Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1963, p. 1

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.. .- ~ ...... ......... Sronou VOLUME 2i, NUMBER 50 W Akeok ly , li m es THURSDAY, -FEBRUARY 14tb, 1963, ORONO, ONTARIO Durhcim Conservatives Bock Diefenbaker The Durham, Progressive Con- ~sraicAssociation Executive, Mýonday night la in. Orono un- znimously endorsed a resolution piedging full support to ,Prime "This 'Association deplores the Mînisier John Diefenbaker in the iurreni general elecion. lampaign 0of vilification being waged by certain elementso! thc press against- the Prime% Minister and strongly doubis tactlcs of this sort are acceptable to'the Cana- ilian people ai large or to thc peo- pic of ibis Riding in particular,", thc resolution-read. "Elections shouid beieft to the -people to decide without resort to pressure by a section o! the press," the resolution continued. The meeting, representative o! aIl Municipal Prog-ressive Conser- vative Associations in Durham County, promised its full co-oper- ation to its Candidate Garnet Ric- 1ard. Mr. Rickard iu turn said bie would conduci bis camnpaign ont positive issues confident that the people of Durham want to have the facts put fsiriy before themn and not to have iheir minds made up for themi beforehand by others. Present at the meeting were Howard, Gibson, Jack Brough, MNrs. George Thrashcr, Harry 'Saureirs sud Milton Ellioti, Bow- -manville; William Cox, Francis Werry, Harold Balson,,Darlington; Mr. and Mr. .jack Reid, W. K. Lycett, EBilReid,, Lyall Lowery and Leslie Reid, Clarke Township; 1Mrs. W. Storks and Irwin CoIWÎilI, N4ewcastle; Miss Alice Hughes, Geoffrey Bonnycasile, Mrs. Ann Thompson, Bill Austin, Ernie Brown and Jack White, Port H-ope; AlxCaprruthers M.P.P. for Dur- hiam-,andl lMrs. Carruthers, Hope Townshin); Ailbcrt Olan, Roy Fcrn, Claire Wulw Dr. Jl. W. Wright and Arthur Thorne, Milbrook and CvnTeDwnIi-in; Robert Sisson, Homard McMullen, George Neals, Manivers Township and John Ham- ilion aud WVilliamn Ferguson, Cart- virigbit TownshIip.11 Orono Timnes AdIS New Equipinent Gone are the days of hanci fold- Ing at tht, Orono Weekly Times as this week an auiomnatic folder has been added to the cquipment list. The folder is. not cesigned to fold the weekly paper but is desigued for sheet sizes ranging four inches ýsquare to a maximum of I17 x 22 inches. The machine can createvaiu folds and at a possible maximum! rate of 15,000 an hour. The sheets are auiomatically fed into the foflder sud are delivered in a pile aýt thie delivery end of thc machine. The new machine can also per- oaescore and slice. HedShoolý For 4-H, Leaders At Orono, Durham, County 4-H Homcmak- iug Club Leaders Training Sciiooli for the pro jeci, "What Shah lI Wear", was held on January 29tb and. 30th in the I.O.O.F. Hall, Or- ono. Sixteen leaders wcre lu atten- dauce ai ibis course. Enuinerators Stai t Work On Feb. l8th Chief Election Officer Neýlsoin Casionguay, in con junciioni wiih the 'deputy 'retunniiug officers i ihe federal idings aeross Canada, is losing no limie getting the ma- chinery in motion for 'the holding of the eleciion on Monday, April 8. hi bas been anuouiiced thai the enumeration of the voters wil start Monday, Felbtaary 18 sud conclude Saiurday, Fcb. 23. El- eciion proclamaitions wiii be disi- ributcd next Monday, The officiai nomination day Wîl be Mondiy, Marcli 25. Ti. 1--I.A -l 4np flin This project is designed to help It nas also ee v nuneatta girls spenid clothing money wisely, the polls on election day, Monday and to select clothes to suit hier April 8, will bc from 9 a.mi. to 7 needs. Each, member makes a P-m. 