Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1963, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 2e5th, 1M6 ____ KENDAL _Maple Leaf Skinless Short Shank - Ready HAMS' lb Tab1eîite Weiners lb Tablerite Sausage Pure, Pork Skinleffl Whole or Half 1b59c Sunkist Frozen, Lemonade - Pink Lemonade (li-trus - (rape & Lemon -Ra.P- berry& Lemon - Strawberry & Lemon Pineappie & Lenion. PU NCH I7 6oz 8c tins J 88e SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER ail Royal Gruest - Sliced Rindless for8C lb Tablerite Side Bacon L 88c oz Tablerite, Bologna for SPORK or SPAM Burns 1 CONQE SALMON Pararnount EVAPORATZD MILK !GA BARBECUE SAUCE Staffords JELLO POWDERS, ail f lavours KLEENEX regular or chubby 2oz tin 2for- 2 hailf size tins 6 tali tins for, 12 oz jar 4'f or 8 pkgs 6 pkgs for MILD CH-EESE Kraft cracker barrel 12 oz 2 for MARGARINE Tulip coloured 41b pkgs for BABY POWDER Johnson & Johnson Orono, Ontario I economy California Juicy Valencia Size 180 \ORANGES 3 doz 88C crdue of U.S.A. No. 1 Grade Jumbo Size 27's Food Prices Effective Juiy 24, 25, 26, 27. We Re-serve thec Riglit to Limit Quantifies SUPPORT "NATIONAL SALAD WEEK" Now Available from Southeru Ontario Fields~ Tomatûes, Green Onions, Crisp Lettuce, Celery, Cucimibers and Green Peppers, RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES witb RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES with YorkAPPLE JUICE - Briglits 48-oz. Tin LEANUT BUTTER 16-0z. jar RECEIVE $2.'00 IN BONUS TAPES with Sunlight Liquld DETERGENT Lion SNAP ON BAGS Lion Snap On BAGETTES Frozen Chocolate or Banana 24-oz. Size FARMHOUSE CAKES Ontario No. 1 Grade pkg. 0f 20 NEW POMAMES 16-oz.. Pkg. 10-lb. Bag Shopsy 12-oz. containers Pkg. of 80 POTATO SMAAI)r COLE SLAW Mr. and Mrs. Argus Curtis are the proud parents of a baby girl, Brenda Ujanne, born Saturday, Juiy 20th In Bowmanville Hospital. A sister for David and Ailex. Mrs. Mary E. Jackson, ber daughter Mrs. Wm. Honey of Mill- !ken and Miss Mary Horîey have been spending a few days at ber home in Kendai. On Friday nfight thieves stole.the motior of Mr. Bill Jackson's motor boat and tools belonging to Mr. Paul -Jackson. Fortu.nately the motor was anr unusual'type and so, the police were aible to locate it la'- Toronto by Sun'day morning and some of the tools. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Foster, Wayne and Tommy are traveling ini ,ýorthern Ontario. .C.lui'ch will be at 7:30 p.m. Sun- jay .1eig. Then in Auguz)t ie wil have servie,-, in the mornig aga.n. Sorne werc fooled I.ast Sun- day and carw .~just iat the close of dunday S.-nooi. We wiinhave Sun- day S.mool at 10 a.m. ncxt Sunday. iX.ie iunday dchooi attendance nas b.cn faihýng off badiy al spring woiild .Ls"'it'ne parencs beLter if Sunday Sehool were held at the oid cime of ten pach Sunday? Perhffl parents do flot care to send srnall ones to the large church unI-eský they ean corne witli tbem, Let us know w'nat Lme wili suit you best. Miss June Geach has been spcnuîng a tcw days witb Mr. andi Afrs. Ruýss Gay andi baby John. Frepare Equip ping For Deritist Dr. R. A. Heston-Cook, dentist to locale at thc Orono Medical Centre, visiteti the Ccntre on Monday ev- ening andi aiong wt.h memnbers of the Little Charitable Foundaton commen ceti arrangements for the opening 0f his. dentist offi!ce on October ist. Arrangements are being made to take appointmei4s comrnencing Septeniber lst. FurVber details wili be publisheci in this connection later in August. 1n equipping the dcntst's office there are to be two dentist chairs, one in each of the two rooms. It ý' understood that the one vwill be used for emergcncy cases. Dr. Heston-Cook's offices are 10- cated inl the west section of the IMedical Centre hnavi ng %a,,e p ra'tc entrance to that of the Mcd aî " doctor's. Tberc :s a waiting - --,i, receptoniIss qu ai ers andi co£- lices for UthcataLt. Water Rates (Continued from page 1) portîng the chiidren to. Orono Lo take swimming lessons. Engineer fees etc. wiil not, exist in 1964. This saving aiong with the new agreement witb the Townsihp shc<-Iild aimost cover the four milis required for water payTment. The frontage charge will liowever be a aew and additionai charge when water is installed. The above esti- mates are calculateil on the as- sumption that two hundreci users will connect for municipal water at the rate of, $30.00 residential and $45.00 commercial. With these 'rates the Ontario jWater Resources are to prepare the necessary by-iaw' whiceh then- must be presenteti to the Township Counoil. With two readîngs of the by-iaw il is then prcsented to the Ontario Municipal Board for their tentative approval whicb When given wili ailow the third rcading of thc by-iaw oy t hc Township Council. Howcvcr before the Muini- cipal Board gives thcir approvad tney wiil cause to be publisheti a n .otce înforrn ng the residents, of Orono the particulars of the by- law and the rîates to be chaîgeti. Any one having complaints i iay file the complaints wîth the Board who in turu xiii consider the cone- plaints andi take wbatcvei action they deem necessary,

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