Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1963, p. 2

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OHONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, FEBPRUARY 1Mbh, 1963 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second Class mail, Post Office Oepartment, Ottawa. Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C., Forre ster - Editor and M1anager The First, Step The Township of Clarke is maklng its first move in the past two or three years towards planning. It is also con- sidering the public schooi sections especially those in the Union Sehool areas.. These two items do go hand-in-hand for planning is not only the use of land, types of building, -etc., but is also ýa factor which through its proper use should lie'able to bring .more economy to the municipal field as Weil as in the field of education. In the matter of planning the Township lias made ap., plication for the setting up 1-f a planningarea for Cak Township. This is the first step in planning and possibly the easiest to handie. Too often planning lias stopped at this point or after a board lias been appointed for it is at this point that many feel interference is the only result of plan- nng. The fact and purpose of planning is te, maintain a stable niunicipality both physically and economically and for the majority of the ratepayers within the, municipality. This is certainly a worthwhile project and one that warrants the stzpport of the ratepayers for it is in their interest and weil being. S In the school, issue planning also plays a big part in the economy of any area.,,Hereagain is rather a knottypro- blem.but one which-council-seems ready to discuss witl in- terested parties. In Clarke there exists a good example of -economy f lying out the window in the cost of eUucation. With the egistance of, Mosporf 'Park in tle north-west, cor- ner of the Township this developmexnt brings consîderable assessment for tax purposes. This assessment should assist both the municipal tax rate and the public school rate. This >il does but unfortunatelyin the education field it only lelps that small area in which lb is located %khile the whole Town- slip pays for municipal services to the development. Mosport is situated in a Union Sclool area with the scliool being out of the Township and only a smail portion of Clarke in the bnorth-west corner is in the Union area and we understand there is no children from Clarke attendirg th Union scliool. So in the public school system wlthin Clarke the development of Mosport does very littie. A redesigning of the sclool sec- tions in this area could bring the advantage of the Mosport assssment within reach. of the local taxpayers in this area -f the Township. 1How neighbouu'ing municipahities may' view the los$ of this plum is anther question. Clarke lias opened the qluestion and in so doing lias taken a step for the betterment of the :n-unicipality.ý T he Ganaraska Levy This year a newformula lias been establislied for the -levy on tle municipalities for the Ganaraska Conservation Area..This lias been long overdue being advocated within these coiumns on numerous, occassions 1h the past. The pre- sent system of levying the charges is now on an equitable basis between sucli centres as Port Hope and the Township ,of Carke. The Township lias gained in the shuffle where now tlie ,cntire Township is within the area at only a little greater cost. Port Hope's cosi lias double slowing that inequality dîd exist under the previous arrangements. Now possibly wre can look for some work in this area by the Authority especially in the preservation of our fresh water streams. ORONO RINK Sehedule -for Friday Night 6: 30 - Atom Hockey Bowmanville Rams vs Orono 7:30 PeeWee',H-ockey O1shawa St. Gregory's vs Orono 8:30 Rantam Hockey Noriliminster Church Oshawa vs Orono 9:30 Broombali Tyrone Trippers vs Orono Oddballs SATIJRDAY NIGHT. .6:00 Midget Hockey Bowmanville vs Zion Report From Ottawaï 7 February, 1963§ FERN CULTURE AND> CARE Throughout Tuesday