Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jul 1963, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, JLY 25th, 1968ý ORONO"'- WEEKLY TIMES Auirzda SeondCka-zý,1 Mail, Po'4t Office Department, Established in 193$ by R. A. Ferrester Roy C. Forrester -- Editor and Manager Changes To Be Made Mr. W. E. Armstrong last week brouglit us in an article In which Ray Wolite, 'presideut of the OshaW'a Wbhoesale LJtd., mnade seme-profounid suggestlIons regarding the state ofthle food indus'tny wftbin the nexit five years. There 13 ittie doubt lu anyone's mind tibat the food retaiiing indiustry bas changed tremendoustly over the past lave te teni years. Tiiis was frein the ena of cracker barrel, bos f beans, sugar, and WlÎtb every purchase beiug bagged auPd weiled at time of purchase. There was aise turne te sit around the store and chat about current eveuts. This, ef course, bas e1hanged wbere today every article is pre- wrapped lu visible wrappings and a majomity are even pre- ceoked. No turne te chat as there muet be a speedy cashier te speed you on your way. The buyling public bas demauded titis change and our mode 0f iving bas changed just as rapldly as bas mexcbandisiug. In Mr. Wlfe's arýtiebe he turus, the page te 1952 when a Ilat of items cost the purchaser $10.55., Today the saine list ef potatees, coffee, ehieken, hamburg, ettuce, mua, lamrb .appbes, butter and eggs ceost a lesser ameunt, $7.36. "Teday's shoppen eau buy basic toods at pMices very close te those prvligten yeams ago. lu, addition she lias the choice of selectlug or rejecting a wide range &f aemii-prepared or table- ready food ut somewbat hig'ber ecsts, 'but costrs whicb eýau only be equabled witub the value she places ou ber owu turne aud atvte. Itemnsilu tihe food market have iucreased from 2500 te 60C00 lu the pas tfeu years. Mm. Wolfe sees a reversalinii the niext five yeamrs as supermarketes are vitably interested in maximumi space productivif y.Ou theone Side,.it is predIcted thse major msarkets wdbb bandie only the fast movîng demand items- but 1lu arger quantifies and at plces eonslderably lower than thSe 0f today. Specialty stores with a wide as- esrtment of luxurry and, forelgn foods wilb balance eut thse media. The* presideut aise sees an end te stamp plans, cents off, buy eue get eue free,.and deals. «"Tere is," he elaints, "te be a swft returu te fund- amentals, te sellîulg tihe produet, its quality, its utity, its valjue, instead 0f tmylu.g te buy the consumers affection witb gÊmioks, prises and coenus." It has been tbe feeling frein tIis cerner that the saine above intentions would be as acceptable frein our gevemu- meuts as frein the food lndustry and surely mest acceptable teo the consumer and voter. tACR OSS 6 .'.dhit 10 Tr-d'e 14 ý-ented r eebey- P.) 115 19 - 21, 24 ,q e 35 Cc~bfat' 36 " 46 ChIr 47 55 '" 58 591 60 6'i 62 4 5 rs À"m'rrer To P ý, '1- i i j !cal sof .Y, -Y war ' ' r. t 13 6t~r'44T l te 42Na ngt 4 b Illegal TG BoiId DamIîn Witho-ut .Perin-issi*oil Section 9 (1) of the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act reads in part as follows: "No person shall construct a dam on auy'lake or river (a) until the location 0f the dam, bas been ap, proved in writiug by the Minllster and (b) until the plan and speci- ficatiens themeof bave been approv- ed in wn½ting by the Minster." In spite of titis scarcely a weelk goes by without at least one cal) to advise the Lindsay District of ficeeof the Ontario Departmnt of Lands and Fonests th:at serneone bas constnucted a dam which is elther flooding anether's pnoperty or depriving him of essential wa- ter ,supply. Upon învest'gatIng it is usually found that the dam biad been constructed w1utbout the owner having first received permission as requined by the Lakes and Rry- ers Iniprovemeut Act. No eue may obstruet or divert a natural water course witiout fIrst securing permission f0 do so. An application for approval of the lo- cation of a dam must be made in writing to the Minister 0f Lauds and ýForests and sbould be accoin- panied by a sketch showing the 10- caton ef the dam, the area, f0. be flooded and lands 0f persons other than the applicant that utiglit be affected by the construction of-the dam. R> must also be accompanieýd by a statement contalining sucb in- formation