Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jan 1963, p. 5

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N THURDAVY, JA-NLAJRY ?Ith, 19~63 zpeedPrvg Winning Factorý For Teamu-nst O~oRn idaýy mgL tlte Oron rnkwJ o . Alein the, Orono gocal, aIn oc-key ngha!t Oono \witlà a1 e u d'ay n ombr fNew- t~re gme big ofeedtotose 3I raawy: rigTeninant 211aosbatedne heee-13 oae on gam n h ing tared ~iorto sevenI with an Ooodfne Atom. gam '1'%)0Bntn FiOiBATM- OOJAST UTOS LOSE ýUTO ECSTE FR R In the Itoî-. -amne, boys under -10 InhdseondgaI f te Loei. the LuýWin vwent to11Newcastle 2:m.thZIn ata prvdooatfr 7yearhs ,uphe 3rrn the play s nd wthonoa par thi n groupieNg ewpc a uson a p as ing playàýs, outscored Orono de- pareve thug Necasle utcord csivly10-4. The Zion boys had Orono. Oronof) ailed arounid the »et peln eeal omv h when they failed to get thie puck tLo spuckndpassingaplys to advne on, laie net. Newv'cas'tle lead thrvoughout th' rn ole alJns ev theé game sorngtheir two goals be.ming hlm oliehace oneshe av~- foeOrono cme ýup with their couni- ,ty 'f shttlhacored. maor ter, t fs.sLa crd Robin Winter, piaying his firstl Johin Sik.ora, Brian Peters, John yfear, scored Orono's lone goal whenIOyeadDo Brgrahsoe îlie banged a loose puck into the net,. two goals apiece for Zion. -At the time the Atomns "pint size" i Orono scored thie first goal by Dpug ~ne0fHobn inerBlinMoffat I Moffat. Two 1endlal boys B.,Poter &nd Dean Coxý, along wlth Jirn part- and IMercer score-d the second and ner ai-d, Tecldy Robnson were sho-v-ir Orono goals. la-ase, possibly ing the puck around -Lhe Newcastle the fa'stest Orono skater ani a con- goal. Robin, at the goal xouth,' sistaint wrescor-ed Orono's firnal »!hoved the loose puck into the net. cont . oeil supin ÀPLEM~UI~I~I oe I~UI £fhA~f~Sisai~guua~ Uparnoexi > wfth the <purchase of SUPER - PLENAMINS S(144 ta blet size% areg*lar price $798 " SUPER PLENAMIMS 18 QAYS SUPPLY FREE when you buy 72 tabfets for only$49 * SUPER PL-ENAMINS JUNIOR 36 DAYS $IIPJY FREE when you buy 144 tabils fer only $F.9 * SUIPER PLEMAMINS JR, LIQUIO 4 oz. BOULE FREE with 16 oz. bottle, only STUTT'S PHARMACY 0~oQN0, ONTARJO PHON'E 1leu NEWTONVILLE 12 ORONO 7 In the finial gameon Frtdayevn ingGor Lwerys Orono team fb&wec ',o the Newtnvill TownLeaguers in a hiýgh coîn cnes wic ount- ed a total of nieteen goals. Twelve ~peed aain gae the ectorsther lde inte gamne. pdthe sorngwith furgoal S. Charlie ýýTrýim filoe wtLwo goals adfour ass-ists. Gary Coopý-er also ounld the mîark for. two. Otiter $ew- ~ovles orers -0eB. Robinson, J. ~unrlR. Brown anid >A%. Murphy ~voaso was credlited v with three, as- s ist S. jacýk illamis paccd .he Orono rfibe wit .wo goals and 'In 7tsýist. ihl ohrgals were by Donitie Ly- cett, flans Bosgraaf, Terry Fisk, ClffLong and Terry Carleton. One feature of the game where Or- ,no Idf excehi was in penalty îInin- uýtes spent in thebo and of the -ýix- penarlties h-anded out bly the i-eferee, Timn Cox, five went to Oronio; H. Bos- graaf, hooking and slashinig; Ron Besiu, interference and f'ighting; Tr ry Canleton, boarcling. G. Langsaf pickled up Kendal's lone penalty for fi!ghting. The entire, evening brouigh out con- ~'sighockey from thie 1pint-Sqi7e Atoms to the robuist To)wn-leaguecrs, MIGTLEAGUE The Bwmnvll idget Hockley C7lb in the local leaueplleti farth- er ahead in the league last Week and Thieir win over Zion 6-3 adtdeCÀ two points Lo bejr standling wîhnow totalIs seven. Qro~o x Nwcatleini a gamie in Newcstl Frdayeveingplayed to drw2-2, The local boys w'ere counit- an a win with only a lew short mn-. utes left *lu Lhe gamne but ýNewca.stlei came forth wvith the tieig (coalter, League standing: Bowmlanville..................7 UNIT 7, U.C.W. LOCALNEWSunit 7s first meeting for, 1963 wvas Mr. . eld at the homne of Mrs. C. W. Bill- Conigratulations to Dr. and ri H ings on January 8th wvth 13 miembers I3rntn ne Sirly litof)Wind!