- --Mm ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUeSDAY., JULY ý 25lth. 196 Recýpo)rt Frc 18 Tilly, 1963 Aeross Canada muiiiicipalitLies have beenaain the legisiation, te establish the municipal ba:n fund. The settinig ip of this fund wilI, they hope, permit them- to carry out needed pub.if works pro- jects with generous federal loans at low interest rates. Various por- tions'ofthe loans will in fact be grants and will not have to be re- paid 'if the project is completed w-thin a certain stipulated time. The. establishment of such a fund was. a major plank ini Mr.1 Pearson's programn to give a boost te winter employmient. When theI legisiation was initroduced in the1 House QUEbec Premnier Jean Le-1 sage flew into a frenz1,y charging1 that the fedleral governmnent was attempting to, involve- itseilfini ORNOUâScti ALTERATII Boys Polo Shirts, Con 2 buttons, short sleeves, and colors Sizes 8 to 16]1 *Boys Shorts, Twill, Et front.- Assorted Size 8 t( and $1.95. This Week Sp S Beach Towels, evceller low prices $1.79 & $1.98 Lounge Cushions, asso $1.59. This Week Special Childrens Tee Shirts. cotton interloýck, crewi Sizes 4 to 6x. Reg. 98c. TI Headwear - ½îttle Gi: 'Head sizes il to 15. Limi iRegular $1»~. Now lor Weék-End Candy Trea Special Pound.... New Aiberto VO 5 Sh- confirms, in nivm md at least, Mr. )mT O tt~awva Pearýson>s statemnent tha-t there willl bè ne interferen-1ce With the con- Quebe's affairs. Mr. Pearson has stitultional rights of the provinces. rejectedl this charg e. The Phrie In fact one wonders if Mr. Lesalge Mnister says that the legisiation dosnthv bstnu irmlly in is not an intrusion into provincial hiis cheek as he makes his charges. miatters,. pointing out that the leg- It seems fashionaible,, and poit1 lalation specifically provides that cally profitable, for Quebec's Premý- before a boan is made te the mun- iers to stage periodic quarrels icipality without the prior consent wvith the feleral government. This of the Ontario Municipal Board. tendency to use the féderal gov- Traditionally Québec has been ernment as a whippîng boy is ag- very jealous of any invasion of gravated these days by threnoa- provincial authority by the fédéral tîonalistîc and separatist trni government. Mr. Pearson has re- over Quebec. What really concerns plid tat her isno ntrsio byMr, Lesage is his failure to get a the ederhal thritynoin thuioncaselarger share of taxes in order to an fdéa mpazdthty th muncialefinance his program of social re- an fund l-ieisatnhismaial form and extension of éducation. 1 loa fundlégilatipart In effect the Quebec Premier says of the government's plan to 1 tackleen inemiployment and get the cn that if, the féderal gvermn oi y lolnJaids the municipalities by grants oni review0 hecntiuina ment becomes a benefactor of the Ape e of the proposedtlegisiation municipalities adthat such re- pectof he ropsed égilaton'lationshîp between the federal gev- ~ernment and the municipalitiy will r-Ë nterfere With the authority tradi- tionally exercised over municipiali- ties by the provincial government Mr. Pearson showed a willing- A% IE ness to listen to Mr. Lesage and any other Premier when he an- o $ S ORnounced in the Flouse on Monday that he was prepared to hold a federal-provincial meeting on July 26th and 27th. In making the an- nouncement he made it clear, how- ever, that his government would ION S LE i net be stalled on this legislation. While he is ready to talk it over with Mr. Lesage he is still deter- ribed Cotton, collar, mined that the legislation will be enacted the last week of July be- assorteu patterns lfore the Flouse adjourns for a re- Reg. $1.00 This week 79e cess. "This is legislation which it isuret ohaveinfreso SO the municipalities can plan their work for, this winter with know- Iastic Waist, Zipper ledge of the financial assistance for which the government believes o 1. ..tegular $1.00 to bie desirable for the encourage- )ecial ... . $1.37 & $'1.57. ment of employment. By proceed- ing with the Bill in two weeks tilue Iwe will be'acting wth the necessary urgen*cy, and we will at the same time malte it possible to' incor- nt qualty. Our reg. porate in the Bill any changes This week $1.37 & $1.57 which, in the light of the federal- provincial discussions, the house maiy think d1esirable." The furor created over this and other proposed législation such as the Canada Pension Plan points up )rted patterns. Reg. the basic constitutional problem ........ $1.27 whicei our nation must deal 'with seon. The British North America A'ct was framed at a timé when Canada Was a young agricultural country. Those drafting 'the Act Genuine Lady Bird, ceuid net lbe expected te foresee' the neck, solid shades. problm of unemployment, 'h 'his week.......... 79e necd for social legislation and the searing cost of education and med- ical care, all of which are the by- product of the indus trialization wihhas transformed the face of iris fancy bonnets. Canadain the past 96 years. These ited quantity. sources of individual provinces. ..........79c The federalgovernment la the only) authority "which can deal with them adequ'ately, and at the same time assure th'at Canladians,, in every at. Pattercrisp Candy part of Canada receive equal ..... 