as the size, type, and purpose 0f the dam, whether if will bc, teuiporary or permnent and the nature and quantity of water, if any, to ibe taken from the hezd pond. Onbly recently iu the Township of Clarke was a dam censtructed that completely cofitained the'flow of water thus stopplng any flow-0f watem downstream of the dam. Apparently farmers lownistream had ne water and fisb were dying lu the dry strearu bed. The Department was called in te investigate and the damr was im- mediately epeued. WORK AT RINK (Continued from page ) greatly. Inprov e tihe appearance. An extra doorway is aiso te, be iuluded lu the 'Plans and xii pro- vide a second entrance onto the !ce surface. This-new doo'way is to ýbe constructed at the norub,-east corner. The Player's box and pen- alty box are ialso te be rebulît. Anyoue wishling te help would he welcomed at the rink with a ham- mer or paint brush. Contact Mn, Jack Moffat. Ric kard-Pascoe Nuptials Standards of white chrysanthe- siýstng was the bridegroom's iro- mums and gladioli was the setting ther who chose a blue two-piece d for the recent marrliage in Zion dre'ss with white- accessorîes and a, nUnited Church whèn Pearl Ada i corsage of pink carnations- Pascoe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fo h oemonti ows Frank H. Pascoe, HamptLon, was ter thad, hoemonrtide we a eunlited in marrage with David Mof- theu lCnadate Fbrie boue fat, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank-tre.ec wlie rec bul Sln Riekard, Newcastle. suit, rose floral bat, white acces enies and a corsage of red roses. T1heir double-ring c.eremony wa The couple are making, their home conducted by the Reverend Percy in Newcastle. Page. Mr. Frank Walters played 1the wedding music and accompan- l ed Mr. Ross Metcalfe who sang JEWETT TO OPEN t"O Perfect Love" and "The Wed- NEW LIFT LOCK ding Prayer" 3 ~A-new $650, 000 24-foot' lift loe Given in marriage by her father on the Trent Canal system at Fea- the hrde wore a full-length gown elon Falls, Ont., xiii be officdall.y of white pure silk' organza with 'opened Saturday by Pauline Jewý appliques of Alecon lace jewelled ett,' Liberal MP for Nortbumb, with sequins and pearis and fea- land. The lock, replacing two loce turing short sleeves and a scoûped buit' between 1883 and 1887, 1tt necktIne. The back was accented the first electrically opera te by a self bowfallng into a chapel steel mitre gates in the Trent s train. A matc;bing crystal tiara stem. held bier bouffantl veil and she car- ried a cascade of stephanotIs, cam- mellias and ivy. GANG LEADER CLAIMS Mrs. Morris Sleep, sîster of the $500 PRICE ON HEAD bride, was matron of bonor, and the attendants were Mrs. Davd The Supreme Commander of Te- McCulflough and Mrs. Ronald LYIck- ontoO's Black Diamond Ride- inson. Their dresses, similar te the ciaimed Tuesd'ay in Magfistrate'. brides, were street-lengmh rose- Court lu ýBowmanville that f-,r'r benry silk ;shantung featuring sco rival motorcycle gangs have placeçid neckiines, short sleeves and bell a $500 bounty on bis head. skî-ts. They wore matching pdl] box headdresses and caried nose- , arry Paul Ramnes, 28, aliasý_ gays of pink and wiflte carnations. ed ohuny Sombrero" was remand- eduntil Sept. 17 on charges or- Mr. William Riekard, nephew 0f assaUbt folloWing an inter-gan.g the bridegrc-orrn, -vas best man and battie lu DarlinigtOn Township air the ushers were Mr, David Mc- May 26. Cullough and Mr. Ronald Ddckinson Pateick DUffy, bawyer for Bannes- The reception was beld in'lite said the reward was oiffereci for, Eampton "Hall where the bride's Somebody to shot ames mother received wearing a cham- tBri, pagne beige sheatb dress dith "The rival clùbs want to get, matebing beige accessories and a Barnes because hee bas a reputa- corsage of yelow carnations. As- tlori 0f being tough." i AU...0CTION SALE rnoCoînmuntCentre ?F*ay, uy2t Itetn on. view Thursday evening. All classes of Antiques *UZZLE NO. 752 David Merce ws t i's pspe5k- Th îrs ay. Ho wever ibe(-d up bis invisible fish in the jar little reluctan te bning eut býis when bis ouste-sers had thinred land bis headîcas, hairless deg. hea&deFîharls dog te be photo- eut a little he was parsuaed 'e Photo by Orono Mimes ............

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