....... ... .. .. ..... ..... .. ................. OIINO EE~LYTIMSTHUU~DAV, MAT 9, Ufl Orono Horse Tops Race In. 1Its Debut At Mohawk AnOrono horse, -Bomniher Dares, -a"d by Dave JRougtley made its1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooey and debut at the Slobawk race~way on -1Mss Edra flest, Toýronto visited Monday evenîng ini its first race. ion Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H4or- The young colt romped homne witb ace Best a-nd f amily. a tWo length led and an easy vie-! <Iry. Its Win was sligbtiy over 2:12 Miss Carol Mercer bad the mfis- Local horsemnen who saw the race fortune tfo fratfure her arm hast - ciam tbe young pacer'to be shted week. k ýor big things in the future. The horse was purchased ast, year by Mr. Roughhey and bas a ,backgioûnd and breeding noted for ivcing. Mr. Pa.ul Radley bas had the tvio-year-old in training this year and the horse proVed itself Ii its first race last Monday night. Mr. Roughley hag kept the borse eegible for a goFodlhy number of staké races wbich are sp'read Out] over thenext tbree years. Wortby mite,, owned and driven by Junior West WaS aISCOon the Mohawk card monday night but 'was far back in the race. J. Wil- risms withb Happy's Mac placed- fifth on Tuesday nigbt at the MO- bawk. (Intended for laslt week) Wth-the cosing of the Green- wood Raceway in Toronto the trottexrs and pacers bave mioved to Mohawk Park ju.4t nortb-west Of Toronto where on Saturday even- ing Jack ]Reid had tbree horses entered. 0f the thrèeeentered hors- es Flemain-t'on's First crossed tbe finish lUne in third pilace -inthe fifth race. Hollywood Richard was fifth in the seventh and Flash Itid- dehi sixtlh in the nintb. Lase Saturday Dean Song, a colt being readied for, the raceways this summer, died while being ex- ercised. The colt wa.s a hop1eful prospect for Mr. Jack Reid, owner and tramner, wbo was preparing it for the races and its firat race. The herse is beileved to bave died of a beart attack and dropped wbihe stiih being exercised. F19o Son, a horse owned by Jun- ior West ànd Mcl(Crae took a sec. ond plaee On Monday evening at the. Mohawk. MeadowVieW' Champ, a Reid hlorse came in foUrtb in its Idatu Junio r West wîth bis Wrth'y'Mite took a third position Tuesday night at the Mohawk raceway. The odd- 1makers 'dd not favour tbe entry witb the resuit that Worthy Mite paid over $6.00 for bis placing. Merry Penc 1e of the Weit-McCrae stable pushed close to a winning position 'on Tuesday nigbt taking second in bis race. Callyo ur Mechanical Cqntractor wlso seils, insta ils end quarantees CARM19AN FLUMBING IEEATIN(, Pfhone 143 Oronol- Il RONO 5c --to -$1 STORE Remember Mother on Mother's Day, May 12 Extra Special, Cover- Girl liquid IVIake-up_ Rteg .........$12 Cover Girl Medicated Powder Make-up regular $1.25. Shades dark medium or light SPECIAL BOth for Special, both for $2.00' Something New - Noxema After Shave' Lotion iBottie priced at ..................... 89C. Bead and Earring Sets and Earing and Bî'ooch Sets to match in cello pkg. Assorted, set 88c. Log Cabin Assorted Hard and Soft Centre Chocolates. 1 pound box ,.............. 88c. Smiles,'N Chuekies, quality chocolates 2V 2 pound box for ..... . --.1.......... $1.88 Smiles 'N Chuekies Marasehino Cherries Choclate covered in liquid cream, 10 ounce boxes priced at.............. 88c. Nylons, first quality, 400 needle, seam free, micro meshi, latest shades, sizes 8!2 to 11. Pair pricedl at 69c. 2 pair for $1.35 Lady Beth Nylons, seamless, Banlon, stretch1- top. Lovelier to wear, sizes 9 to Il. Pair piced at 77c. 2 pair $1.50 Runner or, Mat, Koala Plush Tweed, Foam back size 27 -in. x 6 ft. Colou.- grey, brown, black or green. Each prieed at............. $5.79 Ladies and Miss,-es Millinery at reduced prices. Re-g-ular $qS9 for $1.49. $ý2,9 for $2.19' ai A.8 for$28 Lghter Karen, Weston, vlslted on weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. -man Allin and Sharon. Ir., aind 1Mrs. Neil Rainey, Milton .I and Charles of :Sunderland, ted Witb Mr. and Mrs. Ervan àey on Sunday. 1ev. John Kitcben, Niagara ls visited with friends in Orono first part of the week. Ir. and Mrs. Cari Billings spent pst, week visiting Mr. and Mrs. ley Billings in Philadeiphia. Ir. and Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, s J., W. Jewelh, Miss Mary Jew-. Mrs. M. J. Wight and Mrs. I. gg of Bowmanville wvere Sun- ïvisitors with Mrs. Heber ich. UNITED CKURCM Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Rev B. E. Long Nonr -Mi Car) visil, Rair RE FaI] the1 Mi the1 Harl M: Mrs, ehl, Bral day ,Sou( E' c April 25 - At the Oshawa Golf Club, Carohyn was guest at a sur- prise dinner party given by Mrs. Marsb Slessor, Whitby, and Mliss Norab Wood, Oshawa. After dinner the girls went to the lovely borne of Mrs. Slessor whËre Carolyn was presented vwitb a cock radio. Apri 27 - A f amîly dinner party was held by ber parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, Orono. April 30 being Carolyn's final day at General Motors, Data Pro- cessing Social Club presented ber witb a wardrobe Case to ber iug- gage. Various other gi fts were happy reminders of ber friends and. associations at General Motors Miss Ruthb Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Madili attended a ban- quet in Dunnville liast FridaY. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton and family spent the weekend at their cottage on Canal Lake. I The annual Father and Son Scout Banquet was beld Wednes- day evening in the Orono United Cburcb. A good attendance was present. HOME. HEAT SERVICEî OUlRMENARECOUIRTFOUIS NiORIP NO TEARe GLAD - A $PECIALIST VOLI MULSTrCALL, BE SUREj TrOCALL T/lE-: -- BR R V £sso 0~* We have a good selection cf Cotton Sheet andi Pillow Case Sets. lu pink or Dresses comîng in for this week-end. blue.. Price $6.95 SLIMS Miros in stripe cotton, Arnel, stretchys and flannels ini plain or plaids. Priced from $3.95- $11.95 BLOUSES Blouses in printed silks, Terylene and broa-deloth. Siz ,e 10 to 20. PRICE $3.25 - $6.95 HFANDBAGS Handbags in good guallty leather. Back or row. -PRICE $11.95 Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Scarves and .Nylons. Priced f rom 85e - $2.95 - .Fancy Pillow Cases white with coloured emibroidery. Price $2,75 - $2.95 BATH SETS Bath Sets in heavy chenille, oval or long. Colour white, rose, green, blue, gold. Price $4.95 - $5.95 Chenille Bath Mats, Scatter Rugs. Size 24x36". Colour rust, green, mauve or white. Price $3.95 BLANKETS <elanese Blankets, Viscose and Nylon with wide satin binding. Colours pink, white, mauve, beige, yellow. Size 72x84". Price $4.95 Gl1n-Ayr Kitten Sweaters bulky knit 100% pure wool, orlon, ban-Ion. Different styles and colours to choose f rom. Priced from $6.95 - $16,98 Potteti Mums - $2A9 ARMSTRONG'S LOAL NE!S No furniture, toym or books for the Hi-C Auction? Th en brmg us a pie ôr cajke-for the bake table! And xeieember to cQmout an 3d support the "Building Fund." See you- Saturday 10:30 a.m. at the Armourles. "The Hi C" Mrs. Edward Dean attended the wedding of ber grandson James Kennetb Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Dean, Newcastle and Ellen Mary PbIilps, in Oakvflle, April 27, 1968. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Elliot t and Carotyri Jones Over 600 View Guest At Parties . Model Home- Miss Çarolyn Jones, Orono, was Five hundred and thirty-six per-- guest ýLt seyjeral , parties prior to sn in thfrgseý u gte her leavfing to>tàké,Up réMdiYIcé in059 4d ~ ~~I Vancouver, B.C. jopen house held rèceiýtly for the home built by MVr. W. P. Irwin on, Marcb £tb - Miss CarlC4A .9ghiDýisýon Street in Orernb. Mr. Ir- and Mrs. Robert Allen, Oshawa, I '-" te'thÀ eW,ýi(él àtq were co-bostesses at a party where fied with the interest shown in the Carolyn was presented witb a bouse an~d that many more visited black Moracco leather bandbag, the xîiodel hbome -unig pn.ut.i poodle-cloth jacket and a piece of but failed te, sign the regîster. lugae.The bouse bas been sold to, Mr. April l9tb Mrs. Ervin Brooks, tour of inspection of the mode!- BowmanvIiie, and Miss Norb ad Mrs. L. Perrault. Wood, Oshawa, entertained sever- ai of Carolyn's Orono friends. She Mr. Irwin states that be bas a- was the recipient of a Train CaseIvailable tbre other choice lots in to ber luggage and a piece of this sub-division and that bouses jewellry. A delîicus buffet din- Of similar quality will be built onl ner was served and an enjoyable them. Interested parties are asked time was had by ail. to enquire further details from hlm 1 A municipal suppiy -of water is a-- April 2th - Carolyn was guest at vailable to these lots and homes a dinner party given by Mrs. E. J. can'featre the new electrical- Crummey, Oshawa. AprIl 24th, Or- borne beating systems. ono United Cburch choir was enter- tained, at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. A number 0f other building lots, R. D. Morton. An evening of music are also avalable for purchase in and games was enjoyed. A presen- the sub-dîvision. tation of a Waterman's 10 carat .goid pen was made to Carolyn a-, long witb good wishes 0f the choir. A bountiful buffet lunch was serv- ed by the social committee wblch è' àUk P1~ brought a very pleasant evening to a close. 45Li..4,3.LI EEa SUNDAY, MAY 12 CHUB4JH SERVICES Cîrby-------------..9.45 a.m. Oro no .........11;00 a.r. SUNDAY SUHOOL Orono............ 10:00 a.m. mÉrby .............11:00 a.m., Leskard-----------.1:45 p.m. 1 1 1