VO0LUM7E 25, Nu1WBeI 23 OOOWE~YTMS HRDV UY2t,16 Many Clldren See A Hgala less, Hoadless Dog. Prenny Carnival A Huge Success At Orono Park 1.-U f rurgday afternoon the Or- &on>o Park, was the 1,Qction of the Penny Carnival put on by the cltild- 'rý n l nrofled for the Park Program thsmnth. Previous to the Cariai- w, 1 ,- he chldren paraded thi-ougli Thn 'le clowns, coWboys, gypsies a&rd-znumerous others made thean- zeves- heaM dwlith no diffiduity as they were led by Blain Moffat in bhls formai attire. Taking the part ,u clowns were Michael Carman Who supported this project and made it the success that it was. At ila.m. on Monday, July 29, we wvili leave on a hke as the clos- ing day event for the Park Pro- gram. Thieves Again Score At Co7oP Leta Annie Cooper A ilong resident o! Orono dis- trict, Leta Annie Cooper Das7ied away quietly at hem home ou July 6t1 in hem 73rd yeax. Athougît in poor hcaith for a number o! years, she always took a keen intcmest lu hem cîurch, hem Or on o Lifeguards Promoting A Night 0f Fun At The Orono Pool The Ui!eguards at the Orono Swimming Pool are organIzing and sponsoring a Swimming Gala for Wednesday evening, July 3lst at the Orono pool. The event, to staKl at 6 :30, will feature swim- mning races and other events for ail ages and capabilities. Included on the ag-enda are var.- j us swimiming races, diving con- ýtests, underwater and obstaclej races alongwtJ relay races. ThereI will be fun for the participants a 3 well as spectators. Prizes wiil be awarded the winners of the twenty- seven events for both boys and girls. an~d Gordie Hooey Provincial Police are stili searcli. £amiy andci er nyrens ing for three youths who broke in-1 The Orono Lifeguards hope that Atearn ivà atrcto sero'he amlre o -the Orono Co-op and stole three Mrs. Cooper was born in Kendal. this event wili be a splashing suc- ma-,smalatitemsiearly Fridayamorrgeg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WmI. cess and become -an annual event. crowd and made the Carnivai a mlit seayFrd omn- Bryson, united ln marriage with Proceeds f rom the undertaking are lyuge success. Gerry Duvaîl, a neighbour, fired Charles V. Cooper on ictoher 22, to go to the Orono Park Board to -'Ilie headiess, bairles three shots at'a truck used by the 1913 Who survives. be spent on pooî improvements. thi inisilefiswee o dg and, trio wiien -making their get away. Foliowing her marriage' she lived ýu-t, nvsibe ffh ereondisplay . The truck had been parked east 1Týs ihn opriiaei amswere, readbyHeter Mc- lfteC-p r.DVl n on a farm near Orono and Kendal Ithosnuerisint particiate lu 'I anld-1Xathy 'Grady. ofteCopMrDualasin for 35 years,1 moving to Orono the numrouseve taemaeked to baytried'their skill a t bingo able to get the license number of 11948. ,sgýn-up wth tpe oolgaem n-h bowling an the ringtoss and Police were unabie to locate Surviving besides lier husband lis alwayis on duty at the poolE- te.rchoice of the avallable porrukoIayo!thihas are four children, Vance of s-IYfe 5cns R&r'.eshments were also on sale. "Ut of Orono even though they had'awa. Grant. Newcastle, Leonora,, Following is the list -of events in uesing the nunrber of maribies a engauot thi n mntso r-Ms akStDeo.Kpdi n ch each event has a division for ~uajar proveci- successful for rvn ttesee Audrey, Mrs. C. V. -Walker, Camp girls and1 boys: li~de Hooey who had the ciosest Police report that a vacuum Borden.' She was also predeceased gesandi won the smail sum ýof cleaner, Éteam iron and a quarter- by a son William in 1944, Survivîng 1 ~ki Race (one) brecadth ,?ro.