'blouse that fits into her wardrobe. The Training School was conduct- ei ed by 14iss Marlon Waddell, Homne I e ar iiv cl Economist for Durham,, Peterbor- ough and Victoria Counties. The Orono Figure Skating Club Leaders -of the project are: 1will on Saturday, February 23rd B3ethany,- Mrs. R. G. Preston, Mrs.1 present their fifteenth annual ska- ÈHarry Ryley; Cavand Mrs. C. N.,ting revue in the Qrono rink. The Tripp, Mrs. Howard ýRobinson; club has been in operation con- Elizabethville: Mrs. MacWalker, 1 tinually for the f ifteen years and Mýýrs. Ross Beatty; Garden Hill* is again1 this yewjr reording a SUC-- Mrs. Clayton Elliott, Mrs. Wm. cessful year with 78 members en- Dean; Rossmount: ,Mrs. H. Boug- rolled for instructions, hien, Mrs. Allen Ough; Solina: Mrs. Preparations are uÛdrway for C. W. Hamer, Mrs. Fred Watson; the annual show and i-nny fea- Tyrone: Mrs. H. Stainton, Mrs. R. turc artists both local 'and f romn G laspell, Morrish: Mrs. William Port Hope are to appear on trie Ashby, Miss peari Austin. progfam. LeviesIncre;ased For Gaînaraskau A 50 per cent levy increase, $300 minimum, plus a figure based spedover the seven municipali- on half the ý- a4n plus haIf tics in the Ganaraska Region Con- th u ic lx>putionl. sýervation Authority, was announe- 01nYLy thse port0ions of tie 1munir1- ed ai an annual report thàt re- cipalities situted w7ithin the wat-1 flected progress and expansion. ershcd of the authority wrein- The greatest increase was seen eluded in the assessntadpp in Port Hope where the assess- ulationfigures. mentdoubles from $1,400 to $2,890, The annual report said 1962 was Hopeý Township remains unchang-a year of growth and progress. ed at $1,400. "Practically ail suitable plant. C avan's assessment jumps from -n ie r o ul tce $300 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w t $39 CareT nhiwith desirable species of trees. fron'i $1,40b to $1,703; Hamilton Unless the authority speeds up its Township f rom $200 to $300; Man- 5ourchases of sub-marginal farmn Vers from $308 to $338;, and New- land, it will sec ai decline in'plant- castle fromn $249 to $549. n in the. comingyer" The seven municipalities will With the establishment of its re- payý total of $7,500 to the author- forestation areas, uic authority tty.Las ycr tcy ald$5,00. wiîî concentrate on care and mari- Ontario department of lands and agement of planitationis,ý and im- forests makes a grant to the auth- provement of the productive cap- ority equal to the total levy. The acity of natural woodlots. The grant is actually made to cover work will include: selection and half the authority's expenditures. pruning'0f crop trees in order to produce knot-free high quality Dr. D. B. Kelly, Port Hope's lwood; elimination of undesirable representative on the board, was tree species; releasing white pine absent fromn the meeting and--asand good quality hardwood stems not available for comment. HOW- by girdiing; version of old Christ- ,ver, members of the authority mas tree plantations by, cutting feit the increase in levy for Portlansd replacing the culI Scotch pine Hope was ",equitably and quite IChristmas trees with red' and within reason." white pine; pruning white pine in The new levies were based on a (Continued page 4) Millbrook Student Wins Speaîking Contest HeId In Orono, Tuesday A Millbrook boy won the top preseuied the Durham Club Shield Public Spcaking award at Orono to Stephen Cuimore. Mr. Jack on Tues;day cvening when be gain- Munday of Bowmauvillc Lions cd top recoguiitionfor bis dcivery Club presented the Lions Club and subjeci of "Docs Father Know Shicid to Jim Wslker. Besi". The contest this ycar Is be- îngcliind s ne f'hebest and Mr., Munday aiso presented iu- ihg clibredofaspoee0fchew vr dividual cups to the five coutesi- heg cair o pehe a vr us from West Durham on behaif high 0tmr f h f the Bowmanvillc Lions Club. StehenCutore0f he iii Mr. Doug Mallory of the Port brook Public School will now com- HoeLosCu,,-rsne