QROOWEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, FEBUJARtY 4th, IM6 Province To Advance Grants To Municipali'e Amiemi-ora iIndum out]inhIng new to ailow this year's advance ,inanicialtitae to 41efray cur- grants to start in May, based on1 rent el'dtue or education appioximateIy 25 p)ercent, of a and iroad bilding and mainte-- nunicipality's subsidy for 1962. In anm wa v sen-,t t oday o al O,'ntavo h0 ýe fail the province wiil issue a, r~n piiisby Premier John l--cond pay ment based on approv- Robarts. I xpenditures from January 1 SSeptember 30, less a 15 percent Mr. Rojbarts raid the govern- hoidback and the government ment lis immnediately instituting a grant made in May. Final pay-, systm 0fadvace gants~o mn- ent of the province's 1963 sub- icipalitieýs and schoolý4 boards s-) dv xiii be made at the usual that neither would be forced i nto itime in the first quarter of 1964. temporary borrowing to finanice currecnt expenditures in the early "The government believes that part af dhe fiscal year. the changes set forth wili be he'ip- "Tie eff ect wili be that tempor-i fui to the municipalities and aîy borrowing can be reduced and schooh boards with a view to mak- the local taxpayer will benefit ac- ing further improvements that cordingiy, "the Premier said. wiii assist themn in their tinanc- By adding $20 million to this ing,"'M. Robarts said. yeaýr s operiating budget, the gov- ernmt-ent is able to inake 'advanee payments to school boards tii Varch I 3th Dead-1 montit. Paymrents wl be based o approximately 10 percent of the i eF rC rPae 1962 net provincial grant. Approx- imately 40 percent of the 1962 fi.Iil o'C r lt ure wili be advanced school With only 26 working days ieft boards in Apr-il; 25 percent in to the March 13 de adiine for the August and the balance in October renewal of 1962 passenger vehicle Previously, grants to scitool licence plates, only 35 per cent of boards were made onfly 'In April owners have purchased their,196 3 and October. plates,. Transport Minister James The 0itario Government also Auld announced1 today. intends to move forward its ad- vance paymients to school boards Mr. Auld said titis was someý where naon-resident pupils exceed four per- cent better titan at the 10 percent of the scitool board's same time last year, but the pros- total enroinient. Again1 the ob- ent rate of sales would flot be suf- jective is to keep goveriment pay- f ilnt to avoid long ine-ups dur- ment of education costs on a cur- ing the last f ew days before Marci rent basis. In this category, the 13. province will pay 45 percent of 1s Eýstimat ed 1963 cost in February, He urged the almost one million a similar amnount in October and drivers who have yet to get their the balance as early'as possible in 1963 plates and drivers' licences 1964. to do so at once and avoid the in-1 Thie mmorandumr outiined fin- conv enience of waiting in line ancial assistance to municipalities Mr. Auld said the issuing offices in the for-m of municipal road sub- couid easily handie this number, sidies, botit maintenance and cap- providing the public purchased ital. Legisiation wiii be introduced 1 their plates as quickly as possible. FREE BUY Regular A Iberto VO 5 hairdressling &Conditioner The Wonder-Working Form- ula for- Everyone's Hair! ÉtOc value, V05 SHAMPOO' GET FREE Aiberto VO 5 SHAMPOO Lets VOUr HaIr Do Wrat Yon Want It To! il yours 1for only$IO STUTT'S:kPHARMACY j OROýNO, ONTARTO PHONE 16U t "Okay-I'et's eut out the faney stuf and jus£ bring iu the dct! LOCAL NEWS Phono 1009 Orono ,Miss Chieryl Cooper had an ap- p endex operation last week in the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Mrs. W. Couch and Mrg. A. Har- ris; of Bowmanville are spending a month in St. Petersburg, Fia. Mr, and Mrs.' Neil Elliott and tKaren, Weston, visited on Sunday twith Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allen