-aey uffered. inch drill were takeii from the Co. aiso are two brothers Ernest Bry- of pool, non SWI-mmers, 'We wouid like tb thank,ail those 1op. son, Kirby and Lomne Bryson, 2. Swimn, (one) breadt'h, loyS _______________________________________________Willowdale, 14 grandeidren and under 8 years; -9 great, grandchidren. Girls; Water Rates Are Set For Orono Water System' Fo-ilownirg a nmeetinlg xviw-th the On- lioWater Resouirces Commission lasI_ week the Orono Police Trus- tees on Tuesday evenirig set rates to beü charged for 'the proposed w'trsystem and use in Orono. Mr. T?. Lyce'tt. attended the meeting 3h w 'was held in the Hydro office. ,I poicy set forth on Tuesday evunwhich' 15 now to be ap- pros cd y the O.W.RC. and the OaroMunicipal Board set a maximum frontage o! 66 feet on ciiha frontage rate wouid be ehre.This policy was set fol1- lo"ving a study of the froatage of ailý properties in Orono which had be,,en compIed by Mi-. K. Lycett. It appea redl that 66 feet was an av- erage fr ontage and that by mak- lng 66 feet a maximum, it wouid briýng ail properties,,to acdoser unit basis on whioh to assess the rate, Thus propertiies over 66,feet will bc assessed only as ý66 feet while those under 66 feet wili be assessed on their actual frontage. To retire the caital debt and'to establdsh funds for operation and mainten- suCe an annuai sum o!. $17,002.'00 %à needed. To raise this amount a 42e a foot frontage, tax is to be levied along. with a 4 milI rate on the asseàsment and a .f lat use charge of $3000 for residential and $45,00 for commercial. The 42e a foot frontage charg!n on 18,000 taxable feet of frontage vffli colect a totali of $7,560.00. The 4 miii rate on $730,000.00 as- sessment a sum of $2,920.00 xith the remainder to be made up on the $3000 and $4500 fiat rate charge. No meters are to be in- stalled' at the present time. For a property with a 66 foot frontage or over and a $2000.00 assessment the charge under the present proposai and for the use of water would be as foliows: Frontage, tax 66 x 42 27.72 Mill rate 2000. x 4 - 8.00 Fiat rate for water 30.00 Total $65.72 A Property with the above front- age and assessment that does not 'onineet onto the municipal watex system wouid pay the f rontage raite and miii rate for a cost of $35.72. It is the feeling o! the Trustees that the Village mili rate should not increase by four milis as some Village expenditures as the pay- ment for the Municipal Building, Parenïts have been busy trans- (Continued on page 8) Mrs. Bruce Mercer Appoînted, Librarian e-( recentl'y appointed Public this tinie that the Board are hope-, Lbrary Board met on Monday ev- fui o! Iaving Miss Munroe, chie! enng when thcy accepted one o! libraian of the Ontario Lhrary eix applicaiiions fortise position o! Service, assist in gong over the bi 7i-aiian of 'lie Orono Public Li- Mr.Bruce Mercer received thc e~pînteutand cr11 be the Li- baiau crîcun the librsry is OP- eedsometimne in Septcenhei- as a Pubalic bibi-amy. The change-over "(.om the presenit Association hLi- briy to a Public bibi-amy isslatcd or September 1st. AÀ.pplications for thc position o! lIm.aiian wre received from iMrs. 