Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1963, p. 5

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ORONO WEEIILY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRILIll, > 1963 U.CW'Uni Meetings LOCLN UNIT 4, UCW )ne. Prof. and Mrs. C. î-. Sissons' Meeting of Unit No. 4 wa;,s h Plans for the next meeting Were have returned to their ho i fter at the home of Ruby Porter Pih isussed andi arrang-emients made1 spending the winter moniths ln 14 membeis present. Quiet music for' sanie. Audre.y Cok vill give TJuýicson, hrizona. was played while the *Unit gather - the Devýotional for thle MALy nieet- M. nONTARog ol,1'r edadthen MÈe. Ajmeï!LhCi ing and sanie will be held at th M.an rs eoeCoe ?r opeed he eeing with a -,ery hoine 0 r'McLaren ule H ope, v ('tdni Sunday wlh Mvs. titting Baster Devotionalvitl, )the rTise annouince& ee Sulx MS aie n Audrey Cox reading -he - te Mrs. McLarent conducte bi- il. $tory froni the $ib le. ,esion dealig with our 5trre'il aln GaaiQcn Matters of business were d1eait tatiOn of the imeaning 0of thi Word U 1-sty,. Kingston, spent a f ew 'Cuc"and this 4iscussiion, car-' wltl andi Special mention iitoth.scil alyhur last week with Mr*. and Mrs. made regarding the general xmeet- riedoverintothe sciaraham aurnd Terry. ing on .April 25tb when Mrs. 'Wai- over a cup of ,ea. ton Tong on furlough from RHong - j Cýongratuilitions to Mr. and Mrs. Kong will be the guest speaker. UNIT 3, U.C.W. Jack Williamns on the blrth of a Inx order to be more famili'ar Our April meeting was held 't baby girl andi to Mr. aa Mrs. lingn g, mstInteresting d Trel id wifia ailonvr-.làbaby boy- ~t !w i o tailed study has beeni conducted by Mrs. Asiett for tMe )past tLwO Inonths. In concluding this uailK airs. Asiett deait with the sChristian jMsslonjj- ofthe cbifpho-s Iois Kong , and,particularly brought to our attention the great part al cburch denominations are glving to the situation there; and theÏ great concern for the refugees as well as fihe more estabiisbed peo- pie. In closing Mrs. Aslett read a very iovely Easter poem "The Bible St udy Group (Continued from page 4) see how pitifully hollow we are. Many, factors are present in the determination of each ones "full- ness of Urne";, some arrive early and some later, but arrive we mnust, and Christ-conscious .people are trying to direct their fellow- traveilers to an early awarenes of tis fellowship they enjioy. in claimiýng -the benefits axiI biessings *of a Chrstian heritage xsany people don't understand that they are thereby moraily obligated ship, and we sang byxun 104. For Ciîe devotionai, Mrs, Robinson Wbio was a gunest at our mneetinig, read a poem, tiien we sang hiymn .32. hrs. Sherwirxý spole on the mean- Jig of Easter. Hynin 86 followed. The minutes were read, and the treasurer's report given. Roll eall was taken with 9 members »resent and one visiter . The visiting re- port sbowed 20 calls bad been made. We had an enjoyable time singing Easter hymns with Mrs. Drummond playing the piano. )eol- lowving this,' Mrs. Drtmmond talk- ed to us about Hong Kong. During the business part of the meeting volunteers, were asked to help get the kitchen dishes at the church washed and put away. The smorgasbord suppei- .7as .isuusseI and it was arranged Who wiii help and -what 'the memnbers wil bring. Mrs. Chatterton offered lier home for Our next meeting. 'We Bang EHappyBirthday to our hostess and 1 ad a-,delicious lunch of birthdaLy cake and tea. Mrs. Logan gave a vote of thanks to, Mrs. D)rummoncl for havng, us at ber home. to contribute the same for the wî tare of future generations; that tbey, can do this oly tLhrough a UNIT 5, U.C.W. personal reaiizatlon of Cist, The April meeting of Unit 5, ci. working now in the present, net by »1C.W,. was held at the home of Mrs. parasitically resting on the gifts Audrey, Rutherford. Ettà 31vin and glories,0f the Christian under- gave a welcoming message and, standing of their ýorefathers. bhymn "Oh Day of Redurrection" ORON ct $1 STORE Easter Candies, - Panned Eggs, Chocolate Bunnies, Eggs Etc. Trim and Decorate your own Eagter Baskets. Baskets 10e to 35e. Plastic and tin Pails Shredded Cellophane, 15C Just Arrived - 2 year old Rose B3ushes, FIowering Shrubs Lathan Raspberry Canes. Healthy Geranîuni Plarts in boom........ 39c. and 69C. Start your own Flowers and Vegetables with Punch 'N Grow Fast Starter Piariteil Kits., Priced at ..................... 