and -Sharon. Little Ian Mvoffat, son of Mr. andj Mrs. Jack Moffat, had the mi sfor- tune to f ail on Saturday and frac- ture bis left ieg. Miss Pauline Sequin is a patient n hospitai. Mr. Roy' Patton was elected County Master at. the annual County Orange Lodge meeting in, Biackstock hast Wednesday even- ing. SMiss Melba Polly of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and [Mrs. Donald.St aples an d family. Mr. M. Colvin entertained his Sunday Scitool elasa Suniday te dinner and a trip to, Oshawa to, see the waterworks. The Country Four quartette of Messrs. Merrili Brown, Jack Allen Gien Allen and Dohald Staples will be recordii3g this week-end for eChannel il television end .WIIl ap. pear on the Ken Soble Amateur Hour sometime in the future. Mr., and Mrs. Jackt Cowling of London, Ontario, Visited with Mrs. .Fred Ta.mblyn on Saturday. Mr. Norman Eade, an employee 10f the Orono Telephone Company,. is a"patient in theKingston Gen- eral Hospital, having had an oper- 'ation for appendicitis. Friday night dinner guests, with Mr. and Mr8. Alex Watson were: John Sherry, Port Hope, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Cole, Mrs. Mrs'. C. Biliings, Mr. and Mrs. G. Powers, Mrs. Neil Porter, Mrs. Heber Souch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham, Mrs. Harry Bailey andi Miss Lynn Baiiey. Miss Marlene Graham, Queen's University, Kingston, spent the week-end wilth Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham. Mr. Harvey Partner attended a Beatty schooi of instructions in R ichmond Hill last week. Thie engineeing firm 0of Mar- ary plansý for supnmission to the shall, Macklin and Monaghan bave OR ytemncpht o compieted their survey of the Vil- lage prior to preparing prelimin-'îuciJ aersplIn rn. C'LEARANCE' SALE GIRLS' STOCKINGS Girls' long ýiîockings of wool and cotton or lisle. Beige colour. Sizes 51/ te 10. Regular values to $1O.00 SALE PIRICE PER PAIE .29C MEN'S TROUSERS Men's well-tailored Trousers of viscose and ace- tate in blue and grey. Waist sizes 30 to 36. Reg. $9.95 SALE PRICE $5.95 130Y'S TROUSERS Gabardine or wool Dress Pants for boys in bine, grey and brown. Sizes 6 te 16 yoars. Reg. $6.95 SALE PRICE $3.50) TOWELS Good qunlity striped Terry Bath Towels, size 20"x39". Pink or biue stripes on white ground. Price per pair.........99c. GIRL'S COAT- SETS 2 Only, Gtrl's 3-piece Coat Sets of wool, warmly lined. Aqua oniy, with grey fur trim. Sizes 3 and 3X,,years. Regular $18.98. SALE PRICE $12.50 LADIES' HOUSECOATS 7i Only, Dusters, including quilted rayon and nylon, wool, corduroy and orlon pile. Size 12 tQ 20V2z. Regular values te $13.50 VOUE CHOICE $8.95 ELASTIC GIRDLES 2-Way Streteh Elastie Girdies. Sizes small, med, and large. Regular, $2.95 te $3.95 SALE PEICE EACH .95e ORONO 5Sc, to -$1 STOREI Sp ecial Nylon Hoseý, first quality, seamless dress sheer, 400O needie, 15 denier. Our regu- lar low price Pair 69c. This week Sale price 57ec Ladfies' Cushion Sole Slippers for travelling or house wearý. Folded in cello bags. SIzes small, medium or large. Pair.......... 97c. Just arrived - Ladies' Hand Bags. The very latest styles and colors. Each ......... $2.98 Hair Spray, "Lanolin, Life", giant 13 oz. tin 88c. Free -,20 double edge Chick Blades with the purehase of a Giant Tube Noxema Shave Cream. Ail for the price of ...... ...... 98c. This Week's Special Candy Treat - Fry's Tasty Buds, !/2 pound cello bags for.......... 30e. Africani Violets in 2-in-ch pots, ready to be transferred to larger'pots. Special price 39C. After-dinner Mints,'plain or colored One pound cello bag priced at .......... 39c. Have beautiful flowers in your home planted in pots and growing. Hyacinths and also Paperwhîtes. Each priced at. ......... 39C. Fancy Stationery, flowered designs. 20 sheets and 20 envelope. Boxeêd for ...... 69C. . . .. ..... . . . . ....... .... ARMSTRONGO"S.1 t L 1 iý