afternoonl Ferns, with thejr varied and tension mounted in the House of fresh green foliage (fronds) have Commons and it was climaxed, a always been popular house plants. f ew minutes after 9 o'clock that Most varieties will thrive in med- evening when the three opposition ium light, and should flot be ex- parties combined in support of a posed to strong sunlight. An east Lîberal motion of non-confidence or north window is a good location. to defeat the government. The Here are some suggestions on Speaker recognizecl the Prme their care from horticulturists Minister who rose to record the with the Ontario Department of last words of the twenty-fifth Agriculture: Parliament when he said ',Mr. Speaker, 1 shall advise his Ex- A suitable sou] mixture for f erns eellency the Governor-General to- is three parts Ioam, one part sand, morrow." A veterali press gallery onç part..,qag ni.ould orpeat. andi 1 orrespondent described the, ev- one part well, rotted manure, If ening as "Pariiament's most ex. you are using a commercial pot- citing hour in living memory." ting mixture, increase the humus bvaddineg neat moss. This was the second time since Ferns prefer a nmoist, humid at- confederation- that a government :uo ,here, and should not be kept ý1as tbeen defeated on a non-con- in draughts. The plant may need 4idence motion in the House of watering daily or every three or Commons. In both cases the gov- four days, depending upon the ernmen ts were mlnority and Con- temperature and the humidity. Do servative. The first and only other iot allow them to dry out.' defeat of a government on a non- February is the best month for confidence motion occurred on1 îepottîig. Remove the plant iroîn July, lst, 1926, when Arthur the pot and cut off the fronds close Meighen's government fell on its to' the crown, If you want to in- thîrd day in office. The vote was crease your plants, loosen the 96 to 95. roots and devide the crown, repot, Events throughout. Tuesday af-1ad lmstcVerte lns Withl ternoon's debate leddramaticaily4soul. o -the roil-cali for the final vote.1 Varieties: Ail parties wheeled out their big- Boston Fern (Neplirolepis exal- gest guns to participate in this tata bostoniensis). crucial debate. Bird's Nest 'Fern, (Aspleniumn The Prime Minister poured nidus). scor onhisLibraloppnens.1Staghorn ern (Piatycerium). scon o li Liera oponets. Hare's-Foot Fern (Phlebodiumn Asknowledging,' that not even his aureum). oratorical skill ;would change the Spider or Table Fern (Pteris minds of theLiberais, hie said, "I $p>) cannot speak to the unregenerate Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum). opposite because there is hio hope_______________ of salvation for them." While flay-LaoMistr icelSrrat ing the Liberals the lanky prairie June in thé Federai election- lawyér entreated the Social Credi 302 oe1o 593 and N.D.P.ý groups to spiit from Mis0 vs ieenHal,Ne2 Dm3.a theLibraloppsiion Tlls astic Party Candidate,. was third the most crZical jury John Dief- wth 14,365.1 Miss Hall announced enbaker ever faced and it was ap-Saudyttshwilntrnti parent that, lie reaiized the only hope his government had for sur-yer vival hal to be based. on an ap- pa othe two smail oppositionj I rouns. ACROSS 47 Back of He first appealed to the Social Credit bloc when lie accused theI Liberals of creating stories 'last summer which held the Social Creditors up1 to ridicule. He.said, "Mr. Speaker, do you remember the stories tliey told of the Social Credit miember immediately after the election? I am not going to put them on the 'record, but they had you as people who were/ go- ing toý government house' in order to get your car and chauffeur and som ofyousupposedly went to Quebec City in; order to find your office in the legislative building." Turning to the N.D.P. next the Prime Minister said: "I say to my friends of the N.D.P., greater love hath no man than the Leader of the Opposition for you to-day." Gilles Gregoire, Quebec iawiyer, and one of the most capable of the Social' Credit group treated