Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1963, p. 4

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77 w- , -ý w ,-"7ýý -~- -7 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MANRC11 28, 1963 ___- ~ ast( WHC là lI Grade I Discount Special! You f;a ve,6e!- Libby's Fan ey Quality 15.oz. Tins Fruit Ccti 2 for 49etc Discount Special! -You Save 5ci -lîbby's Fancy Quallty Large 48-oz. Tins P'ineapplîe Juice 2 for6bc Diseount Special! - YÔu Save 13e! DeLuxe Chieken - DeLuxe Potato Chowder 2 pkgs. to- box LiptonZSou 1ps Save 24c! - 10e off Paek- Instant Coffee Nescafe 6 o-z ja r 89c' Save 6e! - Red & White Tea Bags 60 for 59c Save 3c!- Golden Crowri Syrup Save 2,c! - Club Des Y/..oanaires Sardines til 2-lb. Tin' 34c n27c Biscuit Fe ature! - Supreme Brand 28 ýbiscuit p Chocolate Treat 29c Save 2c! - ClverhoDuse Choice Corna Cieam Style 20-oz. Tins 2.37c Mild Seasoned - Pure Pork Skiniess Maple Leaf - Fresh Sieed Saran Pkg . 16-oz. Sausages BO GN 2lb 79'C 1ý6 oz 39C SPecialy Selected - Value Check'd - Old Faslioned-Bn n(osaeTiewttrn& re BLADE,, ROAST l only 43c Specially Selected- Value Check'd SHORT RIB ROAST U ep:i - Fresh Cut STEWING BEEF chunk style Crlsp Sunshine Fresh - No. 1 Grade Fresh Spring No. A 4- , A i lb 35C Feature - Save 6ç~! E. D. Smth's Apple 20-oz. PIE FILLtýR 2 for5,9c Feature - Save 4c! - -Monareh PIE CRUST MIX 18-oz. Pkg. 35C Dunean Hines Early Ameriean - Save 4e CAKE MIX. pkg 41c isatQuk - Save 6e lb tin 53c, Diseount Speelal - Yoeu save 5e Gem 1-1b. Pkg-s MvARGARINE lb 19c flîMeounit Speeial! - Von Save 21e - 15e Off Glanf OMO- package 69c lb 49C lb 53C jub iz Imc Popeyes Favourite Spinaàch 1O oz Luselous California - No. 1 GRAPES ,lb Ontario Hot House Cucumbers 2. 19e 25c 0-29c Diseount Speesal! Yon save 19c!- Twîn Pack BALLET. White or Coloured Rols 8E for89c Large Sunbeam E£XTRA SPECIAL ANGEL FOOD CAKE was 430 10w A9CI Il ,er Exam Re'suits At Orono Public'Sehoof 0 PASSED HASTER EXAMINATIONS Mark Carman, Stephen Cox, Char- les DeWith, Bonnie Dunlop, David Gilbank. John Gilbart, Debra Heard, Donna Knapp, Dora Knapp, Lynn Lowery, Richard Manning, Gail Morrison, Alan Pears, Keith Powell, James Prescott, Yvonne Schoenmaker, Jacqueline Snelders, Paul Staples, Wayne Tennant, Su- san West. Grade IH Krista Dent, Ronald Forrester, Donald Prescott, Fraser Ritchie, Geraldine Van den- Brink, William Yake. Susan Aslett, Brian Black, Stev- en Boyd, Janice Caldwell, Carol Chatterton, Nico DeJonge, Joan Duvall, Diane De Paepe, Randy Flynn, Kathy Gustar, Sheila lKen- nedy, Larry Lunn, Randy Nixon, Edward Robinson, Laurie Schmid, Bonnie Partner. Local Morses.In The Money At Greenwood, The attention of the local hGrse. men has been turned to'theGrc,-ý,i wo odraceway in Toronto whicL oa- pened on Monday nightin a lt way with a record opening rw in attendance. Orono horses regisî- tered in the meet number well tn- to the teens and are currently a .p-~ pearing nightly on the race ûari, Opening night two horses from tt stable of Mr. Jack Reid wer-e n the card and registered a iLd and fifth positioni at the %vire, Flemington's First placed ir while Jimmy Mac came in ~ih Both were driven by the ow er,, Mr. Reid. Tuesday night saw threeOof horses in the meet. Jack Rr' Richard Barber, Susan Barber, Hie registered in sixth position. Kathryn Grady, Shelley Mercer, Donald