Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1963, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l4th, 1963 Orono BantamsEned Final Series In Millbrook Three Hockey Teamns from the Village i f Orono,:'ailed to reach the top championship positions at the Little NHL Tournament beld in Mllbrook las8t Saturday. The tournament wvas for the eastern section and winners in the three divisions *!Il compete'in March ini the Provincial playdowns 1.0 be beld in Cannington. The winne rs in the three 'dîvi- sions on Saturday were spread out over the district witb three differ- ent .centres being represented. In the Atom division Newcastle came out on top atf defeating first Or- ono and thien Mllbrook in a very cls gaine. Millbrook PeeWees were the champions in this divis- ion defeating Orono in the semi- finals and Keene in the final series The Bantam Championsbip went to C.anington. In this latter group Orono did secure the consolation trophy being in the final game of the division. OJRON0 ATOMS OUT IN FIRST ROUND The Orono Atom Hockey Club were eliminated f rom the tourna- me nt in the first game when they were defeated by the final cham- pions, Newcastle. The victory for Newcastle was a 5-1 event. Randy Tçnnant"scored the Orono goal. Michael Carman, Jim Partner and BMain Mof fat also turned in,some ag gressive hockey for the local squad. PEEWEES TO 4eý Orono PeeWees first, met Little Britain in the PeeWee divi- son and 1.00k a.7-0 victory. This, win placed the Orono team in the sem-finals, The goals for Orono were scored bySteven West 3, Er- îe Duvaîl 3 and Steven Black one. Assists were also credited to Ste- -en Black2, Eric Duvaîl 2 and Doug Taylor one. In the semi-finalI series the local club faced Millbrook wbo it for four goals whi1.e holding Orono scoreless. The Orono boys found the biggrin faster skaters just toc much. Mill1brook «went on to win the division in a close final game with Kýeene, 2-1. BANTAMS TO PLAY IN PROVINCIAL TOUJINAMENT The Orono Bantam Hockey Club will ]play in the Provincial finals in Canningion in, March' even though they were defeated in the final gamne at MillIbrook by the Cannington entry. As Cannington ,ilJ be the host team they are as- sured of play in the Provincial tournament and thuvs the runner Up ia the Millbrook tournament is also allowed to play at the Caa- Tnngton games. Bob Best, captain of the Orono team, received the consolation Plaque on Saturday on behaîf of bis teamn mates. Ln the first gamte on Saturday the Orono Baltamns dereated the Newcastle entry by a score of 9-0. Van Dam and Moffat both scored w.o apiece With single counts to ,ob lest, IR. Foster, T. Foster, R. !eal and Mercer. The Oirono teamn c cived a bye in the semi-finals met Cannington in the final ýries of the Bantamn division. This atter game was a 8-0 victory for Cannington. Thie Bantam Club has seen po- tion changes for the players and -31ack has now taken over the du- ies of net minding. Bob Best bas been, stationed at defence with1 Perrault, Neal, R. Foster and Ken- nedy. The Orono Bantams also played an exhibition game in Newcastle with Newcastle last Tbursday. The gamne went to Orono 13-1. Doug Moffat scored 6, Bob Best 4, and singles 1.0 Paul Jones, Neil Allin and .;B. Foster. ORONO ENTERS O.M.H.A. PLAYDOWNS The Ontario Minor Hockey As- sociation bas announced the play- ing dates for the Orono-Newcastle Midget playdown series. The ser- ies is the best two oui of three ,anvs, witb the finst game 1.0 be played in Newcastle this Friday evening, February l5th at 6:00. The second game wili be in Orono on Wednesday, February 2th at 7.00. The final game is to be play- ed on Friday, February '22- witb the place yet to be decided. Currently in the local Midget leagî.ie Orono is outpacing the Newcastle entry but the margin is small. The Orono-Newcastle ser- les could prove very interesting and could be a very close series. Support your local boys in this playdown series. ORONO TIED WITH BOWMANV1LLE IN MIDGET LEAGUE Thé local four-teami Midget league is proving a tight race with Orono and Bowmanville tied for top position, both having eight points. Newcastle holds third place just down one point at seven. Zion bas five points. The regular schedule will be completed this weekend. Play-off dates for the local league will be announced later. Over the past weekend Bowman- ville.and Newcastle played 1.0 a 4 al tie wbile Orono defeated Zion by a score of 5-2. AH LF-mF>ASTT. BOWMANVILLE & UXBRIDGE TIED IN PLAVDOWN Uxbridge Black Hawks tied their best of seven semi-final seriesr with Bowmanville Olympias with a resounding 15-2 victory over Bowmanville in Uxbridge. Playing-coach Fred Etcher and captain Art Rennick comnbîned for 14 scoring points to lead the ý--awks to the lopsided victory. Bowmanville made the score sheets for the first time when Keith West~ picked the left-hand corner of the Hawk net with a 20- foot slap shot.. Don Masters netted the only oth- er Olympia goal when he back- handed - the puck into the Black Hawk net. Liberals To,- MXeet -In O.urono The Liberal Federail nomination1 meeting will be bLeld in Orono on March 5th it was announced- in Betbany last nîgbt at a Coun~ty Liberal Association meeting., Senator David Cr011 will be the1 guest speaker. Russell- C. Honey, Liberal member for Durham will be seeking bis third nomination in this riding. Mr. Honey was elected to the Federal bouse in« the June e-t lection.c Alan Beer, provincial candidate for the Liberal party in the next provincial election gave a brief report on bis activities at the re- Cent convention in Toronito.