tle Prime Minister's plea with the contempi lie usually reserves for the Liberal Party when lie con- cluded lis speech, III hope that at the next election tle two old-line parties will be sent back home in orcler to make room for those are more competent than they are." T. C. Douglas, N.D.P. Leader, was the last speaker in the debate. He also rejected the appeal made by Mr. Diefenbiaker when lie said, 'lSince under t'he rules of1 the House we must take a vote in a f ew minutes, I want to say that as far as this party is concerned we feel that the time lias come when the people of Canada ýshouid have a chance to elect a new goverfi- ment and a new Parliament." The Saskatchewan lawyer lad lost lis biggest case. The decision. of the jury is recorded tersely in the officiai records of the House -- and the question being put on tle amendment of Mr. Pearson, sec- ondedby Mr. Chevrier, --- It was agreed to on the following division - - - Yeas 142. Nays 111. CAFIC AGAIN SEEKS NOMINATION ,Norman Cafic, 34-year-old Pick- ering district resident, will again seek the iÀberal nomination for Ontario riding in the forthcoming Federal election, April 8.1 1 Mr. Cafic finished second to 1 Grape refuse 5 Dog (slang) 10 Chiet god of Memphs 14 On the ocean 15 Hindu queen 16 City of Nevada, i7 Pretense 18 Tried to nfount to heaven on eagle 19 Heraldry: grafted 20 Referred to something repeatedly 22 Was left destitute 24 Narrow neck of land 26 Portico 27 Explosive sound 30 Gumbo (var.) 32 Amy follower who selîs t0 troops 36 Silkwom 37 Begin 39 Open tract of land in Sussex 40 Narrow inlets 42 Fathers~ 44 Tardy 45 Kind of architecture 49 Man's nîcknaine 50 One who breathes toudly asleep 52 Hindu deity 53 Bitter vetch 54 Shine 56,Sniall depression 58 FÙrtive 62 Enlarged an opeming 66 Algerian, seaport 67 Tantalize 69 Dwell 70, Circlet 71 Sea eagles 72 Son of Seth 73 Throw 74 Distributed, as playing cards 75 Search DOWN 1 Reduce to a pulp 2 The Somalis 3 Raise 4 Tents out, 5 Foretelîs 6 Cereal grain 7 Tierra del Fuego Indians B LRTH WITHERSPOON Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Witherspoon are happy to an- nounce the arrîval of twin boys, Edward Graham' (Ted) and Ro- bert Terrence (Terry) on Satur- dlay, February 9th at the Wellsley Hospital, Toronto. CARI> 0F THANKS Thank you one and all for the beautiful flowers and cards. Rev. and Mrs. Long, United -Churcli 3ession and the- United Churcli 'ýroujp 2 for cards., To Dr. A.> F. McKezie and all -the nurses'and the hospital staff, my neighbours. and family. Pauline Armstrong CARI> 0F THANKS I wouli like to express my sin- cere thank you to aIl my neigli- hors, relatives and friends for carcis, fiowers and kindness ,shown. Mr. Long and the United Churcli Women, offcers and mem- bers of Rebekah, Lodge' 334 for their cards and- cheery-messages durihg my r 1ecent illness. Aiso staff of Bowmanville Hospital and Dr. MeKenie. - Sincerely Mrs. Fred Eagle 'I CARI) 0F THANKS NICHOLSON Mere words are in- adequate to express our gratitude. To each and everyone who lias helped us through these days of sorrow' witli beautiful fiowers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness, we can only say 'Thank you so imuch." Also spec- il thanks to Rev.,Long andour neiglibours. Es-nie Nicholson, F'loyd, Mable and girls. a-c Answer To Puzzle No. 745 rIM JJ IGROcOVI C EA! IJPIILAILILUEITI 8 Coin (Pi.> 9 Vital organ (Pl.) 10 Before .bfrth il To care for 12 Poker stake 13 Used a garden implement 21 Epic poetry 23 Nepal native 25 School 27 Persian elves 28 A constella- tion 29 Musical 1instrument 31 Kind of tapestry 33 Climbing plant 34 Go in 35 Tail marsh grasses, 38 Lukewammn PUZZLE NO. 746 41 Aslatîc long crested jay (pi.) 43 Most rigorous 46 Prison roona 48 Rational 51 Decayed 55 At what place 57 Storles 58 Kind 59 Group of three 60 Brlngs forth 61 Tribe of No, California Indians 63 Excavation for ore 64 Cry of the Bacchanals 65 Wrtlng table 68 Selected (abbr.) i USE THIE CLA SSIFI]ED

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