Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Nov 1962, p. 6

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Tom boy Princs Wis Heurts Princess Aiinn, Queen Eliîza- betl's daughter, celebrateti ber twelftii anniversary, Aug. 15, *t Balmoral, the Scottishl country homne et the royal family on, Dee- silde. August is the mionth when by tradition since Queen Victorias& time, the royal fanJiy escapes teý the, freedom of a Highlandi holi- day. Prince Charles is home trem Gordonstoun School whiere fer a terra now lielias been a boarder, the first British heir te the- threne te be educated at a public school. JPrintcess Anne still ha essena in the schoolroom etf Buc.kL-in Palace witb two friends but therei is mucli speculation about lier future education. At Balmoral, the restrictions whicli necessariiy lietge in memn- bers of the royal, family at Lon- don and Windsor are lifteti. Th-a people in the sm-all village andi in nearby Ballater pride themn- Selves on net "meking a fuss"l about the royal farnily. As one of the tradesmnen toli me: "We just regard them as residents Arounti here. This means thet the royal chiltiren cani go shopping in the village like other chldren. Since whe was quite smaîl, Princess Anne lias eccernpenied ber broth- er to buy "sweets" in thse village uhop each sumnmer and te talk te the viliagers, rneking nxew frientis and renewing acqueintance with olti ones. Restrictions imposed in Londion are relaxeti, and Prin- cess Anne reveis in the freedorn of doing things whioh any small girl would take fer grenteti. In the Highlands, Princesa Anne foilowis the strenuous, open air pursui ts which cerne naturel- ly te this beisterous tomboy ei the royal family, By contrast with lis mnercurial sister, Prince Charles as bieir te the, tlirone is a serious, thiouglit- fui1j boy, witli a sense et humer but always censcious that lie ïnust do the riglit thing. Prin- ceas Anne, sturdily built and flaxen-heireti, is rnest often pic- tured in jodhbpurs witli corgi dogs chasing at ber heels, groom- ing lier peny, watching liorse trials or tennis cliampionships, even. pushing ber brother ini a wheelbarrow. Encouregeti by ber mother, an excellent _rideý. XPrincess Anne la now a fearless and accqmpiil'iedi borsewom-an. She loves practical jokes - oten carrieti eut at tlie eýXpense et the royal grooms - and like lier aunt, Princess, Margaret, lias a great facih-ïity for myimi'cry. 5h, is a keen Girl Guide, andi at Whtsun this year spent lier 1tirst weekend under canvas where alie shared the cliores of cooking andi weshîng dishes with other girls ef her own age. "It was an ordiniary guide camp thouglini prîvate groundis, andi they hadt t cope witli some rair, thougli net tee mucli," a spokes- man ef the Girl Guide Associa- tien saîd. The Buckinghamc Pal- ace Girl Guide company includes daughters of taxi drivers, police- mren, and ùthers living Ji or neer the palace. M*'incess Amimebas made lier ýmark as a "bail boy" on the polo field near Windsor wxhere ber fallier, Prince Phliij, plays on weekenlds. The Prince recent- ly rode over between chukkers te wetcli as the young _Princess "GIGGLES RELAX"'-Sophio Loren cenisiders giggling to b.2 relaxing.. She's shown in a star performance of the î îggle, or, location in Paris oîr lher new pcture, titl«d l2'Fivc Miles to midnlgt.