'n Black, Doýug Black and barry îïreýw.to.a close f or another yea. b unn. Aý,ppnoximately sixty children lcared to swim and many otheri (b) Receiveý their Junior Card clld ren became adjusted to the and Crest - Ste-yen West, Doug Tay- water and should be neeady to swim lor, Ca roi Anne Caldwell, Ronda by nexit summer. Tennant, Kathy Middleton, Glenda Tennant, Allan Walker, Donald The followng are the resuits of 1A1en, Arthur Kilpatrick, Fae Lew- the Red Cross and Royal bife Sav- is, Anne Arnott, Margaret Mitchell in,-g Swinm'ng Tests: Barbara Mitchell, Geke De Jonge, (,- Reelied hei BeginersDoreen Hazieden, Diana Hazleden, (adand Receive D oheir Bgines Tony Vanderspruit, Betty De Jonge CardandButon onn BansEdward Woodyard, binda Green- Donna Gilbank, Wille Verbrugghe, wood, Julie Schmid 'and Suzanne Yvonne Shbenmnaken, Sandra Dyke, Buning. Richrd Iint15p -%itr~J 1-athy Walker, Cathy Grady, Ron. nie Forrester, Teddy Robinson, Steven Allen, Jacqueline Snelders, Robin Winters, Bob Tennant, Chris Aslett, Barbara Qu3tar, Vickle Honiewood, Qale Evans, Donald McLaren, Sharon Johnson, Sharon Lowery, Lorn.a bowery, Douglas Stapleton, Steven Mitchell, Stacey Stutti Ja'iice Caldwell, Heather 'RAGRANT, REFRESHING BY LE Probabilties-Fair and J'ragrant ... when you chome along-lasting Yardley. Cologne Stick in your favourite mcent. These deligjhtf id solid colognes. .iv'l out of the case like a llstk .. .make it no mm A to stroke on your mardley fragrance wh«Oevei Yeu go. $.5 Dom SmmU-Revgal sPImt.d (5AyUEU« "~x~ iw.-fr.i STUTT'S Pharmacy LSHEET METAL WR WrE1/KETDOAT PR/ESFA1 4JUST' TO YOUI HEAT ~ SERVICE BURN R SERVICE J (c) Reýceived their Intermediate Card and Cnest: Kathy Coatham, Darlene West, Randy Tennant, sGary Black, Bil Caldwell, Steveri eBlack, Ronnie Cooper, and Karen dFagan. s (d) Received their Senior Card yand Ci-est: Carol Nixon, Elaine rFoýrnesten aad Janice Ruther-ford. On' Saturday, July 27, the Royal bif e Saving Pupils weure exaramined. The nesults were 100% passes. (a) Reiceived Elementary R.L.S. Centificates: Nancy Forreýster nd Caroline Johnson, (1b) Received their Inteninediate R.L.S. Centificate: Be'verley Ten- nant and Donald McKenzie.. (c) Received their Bronze Med- alion: Gall Allun, John. Grady, Slhirley Mercer and Richard Blýack. (d) Received their Award of Med4t (Silver Medallion); Gamey bLyceti, Mary bynn Baiiey and Ian MîcKenzie. Gamey byceit als-o received his Royal bif e Saving Instructor'sCer- tif icate for, successfully teaching the students for tJhe Bronze Med- allion. The above mentioned pupils were' successrul ln passing their test thîs year but I would also like to men- tio~n the many other pupils who worked very - hard but did not quitereach the high standards that t!he Red Cross Swimming Examin- ens are demandîng. Personaliy 1 would like to thank tihe.people who helped so much to make the program a success - Mps. Don Tennant, Our Water Saifety Convenor; Mrs. Marilyn Barrabaîl, Mrs. Nel Snelders, - Miss Susan Major and Mr. Gainey Lycett for their assistance in teach>ing such large classes and also the parent 's who brough their 'children every day te repceive the instruction. Mary Ann Baxter PC's MAY ROTATE MONTHLY MEETINGS The Durlham Progressive Con- servative Association May rotate its Monthly meetin-gs throughout the riding as a resuit of a desicion by the executive heid recently in Garden Hill. Nexa monthls meet- ing will be held August 28th in Bl'ackstock where the Cartwright PC Association will act as hosis. Port Hlope's annual meeting is scheduled for.Septemnber. -Purpose 0f the rottary system is to interest local associations in the work of the county association. Monthly meetings have hitherto genenally been held in Orono.1 A comîbined Northumberland- ,Durham PC Association workshop will be held in Cobourg, August 7.1 Alex Carruthers, MPP for Dur- ham, and Mns. Carruthers helýd a supper for those attenýding the last recent meeting. GOLF CLUB ENTERED More than $1,000 worth of golf balîs, Plus valuable golfîng equp- ment were stolen, a cigarette ma- chine Was wrecked and other prop- erty damiage done duning Friday night at the Bowmanvdîle Golf and Curling Club (Southview) two miles nonth of Bowmaavilleý The Bowmar ville brnch of the OPP is investlgating unc1'r'. Con- stable Pat Comneil. Entry was gaïned 10 the building wîth a pinch bar used to pry open