ii pete ai Havclock on March 16tHop.in lb rsne ii Winncr trom Uic Haveiock contesi lar cups to tche five contestants wili speak ai the Provincial con- f romi East Durham.' test at a later date. The judges for the cvening Wcre Second place winner on Tuesday Mrs. Isabel Ring and Mr. W. J. R. night was Jim Waiker of the Fort Cadwell, boib of Cobourg aud Mr. H4ope Central School, Who aisoTo PakfOsaa .spoke on "Does Father Know Mrs. HôItward Jobuston o! Port Best". Hope, chaired the eveniug which was sponsorcd by Uic Durm Mr. McNcil, president of thec County Tr ustees aud Râtepayers Tcronto Durham Club and an In-1 Assoc!ation. 'The Teci'-Is This Saturdciy 'Ilonesty' Sundayý, February lth saw an- other good crôwd out to the HI-C mneeting and Robert Robinsons ~ommrittee chose a very interest- ing theme for the meeting "-Hon- esty". Following the. reading of the minutes and a financial report showing a balance of $41.00 xo date, a skit.was presented with.,a cast of four, Robert Robinson, Sharon Tamblyn, Susan Gilbart ,and Grant Yeo. The skit presentedi a conversation, in the school cor- ridor at a quarter to nine Monday morning and centred arounid the fact that one of the cast had been1 to a Drive-In restaurant with .a gang and some of the spoons hiad been taken. Argumeénts wereA pre- sented upholding and denounc .ing the practice of taking souvenirs. Following. the discussion regard-i ing being honest, in, relation tQ; mer cy killing, opinions, asked, by otih- ers of personal appearance, break- ing traffic laws as long as you, weren't caught. This prov0d to be the highlight of the> meeting and 'if time had permîtted we could have gone on discussing ail the aspects of Honesty for hours. The meetings we. hold are any- thing but stif f and starchy and We always have a f ew good. lauglh0. One prominent visitor to our group explained that when you are asked for an'honest opinion and yet hes- itate to hurt 'a person's feelings you can always resort to this type of reply.- Girl: "So and, so said 1 had a face that would stop a dlock." Bo0y: (Realizing how true It Was), eplied, "When I look at your face ime stands still." The devotional taken by Sharon "amblyn was taken from'.Phillp- pians 4:8-9. Grant Yeo reported, that the Valentine Dance at T1y- rone HI-C thenight before was a success. This Saturday, February 16th is Trinity HI-C Valentine Have you visited the "Ports of Cail Restaurant" in Toronto" They -tv thie decoi' is fabulous and the food - really out of this world. Pprl-aps you have heard of the -ho'sFrench pastry at the -'ovn and Country? If you have -f ,i-,ite these spots in Toronto ir even if you have . . . have you -wishcd you could try such ¾arnydesserts without drivlng l) rles to do so?, _- - thé day you have been -qît;n- for.. Now you can call for t~ 7iighbour or two and casually Walk or drive to Orono United VChurch. This Saturday, February' 1.4th from 2:00 until 4:00 p.m. you will be welcomed by Group 1 of the, Orono United Church Women In, an atmosphere of friendliness, to a very different Valentine Tea. -iof t music and church fellowship you will visit with your neighbors, ,Tcew the paintings 0f Mr. R. D. Morton and, then enjoy a refresh- ing cup of tea and your choice of delectable desserts. From a' lovely buffet table yod~ will be served such exotic 'dishes a s Belgian Cheese Cake, Swedish NJut Torte, Fruit Rebat, Carloca Delight,'Pisim Caké, Raspberry Charlotte, Heavenly Pie and many others. Who êould resist Such an àWrray of. sweets? And to top it, al the recipes, prized by members of Group 1, will be available to ev- eryone. So, don't forget, skip des- sert at' luncheon Saturday and come to the Tea. If you are diet- ing come anyway, we will try iiot to tempt you too much and will enjoy seeing you. The members of, group one are working hard toý maike a considerable' gift to the U< W allocation, and will appre- ciate seeing ail their friends at "THE TEA". dance and there are cars going from Orono.