Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 7 Feb 1963, p. 6

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On M6vling Jni-o No. 10 Downing St, Wh-,en we mioved into 10 Dow-. ing Street on the 5ffh of MVay, 1 could not liei1p a feeling o! sadness as 1 arn faitjhful to a ialnt, and sensitively sentimen- tal about myv home. Ail the col- our, fu~rniture, grates, cýurtains, and every chair-, table, and rug in Cavendish Square 1 had cho- ,en Imryseif. Houses like people uhould be inidivîdual; and though1 it Is better to0 talk of a Queen Anne, Elizabethan, Jacobeaný or Georgian hou- se t h a n Sindflay, Leinygon, or Mýaple, I wnIt pe-ýG ple Who comae into a room to say this is 'Frances Horner,' 'An- nie Tennant,' 'Margot Asquith' ùr anly of the people of taýste Rich imen's hauses are setldomi beautiful, rare!ly v corfortable, anid neyer original. It is a con- stant source Of surprise to peo- ple of moderate means to ob- eerve how littie a b7ig fortune contributes to beautY. You may. go ta a house ini which ail that you are showvn is priceless. You spend youir day with fellow-guests in a chorus of praise, touring till you are tired looking at pictures that are numbered, books t h atar autographed, furniture which îs dated, and bronzes thai are sign.- ed. Your host swallows _Wlth c[omplacerlcyý in a circular smile- aII that is said, wvhile punctuat- ing the pau-ses wih omplaints of bis own povýerty'. It is the general atmosphere-ý, colour and arrangement thaDt makes a house beautifl, and thjere -,as littie ef this to con- sole me il. nY new home. 10 Downing Street oughIt t0 be as weIll n in Landon as the Marbie Arch or the Albert JVlIeorial, b ui t it is n o t. AI- though 1Iîlved there f rom April 1908, tilI Decemnber 1916, 1 inearly alwnys had to tel My dr1,iver, the way. 1 was taken ta Down Streeticly, when 1 W as sleepy or uosrvn.or there was a risk of the ch1ildien artnd umbrella- b e i ng tr into the streei.,byL, the ta-xi-man Opening trie door sudjcdeni,,ly fron his seat apd a iskig mýe where Dow,,ning Street was. This istoriic bouse is in a quiet cu-e-a ff WhitehaÏl and oýf such iffiu'flt acitec- ture~ that thýe most ardent tour- ist wouild sacl recognize it again. rI Ký,nowýing as it dcid every - binlet secret, ai-d what was go- illg on ail over the 1old couiçi not bult admire the resetrve with which 10 Downîing Str'eet Ireated the public. Even the Press while trying ta penetrate thje prime tvliister's heart was unable to çivlgete secret Of bis home. Liver coordadsui, the outside of No. 10 gives ý;but littie idea to the majn in !the mtreet oIf \what it isrelyile -Fronm heAuitob)iograph o! Margot Asquithi," edited anid iAith an introdIuction bv ar Bonhem iýCarter. The. execuitive'5, secretary ans- wvered the phiolie. "I'm sOrry,-" she said. "M1r. Smithl's Out ti) lunch. But fie 8wo't be o()t ln.No- body t0ookhl. ARBITRÂTOR - -EGen. Douglas MocArthLir, chosen by (,ue Piesident ta arbitrate betwveen warrmng factions in dispute over contrai of amateur athIetics, waves hond du.ring meeing in New York. StolenPanng Turni Up At Last- The two Intngwhile fot "pnicelass" in the sensa o! the Mouel Lise,, were treasu1res