Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1963, p. 7

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ORONO MEDICAL CENTRE À. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIN andl SURGEON P ihon .186 Res. Il"7 ~MARILN A. KILPATRICK, R. N. Phone 193 - ~OFFICE HOURS WýD4NESPAYS and SATURDAYS BY AP POINTMENT ONLY DR. R.. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SIJEGEON eli.ne 10616 Orono, ont. 1.KAY LYCETI, B. A. lu the Offices of R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO j Telephone 138 ru 1 IfERRILL D. BROWN (JB.S.A. B.A.Sc. O.L.B.G PROFESSIONAL ENGINEEJI i Ontarlo,,Land SurveorG 121 Queen St Boy 65 Bowmanville, ontarlo O Telephone 623-7251 L. i. S-KAIFE By Appointaient Only twN St., Orono Telephone 138 P.O. Box M~ WHITBY Phono 068-8197 Monteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. CLIARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 135 Slmcoe St. North, Oshawa Telephone: 728-7527 Whitby Aax INSURNC SEE * FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO phone 12516 Res. 11716 JAkCK REID Orouo's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoi Specialize iii Farm and. Furuiture Sales Consuit me for terma and dates Phone 5 r 18 1 rn Box 133MO845 Stafford Brothers 1 Lmted S18 Dundas St. E. Whltby., Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Deniersi Demestie & Foreign Granites& andi Marbles - Inscriptions Cul andi Cemetery Ropair Work Monuments and Fainil;ly Meniorials Our quality and service beaves nothing te be desireti , Ask the person who bought froin n s, a neighbour, frienti or relative The ýRITTER GRANITI COMPANY 73 Ontarlo Street PORT HOPE "lLargest Dlsplay i Southern Ontarlopp uFORo PITNG -DECORATINGg gBUILDING -CUPBOARDSg g RE PAIR AND FINISH pg FURNITURE Cati DOnUG s IMP-1SO0N g Phone 208, Orono g Farm sold. Ponies, çattle, baled hay, tractor macbinery et(ý The estate of the late Wrn. Milligan, Lot 7, Con- cession 2, GlV4ke Township, firet farm east ofýýýNewtonvilre. Selling Saturday, Apil 13, 1963 at 1 pa.. Livestoclk, feed also furniture to be sold. 'Terms c'ah. No resorve. .Taok Reid, Auctioneer. 1109R SALE Baby Carige, Stroller, Joily Jumper, Play Pen, Bottie Wakrr- 1 r. Bottles and Sterilizer. Phone 3 year old Bungalow for rooms, ail conveniernces, R.R. I. Apply: Mr. A. ArteIt, R.R. 1. ront. 6 Orono Orono, b-p APARTMENTr TO LET Idoal ,ly iocated on Main Street of Orono. This modemn apartment with private entrance 's seimi-fur- nished with electric stove, refrlg- erator, ýwasher, wall-to-wall Broad- loom and drapes. Immeriate possession. Reasonï- able rent. Phono 1121, Orono. Orville ChattertonI Elettrical ContractîngI Electric lleating and Service ] PHONE 215 Orono, Ontario Orono Electric PHONE 129 GoNTRACTORS FOR FARM and BOUSE WIRING Free Estimate3 APPLIANCE. SALES, ]Prompt and Guaranmteed Repairs te alkinds of Electrical Equipmént and Appliances Such at Metors - Water Heaters T.V. Radios - Stoves Irons H IaMitons o Insurance Service gInsurance ln ail its B ranches~ 0Auto, Package and Composite-, o Pli lsFire, Faýri,LfoA ~BrgarLiabIlility, Marine', Accidoeft and Sickniess, Wind. Ë olier, Fidlity BondC, Etc. Q0 u Sadie OHamôIR16n oFIRST MORTGAGE LOALNS t LOOS FOR SALE BY TENDER Sealed tenders, plalnly niarked, will be secelved by the under- signed, Up to noon April 3th, 1963, for approximately 30 Iogs located1 on the 8th lino of Clarke Townslup, Oak Schooi and *east. C. STAPLETON, 1Road "3uperintendent, Clarke Townshi p, Orono, Ontario. FOR SALE Loft hand basobal glove io sale, rnoarly 110w. Phono Lynnl Bailey, 15416, 'after 5 pan. FOR SALE M-H Grain and Fertilizer Drill, excellent condition. Phono Brooklin 655-3747. a-p FOR SALE Easter t4lies and Chr3ysanthe, mums for sale. George ~k Phono 17316, Or- oi~. b-c jWhite Leg1, j. Brooding facilities, Howson Wýatiery, Bailioboro. Phono 93---1. d-8-p SERVICE Cloaniiig -hardwood and tile floors, wvoodwork. Windows washeçl insido and out. Rugs shampooed. Ail types of venetion blinds cleani- cd and repaired. Phono Orono 160J tf Eleetric Metors I g Rtepaired o Windings, Switches, Beris O and Brushes, Electrie=Tos 0 and Sinal Appliance MotersO g0 Work Guaraniteed g M A.Hardg g Phone: 1176, Orono PUMPING OU? SEPTIC TANKS, WRITE WASHminGSTABLES, Bert Tonmpkins Phone Newtonville 4721 Building a: buse? or remodoUlng yoUr prefent one, thon contact Floyd Nicholsoni PHIONE 2191 ORONO The Bowmanvillo Draina Workshop Three Oneo Act Plays Storm ini a Loving Cup - directed by Anton Forster.1 >The Sandbox - dlrected by Joan Parch The Othor Inalf - directed by Ede Colo BoWvmanville Trown Hall Thursday, April 25 and FrIday, April 26 - 8:15 p.m. sharp. 