ORONO WEEKLY TI-MES, TRURSDAY, JULY 25t1i, 1963 O ro no junior Girls Win, Oveý2ýr Kendal Ladies 20 - 5 "'he OronoJunior Girls chalked CT1,EEHAS 'RECORD' a nesde core over the Ken- MMRSCIC)L ENRl1q 1Ni dal ris n Mndayeveing hen With the open iag of the Sume thyplayed a six-inning game a t 3chool Sessioni on Tuesday Ju ly 2, theOron-,o Park. The score settled the Oshawa Business College bad at 20-5 in favour of the Orono Jun- the largest registration ia its twen- lors. cy-five year history. Ninety eight Darlene West pitched the full ix students were enrolled for the open- Inrings for Orono getting good n classes and in the past weel- team support. Beverley Tennant tis number has increased to 105. wa.s behind the horne plate. Other students are scbeduled to, be- Carol MIercer ani Susan Cantreli gin this training about the first of were the Iiig~h scorers for Orono, August. each -.s(oring three runs. Other One 'of the reasoas for the tre- scores were registered by Margar- miendous increase in' enrolment et Mý%iddleton, Nancy Nixon,, Bev- oVer last year is due to the diffi- erley Tennanrut, Darlene West, Carol culty maay youagpeople have bac Nixon, !,laine Forrester, Susan in obtaining summer employmeat. Gýoode and Nancy1 Forrester. Many of those preseatly atteading Dorothy Mercer, Katherine Tur- Sumimer School baye stated they ansky, Doreen Neal, Shirley Pat- were unable to get anything to do ton* and Isabel Patton scored for for the summer. the Kendal girls. Another factor wbich influenced Both teams scored two ruas in enrolmeat i the fact that some th~e first ianing with Orono adding options> they waat at High School eighit ia the second and Kendal studeats cannot get the particular one. Orono mounted their score ia the commercial curriculum and wîth three la tbe fdJurtb and seven aedvlpn bs klsa la the fiftb. Kendal counted tbeir Suimner Sebool. remaining two la the top of the, sixtb frame. During the sehool year, many lt is understood tbat tbe two studeats have experienced diffîcul- teams are to akain play this conl- ty with Spelling, Eaglish and Math- ing Monday evéning in the Orono ematies and bave wound that ar Park,* intensive refresher course is whal ___________ l needed ia these subjects to de- veiop enougb knowledge to make Kendl PeWeesa passing grade in the next te'm. Kenda Pee eesz Such individual and intensive courses are available at the Oàn- p awa Business College and bave Swamîîp BLvackstock proven very popular and practical. One of the unique features of nTe Kendal Pee Wees swamped ýthis years' Summer'School wbicli the Blackstock Pea Wees ia Kendal alone bas attracted over 30 youag Park'in the opening gamie of tbe classes open to youngsters from eLakeshore Pea Wee -1) group. Ken- people is the Junor Typewriting dlal banged out a total of 35 ruas to 10 years of age and up. These 6 for Blackstock. young people take typewriting as a ,he gamie put Kendal out la front basic subjeet and bave a eboice of: et the best two out of three play- Grammar, Spelling, Mthematies, downs whf ch will decide tffe Lake- Penmaasbip and Elementary ohore Championship and also give Bookkeeping. Spelling and Gram- ftQe wnner the go-ahead into tbe mar are the most popular choices. Ontario, playdowns. The second Apparently these two subjeets game of the series is to be playad gve the most, trouble during tbe Thursday evening, tonigbt, la sebool year. Blackstock at 6:30 p.mn. Three University students are in Bill Mercer pitcbed for Kendal atteadance takiag typing and short- for four inain'gs w¶th, relief f rom hand to assîst tbem la getting, Bill .Robinson for two- and BoYb notes dowa, and naatly transcrilbed Foster for one. Bill Robinson and aext term. Bill Mereer shared tbe catching :The Oshawa Business Collage duties. V. Malcolm, Kilpatrick and anticipates a capacity earoflment Quackeibush pitched for Black- for the Faîl Term opeaiing on Sep- Ëtock witb M. Malcolm catching. temnber 3. There bas been plenty The Keadal team bias met with of positions up to tbe preseat for great succass this year in the ail graduates and it is expected league and are ready to challenge that ail the 1962-63 graduates wÏl] Êor the Ontario ttle. be placed before the end of July. Two From Stable 0f Jack Reid WVin At Greenwood Tohorses fràm the stable of Riddell last weaksped seven fur- Ja ' Reid have been recent win- longs ia a time of 1-.54 to place nr at the Greeawood races. Flash first, its second win sdace the Greeawood bas opened. A D VI CE, WE, WEVER O it )f it i- d t. 9 y ýo d .e d tt y n Lt e e h 9 n 9 e a y s e n Last Monday aven'ng Jack Raidsj Si1k Boy W paid $1350 for, ifs mn in a time of 209 .Jack was driving for the wia. La',-t . ' --- 3(?ic drovr- Meadow '\iew CùaraipfiLiitl mud ai Gr.eenwood to a thïrd place la a race that covered th'e mile in 2.18.1. The samne aveaing Jack Williams' hovse, Happy Mac, drivea hy Mac Macrae figured an third monay over the muddy track. The saven furloags was covered in a time of 2.01. Futurity Chiai, owaed by L. Hooay, and a racant winner at the Graenwood, placad third last Wad- aesday in a race that was won by Pina Ridge Danay, driven by Ma- craa. The race went in 205. PETERBOROUGH RACES Dr. Taggart's Meadow Bob was a! a two-time starter at PcatecÈborcug1i last Saturday over a rnuddy tra.