Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1963, p. 1

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rono 60 Tirnes VOLÇE 25 N~UBE~Ri9Op.ONO WEEKLY TIMES, THIRSDAY, JUNE 27t, 1963 Fire400 Posters Placed Mrs.1H. ABýin,,Speaker ~0wnIhipCiIIctge At UCW Meeting ,!A g re emie nt A p pove d The Rural Safety Poster Comp 1e meSa tîtlon sponsored by the P urham I'he Orono United Church i Wo- for Leaders Of U.C.W memI n e,,e Orono Police -Trustees xnO County Parmi SafetY Counil was men hed their June mn1eeting at Whtby August'19- 23. Mrs. Irwin jn léondayevenhng Ifn report wel receeved by botli teachers and the'spaclus home' of Mrs. M. was eft responsible for advertIs- weerceved and Presented by AtSna eeîfgwhnreo ts AIIIO t pupils as over 400 Posters were Staples and Mr. and Mrs. D. Stap- ing, this at a future date. terse e .submritted. This competitlOn was les. Ivy Lea ConfeTence for U.C.W. H..M. Méeer reported that Cob e flil op ail public school pupils in The President Mrs. Long comn- in Spebr2 2wsas n biedick Street had been ouled and UN em na A ueens 1the oouny and is designed to f ur- menced the meeting with a poem nOuncd dranae rclen MssMay yn Bale ad r.muity and at home. - a Hmn, This is my ather'shi:'s received at that time but an- ported that a dan ge p'lin M s ar foBaly a d r r ite saf et in teCoi03- fo1oed by pr ye an sngng of Mr . n re otd 12 mb - xi ted on C hurc li Street nort b Leslie H opper,, students Of the 1 E ntr es f r ~ e c i p t~ O 1 3 W r d "ci a te ching 200. and thut le would looki into it. Clarke High School, eft on Tues- _dFVdY. Jufe 4th and Were An inspiring Devotionla wa3l Correspondifg Secretary Mrs. R.Forrester stated that the day for Kigston where they will Officai judges were Miss Marion Ms .Tmln ~p Logan gave hier report of carda Municipal Engineer was to meet take part in a UN. Sem ifar held Waddell, Ho mne colo tur tva selcted f ro sec nd at a b eons.o aro s c w th the Trustees this week in at Queen '5 University the latter say, M iss Austra Ja itis, Home tu ings fo rth chte r.on t secmd-1 . con ection with reconstruction of part of the week. The Orofo Odd- Economist, Newmarket, Mrs. A.atio Mrs. am ln a e r Hrist A lCtienhi.p n d Se ofa Churcli Street south and aso in f elows, Heather Rebelah and Darympe, a former teacher an erence to, the1 many wonderful Citin was estspaked, Soial o o fl ct O l it a r a d in o h M s o ic L d g a s St h e n d i fg M r. R o b e rt n o b so n , A s s is ta n t A g w o m e n of th e B ib le a n d p a r ti u - e t S e k r e e t roposed industrial area. two students W Uthe Sem inar eachIricultural Representative. Ial o t e o e i tts p s a e o ng as hier topic Ojh iisan Qijj n.. D.Simpson eotdoame- year.. The top ten entries i ahsc scripture. She stated wble in Cal- ship. She- tated the dirticM 4 e Dn it . r hepr teTone- ir are to receive a safëty icouricil ifornia she recalied a story re- iUctz1eslpafâkàM hip ln which both parties had Mr. 'W. Bunting is attending a pin, while the top thrce in each ferring to the experience â ms- I u laie'eur owndeolsiofl. oome W t an agreemeti wlc convention at Port Arthur ths ecio wiîî, receve a money prize sio a d wu As citizens we have a respong- fr pr tcin c ud b Se p fr week where le is guest speaker. (Continued back page) q n onIibîtý lrt W u f m lls h v tihe Twhprotc tioh e T U o lwe tauglit thein 'to be good citiz- th Twshp.~thth ownship ~--Mrs. Tamnblyn ciosed the De- en5s, Q i~iX 9o h~1 of a new fire engine to le station - U X I c i Y f a f v rof l ei jye d he s ng ng o and Village l we'Guld a lr îr 9 vtheir ecosed t e sin ingow t e d l h î h p r t ed lin Oron. The cost fis also to bc > " sevral famiiar hymns, conucted are we humble, are we friendly to "bý1.