11 Admission 75c. e-c TENDE~RS Tenders wili ho recoived by the underslgned until noon April 15th for painting the outside of the Orono Unitedi Church MN.anse. Present paint to ho scraped off and two coats of Latex paint ap- plied. Tenders te ho forwarded to: H. COBBLEDICK, Orono, Ont. b-c Lynton-hurst Md.nor Nursing Hozmio has warm comifortable ac- IC011mnodation for bed and up pa- ients. Rteasonable rates. jPhono Orono 1308. 27-p LOlaS Beauty Shpp Park Street, Orono, Ontario TELEPHIONE 160J7 BY APPQINTMENT WALTER FRANK REALTOR 162 acres near Crooked Creek wvith' stream and pond. 9-room bouse, ail conveniences. Barns 30x60 & 20x30, Only $",000.00. $5000.00 down, 120 acres noar Newcrastlo, 660 lako frontage. Excellent soil and streamn, now fonces, 5-room, house \vith bath. Owner anxious to seili. sking $21,000.00, $5000. down. 60 acre fan near Enniskillen, 3- room bouse with al convenien- ces. Large painted barn. $12,000. $3000 down. 19 scenic acres with two ponds and streami near Kendal. $3500 terms 10 acres level gardon land, one mile Bowmanvillo. $3500, terms. Cottage nc, large lake front on Lake Ontario near Bowmnanville.- Fully furnished. $3500, ternis. Central, brick home in B3owmani- CAJRP 0F THANKS As President cf the Clarke Tore ship Progressive Conservative A»- sociation, I would liko to tha* al those who worked and supporte& our candidate on April 8th. Jack. Pffl CARD 0F THMIJKS I wou Id like to thank everySe for their thoughtfulness~, ardn .and Iflowers sent me durig rny iflneeB and a sincere "thank you" to Dr, MeKenzîe and the staff of the .Momorial Hospital, Bowmanvllle. Leta coopor a-c SEAR-At the homeocf bis daugh- ter, in London, Ont., on Saturday, husband cf thie Ilre Ethel Lowery, Ini his- 8lst year-. Fested at tho B&ar- low Funeral Home-, Orono, Ont.. for service on Tuesday, Aprill oti at 2 p.m. Intermont Orono Coe-& tory. NUOT IE NEW EASTFr. TERM at The, Oshawa Business college COMMNCES Tuesday . April 16, 196 Registrations accepted Now Enrolment lmlted Clip and Mail Coupon No Obilgations Mail- FREE Catalogue 1Namo ........................ Address...................... Age. Grade F/S. Tolophone ....... O NTARI O AUCTION SALE 0F LA»U PROPERTY SALE T-01748 Approxiamatoly 4/5 of an acre, being part of Lot 28, Concession 1, Township of Clarke, County of Durham, lying on. the oast oide of Hlighway 35, one-half mile south of Orono. Sale to be held on the property Iît: 10:00 A.M., LOCAL T3M TTJESDAy, APRIL S0thl, 1968 TERMS. $i00.00 cash or certifled choque (Payable to the 'Treasurer of Ontario) at time of sale, balance payable %vithin thirty days. PROPERTY SALE T-1980 Approxiamatoly 2/3 of an acre 0f land, being part of Lot 24, Conces-. sien 8, Township of Manvers, County of JDurham, lying on the north sido of Hîghway 7A, at the east end of i3ethany Sale to be held on the property at: 11:00 A.M. LOCAL TIME TUESDAY, APRIL Sth, 19«8 TERMS: $50.00 cash or 'certifled, choque (Payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) at timeo0f sale, balance payable withln thirty 'days. For- further information plsae contact: Thé. Auctionoor, Mr. Jack iRoid, Orono, Ontario ville. el'u . 1 Ts.'elophono: Orono 5-R-18. LIST OR IBUY MULTIP LE LIST-!I OR ING SERVICFe (MLS) THROUGH OUR OFFICE AùgcJ. McGILL,, Phono 1407, Orono Local Representativo 0~ Bmes and Byam ' 0 pLUMBINCG and HEATINCi g Sales and Service g U24 HOUE BURNER SERZVIICE9 11 -A FINANCING o Low Interest Rates gPhonos: Hampton Co. 3-2288 J Department of Highways, Regional Office, ):ownsview, Onitario Tolephone: 249-3444. OR Department of IHighways, District Office, ]Port Hlope, Ontario Telephone: 'TU 5-2481. Sale subject.te' resorvo bld, DEPART1iWEN¶T 0F 1GHWAÏ ONTARIO, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS THEY ARE REASONABLE AND BRINO RESULTS 040 Orono. - FOR LEASE OR RENT> Restaurant for bease or ront in Orono district. $7.5.00 a ionth bOST equloped. Black, mostly ail Persian Cat,' Phono 12014, Orono. a-c house pet. Finder pleaso phonoe ________________ 157 Orono a-CI CDN V T 1. a-c jý

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