Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1963, p. 7

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wealth, there is an atrophying 0f the morals, and if some people are hiappy with iess, it is because they recognize the wealth of the asirit. -it is our choice 0f values that de- cides the directness in wbich this law of attraction wiil turr. The de- mean there are fewer cases of the disease. This interpretation of the TE death rate can be danger. ous. It adds to the apatby in our population wbich is already, too compiacent about tubereulosis she, concluded. sire to have or flot to have must be "The falling death rate is the re- present in order that "more wiii sUit 0f improved treatmnent," the be given".- For this reason it Is doctor stated. "There are patients ilot always the kindest' thIng to who had been with us for years. give money or goods outright, to We expected them to spend the the needy, but to create in them rest of their lives in sanatorium. the desire to, use the abilities they But since the development of the bave to get the law of increase on new drugs they benefited suffici. the move, so that with the right ently to go home to their familes." RiOYAL B 0Wrmanville Ij FRI. and SATUR., MAY 10 and il Gorgo COLOR AND The Green Helmnet Sports Car Racig SUN., MON., TUES., WED. - MAY 12-15 Whatever Happened to Baby Jane- Aduit Enter tainment Joan Crawford, BDette Davis -KLV TLEIV IUUSDAY, MAY 9, 1963 Orono Bible Study Group may6, 963attitude, there willi be a continuai l May 6 1963supply. In ail of Jesus' teachiflgs, in 'atever line of thougbt He wasg ýVloinHs bet a o pf The illusion f self-importance thie mindS8 of the people to the facts prvns pol1fo lmn or ruts tat beylivd rght in themselves for the ioss of abîlities ,,thý midle0f thyetpcived in or wealth, for they won't see thatg the ittieý "self" îooms- so large in, even if born with ail kinds of ad- sucha twste fasion Becusevantages, physical, mental or ir -he 11f e of most people; becauseitahe wlbencaedoy z;ý%tn1 s iesorilus(n-84ofsef-as they are exercised. If wrongýlv, Satn'slie orillsios o sef-increased in one realm, they wli' grnerand self-imnpo'tqance are be decreased in another, btif so persi tent and deadly, thre reai l fact 0f he wrkrgs o ~odaverightly increased in anyrealm, eoethide onsofen. Shavwa l"l asslin iithe growtLh and el- ,o, when Jesus said, "For he thateatn filram.Tsfolw'g ~as nîght the day, because GOOU or biath, to, him shall be given; and GOD is the Supreme Verity. In theg he that hath not, from him shaii aeo hniath a ok büe taken, even that which he hath." just the same. It is what we do f This was a direct statement of an th what we nave, not how much ~existing principie of Lif e, a iaw we aet ei itta stef of o~raionin he atue o'ex deciding factor. This applies to .-tence. Only when taken person' heaith, weaith, talents, abilîtieÉ, or ailly, and viewed through the con- any other condition that may ex-1I O fining mirror of self-importance, ist. The handicap may ho presentg does it becomne unjust, uinf air, and for a long or short, period of time, g unkind. As with other naturai iaws but a positive nature will, bear the oDf this world, this iaw 0f increase fruits of, Christ's teaehing aboutg is properly understood only when thîs law, that by ttaing what we u ieiated to other conditions. The have been giVen, our efforts wiîî worid is continually' changing, be honoured in the eyes of God., -there is a going forward, or a slip- ping back, an inereasing or de-'0 .eceasing; there is no wasting of'g elements but there is a changing.J This positive nature must be an So, Jesus, 'in applying this law to 1 example to our chldren, by ourg mnen in partieular, said that if we cotnaohnein f the Hoiy, use, what we have, if we work with Spirit. If we are in the way 0f the it, and exercise it, it will grow, Spirit when we search Go" ord., but if we ailow it to lie dormantl our enlightment will he inereased; It wiil waste nway and bc îost en' but if1 we seareh in the spirit of -tîrely. eontroversy, the words will be justi words, appealing to the intellect oniy, there being nothing of God'sg Spirit in us to meet with His Spirit If we think we have known God lin His message. "To hlm that bathg and reeeived the Hoiy Spirit when1 wiii be given. We must'have had n hiid, and if we don't do any- some desire to look in the firstG thing furtber about it, as we grow place, but if we are not receptive, y older, we will firid that when trOub- "even that he bath wiil be takenG le cornes, our understanding Of away." God's mercy and majesty is liait- 1 ~ed to a cbld's understanding. God bas not changed; and neither bas ~our childish conception of Himn, Like attracts like," and if weg 'but the years roll on just the same. have the desire, then we have the 'This is not unjust, or unfair;- this Spirit, and we need o nly ask furth-0 is Satan's blinding illusion ta ri ryr at one time we got ahl there was to get. We did not work f orward ha.Confusion About o itwold'tbe ln before certain The eommonly held beie3ta onles would accumulate quantities Ontario's falling death rate is a wbille othiers would be without, 'Ï,uit of reduced incidence of dis- through the working of this prin- ease was attaeked hv Dr. Char- ciple; but. we must remember lotte Horner, M.O.H. of Northurn-G that WE manipulate this law, i berland and Durham.I cloesn't manipulate us, no matter ,hTBdatrte'l o n ,what appearanees are. If ruthless- "h Edahrt sdw, -é_q ,-. q. i +,in ao,,,io ,mariai1 Dr. Horner said, "but that doesn't ChoaIcebürg Lgc. Heads - No. 1 Letuce2fo 29 New, e, Florida - No. 1 Cabba-ge' PIump, Green, Sweet lb- 9%c- Peppers 2 for 293c Lusclous Vine-Ripened, Good Size Sweet, Tender, Large Cobs Cantalo;upes 29c Corn 4 for 33c CASH SAVER You Save 6c - Paramount Fancy Quahity CASH SAVEI$ . on Save 17e 15-oz. Tins APe f cy 'Peas 6for$1 CASHf CAý'VER - YuSv 10ec Seven Cent Bread Coupon in 1-lb. Bag a eIL ouseCxffeeî9e CASH SAVER -Voit Save 56e- 37o off Pack K IngzeSr CASH SAVEIR -Vou Save 4e - Faney Quality 48-oz. TUn Lïbys lTom ato Juice' 29C FEATURE - Save 4c- Apple, Orange, Pineapple Orange,'Orange Apricot Allen's Fruit DrAinÀks Cholce, Plump, Grade "A" Value Check'd CHIOKENS (For Frying or Barbequing) Hellmann's 16-oz. Jar Salad Dressing 39c. FEATURE - Save 2c - Copper Kettie Boneless Chicken 7 oz 47c, FEATURE - Save lie Faney Quallty - Del Monte Fruit 20-oz. 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