les Continue i>EEWEES IWIN 4.<AIN BANTAMS WINS EXHIBITION adf~d who sent cards and< for Friday' evenixig at the Orýono rinik The Orono Bantamis played an ex-1 their thoughtfulness ,during the recent say tlie Orono 1PeWe e Lai regis-1 hibition gaine with Bowmanville illness and death of imy beloved ýer another win in 4heir continunus in Newcastle Saturday evening and father, Mr. Frank C. Wallwork of )llne of rctoie-s. Orono played a re- came up with a 7 to 3 victory. The Peterborough. a-p lurn game i~ th the N~ewcastle entry Orono goals were scored by Bob Best Helen Homewood. i wIich a decisive victory was re- 2, Paul Jones, Doug Moffat, Neil AI- h giered by Orono In a score o! 7-0. lin, Mercer and Van Dam. -ti in the gaine the Orono boys dis- MIDG)(ETS CLOSE GAP O AEa pldyed some good passing plays IN STANDING Two young bandrace Boars ready1 ýwhich gave thern the èdge while they The Orono Midgets on Friday ev- for service. were on the offensive. and in around ening, defeated the league leading Apply Don Staples, phone .34rl0 Orono 1he Newcastle goal. This type of play Bowmnanville Bantamns by a score of ______________ is 'exceptional for this age group, 10 2-1 to bring Oriono withln one point 4o 12 years. It is however resultlng in of Bownianville. This victory ailso'tK.uh hfn4 -nany victories for thie teai. put Orono Up two points over New- Lola's 8Feauty UIUIDIft castie who were defeated by Zion 10-9 -teven West netted four goals with in saturday at fthe Orono Rink. Par SretOroIioOnario trebeing on 0.5ists to Doula League standing as of Saturday ev- iTà.ylor, playlng a wlixg 'position. Ericenin: Y APPOUiINTMNT -Duval scored two goals and assîsted IBow î.......7pit --m 4ine of Steven West's. Steven ass-~ Orono.................. 6 points SAWS fl R1ENED isted on both of E! go~als. Gary Newcastle .. 0 g.......... 4 points. Saws sharpened on our modern Éla.ck from Steven Black completed Zion .................... 3 points machlnery. the Orono scorng. The Friday night goals were by Frank Crowe, 102 Elg-in Street, WPEEWETES TO CANNINGTON )a'vid Conroy for Bowmnanville and Bowmnanville. - !The Orono PeeWees are entered in by Allan Fisk and David Green for________________ ,a PeeWee tounament this Saturday1 Orono. The game was closely con- PPRCLETO a!Cannington, They go on ti c etd ti osbeta the gaceTUDY ER 1 2i at twelve o'clock for their first gaine ilcreucr rts sBwa ivhichi is played against Littie Bri- \,;iee daim that a lig-ht in the rink IN ORONO ouiuta h treoeo h Please have papers tied and placed Orono goals were scored. This, lo at curb on the above date for- pick-up. OSUAWA. WIN QVER douibt they dlaim, distracted. the Bow- Sponsored by the Kontinental Car ORONO0 BANTAMS mianvîlle net mninder at this crucial Cltub of Oron-o. b-od An Oshawa .antani teami, in a liard moment. kiitting gaine at the Orono rink on 1C-PLY SATEDOMN EV T Friday evening, de! eaoted 'the local HCE LVR TEDCMN VN Bantams by a score- of 3-1. Ail scor- CH(1URzCI SERVICE Unit 1 U.C.W. cordially invite you ing was un the first tWO- periods ci Memlbers of the ,yaious hockey to attend their Valentine Tea in the play. MeKeen, Bradiley and Perry clus pnord')h OooAa Sunday Sehool Auditorium, February -scored for Oshawa whflte lone euAhete socainalng with l6th fromn 2 to 4 p.mi. goal for Oronio was by B. Poster from thir manunagers andcoheat-ne \i'an Dam. 1the mlornling churchl service fat the Or- MUay W., suggest you forget part of Van »am. TT~~+~A C'hr.,-hon., Cr,,rloxrThe> xour lunch ,and mrnet vour !rïinds at The gaie \vas rather rough at1 'ini»e andicurn