McLaren, Nay Prescott, Worthy Mite, owned by JunirLo Craig Tennant. West and, trained at the OronO, Richard Bunting, Betty DeJonge, track this winter, placed -,ecý11d. Victor Dyke, William Gilbank, The horse was drive b Mac - Barbara Gustar, Karen Hardy, Raie. Tommy MacDonald, Bruce Man- r wt eý,w ning,, Heather McGill, Blain Moffat ID.R J. Taggart,wthMaw Charmaine Newman, Valerie Par- Bob, placed third in his race e tridge, Robert Tennant, Ronda the iht. Dr. Taggart madeus 1Tennant, Paul Todd. first drive at the Greenwood t iý on Tuesday in a race that was i inii Grade IV with a time of 2.06.2 Chris Aslett, Nancy Barrahaîl, Bonnie Barlow, Evelene Brown, Donna Challice, Dennis Cobbledick Wayne Couvier, David Forrester, Lea g ue Ba n ta i- Wendy Mercer, Katby Middleton, James Partner, Xenneth PartridgePay .T e] Margaret Santo, Randaîl Tennant, )lyd WflS. i Sally Staples, Hobby Yake. Ls a.tra vnn tte Grade VLat atra evin a e il Larry Adams, Lynda Barrabail, Bowmanville rink the Orinoand Suzanne Bunting, Carol Caldwell, Zion Bantams played their eon« jMichael Carman, Doretta Challice,- game of the semi-final league ýjlay- Harry DeJonge, John Duvaîl, Tan- downs. The victory went teorto Iya Estabrooks, Nancy Forrester, thus tieing the series at one %in Donna Gilbank, Gordon Hooey, each. The third and final game of IHeather Hughes, Caroline Johnson, the series will be played this St 'David Manning, Linda, McLaren, urday evening In Bowmanvillea Bryon Myles, Julia NeaI, Dianne 9:00 O'clock. The winner of hs Nicholson, Nancy Nixon, Ronald, series will nieet Bowmanvillo'jns Prescott, Julie Schmid, Glenda the finals of the league. Tennant, Raye West. . 'lr he victory for zion last t- Grade VI day was decisive with a scoir-, of Fred Bunting, William- Caldlwell, 7-2. The two Orono, goals wç Susan- Goocie, Glenn Grady, P'amr- scored by B. Foster from j u g jela Hardy, Clive Johnison, 'Fae Moff8.t and Neal Allin fr&p Pt4 ILewis, Donald Mckenzie, Carol Jones. lMercer, Margaret Middleton, l Last Saturday ice oniiosait len Milîson, Barbara Mitchell, tàe Orono rlnk was excellenl,t and1 Robert Nixon, Dianne Partridge, - bu 0by ad s fi o Betty Prescott, Elaine Sehmid, Gary Simpson, Margaret Taggart,hoky Douglas~ Taylor, Beverley Tennant, The Cannington Bantams ý Donald Todd, Patricia Wallace, won 'the eastern division oDf d,ý IDarlene West. ILittle NHL tournarment in Ca=niig- GradeVq 1 ton recently, were entered itrlieP Susan Cantrell, Dale Challice, Ontario finals last Saturday.Ti Glenn Haase, Margaret'Mitchell, club won the- Consolation dvso Terrance Mlyles, after being knocked out of 1tbýcý Geke DeJonge,. David Dent, championship contest in the fîrstý -Elaine Forrester, John H,-ooey. ! an gamne. Hughes, VlreMreWendy Partner, Marilyn Tambilyn, Leslie Grade VIIICecil Kennedy, Robert Lrxton,. hrnAilun, Wendy Cox, HaIt Wayne Mercer, Richard Neal, Car- Dejne Dorothy, Dunlp John ý,î Nixon, Mary Tennant, Wstlhann Grady, Patsy Hardy, Terry H-ardy, Todd. R" T1NaJ p Clearance baie, gComplete, stock of plumb- g ing and hecating goods cas well as paints anid enam-els wi'll be sold cit Discount Prîces R. . LGAN, Prop phn 11816' Orouo, Ontario $698VALU E GIANT 12 GALLON SIZE with METAL LOCKING' HANDLES COLOURS REDGRrY, TURQUOISE, YELLOW WITH $5.00, 77 1

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