*e in xtedin thepreentby Mrs. Drupinond. During the Étrangers in our congregatioxi, do shredhal tn dirng the Sipsent buies rntsadtesrr we attend with'the riglt objective aS0ad that te Township would Ieù ëêeè n dpe.,O idb itnn tetvl o 0f hesevic. heTrstesOp-fhTe h om.a Lts la <li n ë d .i4e i iet Mton etoje h coo Çnine ae3 Ilea guarantee on the continuing Ms ogmnindîeSho Cniudpg ) proved the proposai which is to be and carnations forhiètI. lively pipik andIiwhite crf&~fsand brought before counicil at the next setting in Orono United hii d spldt;U meeting by Mr. Chater. Saturday, June 15,,1963 at 30 ,I th ir d orte arig f aleeAI!e' aýèi ranch, Ol'ono, was Toh w~ f fP In fr th mariage0f arlee A We M 1f? sùýý%d the brides-'h p B oy ï i i I. thecannction w Trutheeire de-Graham, dauglter of Mr. and ers..i~kdry unet rtmenl the SPoice ustee a - oniEdward ,CGraham, Orono and g -%ero! the grooi iidýiqssSItar- gare4 a th et ig-pay for a foanx T omsu rf e (Bud) Burett, on Gibbs, Duibartàiý i n1~x f the ýuse wihintheVillage o Orono. son af Mr. and MrS. Thomas Bur- bride. They were ctired alike lu c i -b i g ,#d o P l The secretary was aso authorized nett Oshawa. Tulle petred with bush Pink orgaza ôve tâtffet2 e ewateyo1cJckCo-hei"dieê dhaJ 1yl~d~ torkhaeth nsrac tr ugh sbt esat un t.redtesge ihsmibl IiI idelle, 16, son of Mrs. Rutht Crowells, fee~t and had ô dr fie fi i dl 1I joii or Ms Compensation, increas-guspe. shirrcd bodices. They wore Pink RR. 2, Newcastle, was f atally in- cosanwe i cce P~i ed to $6,000-00. At present it is Rer. Basil E. Long officiqtdd' 0f cirele lieaddresses1 with niatclilg Jrired laVe Tuesday eveniing in an crontated 'hen800ltiea to üË hxl Tset t 000r irep fiter. h t heduberigceremauy adVilg and carried cascades o! white elecîriCal accident 1When lie contasorer.the feu avot 20 fè i V Tueserear rpote tatnoMrs. Richard Morton played thé% ofid Pink carnations. caonedtannsforvoit.lHed to aaer-utxe0gàound reply had been r&teived froin the wedding music and acmaid r aUi 'uik s awavie traaor000éVolonad po e rth Clock Company re the local dock the soloist, Mrs. A. A. Drumu'iond, w' dVulnadfx uhr e aide road rtwen alot18ond 9 Cnthe eo vns0 h or froire the Deparîmfent o Hgi-vth an " Theý--e e ddin Pryer',.M, Trra cé rahgm', brother Of concession 2, Clarke .Township, 14 OPP, Bowmanville detacliment, ar- way r th cr'bng0f ntances sd" efc oe~ Ithe bride aà,iV r JfolD. EKellar, mile north of No. 2 1-igïway, 1ived Coithe scene minutes ater a 1nfo 'the Village froni Higiway 115. Tue bride given lu marrlage by1 Oshawa. at Cursonville. cast o! N ewcastle. c i dbeen piaced ta e polic Mr.Sixpso reortd tat heler father looked chaîrming in a T e re-e ion *s field ât.the Tu acietws Vngsdb hequrr.Teijudyoh sidewalk prograni had, been coi- full length gown O! silk rgaza, Oddfllow's Ilw ére Vthe gdë.tesýT~ wo herccid t hs amitna girl. Ati s tro rte ah e re oered pleedandtht smework would designcd with a bateau neckline were received by tefixie er e rpotd to be a gingrl. nlausném nd t w averon iveet. be doe onpreparing a wak on:zand flre qarer ength leeves. mother whose 1 goa'i w 0< POÈ Wetefireprtdti e n fr Hnei'ustakonand Meiio his H<>s- Division Street when, alilside wlk The fitted odice was re-embroid- bue chiffon ov &r ý fft itr pilaiew aen vife b e o l ice bis Itad been presented. The sec- ered w'th appliques enhancing a lace liodice, matchlng'blte e~ ~ss. Âccordirik to a police report, 0fficer and is Said to have ase retaryj was inslrucled ta send 'a shirred cummei"bund and 'bel] ories and corsage of phirosres 1Aoilald Àrufistrong 15, Judy pipp, lut nosiuns n arriva lettr t th Chmbe Sttin tht sape skrt.A aal crown of She was assisted by thèý gforouts 4 and ftenryr DeUâlrc, 13 of R.R. i'OucncOseso ril no atiOnwasto b tan o anMother who chose Frenýi ,oà6se ar r i, eWcaste ere Wth Jack Crow- According ta the report lie was nacton ig prasngta lfakenonannel lace over satin, white audèse. éliS EMUt .f()0 p.nt., attcmpflag ta beddb r.E .Hbad evenililpakin ly-lw.year. ories andi corsage o! white roSîsli. zthlr lc.,owel esi awavxle ri pudteby lgwT he airm nes a lanateminccl- heTstesreanddapl aloig le receptian thehave bëecïs taniding on a fence chest'and rnassaged his heait at ingw'thIh Egiees e atr n iylas ndrePaYmnenf tplans in happy couple left for: a weddlug nhe% axfndtXxl«ed