the final period Or- ~ono was srtnddfojr ton minutes out o! the twenty. Doiug M.loffater ved eighit mntsadVnDam -itwo mninutes dui>rng the third-1period. Osh- ýcwa, gathered thI-ree penalties. boy asembedat the Orono0 Coli - munliity Centre prior to ïthe service -nd marchied to the church in a groUp The group were welcomed by the, iReIv. B. Loi-g who chose a most a-p- pr opiate subl-jeet for adIdress on this Occasion. From Ottawa ID63 whr Sainit Paul ordlered "let wo- on IMonday muen keep silence in the chur-ches: for TYear reces. it is not perm-itted thern to speak, bate has been but to be subjeet as also law saith" ýo Provide for NatiOnlal Et-- Conitinuing in is ruling the Speak- adThis i er said, "the fact that wonien have eboled n Pas ow become eligible to the House of t ~a abot ttommn-ons and have been given the pUogaybout ihjt to speak ftheir own minds ithere, pba i be even if it does involve 'teachiing and ess. iusinig authority over lteicmtani' shows that churich rutles need not neccessar- riten, on the ily apply, to Parliamient." "As a m-at- ven,,ýing of Par- teýr o! faet","lhe ceotinued, SI am in- efore permit forined that the Church of England Mnd taik about dispensed during the war w vith the a great 'earth- t rle ýthat v/omen appear in church pito we hs ~~ly ~ apoeOwith thepir hieads covered, and that ment ut wo its not apt hor-sblhe t theii bit h for tere. As far as this Houiscon- AtCo o! four 1cerned, 1 have made inu!iris ad hae ou d tt tere neeas Uany ritnirle about the inattr i CornnoS o!j lotdipoed lto, adlcpi any svr e eal The Speak- i cee; for Ihink it is advisable tW i i justtaf ont meaetedecision to the ladisHein- ~t -od.Evetu- olvs. amn sure that whether they achambr f recoerdor hatless, their pres- Dns linger on, oc in the galleries wHi always be hoe passage cf Omlo"e es change. yearshat ai As I said at the otset, this report public galler'- *ýoes not contain any earth-shaking umons without satme lt.t mighit, however, serve aiwhwy, but ,ifs tpurpose if it indicates to th erei -dents of Durhiam- that their Mrvemrlber Ys ago,. one of 0f Pairliamient is always pleased to the lieuse Of have visits from constituents, and ierself hatks, - that this incluides the ladies (covered1 îy ldies"~ -or hatless) as weill-as the rnen. witho)ut haS Russe!! C. Holey, t1le regulatioli M.P. - Durhamn YGHT ,saction was re- reby the Cavait three Millbrook e Arthur Trick, ýonald Trick. flitec man ; The whole p bler bbiainto a park w] aut-ïeux dir- familes can îe, lise to wîll be Large Corinthia nz Il,. the Buffet Table mhere yoju may choose froin many Gourmnet Recipes. On exhibition will be a display of painting by R. D. Morton. FO0RESALE Ski Poles - 5 3/4', large snow rings,, telPoints. Girl's Ski Pants - size 12, bakgab- rdine, fully lined. Skýi Boots - Size 7ý, leather, grooved_ Ail items in excellent condition used oine season only! Phone Orono 1533. ' a- COMING EVENT The sýenior Citizens meeting will be held Wednesday, February 6th in the Towvn Hall at 8 p.m. Prograin pro-. iedby Mrs. E". Bon - CARD PARTY Eucre and 500 at St. SaIIu's Par is-h Hall, Orono on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 11th-atS pi. Go-od pýrizes and lunh ill be s'erved. Adission SOcý. EveryýCueQ weleomne. CARMAN PLUMBINO & HEATING Phone 143 Orono LICENSED PLUMBEIIS Callyour- licensed Plumbing & MlecTiurical Contractor whc' se ls, installs and guarantceS Manteith, Monteith Riehi & Co. c àA R ïE àR1ED ACCOUNANTS 135 Sinmcoe S1. North, Oshawa Teleplione. 