49 Special Feature- Nylon Ilose Seamless Miss First Quality, 400 Needie. Shades of Sun- glamour, Rosedust an d Brown. Exclusively Stedman's .... ..... Pair 69c. .. 2 pr. $1.35 Painit and Enamel, TopQua lity V2 pint tins Clearing discontinued colors. V2 price .. 25c. Special Value - Sta-Set Lanolin Hair Spray Large 14 ounce tins.................. 77 Sandals, Children's, 2-strap Leather, brown or 1red. Sizes 6 to 13. Regular $1.99 for ... $1.59 Outside Paint, white only, top q4,ality, Cheaper than 3 quarts. Special ýGallon at ...... $3.99 Store open Thursday Night till 9 o'clock Closed all day Friday j' Mr died miun( club was Mct Publ *Reg." Edmnunds, of Bethany isu(idenly on Mondtay. Mr. F- d,(s bas ,piayed b)asebal il l Orono Inteix 4ýiatQe. 3,asebal on a niumber of occasions. i married to Ihe f-ormer Marg. >owell wvho at one timne was a icé Schoi teacher ln Orono.. was sung. Eira Duvali was Our pianist. The devotional was taken by Zt- ta Irwin, assisted by Jennie Bow- mns who rend the scripture and Isi- belle Chailice gave the meditation. Etta Irwin led ln prayer with- the members participating. "lRejoice the, Lord is King" was sung, bring- ing the devotional to a close. Lynda McLaren favoured with n piano solo. The offering was, taken and dedicated and the roll eall made showing 21 members and 3 visitors present. SEtta Irwin announced that tixerel was to be a Smorgasbord supper on April 17 at 5 p.m. and the Gen- erai meeting 18 to be held on April 2th when Mirs., Tong will be the guest speaker. Marguerite McLaren ehowed her pictures cf their trip to Colorado. These and ber commnentary were very enjoyable. The benediction Was pronounced and lunch and soç,ý time were enx- joyed. Gladys Gamisby tbaxxked our bos- tess for opening lier home to un for the meeting. Our next meeting wlll be heid May lth. on the1 whichy covee within1 availal When toCOC ONTAIRIO 219ý i chnge Jobs, foilow carefullY the instructions back of the Certificate of Payment, Form 104, your group is required t0 give you. you readi your 19thb brthday you are;no longer cd by yor rparents' certificate. Reëgisteri-separateIy thirty days to keep. insured. Formns arc le at hospitals, banks and Coninusion offices. you marry, the Famuly premium must be paid ir husband, wife and eligible dependants.-Teil your )OR, ifyou pay direct, tell the Commission.. HOSPITAL, SERVICES COMMISSION M Yonge Street, Toronto 7, Ontario In Appreciation.... 1 would like to extend sincere apprecia- tion te ail those who supported me ini the recent electioncamp aign and te thosewho voted for me on April 8th. YI *Ôud:-%iW,«extend congratulations te Mr. Russeil, C. Honey, the successful can- didate. Garnet S. Riolkard BE READY FOR EA STJE3R LADIES' DRESSES We have a good selection of Spring dresses for S women and misses. Corne in and look tbern over. There t, MSare ail the new stylesand materials in thse new vsvid- ;; / shades for Spring as wel as basic colourý. The sizes ':CE FROM $7.95 TO $29-50 LADIES' RATS Ail the iatest styles ln Spring Millmnery including flower bits, turbans, wide-brimmed bois, cloches and der- bys. There are fabric bats, the new rough straws and draped tuile bats în ail the new shades. PRICED FROM $4.95 TO $12.95 LADIES' «LOVES Gloves ini short and three-quarter lengths. Ail the basic shades in sizes 6V2 to 8 PRICE $1.25 TO $2.95 GIRLS RATS AND «LOVES IVhite straw bats with coioured trlm for littie girls and white stretchy nylon gloves to fit ail sizes. PRICE: RATS - $2.95 GLOVES- $1.00 GIRLS' DRESSES A new sbipment of girls' cottoa dresses. Several styles and colours in sizes 2, 3 and Sx as weil as 4 te 6x and 7 tf0 12 years. PRICED FROM $3.95 TO $5.95 tA.RMISTRONKG'S.

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