- He stressed the commnon sense t approach and the freedom of ex- pression that was apparent at the meeting. There was an unanimityt of decision and an awareness that the Liberals bad a constructive team that would present the people of Ontario with positive leadership under John Winter- meyer. Outlining the proposed medeare1 legisîntion of the Liberal party, Mr,.'Beer stressed that, it would takâj immediate care of 'the»needy and take into consideration thoge factors which are so of.ten discus- sed in ail medical'plans such as doctors would be, able te, decîde whether or not they wished to be in the plan; that present plans would stili remain in force; and that the tax structure would not be overburdened by the medical proposai. SIR CASIMIJI (ZOWSKI CoM1rWiEMoRAflVE STAMP The Postmaster General today released details 0of a. new com- memorative stamp which will be issued on March 5th. The stamp will comimemrorate the 150th anni- versary of the birth of Sir Casimnir GzoWski. 1Sir Casimir was born In St. Pet- ersburg, Russia, the son of a Polish nobleman.,He came 1.0 Can- ada in 1842 and, as an engineer, soldier and educator took a very active interest inC aVsdevel. om1'froin then until bis death in 1898. The design of the stamp wbich is the work of Pbilip Weiss of Ottawa shows Sir Casimir as a man of about 50 years of age. In the backrgrolPld to the rir-,lt ..f the stamp are a ship lu a canal, an engine and a bridge, symbolizing Sir Casimir's engineering pro- jeets, whicb include the widening of the Welland Catal, the building of the Grand Trunk Railway be- tween Sarnia and Toronto and the construction of the International Bridge betwefl Fort Erie, and Buffalo. iern In addition 1.0 bis engieein projeets Sir Casimir f ound time to be one of the founders of the organization wbicb later becamne the Engineering Institute of Can- ada and 1.0 be first Chairman of the Niagara Falls Park Commis- sion and to sit on many boards and committees. Mrs. Fairclougb, in announcing the stamp, stated that she bad remembered, ber pledge to make Canadian stamps more colourful the new issue. She mentioned tbat and chose a shade of purpie for this choice was made alter she nad bad an opportuiiitY to sec the stamp in several colou.rs. She said that she feit tbat the colour chosen best suited the fine engraving of ,he niew commeinorative. Clarke Township Revises Salary And Wage Sehedules The Coancil of the Township of ýClarke resumed their February meeting on Thursday evening in the' clerk's office. All members were again present and tbe var- lous committees brought forth por- tions of their work to date. Salaries both in administration and in the road department came1 under discussion when the two committees submitted their wage proposals. Deputy-reeve J. Stone submitted the 'Road Committees wage pro- posals for the road department wbicb were passed on motion. The following rates were established: mecbanic operator increased, 5c. an hour 1.0 $1.65; grader operators increased 10c. to $1.55, operators increased 5e. to $1.25, casual la- bour is to stay the saine at $1.00. Tbe Road Superintendant's salary remains at $3850.00 per annum. The Road Committee comprises deputy-reeve Stone and councîllor L. Perrault. The finance committee of Coun- rillors Foster and Chater proposed a salary increase of $250,00 for the élerk. Prior to taking the vote on the motion deputy-reeve Stone and ,zouncillor Perrault, moved that the vote be a recorded vote. The clerk recorded/ the vote with Foster, Chater and reeve H. E. Walkey vro1.ing in favour of the increase ad Stone and Perrault voting a- gainst the motion. The motion for the increase passed. on motion of Chater and Fos- ter the clerk, H. E. Milîson, was appointed Welf are Administrator for the Township of Clarke at an annual remuneration of $250.00. The Assessors annual salary was increased from $2400.00 to $3000. Included in the $3000. is a, car ai- lowance of $750.00. The motion passed at the Tues- day session of last week in con- nection with the reviewing of the Union Sehool areas was tabled un- I Bowmanville iROYAL, MA.3- 5589 FRI. AND SAT., FEBRUARY 15-16e The Lagic Sword Teenage MllIonaire Jimmy Eilanton SUN., MON., TUES., WED., FEB. 17-20 Claudelle English Diane MeBain, Arthur Kennedy A Feyer lu The 'Blood Aduit Entertainment ORONOtu8INSHP Is FOR SALE 0 Ccin be r,.model1ed to suit g l1most any type of small 0' o Business R. E.1LOGAN, Prop. 0 Phone 11816 Orono, Onatario, ý:>c => c o= c >c >c:o=>c=o =c o o=>L=O =e Toboggan Party A' ISuccess Twenty-four members from the Orono Couples Club attended the toboggan party on Saturday even- ing held at the cottage of Don and Jeanne Staples, north-east of Ken- dal. The evening was spent coasting down the hilîs in the area wbîch was followed wîth a lunch of soup, biscuits and coffee. Inside games were also a highligbt of the even-, îng as well as a sing-along with Mîtch Miller reeordings A short business meeting was held and plans were made to, bold a Spring Revue in April. Suggestions for the March meet- igwere swxmming, followed by, bowling and lunch. tii such time as Darlington takes, similar action 1.0 agree to dîscus the matter. On motion of Stone and Perrault a revised road program lin the, a- mount of $30,350.00 for the year 1962 is to be presented 1.0 the the Department of Highways for their consideration and approvai. The reeve H. E. Walkey was ap- pointed as a commitiee of one for Wellfare. .On motion of Perrault and Stone the finance committee 0f Chater and Foster are 1.0 supervise the construction of a new Board room in the basement of the Township Hall. This room. will be west of the clerk's office with entrance from the west basement door of the hall The work la 1.0 be dnoe under the winter's work incentîve program. - 1 -

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