'BueMercer, Mrs.h.Aetrs J. Shietli, Mrs. H. Allen, Mrs. osiafand MmI. Fletcher, The Ubbi-y Boai-d lias submýittedi their budget to tic Departiment forj approvai aud are contemplating to i work towards Uic change over a- ,bout Uic middle o! Augueýt. Il le at, Mrs. Cooper was a lite long memnber of the United Church, the Women'e Missionary Society, Un- ited Church Women and Kenda] Women's Institute. The funeral Service was heid from Orono United Churcli, Rev. Basil E. Long in attendance. The many flo)ral tributes showed the higli estpeemiln wihthe de- ceased was held. Intermni took'placýe in the famn- iiy plot ini OronoCemetery. The Paîl1 beare-rs were~Hri flooey, Freeýman Eddy, Wm. Hïoar, Richard Logaqn, Ervan Rainey and Local News ,3. Breast Stroke boys under 10; Girls; 4. Back Stroke boys under 10, Girls; 5. Fi-ee Style (onE uinder 10; Girlg; 6, Breast Stroke boys under 14; Girls; 7. Back Stroke boys under 14; Girls; 8. Free Style, boys uiej~er 14; Girls; 9. Breast Stroke boys 14 and over; Carnish's Red & Wite Store, for J Grs the comfort and convenienjce o! 10, Back Stroke, their customers, bas installed air- boys 14 and over; conditioning. Girls; il. Fi-ce Style Mi-. and Mrs. Bud Bai-nett -o! 14 years and over. Kingston Vent Satuiday with Mi-. 12. Undei-water and Ms Ed. Graham and Teri-y, distance - ail ages SI 13, Neat Diviný - ail ages. 14. Srquadron Races- lifeguards 15. Ob-tacle Races, boys and girls grouped together, ail ages. 16. SwimRae 2 lengths o! the pool. One eve'n1 for men and one for wom er, Pictured aibove is the recentiy, e- iected District Deputy Granpd Mas- ter for Ontario Dilstret, H. Duvaîl who is a memiber of the Qi-oua Masonic Lodge, A.F. & A.M. Wor. Bro. was elIected to this oiftice at the anni,%al iasonic Convention in (one) length, Toronto on We-dnesday of iast wéek (one) length,1 M aking lmp-ove- c1 eugth, boys, ments At Rink 1Aitiioughi temperatures may be lntsridîing in the eighIties alid ninties (two) ingthIl thoul ght isn't o! the bot, weathem. IWork has been started at theOr- (two)lenghs, 110 i-tk in prepai-ation for the col (twn) length , crether sport o! hockey. Prescntly a group (and more coldbe uscd) are facing the cr03- ~two engih,Ïden cushion anound the ice surface with plywood. 'Plis is also Lo rý (thee)leigilsceive a coat o! paint befoi-e îi l (thre) en ths trmed compieted. The old boards wcree beconng (thmec) lengihs, broken and splutereci and as thus could prove ;dangcrous to hockey players. 'Phe new facing o! plywood thi-ce) lçngths. wili give a good samooth surface, 1 aloug with eliminating danger of Swim,C greatest spîdters. The new surface wili also (Continued page 2) There Was; Fun For Everyone books presently in the Oroo i-.C brary and to set up procedsce, for listing and kecping records, lns are now being formned by the group for full operation as sooni as pos- sible. Thse L.brary is to be cioseci for a peiod lu Augugt and possibly for a peiod lu September wrhile changes ai-c being made. During thus period, il is hoped that Miss's~ - Muni-oc cr111weed out thc boosil < and those retaJned wil be cata- ~zjy logued according to reco>mmegnda- ~~ bions by the Depa-timent. Folwn FiaAugs 6h It cras a great day for the chld- Mary Lynn Bailey. It was certainly reading (redding) the palm o! Foll>wig Frday Augst 6thren aiýd as a mat ci- of fact also, evident that the ohludren and adults Marilyn Tamblyn. 'D. yu want the Libi-ai-y wili be elIosed for tIc for adults at the Pendny Carnilval h ad caugiit the mood of thc carni- yu palm read (md)," as-ked lending o! books. The Library Will 1heia last Thursday at the Orono Val and everyone was thorouglhly however, bc open oni August 23rd Park. Tiýc Caniival was prolmoted enjoyiin,g Uiemselves. Pictured a-, Kathy who then proceeded f0 put and 30th for the retumu o ib-a- by Uic Park Retreation pmogm-am bove .is palmist Kathy Gmady, di-es-, emcoolouring on hem cistomer8, bok.grouip under thec leadership o! Miss sed as a qypsy, and on Uic right, palm whcn placed before lhem. 'W ORONO IVEEKLY TIMES, TRUUSDAY, JULY 25th, 063