4e tratmnt.Our constitution should 9e bc amended to make it lear that Ithe federal goverment has the un- questioned authority to deal with these probl ems. tmioù Lge. bottie $1,00 l RUSSEL CHONEY DUHA HOLD ONTO NE USE A .Lady Buxton FEN C URS E NOW AVAILABLE AT STUTT's âPHARMACY ORONO, ONT. PHONE 168U There have been several changes in the sanitaton staff of the North- umberland-Durham Health Unit, reports Dr. Charlotte M. Horner, Medical Officer of Hcalth. Mr. T. H. Waters, who has been with the Headth Unit since 1949, and has been Se'ninr PuIblie Rpalth Insîpect- or sinice 1960, left the end of Jane to take a position as Chief Public I Health Inspector of the new Grey I County Heabth Unit. His head-~ quartera will bo in Owen Sound.j Mr., and Mrs. Waters were honeur- ed at a staff dinner hefore their -depart ure, when1 presentations were made to him and other staff *memnbers wffo are leaving the HealLh Unit. Mr. '.rtDCanmeron camae frcom C n Lo join the staff a May as Public Health in.,spector. His district js Hope and Cavan] Townships, with Port Hope an'd Millbrook, Three inspectors were' appointed in June. Mr. Edmond A. Lanctot is cao f rom Cornwall; his district indludes A]nwick, Haldi- mand, Perey and Seýyxnour Town- ships and the Town of Oampbell- ford. Mr. Cameron anId Mr. Lane- tot have had exPerieneze wl-th thbe j Speaker States Library Cultural: Centre JA number 0f the Orono Library Board Memibers along -with mem- bers of the Newcastle, MilIbrook and Bowmanville Boards, attended a meeting in Newcastle on Thurs- day evening of last week when Mrs. Thexton, Victoria County Librarian gave an addreas on operation and conduct of a Public bbbrary. Mrs. Thexton, dedicated to hier profession, stressed the import- ance of a library in a communiay and stated that it should be the cultural centre of the community serving aIl age groups. The speaker emphasiýzed good, cheerful service by the Library1 and that it was all important to keep the public informed of new books and meetings of the library board. She stated that books shoul always be kept in good repair, andj the library neat and tidy.1 Mrs. Thexton said in reading, habits that a reader should at- tempt to read more thani one booe. at a time and should be encouraged to whet their reading in new are-&s. She outlined the services avaîlaie from the Provincial Library 13cr vice where the local library coifId borrow specific reference boeasý and foreign language bo~oks "X, readers. She also referred to usaý 0f the Toronto Library in obra n, ing books and the availabiity of free children's books from lh-e Provincial Library. In the selection 0f books she sJ( it was unmoral to keep poor buooks in the library. In the children's cec- tion she claimed that such books, as The Bobbsey Twins and Burge~ss books should be scrapped. MMa Thexton emphasized the ne il of' the World Book and Compton fer the children's library and tiaat- these series could be ren,,,r by any lbrary for an annual i e f- $35.00. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry "Don't bc afraid of paper caver Health Unit. books" she said, "which are _-nostý Previously with the Ottawa City acceptable and especially for At-- Hlealth Department, Mr. Andre R. las and reference books. bafrance is now the inspector in There should be-a reason for ev- Hamilton and South Monaghan ery book on your shelf, she saiid. 11 Townships, and the Town Of Co- selecting books she urged the use- bour g.- Mr. ;Walter Lonc, who of the Ontario Iiibrary Review and, comfes from London, has completed considered the publishing hou3esý a course at Ryerson Institute and such as Co-operative andRy o obtained the degree of C.S.I., (C) the best places in whch 'to buy, His district is in Durham Oounty, books. Clarke, Manvers and Cartwright Again she referred to the Lb, Townships, with the Village of rary as a cultural <entre of tâe Newcastle. community where residents should' We are fortunate to obtain the be ncouraged to explore. Cheer- services of such able and qualified i fulness and good service ws asa inspectors, Dr. Horner states.1 important commodity as weil as rhere are now seven public hea]th la good selection of books in adi-, inspectors, ýphases of writing. WITHMEDALLION GOLO BOND Canada's Only 10 " Smootk Siding A GUARANTEED IrAYM"ONDPRODUCT When it cornes ta resurfacing your home, you can't bect Medallion GoId Bond Aluminum Siding. It's scientifiic- elly baked-on vinyi enamel finish is beautiful and wiII for outlast the IO-year quorantee you get with this siding. Get full Meails and an estimate today! or.ONO, O.NT, PHONE111