ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second Clame mail, Poe Offic e Dpartmoflt, Ottawa EstaWlshed in 1938 by PL A. Forrester Rtoy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations are in order to the Reeve of Clarke Township, H. E. Walkey, who recently was elected to the office of Warden of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Witb tbis ap- pointment Warden Walkey bas obtained the higliest office i the local municipal government field. The appointment is not only a person. al achievedent but one that brings distinction to the municipaIit3y of Clarkce. Warden Walkeys record during the past twelve years no doubt ieso"mewhat of a record, as neyer lias lie been faced with an election or entered an eleetion. As a campaign member of the Township $chlO Area Board, as a Counillor, Deputy-reeve, Reeve and noW 'as Wardeai, ail positions have been obtained by acclamation. Again Congratulations to our new Warden, H. E. Walkey. Confusion Reigns In th~e matter of defence and nuclear arms confusion lias relgnee4 in Canada for sometime. Polîcal parties are of different and changig vews. The NDP 8ay biands off nuclear arme, Uthc Lib- eraljs after changing views now propose nuclear arms for our NATO forc*s, thc government bas yet to produce clear policy other than wait and see. The fact i itself whether wë have nuclear arms or not may not be as important as the play it is being gven. Sonie facts are known: Only two powers are capable of fighting -un all-out nuclear war, and the nice balance between themi remains the strongest deterrent to such a war; there is no reason to believe that a limited nuclear wal- is possible -- the lîmit being the use of tactical weapons by the oppdsing armed forces -- and this means that ~a -ew Canadian warheads are not going te mnake any difference one way or another. Many dlaim a well-equipped and weli trained con- ventional force could be most desirable yet effective weapôns today &re equipped with nuclear amniunition.1 The main concern at the present time is the indecision of gov- erunient and the public who may net have the fulil story., Reaching baclk over the past few years one is reminded of the declsion to disband the Arrow Aircraft and the main reasons sub- mltted was a cost factor and the fact that such planes were outdated. "The new era of iuclear warheads, nulear missiles and atom bombe were takig over anid replacing conventional armnament.' Serapping the AMrow arctprevaIédthe Imo'veétoesetablish, on Canadian soil, Bomnarc Missiles which were to be used for the de- fence of Canada and the continent. Surely the UJ.S. i placing these uniit.s i Canada were intending on using nulear warheads and miust have felt assured of being able to do so. The move to equip these mris- ailes with the nuclear waz'heads lias not corne to pass and the reason- ing behind the scrapping conventional arms, "the Arrow", lias net been carried out. AIso snce scrappig the Arrow, Canada bas made plans to pur- chase a similar aircraft f rom the U.S. Possîbly these U.S. made air- * <rat cerne at a reduced unit cost but wliat of thse money that could have 1-een pumped ite thse Canadian ee.onomy by thse manufacture of its owxi aireraft. After ail almost everything- else is sýubsidized. It would appear that everyone jes kirting around the xnulberry *bush anid it started long before any minority gevernment and thse ganse is beîng played by al partiee.» la ti1e ,vîew of -on1tinenîtal defence Canada must accept is re- sponisibilities and we believe Canadians would wislx this done. A free-ridle with the U.S. mneans only a greater degree of domination by our southera neighbours. Canada miuet also live up to bier commit- monts to ber allies and indecision on thse part of the people and gev- crament can only lead to a lessening of Canadian influence i world and cnie" !aý_aiî's. Surely Çanada can decide upon a clear defence policy >and do away wvith indecisions whicli niow plague this country. %0 Y A LBowmanville RYLM A. 3- 55")8 9 J O~E (C0MPLETJl SHO1W STARTING FRIDAV FR1., SAT., SUN., MON., TUES.,- WED. AduIt Entertanment Ai Àl S a 8 T A<C r) "lToauboy aiýi The Champ" Colour Counties Road Exip Roý Cour hami D. 'N eer, COUD Th, oad exp>enditures for thse United nties of Northulmberland and Dur- iwill rendis $445,000 ia 1963, John Mooshouse, couilties' road engin- told members of tIse counties cil Wednesday f last week.* he department of highwnya lihas divided into six armas, eacis un supervision of a foreman.: staff of the depnrtment lacl general foreman, six foremen, orers, 15 operators, a inecisnx grade foremiea, a stockman, keeper and a secretnry, for a forty-two. îStutt Chciirman Memorial Hospital ce wns a large attendance at ,nnual meeting of Memorial Hos- Corporation held in the cafeter- here last Wednesdny evening. ,olme Hughes, Board Chairman presided, welcomned the more 120 people present. At a, meeting of the new Board «t Directors followiag tIse -nna neet- ing James Stutt was elected Chair'- mais and Keith Jackson Vice Clsair-, iman.' The annual reports of Board Chairmn and of thse Committes- chairman will bc publilaed Inter. 