OP.ONO zWEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 196 games slated for the afternl to the rain. The tain, horwever, 250 Take Part In Members of Oounty Council, *the lid not hamrper maxly vho ue h County Road Departmient, Clarke f acilities of the Park swLTiflig . Cunil and Clarke Road Depart- pool. W arien's Pini ent with their famil*,es, were the guests 0f Warden Earl Walkey. A picmce lunch was served ini the Raîn -danipened the Warden's The program of sports for children Oddfellow's Hall catered to by àihe Picnic which was, beld at the Or- and aduîtsand a softfball game be- U.C.W. of Newtonville mrhere a ono Park last Frlday afternoon tween County Councillors of Dur- very informai and joyful time was v/heu between 200 and 250 were ham and Councillors from North- spent. The picnlcers brought their present t10 take part in the many umberl'an'd had to be postponed due own dessert. i.' sL DenisColdik ith isb an- buisiness operating thie ring throw1 dihrmoustache ran a tbiiing- at the. Penny Carnival at the, Park CenocîphAt Newcastle Dedicated To Wor DeaId A huge throng jammed the Vil-- Reeve Douglas Cunninghiam, of prayers for the Queen and Canada jage of Newcastle on Saturclay af- Newcastle broug4ht greetings f rom and the following representatives ternoon for the officiai dedication the village. spoke briefly: and unveiling of the new Cenotaph Brigadier Carr was introduced by RseiHnyM.. lxCr ericted in memorv of the New- Frank R. His, Royal CanadianjRusl oeM.; exCr eate e hodedi hetofromn Port Hope. iruthers, MRPP.- Earl1 Walkey, Wastle mn hodid i te1woWarden of the United Counties; WoldWas.Mr' Carr gave an address on the Ted Sheehan, president of the ]3ow- Guest speaker \ R5 Brigadier Ly-1 price paid in two World W'ars a-ad manville Legion and his Ladies'. ai] N. Carr, CD, ci Port Hope, who,)Korea for the freedomn Canada en- Auxiliary president, Mrs. Audre. also officially unveiled the Ceno- joys today and related their mean- Bâte; Harold Qibson, president of taph located just west of the Town ing to demnocracy. He then unveiled the Lions Club; Mrs. Helen Carveth Hall. the Cenotaph. president of the Lionettes, and E. The BowmanvilHe Legion Pipe Fr ed Adair and Fred Ciouch Richard Lovekin, president of the Band led the parade of Legionaires read off the names inscriibed there- Newcastle Chamber of Cominerce. and the Glee Club fnom the ]3ow- on. 1 M r. Dewdney prayed for world znanville branchi sang the hymns peace and Mr. Long pronounced and National Antheiem. av. D. R. Dewdney of New- the benediction.' Wreaths were castie gave the dedication praye r placed by the various organizations Ohairmun for the program was followecl by the Last Post and and the march past was taken by JDouglas Walton 'who welcomed all Reveille and then the lament by Brigadier Carr. those present and introduced the the Pipe Band. Following the program lunch. -platdorm guests. Rev. Long of Orono offered was served in the Toýn lHall. On July 22, Trans-Canada Air Lines celebrates 20 years of air service across the iNorthf Atlantic between Canada and Europe. TCAbegan flying between Montreal and Prestwick, .Scotland, on July 22, 1943, using converted Lancaster bombers, renamed Lancastrians, zand carrying armed services mail and priority passengers. The Canadian carrier was one of the earliest scheduled operators in trans-Atlantic service and made more than 1,900 crossings with the Lancastrians between 1943 and 1947. The converted bombers made the 2,600-mile journey in 12-and-a-half hours. Today, TCA's-DC.-8 jets make the crossing in just five hours. The airline now serves Prestwick, Scotland; Shannon, Ireland; londo>'nEnIgland; Paris, France; Dusseldorf, Germany; Vienna, Austrial and Zurich, 8witzerland, in Europe. Trustees Receive Complairit A complaint on the flooding of a basemnent with Water run-off the road. The complaint was flled wvIth the Police Trustes by Mrs. C.