- If you would like to go and have no transportation please get in touch with the coun- seilors before Friday evening. It was indeed a pleasure to receive a letter fronm Oshawa Presbytery inviting us to an alPday confer- ference in Oshawa, Saturday, Feb-' ruary 23rd. Twenty-three mcm- bers plan on going and there is ai- ,(Continued page 4) Orono Chamber To SU pport Proposed Hockey Meet Eighteen members of the Orono meeting offering a sum f0 $2500 ChamPer of Commerce met oýn to zhc Orono Athletic Association Monday evening at six o'clock for as assistance, toward providinig the monthly dinner meeting, ai the trophirs for a possible hockey Orono? Restaurant. Other than re- tournament in Oroilo. The hockey ports, littie business was conduct- tournament ides is under consid- ed at the meeting. eration by the Athietie Association The president, L. Asleti, re- but at this time nothing definite ported attending the Bowmanville bas been estsblishcd. Chamber of Commerce annuai H. DuvAîl reported that the aud- meeting rccently and also. attend- it of the Chambers books' had ingthe Pine Ridge meeting held iu been completed wiih everything January ',n Welcome. He outlined -proving satisfactory. the aims of the Pîne Ridge Asso- The meeting closed to meet a- ciation which were to increas-i - gain on the second Monday of teresi in tourism in this ares. March. Wm. Reid, chairman of the Colt Derby, spoke on ibis annual event and suggesied that some changes mayhave to be made. ht appears New Format For thai, other centres are, offering greater prize money for Colt rac-Orn ing and arc thus attracting colts OurnTifeS to these meets. It. is possible that vvî Wtn unhs editionof thelrrno Club under the direction 0f Mrs. the Orono meet 1 nv R. D. Morton provided a number vert te, a race meet with added of pleasing musical numbers, a attractions. A suggestion was also did Gordon sud Hugh Alun 0f made that a pony would ossibly Newcastle playing their electrie make a sutable Iprize for a draw. guitars. The Colt commitice i s to study, the The audience for the eveing, was suggestion furiher. mosi rewarding with around one Dane Fouud was appoinied hundred aud'f.fty inu attendance. chairman o! the promotion com- Other contestants were: John maittee. McGuirk, M4aple Grove who spoke The president aiso rep orted ou a on "Testar",; Bonnie Scott, North meeting with members of the Kel- Hope, on "Why We Do hi"; Keith rit Company at which expansion Alu, Bunker Hill, on "Serpent plans were submittcd. jMounds"; Avelyne Lyceti, Bow-, The ertry as-sruedt B a vle on 's Fah r K o write the Antique Car Club sd to Bes"; Lillian Page, Hampton ou again weîcome îhcm to the rea, 1 'Louisburg"; Linda Butt, Cart- during their summer tour. It 'is wright Central ou "Upped Canada expected thiat uic tour will be in Village"; Bonnie Beeeh, Mapie the Orono ares during uic eveuing Grove on "It Pays To Advers";fJuy9. Chris Serin, Port Hope on ofCamp-th *~ ~ ý", Amotion waS passed ai the Weekly Times a change is being muade in the format of the paper. Commencinig With this wcek the entire paper will be priutcd at Or- ono. Prior, two pages were printed in 'Toronto aud the remainitig six in Orono. A change- in the size of uic pa- per bas also been made uSiug a five columu widih insiead 0f 'the previous six. ht is, hoped thai the eigbi, pages now being ail bome-prini will eni- able a better classification Of news over the eîght pages. Editorial comaments will be on :'pàge two and the rlassified sec- tion has been placed pn page se- yen. Let us have your commenis. ut time of wriiing we hope to beý h l

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