ýk. Meadow Bob took a third and fourtb in trois that were woni 2.'24 and 2 '22.' Bobby Dale H, ownad by Floyd Post, registered fifth ia Îts race the'senie evening that want in 2.22. KtbWest. expacts Happy Baba 1 ý haeif irs't startae the Green- woo ths E*k possbly tonight, Mýilton Tamniblyn this week.- - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Simpson and family are holidaying at Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Perrault and son are speading a few waaks tra- velling to the east coast. Mrs. Rowena Dean is a patient la Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE TO ENTER O A S PLAYDOWNS For the first tima la at least 23 years Bowmaavilla will be repre- seated this year by a junior "B". softball taam la the Ontario Ama- teur Softball Playdo'wns. 1The team i comprised of local stars of the Men'-s Town Leagua who are stili under the 'age of 21. Also signed to play is Jerry Falls, the 17-year-old sensation ivho hit well over 600 la the 'Junior Men's League. George Staphens, wel-known lo- cal athlete and, sports enjtbhusi'ast,. will manage the squad. e~UNITE0CINURCU Orono pastoral Rtev B. E. Long SUNDAY, JULY 28th Kirby - 9:45 a.m. Orono - 1l a.m. Laskard - Withdravm during July and August SUNDAY CHURCH SUHOOL Kirby - Il a.m. A real bargain in must be Sold! Mr. Lovekin claimed the auth- orty could not prove that notice of the meeting could be sarved. Ia bis judgement Mr. Currally said, "the avidanca indicates ser- vice of notice bas bean clearly proven". Mrs. Lorraine Wood, sec- retary-traasurer of the, autborlty, testified that a meniber of New- castle council told bar that the vil- lage bad not beau represented at the meeting because "no member was available," ha said. "Even strongar evidenca was given by Harry G. Hook, field Caflyour Jicensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractor- Who seils, instails aýndgua.rant£et C A RM A N ]?LUMBING HEIATI Phone 143 Orogie ClearanceSale Complete stock of plumb- ing and. heating goods as well as paints and enamels will lie sold cit Discount Prices R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario Summer Dresses. They 41 Dresses. AIl new stock. $ Reg. Price $9.95-$16.50'. On saje t a j'o% 16 Dresses priced f rom $7.95 to $22.95. On Sale For 16 Dr esses. Ail new Summer stock.,Reg. price tip to $18.95. On Sale for 10 Dresses. A real. buy. Reg. price up to $21.50 for 11 25 Dresses. price Up to 817.50 $4,95 AIl new regular On Sale For, C Mens Rubber Sole Outing Shoes. Tan anid black. Size 6, 7, S. Regular price $7.95 On Sale $3.95 Kitchen Towels, large size stripes, red, blue IÏ yellow, green, white, Price ............ 69e eaeh Flamnelette Bla nkets, pink or blue borders. A real buy. Size 70x9O. Sale Price........ $. .3.95 Checked OrgandyX olour red or blue' width 38 îns. Regular 85e for1.............,.... 29e ARMSTRONG'Sx L-:immy - McE LOCAL NEWS Newcastle Must Pay.. Mr. John Koropatwa is a patient The Ganaraska Conservation officer of the authority, wbo sa1dý in the Toronto Western Hospital Authority bas been awarded a that at a meeting. of Newcastle- where ha uaderwent an operation dlaimi of $200 by Judge J. C. N. 1 council the members of council ac- racently. Currelly followiag a civil court knowledged raceipt Of thne noIce Mr; and Mrs. Lelaad Keat 'and action with the village of New- No denial was made of sucb .re-- dau'ghtar Eleanor, Toronto, vsitad castie. ceept aad no avidence was tend- Mr. William Davey1 Monday and The action was taken by the ered by the defendant, Tuesday. Authority to collect assessmeats Mrs. Melbourne Wight, Miss for 1962 in airears by the village. Mary Jewell, Bowmiaville, M&r and Action was beard at Port Hope Mrs. Carl, Billings, Mrs. Harry town hall, April 8. Bailey visited on Monday with Newcastle's dafence was based Mrs. C. A. Cumming and grand- Ion a dlaimi that it had not legally son Bob Cummng at Kitchener. been inc orporated as part of the Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watt and authority whicb was expanded that Roxanna 0f Peterborough spent year. Monday afternoon witb Mr. and E. R. Lovekin, acting for the1 Mxs. Donald Staples and family. village, said that section six of Mr. Arnold Wallace Jr.. is a the conservation authorities act re-! councillor at the Bolton Camp, Bol- u httemnster of plan- ton this week. ning and developmeat fix a time Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bos- and place for the meeting to con- borough visited with Mir. and Mrs. sider t.h.e.en.large..nent.