-Coop- er of Mill Street. The letter pointed out that a so-icalled gutter had been constructed on the weýst side of the road. The gutter stated the comn- plainant was far too narrow ard too shallow to carry even a con'ý' der- able portion of the accuimu-,ated run-off from. the north. "During every heavy ramh the run-off mtes through and over the s,;des 0f the gutter." The letter contfnued that the water floods intýo the cellar to an extent that the ol furnace bas been so damaged that extensive re'îairs must be mnade at once to prEývent further dTe!eriorat'on. The heavy ramn on .July 2i'd is stated to have caused further dam- age. 'This condihon must be cor- rected hefore more damýage is caused and I will exo)ect the Police Truz;teE. s, to repair thse damage ai, lv iiY5%' JL%- & jjL4j A le'tter was received from the re-'construt!on of the North and iSouth entrances to Orono. The .Port Hope division have recelved 1the prel'iminary plans for the re- 1construcltion and are now in the process of pre.paring estimates for 1 the work. Tbe letter informed the ITr-ustees that . definite informiation 1woiild be provided in the near fui- tuhre, poýssibly August. At this time the olans are to be discussed w'itb the Trustees. A, letter was received from the M.P. for Durham, R. Honey, ini which he stated that be expected Ie,7ýs§atýon 'to he passed the first w,-ek in Au-ust setting Up the Loan Fiind for Muaicipalities. The letste- stated that as soon as legis!atýon iii oassed that fivther- detaiils wo-uld 5be providcd which could affect Or- ono's situation. R. C. Forrester stated that tbe Cî)untýes had erected the two Or- oo isîg,- on the County road nGrýth 'done." Mrs. Coopers 1Ptter of Orono. ,ikf oaction o takn er maeand R. C Forrester also stated that .-e nation istkente rusLaer . M-M. Brown was compieting the wl' e akedb wte te Tus~cs.final plan for the reconstruction 0f Churcb Street Soutb and.should In connrct on uv-*Lii tic tlood.n.- be receîved shortly. and the compinit the matter was trned over to Mr. H. Mercer wbc D, M. Simpson stated that he ha,,d ist invesüigate tbe complaÀnt and the proposed fire protection scheme to consuit witb tbe Township Road The foilowing montbly bills were Suiperintendant. Trustees Simpson passed for1 payment. mai,ýdrForrester stated that parts of jthe curli bad been broken down and Stee îg.ng-----------$123.72 ;.hould be rebuilt also that ,t bad.uipa -id:n 'gtg.8_ ;filled with sand and could not carry MuiiplBil"g ,btn j-85 luwater in tliis condition. Pire Hall Lighting._...... '., RE. Forrester stated that he bad GraePcku------150 1 uicu niePick-age.....ng.t.e lieavy ran storm and later with Mr. Sm- pson had listed a number of drain- age problems. These-were given -ta Trustee Mercer to be corrected. Cutting of grass and brushing is also to be done by the Road De- partment and especdally on Main Street north where vision at the MidIson Hill is practdcally cut-off altogether, Department 0f Higbways re the Ciock Repairs .............. 00 Fire Equipment .......... 219M7 Sidewalk repairs ........1925 Materials for Sdewalks, and -Municipal Building--------1j37 12 Pire Manual ........ 13M8 Trip 1o Toronto-------------17.3i0 Garbage Bis--------------9.95 NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB A NN uA L cARNI , VA L;L WALTONA PARK Saturday, July 27 FeaturIng Peterborough Ornamental Swlmming Club in a Water Pantomime at 7:00 p.m. BINGO AND OTHER GAMES 50 - 50 DRAW NEW MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR THE KIDDIES COME AND ENJOY THE Waltona Park, Newcastle SATURDAY, JULY. 27th 2:30 PM. RACES- GAMES - CONTESTS .PRIZES SWIMMING and PONY RIDES FREE FOR CHILDREN Bring Your Lunch Durham Liberal Association 4. -- -- - - ---------