000; dust control' $10,000; .railway crossings, $2.000; boundfary roads, $5,000; connecting links, $5,000; re- bates te towna and villages, $35,000; mlscellaneous, $10,000. O! 314 miles o! counties ronds, 84 miles are gravel or stone; :18 milesi o! surfnce-treated gravel; 116 miles 10w cost bituminous; 95 miles mie- max or asphaît and 6 miles o! con- crete. O! the 250 miles o! pnved rond 25 miles wiil have to lie reconstructed i Uic near future. The cetaties also look after bound- ary bridges at Wilson Island, Allen's -Mille1,s, quires, Pogues, Opa and Manvers. Browns, Wllace Point and Bensferd as well as townshsip bound- ary bridges at Lnkeport, Keogan, Loýomia, Tbempson', Henderson, Dec- ker Helew, Maras Creek, as well as Uic bridges at Campieliford, Healey Falls and Pisatts Mill, Cobeurg. Discussions are now beig lheld with thse depaitmeat o!fIighways con- icerning thse leavy damiage dons te the Hcaleys Falls bridge and its pos- sible replacement as9 well as on the develepment rond i Seymour Town- ship. The counties rond tsyatem lais ow If a p,-,erson wishes to tent on Crowzi land f-or longer than a three weel< period he muetý apply for a permit and pay a rental fee of $10.00. Ail suris permits are issued for thes actual period 0of intended occupancy, butUin any event thsy expire isot lnter tisais the end o! the deer and rnoosE season. If ene intenste tent on Crowi land dura g h, eer and nsoose sea. son i theL ny District authorit3 Jwill not lý , yen to occupy any lôca tien within one mile of an existini hiunt eamp. Q* o k O FOR SALE cio m w - w - - el CANADIANS BEATEN United States swimmers swanmpedý their Canadian competition ia thse lOtIs annual Canada-U.S. swinsming meet.. Thse U.S. yeungsters rolled Up a ttal 'of 341 points to 89 for the Can- adians, setting three U.S. age-group records and tying anotiser. Tise Can- adians -- from Ontario aad Quebec- set five of 26 meet records piled up during thse day. 5-.T3/4%' Debentures to mature April lst, 1964 to 1973 g6,, Debentures to mature April lst, 1974 to 1983 Debentures will bear Certificate of Validatton of f3 The Ontario Municipal Board 1] Purpose of Debeaiture - lgIs Scisool - Cotuity ofLeox and Addiiagtont gThis issue wiIl go*qticýlyT. F. E. LYCETT gr Now 18 the time to build for your future. with the bank that bulds Now is the time to start saving for the 'or a special vacation. We have the largest~ things you'Ill want later on. With a Ihealthy network of branches in C aada to serve bank balance that cornes from regular sav- you. Open an account soon with your ing, you'll have funds to cover such lin- nearest branch of the Bank of Comimerce portant events as a wedding, a new home, -the bank that buila CANÀADIÀAN UMPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCEWE Over 1260 branches to serve you Will Reach $44 5,0 m ý -ým 1 mmmnâimm ;w- notifiea the countieS "'at i wii a oard cunnîrman Hughespoltec pr-ove a normal bylaw in tIse amounit Mr. Hughes apoke of tise dedicationl out that tIse work of of all coimisttees- of $265,000 for maintenance and $200- TENTING ON CROWVN LAND of thse members of tIse Ispital's is for thse benefit of the patients, and, 000 for new construction. Pesn nee nre9ngtubr oard o! Directors and thaaked themi the objective o! thse board ie te pro- Peroasun verincea~ng umbrsfor their, support during the mest two vide facilities for the best patlent Expenditures for maintenance in- 1aernigfrhrail nOiai yeara. He announced that he lad de- clude, roads $135,000; bridges and aernigfate fedl nal care. î ~~in pursuit of Isunting and nngling and cided not to stand for re-election as r..O'elonbiaffth cuvrs$5,000; auperintendence and ether outdoor recreation. lt le net tihe chairman for 1963, altisougli he Nil WMnHs.p al'Neil li eaî o! tise4- overhend $30,000. intention ef this Departimient to Yisw8Ip- remain on the board as Bowmian-tuasoeyarag itadte- Exepnditure for, construction la- perotle fremeivmeint of teolse il' penmatrpeettv. members on thse Hospital Board, 1eri clude, ronds, $15,û00; bridge and cul peosr tiseon theose ono onern.ous pone emeso h! twsettoto ae tenw vert $1,000 ne mahiney $2,-board for- tis year are H. A. Barroni, stitution came intd effeet it wasý gÏv- 000; superintendence and overhead There is, thercfore, ne charge made Darlington Township; Mrs. W. Har- la only one representative. Tnise Aux- $25,000. for thse use of Crown land Iby thse old Gibson, Clarke Township; Harry iliary wa assured iv 'S. Wilkins, thi- Expenditures for construction i- takisng a normal vacation in thse great Jose, Newcastle: NMrs. S. G cu-formýer adiiistrator, that ne heas- include, ronds, cruased gravel, $20,- 1 OUtdoors la areas where facilities are ier, pr)iesidlent of tise Wom-len's Hos- -)l a d mo rýrre thian .,-ne nsenlb-- 000: prime $45000; seni coat $40000; inot provlded by thse Departiment and VtL uxilir, ani rsniiI 'o ie. iiayas ttd rebates to towns and villages .ý,,oO 1here such use does not eonflict with of tise Medîcal Staff, whio le yet to lie Ien Ho1oper r3poke cnncerning the- new machinery, one Iront end loader the interests o! tise general public. l~p~tç. hraeo octors :'n Powmnnville' and misc ellaneouLs equipm-ent, $25,000 ,-, ,umrad-k i ceMs * There , howvever, who wisls ou'. dlirectors. are clected :aeh pital Board isad aty Iplans te improve- Expenditures for mnaintencea to erect r-is on Crown land for a year for, a two year terra. Plis gives f -,*, situation during tis doctors va- as follows: winter maintenance,$8, period 1 e than three tveeks. ýOlLU t ,vas exp)lained..' Tbose ctions 000; ditching and draining, $20,000; These nréêotien individuals or groupe s ng or relecv ;er ýeith Mr. Hug-es repiied tisat tis was ac. grave I repaire $7,000; weed and who winýh to p'tch anei nUc~rn akon e atr, Hry V atter "or ilhe ownianville Medicar' bruis control, $10,000; pavement re- neair their favourite filing isolead yer n and Tiiomas Cowan. . s sociation. pairs and patching, $30,000; grading *oecupy tise location thx'ough the sum- arin draz ng, 6,000;shoulders. $1.- er imenthes.