-,-Ms, Normian Porter wel-ý zonhebi rth 0of asnImed ( eeryone and opeo-neci the mieeting with a poemn "The - ew Mr.s. Ptln Armstrong ýis a ,Tear"-. After a hymin, theLr' 1at-n in the MemiorilHspta,-raer w-as repeated in uniisoni. Roîl Eowmianville. J Cali a aserdly ajes, fo the Bible or quotation, followed by, Mrs. j. C. Gamrey suffered a badti tle minutes of the Novembermet fal on Tuesdlay. J ng. After somne discussion, it ýwas de- Mfrs. Reg. Sutton had the miis- cided to have a "Surprise Package,ý f ortune to faîl ani breakc her right Sale" at our February mneeting, eachi armi one day last wveek. memiber to be senCas noticeeplain-1 Mr. Lorne Bowins rtreihomye! - ast week after spending Several wýeeks in the Bowmnanville Memoriali Hospital.1 Mn. and Mrs. Carl Billings ac-' companied by -Mr. R. P. Rickçaby, Mrs. M. J. Wighit andi Miss Mary Jewel atenedthe funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Alex Rennie, in Toronto on Tuesday. A group of young dancers, Fred Richard and Suzanne Bunting, Ste- 1 yen and Marilyn West, -Barry anti Doreen Hazelden, Lynda and Donnie McLaren, Ruth Henderson, Janice Rutherford and Harvey Partner ap- peared over the Peterboroughi TV on Tuesday evening priovidingi, two dance routines on a tiny talent show The forepart of this week the -Country Four"' quartette auditioned for the Ken Soble amrateur show la Hamilton. This group won the ama- teur contest held on the closing even- ing of the Orono Fair. They are to be informeti in the future if they are to apear on the show over the Hamilton station. .0oo., ........ ...4 ruary 2nd in Cannlngton. j ecsl.... .................. ... This Sunday, January 27th the- oi on ...... .....................i 1 hockey players of tie Oronotem are to attend Sunday morning service j ORONO MIDGETS it uthe Orono United Church. TOMIBRO The Orono iMidgets are entered -1un In the Newcastle rink, thîs Saturday a touimamient being held 'In Millbrook evening, 03:30-7:30, the Orono Bail-, on Saturdav. Februarv 2nd.j tams will play ani exhibition gamne. ORONO RINK SATURDAY Zion Midg.ets vs Nwate FUTURE EVENTS IThe Orono PeeWçees whoj wepe champions athte recenit Mlllbrooki Peewee tournament are to, enter~ an., otlier- ournament on Saxturday, Feb- Stoc-TaingSpecials CIILDREN'S SNOW SIJITS 1 Only - Recgular $6.95 for ............. $3.501 3 Only - Regular $9.95 for----------.... 3 Otdy - Regular $12.95 for........... $8.45' 2 Only -Regular $11.M5 for............ $7.45 CLEARING OUR LADIES' RIATS Hlats, rgi~ $1ii.5 to $11.95 for-------.$LÎ.0O 1- - t , 1it :7 5,95 to9,95 for.. ...... $3.75 LADIES' DRESSES 1 hese 'Jt e sold and are so priced., Dresses, regular $10.95 to $22.50 for .... $5.95 Dresses, regular $15.98 to $21.50 for ... . $1O.95 LADIE S' SKIRTS Skirs, egulr'$.95 to $11.50 Yoiur choýice $3.9,5 BOY'S WOOL and GiABARDINE PANTS ReiI'~ ie$";.q5 Sale Priýe-------..$3.,0 n'Pen AiH Day wednead a v Store pe The Orono boys rent !ce tume at New- castle where they play ehbto games. HO0CKEY FOR FRIDAYà UUONO JUJNIK 6:30 - Orono Pee Wees 7:30 - Bantam dGpie - Orono vs. Oshawa. 