"GOD AND YOU" 5(Ewd Gives yen poiver) they were enabled te take an open Tier ar a nmbe of hhigZestand for the Gospel irrespective Ther ar a umbr 0 tbngsweof consequences. They haci gained ,ear n a bout the power of Gd apower, a power that bas gone un- -1jt is the greatest power - it is al- used in the lives of multitudes in ways available te those wbe "il eacb generatien. 1 1 ,e deep tuînîgs f i eu bet the impact off bis presence that Felx, with al of the power of the Romrran authority at bis >commandi, trenibledi. GOD EIVES POWERL IN rHOSTILE CIRCUMSTANCES. 'ie, early Christians knew it well that the way off the Kingdonl never lies aiong the route off ieast resîstance, re-,ther as we follow it -we mnust expect to encounter host- ile. cîrcumsýtanees. 1Éaul warne ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THTJRSDAY, JUTLY 25th, IMG * "49ç price tans mean SeilSvnsti ek Saele- Culverhouse Cream Style - Faney'20-oz. Tinda I&k F~or many, many centuries the Mny try to -go it alone in if e. electrIcal power to be deriveci Irom BE>ause they get throuh the easy the -water flow went unrecognized years, they feel that they can con- andi unuseci. But Wvhen man dis- grattîlate themnselves on their ac- covered electrcal power, the first cnrnplishment. Usually they don'tj feeble attempts to harness 't grew rfaiize what 1 te can be when -. rnto the mighty supply we knowv ,-,kicw ourselves to be instruments today. It gives Lent, heat, power 0f 'God's power. There is a plus to move machinery anci many faetor in Mie. other things; it was there ail the Itime; it was unused because it was WShen Jesus stooci among the SOI-, unrecognÈzeci. &,e-e swbo had corne to the Gardenî cd! Gelfisamiene to arrest hlmr and There is a mightier pawer - it is ',oo6ke'd at Peter wltb bis drawfl the power which God gives. It too,' swvord, he said, "Do you thini< goes undiscovered by gerieration that 1 cannot appeal to My fteafter generatioil We need that and he will at once send me or power. than twelve legions of anigels? ' Tieimportant tbing here is not GOD GIVEs POWER [N SIGX-! --ol the consideratiofi of angels, NESS. The relation bebw een fil but the realization that Jesus was andi healing is always a question sayŽng that there was unimted which concerns people. Certainly poWer available- the nower of Jesus expressed the power of God God, So it wras with Peter after lin healing; certanly that power is penteoost. He haci been arrestedi made available to his followers. foilowlng the bealing of the beggar1 Such is human nature that f ew aI, the gate of the temple. Hol forget tocail their doctor i f they st-ood before the High Court of the Éhink they are ili, while many for-, sa-rh edrin and spoke in such a way get to pray. Many doctors admt t ithe rulers were confoundeci. that xhere there is strong f aîthi We îead, "When they saw the bold- chances off heahng are more cer-1 ness off Peter and John, and per- tain, In many instances spiritual t eithat they u ere uneducateci, sîckness precedes phyica- an- _,îomïon men, they wonderecl and1 mental iiiness. teyrecognized that they bas been GOD CIVES POWER IN LONE- wîtiJesu. We Paul soi bforeLINESS. Loneliness is experienced ri governor Flx esoe0 by young and olci alike andi each one, fears it. Many experience lone- iness because of death andi sorrow. [ This is moie often true of older ' people. The fact that young peopleG fear lt cari be seen in the frenzied effort to mýaUe enough noise, finci enough excitement, drive fast andiI far enough to ward lt off. But theU tragice thing is, that. when you stop making a noise or withdraw f rom f the crowd, or run out of gasoline,U you are left with self. n nerw convei'ts that, "we must GOD GIVES POWER THROUGH thronigh much tribulation enter in. FELLOWSIHgP. It is true in the to the Kingdom of Goc." But Jesus twentieth century as in the first, promtsed his disciples power and that those who choose to belong 'o time and time again this promise the Christian mnority discover was put te the test. Words like that in the company of otherbe- boidness, fearlessness and confi- lievers they had found a fellowship dence wereoten and closely asso- infinitely more meaflingful than Ûcated with the reactions of Mis the casual contacts of an every- tolliow7ers, This was flot Ibecause busy world. They become part of tewere unusually brave individ- the 'fanil'y and household of God;' casOn the contrary, nany of "part of the redeeming fellowship tenhad à recent record of flight. off the people of Christ," a fellow- 3Bit now, in the power of Goci (Continued back page) ROYAL, B owm anville 623-5589 THURS., FR1., SAT. - JIJLY 25 -26 Blue Hawaii (JOLOR Elvis Presley, Joan Blackmaa Tarzan's Greate'St Aiventure Filmed in Afriea i Color SUN., MON., TUES., WED, JULY 28 31 Sam pson ani th-e Seven Miracles (iordon Scott, Yoko Tani (JOLOR FIve Roli Women COLOR A rootmn' tootin' Westeit'~packed wth thrills and pretty girls. o g g g [3 v Supreme Sweet Mixed- Bread 'N Bul Pickles Save 21c - Supreme Pure Black Pepper Save lic - Pianters 10e Size Sa.e'T York Green Faney Quaiity Pesf anc%.%y Saýv 'e-Swaiiette 3 for itter 16-oz. Jars 4-oz, Tins ~for Cello Bags Sýave 5e - Kennel Club or Tops DOG FOOD Save 4ec Sunspun Salad DRE SSIN-G 15 oz. Tins Packages 200s 15 oz. Tins 5for4q 24-oz. Jar '24oz jar 409C l'o=13)oc > - c o = c= c o = ý ý c ZO-'>o = < OCDc c > o g Grade d'A" Frying -22 to 3 Ibs. In a Basket 0 ;!Regular 6-oz. Jar Heluz Pr epared Mustard witli the purchase of g STrend Sliced flex Pak OCooked HAM 6 oz 49C. Ul Golden (hiqulta BANANASe 0 g q g Save,2È -,Pineapple Grapefruit Drink 48-oz. Tin You Save 4c - Solid White Meat- Saico 7-oz. Tin Stokleys Ping 37c Tuna Fish 39c s R 1 u n Pe Filler 29c 'Fruit Cake39 [Save 14e - 8c off Pack Giant Sîze Cash Saver - You Save 12e Faucy Quality Sockeye Ioy Liqi 3cSl1 tin 49c WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE TIAT YOUR RED AND WHIITE STORE IS NOW AIR-CON- oDIZ'IONED FOR YOUR SHoppING, COMFORT BY MODERN FRIGIDAIRE UNITS Red u White Sets The Price Cornish's Red and White o ORONO -ONTARIO [3 [3