a, clubhouse doon. Ti-tbreak-in and theft is believedte be the wonk of "'young vandais". Valuable clubs were stolen trou rnembers' bagsý and goods litteied abou,tithe buil.d- ing. 160 dozer golf balls wene ake ail that -were in stock at Cie tm of the break-in. aPAI Miss Audrey Billings, Oshawa, blyn, Miss Judith Tarnblyn, f LO AL NEWS Mren the weekend with Mr. and Bryon Tanmbly,Mr. andMrS. >, Lu.CalBllns.J amln Ms Fe amlm Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powers of Mrs. Fred Cornish, Port Hope, a Mrs. Russell Best, Mrs. George--- Kitchener spent a -f ew days last former resident of the Sixth bine is Carson, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bar- week visiting relatives and friends a patient in the Port Hope Hospital. lowe. in Oono.Mr. Lawrence Squair, Salem, Miss Marjorie Hoidge of Toron- Mr. and Mrs, borne Bowinis, visited wtth Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack to is visiting Mrs. Chas. Wood. Sada wyeadMr. Joe Van- Moffat and~ family. A number form the Village atten- dcnburg visited The Thousand Is- ddteLbra inchl tWl lands on Suaday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen, Mr. tona Park last Saturday afternoor- and Mrs. Douglas Allen, Donnie___________ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Philîps and and Steve and Mrs. Margaret Lin- f aiily, Moncton, N.B. are visi'ti'g ton spent the weekend at Apsley. her mother Mrs. McKenna and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moffat and famiiy, Oakville visited on the Mr.andMr. Jm Mjo, Mr-weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. ilyn and Sue enjoyed a motor trip1 Moffat. to the East coast this week. Mn. and Mrs. A. Jakeman and Mn. Cleave Clemence, Oshawa Master Blain Moffat spent the spent a f ew days with his Lster, weekc'eid with Mr. and Mrs. Or- Mrs. C. b. Powers. ville Chatterton and family at theirI Miss Maureen Flynn underweflt cottage on Canal bake. an operation in the Os'hawa Gen- Mn. and Mrs. Allan Connis'h andc .. eral Hospital last Thursday. famîly are visiting relatives in Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Patterson Orono. adfamrily of Toronto visited in Mrs. V. Wilson retunned home Orono last weekend. fromn the Memnorial Hospital, Bow- Callyour Mr. and Mns. Alex Drummlond, manville. Toronîto spent Sunday with Mr. Mr. Don Evans had his car badly licensed Plumbing& and Mrs. A. A. Drummond. damaged at the over-head bridge Mechanical Contractor Mr. and, Mrs. Jack Moffat, Mr. in Bowmanvillt when another car who selns instalis and Mms. Norman Andrews wene side swiped his car. Mr.,E.,Couvier guests at the Milîson-Ellis wedding was a passenger with Mr. Evans. and guarantees in Westmount United Chunch, 0sh- Fontunately both men were unhunt. aw on Satunday, July 27th. Guests attending the, Tamblyn- Mr. and Mrs. Henry LeVaillant, Gates wedding on Saturday, July v Scarboro, visited on Saturday withi 27th fnom Orono were: Mr. and CA RKM AN Mrs. J. F., Ttevenson. Mrs. J. C. Tambiyn, Mr. Ross PLUMMBNG UEATINCv Recent visitors with Mr. and, Tamblyn, Msses Jean and Manilyn Mrs. Ed Graham and Tenry were Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Tam- Phone 143 Orono her sister, Mrs. Wm. Etcheil, Mr._________________ _______________ ORNOTI1N S HOp Clearance, Sale Complete, stock of 'lumb- ing and heatï,ng goods as well.as paints and. encimels will, be sold at Discounit.,Prices, R. E LOGAN. Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario IThis is the last Redu4ýtion on Summer, Dresses. These prices are much below their cost 13 dressessale $2.95 85dresses sale$5 il Dressesýý- % YOU MUST WANT DRESSEiS ATTHS$CE .ARM '71'M GYS-'v Etcheli and f amily, Georgia,' U.S. A. also Mms. Gnaham's brother Mn.' .Rawlie Staples of Portage la Prairie, Man. On Saturday a tain- ily gathering was heid at the Gra- ham's when other guests were Mrs. Oliver Gibbs and Miss Sharon, Gbbbs, DunJbanton, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gibbs and family, Orillia and Mn. and Mrs. Bud, Banne-bt, King- ston. <~uNtTES UIRCH S Orono Pastoral M inister, Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, AUGTJST 4th Kirby - 9:45 a.m., Orono - il a.m. Leskard - Withdrawn during July, and August SUNDAY CHUR4JH SHOOL KIrby - il a.m. ORNONT. PHONE 1431 15 Dresses $6,9g5 15 Dresses

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