of their kind - wartb pyerhaps $500,000, yet smaill anougb Fbé,stuf f lu an overcoat pockat. Audthat, ap- parently, is ýwhat mcight have happened aarly lu the sitrauge. eight',ean-year-old imystary af the mni5s5ng mestarpieces wbich lest nith u psetthne art and diplo- matic uworlcs lu ItaIly and Itle Bath tj he work of tîhe fiftaenth- century Florenitilene master An- tonio Pollaiuolo. the painitings had beau missing f £rom the Uffizi Gllery in Florence since 1944. By tvhaln, thay were knlown ta have bee,(n lootad f'roIm thir ,var- ime hiidingl place -y Nazi troops tctjing on HarniaînuGoerîng's spa- cific orders tqo stock bis priveite collection of choice stolen Renais- sýance art. During the COU.epse of the, Third Reichb the panaIes isaIp- peared f rani sighlt. No, PolliuoLjùo's "Hrue Slayiug, the Hydra o! Lamïa" and "Hercules Siaying Anteeus" have tu-rned uip - in, a! alI places, a modast, bu~n~bt~btaa -otageý in Pase dena, Celîf. They ara th, unlikaly passassions (ol an immirantwhoworks as a Pasa- de hotal weîtar for' $220Q a motplus tips. Premnier Amin- tare Fam'fanli, whô wes peying 1a wo-Lrkîng visit ta Washington thiatj iweek, instruIctad the Italien Emi- bassy ý7ta aýjpply preýS Sura aji thfe higbastlevai fl ortheiretfuru-. lu Pasadena, johainu Mindi ndhswifa wr in no imod ta giva ,up the g8-b,4-nc nd thae6 ,-'by 3%-incb companmian panais. Tbey n an uirtorney ta aci for thiee, wbile a special threa-ambue Italen' dalatian ha-aded by Gannaro die Noval-1s MVinister Plenipatentiery for theý Restitution of Losýt Art Workcs, presentad itha Uffizri's case ta the US. Justi ce Depertmanit '4I knaw thùey wara cute pic- turas." the 50-year-old MIeind] a!- fably to4d e NEWSWEEIK re- porter, "but nab01ody ever told mie they vere of any value." ,As near as eau be- determined the fi-st hints Camne ta Ma-eiiai-Iwben, he took the picturas ta an art restorer for teening lest mentit, The restarar clieud them, gae them a fresýh cet of v'arnisbh, aed, by com-paiiug them witb official reproductions i art books, de- duicted thieir real i egin. H',I. promiptly nai(tified, a local airt bs torian thet ithe rissing mraster- pieces had beau faund. 'flic -art histarian notified the ioel'iltal"an Cansulete wblhch dispetchedI Dr. Lui.se Becherucci, director a! lb.M Uffizi, ta Celifonie a identily the peiutings,. 1Indeed, shac an- nounced laefuliy, these %wrrt'the' missiug peintings; they w ere m-iniature version1s of importaint larper penes,'The Tbree Labors> of Hercul.esý," commnissionad by Lorenzo. de' Mdedii in the' =u' teentb century- Tbkey were wdble ta the city a! Forenca iu the eightaenth century, long wxth the ather fMedici treasures, fy the lue descendent of the great Renaissance femily, Ane aMarie Luise. B3erneurd Berenson hed dsrb ed them as meakiug "you fer-I as if a fountain o! nergy ied sprung ip Lunder your fe n were playing througb y oin r veins." Dr. Becherucci weas eqtuel- ly emnpbatic. (They) araeneli able maýsterpiaces," she said, "keystones a! an epoch iart and ln humaLn tbauight." Buck un 1tely, Prof. Ugo Pracacci, Su-perý- intendant of Monuments and Fi ne Arts in Florence, edded: "They arcaiamong the pr.,ecius treaýsures of the Uffizi.