728-7527 Whitbiy 663-11 Ajax 942-0890 U FOR SPAINTING -DECORATING BUILDING -CUPSOARDS REPAIR AND FI NISHÎ FURNITURE Cal DOUG SINIPSON Bulig a blu-se? orre deln your prese-nt ose, thent contact Floyd Nicholson PHONE 2u91ORONO PUMPING OUT $"PTIC TANKS MUITE WASHINQ STABLES Bert Tomnplus Phone Newtonvtie .4721 ears bas been one- shing spots in the9 ners plan to f0 ÇtLI llI.I , a o c be non a fxeRepaired J.~ Barnes and Byam uild the damn and, Windings, Switches, beariugiz' nd' PLUM.BIN(O and REATINO deepening o! h Na 0fl 9 rashes, Electric Tool' ad S uiIP ýSales asud Service its have alreadv1 AIppiane Motors 24 HOUR BUTRNER SEZVYcE ýcaelarge nurn-kGarute stoc<in', Wor GuraneedBA FNANCING 111 9 9 ~Low Interest Rates >\f area is to be made1K.GO325 177 Clturch St. Bowmaavmfe 125 Acres, Lalceshore farm near New- castie. Excellent soil, 5 room house, new fences, creek. Asking $23(00.00 $5000o.00 down. 85 acres with house and barn, three streamns, Orono area. $14,000., terms Maple Grove- 8-room clapboa.rd home on Highway No. 2. O.'nly $90 Newcastle Estate sale - 2otorey house in goo-d condition. Asking $70W0.00. 10 acres lots in Clarke and Darling- ton with streanis. Priced as low as9 $250.Wê per ,acre. We have three good pasture farmes with creeka, Avallable for imniediate possessioni. Newtonville on Highway No. 2. 4- bedroomn brick house, bath and oul furnace, amail barn, 5 acres of land. Only $2000.00 down. LIST OR BUTY MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE (MIS) THROUGH- OUR OFFICE A. J. McGILL Phone 1407, Oronio Local 1Representative Mrille chattertonI Eletric-al Contracting- Electric Ileating tand Service Phrne 1021 Orono, Ont ario ilox13 MO. 8-3552 Sàtafor)d Brothers 318 Dundas St. E. Wh)itby, Ont. ManufaCturers or Cemetery Memorials Dealer-, in Donestie & Foreign Granites and M1arbies- Inscriptions Cul adCemetery Repair Work rono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRA$ýTORS FOR FARM amit IIOUSE WIRING Free Estimnates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed RepairS ta ail kinds of Electrical Equipment and Appliances Such at Metors Water etr TMV. - Radios- Stoves - Irons Hailtons lus urauce Service Insurance lui ail Ifs Braniches Auto, Paelkage and Composite Policies, Pire, Farmu, Llfe, Burglary, Liability, Marine, Accident and Siekuess, Wind. Bolier, Fidelîlty Bond, Etc. Sadie Hamilton71 Phone Ormeo 11116 FRS1T MORTOGE LOAND frofebsionaI Dfrectory 01R01<0 MElDICAL CENTRE A. F. MeKENZIERjýLD. Phone 186 R~eg. 147 MýABIAN. A. KILPATRICK, Re. Phonie 193 OFFICE HOUUS 2:W0 to 4:00 p.M. 7-,00 to S;00 1pm. WEDNESDAYS and BATURXMAYS BY APPOIN1TMENT ONLY DR. R. J. TAGGART VTEflY SURGEON4 Lawrence C. Massa B BarrÎster' and SolIcitoir BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone&: Office MA 3-5688 tHome MA 3-5958 W. KAY LYCETT, B.i Rarrister -SoIicitor 11 MAIN ST.,ORN Ontarto Land Survor Qcen St aic 15 Telephine 2- 25 L. . SKA,ýIFE Chartered Accountant Ry Appiinmeni Oniy Main St., Oronio. Tlpoe138 P'hoael'8-19 INSU?~ ANCE Cenéral & LiFe SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN iT., ORONO Phone12516Res.11714 JACK EID Oryon&'s Licensed Aiictioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farn ani Furniture Sales Consult me for ternis and dates Phone 5 r 18 Orotto TED JACKSON Auctiotioer and VaIuator Conduots Auctîoui Sales of al $hm and at reasonbie rat«. Commumicate witb him t .Port Po,". Ontarlo. Monments and Family rMemorîals Our quatlty in service Ieats nôtNing te Ie desired Ask the persan who, bought from uU* a neighbour, f rioiid or reltkVe *The RtJTTER GRANIT COMIPANY 73 omtare treet 14a es isplay im South*rm repott 1 ý