ta the ÔChlers the hoe;pital. Tue youfh died a .horlly Élic near fÙture. He alsa reported conuection iil issingi- debentures trip ta Ottawa, Montreal and'pbinte thit ie would clinib upthe pole ater. Dr. C. J. Auston, coroner, is thal fhey lad nual as yeî received for the Orano Hydro' The cai-east. Tebiestaeln ol x-r.Te ffa at htivsialg thec taxable frontages o! properties man iras authorized ta have Mr. umie was a lhree-picce1 suit f o!a1tià i titu netiai xuOao n hahs a u-ILycett prepare the cé,99sary liy- linen With white accessories and rnlly holding -bp the project. If Ilaw Va lie repaid Within 15 years. corsage Of -white crain.O~N Baîd,' water wouldnt lie in this pearîs, heiti lershtxdevWngth Victoria St., Kingst, wL b ar.o r Y T Fe- lans Fqor ,O D -ýeratio-n Flaque' Ou June 15 an his§torical plaque ceremony (i Va r) Mr. L. McNeil, Bloard, Mr. A. Carruthers, M.I. P. ýcomemoraiting the original haine- president Dïurlian Club, To ranut, Mr. Robert Baldwin, 'a de;cendant eleéad a! the Baldwin. famhily iras lMr. R. flaney, M.P., Han L. FriosV' of -the -Hon. R. W. Baldimn anti r. unveiled in Clarke Township'. Thig MP., Prof .'J. M S. Care1eeâs E. Wallley, reeve Of Clankj-e andj plaque is one o! a series hrough-l vice-chairanin o! Hista*ric Site.'1 warden of- the Unlted Counties. ouI ('ita"io. Pa ricipating ,in, Uic The- b oard' a! the' newlfy Éàtimed The secretary was _iusruted Va Orona PubTlic' Library ld its1 contact the Departinent of Edu- first mèetin' on Monday- vérùng cation, Library Brandi, for Vthe wTit Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Taggart, childre's lbook service. This sen. Mrs. Rticka by. Mr. Waâllace and vice would provide chiltirens Mr, Forrester prýescrit.Thec major' books ta tic Orona Library' on a part a!flic eening was spent in lban basis ecd monith. It is thc in- planning organization and conipil- tentions o! the Board fa ericouagre ing information for thc Provincial children ta, use Vthe Orono Library Library Service, Departinent o! andt t provide a selection of books Education. for thein. Mr. Arniold Wallace was ap- pain ted chairman of the new board witli Mrs. S. J. Norton as secre- tary-treasurer. Mrs. Rickaby and Mrs. Taggart were appainted ai commitfe Vo obtain he necessaryl information on the purchasing o! new boaoks. It iras decided by flic Board 'ta advertise for a librarian ta, 1ook after the library. It is the Board's intention ta keep the library open for the exchauge o! books an Fr1. day afternoan and evenirig for, a period of four hours. A budget was set up by flie board wn.ci', is taelie submitted ta e De- par i(i._ for their approral. In i he. buid-t -, um of $653.00 w'1s -eu aside -'Qr ew books taeic ib lt the library during the year 1963 A yearly remunýeration for the Li- brarian was set at $400.00. Tue, otai expenditure for 1963 is ex- pected, with sanie alterations, fa amounit ta $130000.'A suin of $700.1 is, bcing granted he Publie Li- brary by Vthe Orono Police Trustees for 1963. of Extension Service, in a lettet', lias agreed ta visit flic Orano Li- bmary in August and go aver the proscrit book supply. The board members are Va seek a ncw mefli- od a! reccrding books and are ta, assist the librarian in settirig up the lilirary under sucli a seheme, The Board expects ta open the Library as . a Public Lihrary on Sept ember lst o! this year. AJl persans in fthc Village of Orono will bce able ta read books ouf of the Library at no 'charge ather than a fine for books ivhidh are kept longer than the allatted time, Nan-residents, of Orono will lie charged a membership fee.. IV is also the intention of thc board ta, have the Librarian at- tend a four-day course lu August. which is being spousored by hs, Provincial Library Service. The meeting adjZùurncd Vo meet again an July 22nd when, they will praceed iif plans o open the open applications for lilirarianand library as a Public Library. Unveiling Baldwin il " p ýmpppp- - 1 1 ! 1 1". Il ý Il Il Il à !Il qj 1

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