- Wthaut them it's the same as having two hales tin the musauni . . . 1 sniff some- thing streuge in thora eupole 1holding anta aur peintings. I cen smell il au the way fram Celî- fornie ta the benks of the Arna.o" The Meindis didnt do mucb tu help chear the ai- r fr ccci, the talien dèeagaio or the U S. Depertmnent of Justice. The peint- ings, said MUeindi, in his laest version of haw he ecquixed (hein.1 wAere giyeu ta him l in en iu 1946 "by ae very dearian rined Josephine Warkmiann, a pbilosophy teachar, wbho died in, 1947. 1 don't know how, she gat them." The Italian Emnbassy hem 1treced hier as an employa o! the German Ministy o! Art and Cul- ture and speclaïtesý that she mray have ha-d access ta Goring's col- lection in the postar confusion. Ever sinca 95,wheNlMeindl left is job ass e municipal c2lark in suburban Munich tLa immigrate ta Amri-ca, ithe Poaluoas hav\e ung on bis liing-roo wanus elon wih ereproduion pof ha heýs egada aw *rnClvin S; Helgua, wbnluonetegel ly, triad taovtehIalnGve- mueut 1hed [I n dim ot haPoau ôtos beausa thiey wcea ae suz ed by the Flore-ntineUs elantey drave the Aldicis frominIhe city during a starmyv periaýd. Btha, did capituleta ta tIo haexte i imoving thie pictures from the bank VeuIlJt , wher thl e1--1JC ý t JidîS hiad put them wbien they learned of thleir velueJJJ, ta the, Las Anýigel1es Couinty Museunm so that the new coat o! varnîsh cauild dr-y prop- erly lu controlledtmprur and huidityý. Iu Weshington, Atone Gn- eral Robert Kennedy colly as- sunrad the Uffizi officials thet he wauld "m-ake u effort to heoip lu every possible waylucannic- tion with this dlaïim." Thie raturu ta Florence would robably be), e! fected under anu uuwritten iule 01Ineraioal4W thet k nkattun SmaIl-Town Papers And Their Troubles A few dlays ago the editor received a latterfrm one of his newspaper's readerLs and advertisers, a substantlial booster of tlis anty The latter said its au thor believed in supporting a news- paper thiat tLakes a stand on the issues of The times, but. that a recent editorial e xp res s.io n differed so fer frim his thînk- ing thet fhe, in gaod conscience Wold rio longer support~ this newý%spaper. 1He orclered his ad- ver-tising stoppeýd. Th-iis is aprm example of how freedom iof expression afnd the_ Exchaý.nge of frank opinion., bas,ý ai but ceaseci in the bouie- -toýwn p1 resa of AmrcThhis i why safaw salal-news-. paper ced-itors haard ta express- editoriel opinýin ou cantravar-_ siel imatteùrs. Th-e'y sinply ceni't a!!ord to) ihritate andi oifend advertisers,. becausuthere are, sa- few7, of theini leftL. Fisa sad rfaciaofIllhe times w-aare ln andi of the scetyo! purIPOSe o01so' many selfprolainieddiijpleS af press tredo.. it ail boi.s clown ta aone simaple tact. Mnypeobple appras-e of! fraedom of expression se long, asiF coincides with their owil thnig.Btonce tha i-Vle-Wsý exp,,,ssed bacome contrary taý their own, they find thait frce-, da i 1t-ira press hs a burd-xen, far too bard anid costly ta býar. By hisiniviuels wn dton ha scnriud f urterta the destructi-ton ota a 1aluable freedom hi pfase d ta chiish as, if, îndeed, iF wou1d be psil feror naperson ta sec eye