8:30 Midget - Orono vs. Bow-! u.anville. UNIT NO. 4, U.C.W. Unit No. 4 met at the borne of rs Mui-acen on Thursday evening, Jan-: uary 10th, with 12 member-s and 1 vis3itor present. Mrs. W. E. Reid had. charge ofl the Devotional and in keplng wilth the theme of the meetinlg, Mrs. V. Robinson read Psalim 8 and Mwrs. Reid reýad a very be-autiful poem ni Creation 'This is My Father's World' Tohymns were also 'included ;n this part of 'the meeting. The Bible Study was tLaken 'romn the -second chapter of the study book -The Word and the Way." Thtis wasý ititroduiced by Mrs. Mc(,Laren with 'the Unit as a whole tkn part in the discussion. Business was then deait with and the matter of Ia Lead- er for this Unit was dis-cussýed and as yet no Leader has been procured. Mrs. !,Kathy Amtogvolunteered taý takIte study book and Mrs. V. Robinson to take the flevotional at the February meeting. Same to be held at Miss Almna Cuttell's on Tues- day, February 5th. Announcement of the Annual 'Meeting was made. Mrs. ]Unit 4 at the Executive Meetings. UNITED riJuRCH S Orono PastZorla Minister Rev B. E. -Long SUNDAY, JANUARY 27th CIIURcu SE RVICES O1rono -- 11:00 a.m. Leskard -- 1:45 p.m-. Kirby -3:ý00 p.m. Orono u 0:0a.mn. Leskrd -1:45 pm I. 'I h in h ale After the off ering was given, Mrs. AMlin led in prayer aler which 351 vists ererecorded. At Mrs. Màow- Anni-ounicemient was made regarding I the Mrembership Fees for this year. atssuggestion, it wa deidel t take 'a Penny collection at, each meet- ing to mieet dhe expense of cardls toi the sick, ldb ilen Bilrings gnig it hynin 62 "O, Go0, o"(, Help b Ages Das~~~oloedby Psalm 46>. Mt1Cr iake froi achulrch Calendar-,wu whih ileen Blinacouiducted a contest Whichi was very mnuch en- joyec. Mrs. sutton hindly invîteti us to !]Cl home for the February rmeeting ndMrs. Allun andi Mrs. Bowen wM.l leaid the Devotona,.l with Mrs. Bowerm continuing the study of "The Word and the Way." Mrs. Porter reat a very thought- provoking, paper, which lad beeii writtlen, by bier mother mnanyr year&-z ago. The Secretary's and Treasurer's re- port were both receiveti andi a couple Thie meeting closeti with hymnn, of coutestsý were entered inito after . oloe by the Mizpahi Benediction, whichi lunch was ser-ved by the a rftcr wvlhch our hostess served .a, hostess. tasty liuh. N ISBETT'S Sheil Service Centre 't Lic-en-sed Mechanie 24 HOUR EMERGENCY TOWING SERVICE Reasonable ra4ks on Repairs to al] maiçesof_ Cars, Trucks and Farm Machihery WELDING A SPECIALTY PHIONE NEWCASTLE 3896 First Sheli Station North of 401 and South 'of Orono on Ilighway 115 and 35 OR01NO 5c to $1 STORE AL Týhe Sale you have been waiting for. Our bjuyers planned nsonths ago to bring you these Outstanding Values SALE STARTS JANUARY l7th AND) COTIU NTIL 'JANkîýUARY 26th See the large Sale Bis in the mail to-day, then di-op in and browse around SOMETHLNG NEW Miniature Hot Hou,,ses containing Seeds for Geraniums, Cactus, Impatiens, Peanuts, Coleus and Sensitive, wýith full instructions on how to grow. Each for . -................... 49e Planters containing Hyacinths and Paper Whites, containing pot, earth, bulb . Ail ready - Just add water. Each fLor ............... ..... 39(' flAmar-ylls Bu!bs with pot and earth. Complet1e 9,5 I N N N N N N N N N N N J N N N N N N N s y -a N s N N N N N N '-s N N -s 'ç; ~'4. '~' N s N N N N s N N N N N -4 N N N N -N N.' 'N 'N ~ N N N -N y -s N N N 'N N Armstrong s

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