to eye wýith ever-y other prsan on evary issue. It's liku ecanomy. Ev;erybodýy's for it--specially if it aýffects' somabody )0Ô else. Wr i t i n g [1hought-provokiflg edtresis br work. Tryving ta achioveopeace a! mmd with icomjjpejjed ta pt dawn on paper is nat -a siplie task. Tryîing ta ma.intin aPewpaeilu, whicb thie commuuuitY can take pride i n the fcCe of ruLral decline and decey; figh1ting peo)pIL ho do not ,reel ly-,, t an editor buit a polly_-prrt trainecd ta make 1change, bas taken manst of tlle fun out of being a salof publ is(her. 1When thle time cornes theti -'e - a.. e .à'ei ' ~IJSI NESS PPCRTUt4I(TIEÇ MED4CAL hý,eýiP&each. Other recos'er ls work,:s of art. Tb-e It.ahans, meantimre, hadi beLen eyeing, the exciterciiat over the Mona ]Lisa's reception at Wasýhingto,,n's Nation-al Gall<er-Y of Art earlier in the m-onth. TIhty discreetly sge tthat, if they gýot themn baèk, the Pollaiuolosb l.ike Mona Lisa, cou4d hang for a fewv weeks in the National Gel- lery. As of this writlng, they were on display, at the Los Angeles CouI.t Museuni. Waiter Meindi says he now wants the pictures to stay in Amn- ericaý. "Howv many people here," te asked in his thick Gerni accent "have the money or the time to go to Flor-ence? We would like that they be in some mu- zeuLm here, and, if there i aniy mnoney involvedi, they could give us a small per cent." hwand w e f eals aRbout conditons in hiS Own von- munity, withaut worrying toc muLcb eabauLt weethe monaey is caming from ta mieat the bis, a Goldien Era will have colmre ta an end lu iGelletin. Sad(y, iF is an are whviich bhas elreedy euldad in fer Fao mauy ca- munities lu this land. Furtb1er, if, the time aver cames wheni a Galletin editor has ta pr)ýostîtute the principlas of freedomi- of expres'sion ta keep advar-tising in the peper, wve hope ha chooses ta dig dtchesý -Galletin Nartb Missaurian- DIECAREFULLY - The l11e you save mnay be Your owI, PRAMN.$23 ÀeeiY plu,,,a' ree w vardrobe 3nj yeour snare inie, Just show Wslion Frockas tt rind.Noiu'vestment, can> VassiiI5 or experlence necessary. WArito North Ame-rican' Fashiaon Frocks Ud., 312Y Indusriea lBId., Dep. J Ti6ZI Montreal 39, Que, COIN' G1JDEB5OOX ALL new 1963 -2100 ites Just 7i0- ieased* "The Guldebook of Canadian: Cloins" plus ;2nid edition, 1268 "Guide- booli of Great 8rUi'in Coins." Two, valuable boolca litneaavolume. Lists the prices collectors pay, for alP coins. Nowx you can become fulI' t nforined on this- great trnoney hobby. PreviousIr sold, separatey$0, nGow a great va lue for $1.5Û. Regency Ccalf, 157 Rupert, Win' FOR- SALE RICHARD Roary Snow shovel. Frontý end tracter imounted undercarriage, with powershaft to baok of tractor. Hydreulic ilft adjustabie for any stand- ard tractor. About 50, horsepower. For euik sale $1,000, Aaron- Steckly, Phne 808 R 3 - Wellesley, Olit. 5Oth Anniversary Sale NYLON Locknit,reminants J/2ta 1i yard length. Large assortinent current cal- ors. Bondie 3 lbs. (25 to 4n square yds,) foi $17o. Buttons of ail kinds of styles, sizes and colôrs. -Package (700 to 800 buLttos) for s1'40. Laces, 50 yds. $1.00. 1441 yds. $200. Schaefer. Drum- mondilile, Que. HELP WANTFD - MALE HARDWARE CLERK FOR. etablished store in the thriving town of Býolton, with an abundanCe of recreatlonal acilities. XMiinimumoalfîfve y ears expjerienice in ayn, elnd m disp)layinig of 1husewýares, paints, power toils, gardlen equipmient, homte btiîd- ars andI rural turban hbardwvare. SeIliing experience of moajor appliancea ant televijsiôon aasset. ÏHeaith. penson Plan ndadditianal benefits. ReplY atating age, marital staturs, exper1ience, houri., saayandI place of empioymnent fort- thte paît five years. Incîtide snnpshat, if availaie.$,8000 salary antIcommis- sion per week mdi,_ better ifor ile right mnan. Egare Bros. 2.9 Queen N ,, oton' 857-2211' H. W Egamn MALE SALES HtELP W WAN.IIEO- FUÎL OR PART TIME Syou now soililas.or, dùý o. ynu wsl1i t Sell? Thein we, have ant openililg foax'-,OU P1,estigýe Amieïican' Cü1mpany ,ommï-enc. ing operations 'n ~Canad,. cequires sales, stafi tao introduce mur progran, on. an, appoilntinenti Jaijs. Hîgh co'mupo and hbonus rate Experiefice not nec- easay bt car an asset Orui tra)inng prgaiwîiI' tart you a l'quikliFor ùonfldOuîi7iil' inter7view wie 'w259' JflR E S fia-,isale: 1 have 4, eic g e p cd heavy spriging eewxs, Vesglstered s7i a' ant' yeuug.We crifinance tihese with ane down imynient anS' 3f, tmoath5, ta pay. RosBuir. ï1?Psvy S.,' Woseltelephom- t 78,155 LOSWAN'TE[ WANTED Whi.e AsIa and Rlard M aple Le(gs Bea7et cash piccs palS. Phoine or write EGým liartdies Limlfed, Nt. Thon", Onrrlo.1 ME 1-0330, bîOpeator, nmay I have. 511 dinie back? Bill wouldn't taik ta nme!> ff'S MPORTANIT - ÈVERY SJJFFERER OF RHEUMA4iTIC PAIN$ OR NEURITIS SHOUALID 1rY D1XON'S RP'EEW MUK1W'S DRIJt STORE 3:35ELGINt OTTKAW.A $T.2'5. ixPRESS. COILJECIr PO)&T'S ECZEMA -SALVE! 1BSNi",SiI the taraient t 0f rty ezme rashes anS weping sia traubleLý Posl's Jlzenia Salve Wi* no, Sisappint you tbing, sealdiag and burnlngee- ma, acne riagworm, piniples and ftue eciema wlil respond readlly to the stailesa odorlesso oineni regardlesfa of hov stubborn oci hopeleas thîey sew Sent Post Fre.' on Ruceupi 04 Plce FR109 $;,50 Pvt jaRt POST'S- REMEDIE 2865 St. Cloit Avenue E021 Toronto MONEYY 0OIxOAW MORTGAGE LOANS' MONET avaihable friniimedittilai'n Firat antie Setýond Moitgages, asi ?re niants for Sale on vacanit anSdupo~ ed properis', resldenltiahl iaduattrial, it suburban and countiry, and surmmler cottages. Forty, years experlence'. SUM- MERLANOY' SECIJRITIES LiMITED I U2' Slmrcoe Street North, OSHAWNA, Ollt- aria. Phone: 725-3568. 0F INTERESI FO AtLL JUSI RELEASEIfl 1963 Irasr rv of wholeaale suiý)I suresléaî tipsi mncys\Ivtna pportuelstie, Drazen'.o free anS hard tko'find iemspîns ,un- usta)poinaimisralu rtr D. K. Ashb-Pe Bas2,BI-<' Pla i ÏMEN-JANDl)'WOMEN. SE A MIRDRESSEW Pt a a i -e uOlu t n U wages lluioaaOdsof u~-stl ami montlt' W,-r,onltee I inidie panis) fl'r hioark 1p11blfi ut iebj. Keasonlabih' ternIr. StozltweII i±tfd;, Ifrie combe, Egaz.(tiT9~ BE fan eweaui beautiful peeltumedi Jemeiry, tihai' BhsR;yaity woulei1 weai wt! p'ri' Fisther l fb m lx' -it- lu beEnterp-riss,59 Jüllea-sT-el o F, LiI' lds C, P9bk wli Poe aida.fis Stisie StuaiF qis > Phoneholel'f463îe-5216 sitv*

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