- took te tthe satitle te practice rudirnentery strokes of the gae untier the eye ef an officiai ef the, Polo Club. Polo is & hard andi possibiy dengerous gein* anti not maniy wemen play, It la f elt Prin~ces,% Annaniight ea- courage Other women if shes made an impact on this stren- uous imaie'preserve, (The Princess la the, first mes»- ber ot the royal tamily te corn- pete ini public sports since the, Duke of Wind-sor's point-te- point deys.) Riding lier pony tais year she was ewarded a rosette at the, fGartli Peny Club',, hunter triais, I winning a second in the Jumping fevent ever a cross-country Ocourse jMore eften, liowever, she pre- sents the. rosettes te succesaful comipetitors ir the Royal Wind- sor Herse Show in Home Park, near the castie where tlie famiy spentis weekends, Tlie Princes.a is saiti11te bc-,a keeni tennis player anti in re- cent yeers has sat in the royal ibox et Wimbledon te watch the international cliampionshipg, writes Meita Knowlea in.the. Chiristian Science Monitor. Aitheugli ber training la te ffit ber te carry eut duties ini the. royal caiender, as third in line ef succession te the thronie, ahe will have freetioms which wili net be accerdedt t ler two brothers, She wili be free te. înarry the man eoflier cheie- and te make trienda with people se cheoses. On tlie other benti, set wili have ne inceme t? b er own until ah. marries or atteins the age.cf 21. Se fer, there are few signa thet Queen Elizabeth bas enicour- ageti ber te be fashion-coniscious. When "dreaaei-ýup," Anne wears e simple redfingote coat, low- beeleti, trap shees sucb as lier mother miglit have worn et lier age. Even when she padita visit te FranceQ recently, the Prin- cess wore a simple cotton dresa, short - white sockn anti sendels., The visit wa.- an 4educeienal one. Mlle Suzanne Josseron, wise gives lier Frenchi lessons, went witis lier. Th iserebera eft tise boluseliolti witis whom aSh. steyed were instructed te speak neo Eng-, lisduring lier visit. tThia visit bas rouseti specule- tion here as te whetlier Queen JElizabeth TIlwill senti ler daugli- ter te , P tinishing achool in France. The resuits et Frenchi - "groemîing" are apparent in the successful entry et Princes Alexantira inte public lite. Sbeê was tliree or tour years- eider thezi Princess Anne is new wisen Ishe went te Paris. It mnay be, on jthe other hanti thet Princess Anne will spenti twe or three years et ene otfise famous En- liali public sehioola for girls. Anti there agein Queen Elizabeth I11 m,-ay dedide that lier own formn eï eductien - by a geverness anti later a tutor in the scliool- ro. etOfBuckmgbem jPalace - istise on, best suitedti t ler deaugliter Colorful Crme When pretty, eighiteen-3Tear- olti Lie Sato appeareti before a Tekyo court recently, te answer ain assuLIt charge, it was explain- eti by lier counsel thiat the girl, dauglter et e local hardware- sterekeeper, lied emptiedtheii contents et, an aluminium paint cen over tise heati of Suji Atahi te "diseuiirage" him. Tt was. clelmetid that the naIn hati followed lber anti pressetiun- welecome attentions tupon i er.Tii. case was dismisseti_.- but as At- ahi 1,f t thei'*Dbuilding tii, girl'e brother steppeti forward anti emiptieti a, eccnd tin et paint over the offentier. Lia's brother was heavily fiin- --et - net for the assault, but for d!amaÀging the courthouse. Mlodern Etiquette GOSH SNAKES! -- AU grirn and freckles, lttie S< ber is kept afloatwith the Iielp of his twisted frïi swimming. Snake is a plastic tube. According- to an early-morn-. ,ing broadcaster the- news these Iday-s la "ali up in the air" - with two Rusian spacemeîn in arbit, 0f course 't is amazing nws but 3omehow or~ other it le<aves, me cold, possibly becaase it ii beyond my comprehension. AlIse berause no matter how mnany space-sehips are in orbit our w little everyday affaira etili gOon with problems to deal, wlth that zare imuch doser to home - how te combat the ighl cost of living; starting chfuidren to school for the first tim e; de- clding on the best type of living - town, country or suburban; how te protect chiildren in these daya et sffast rmeving traff ie -, shah we keep., the littie ones off- theïo roati entirely or sihall we let them runr in the hope oetmaing' them more traffic cens-cious? And in regard te older foik z- i It fair to let Granpa or Aunt Mabel lîve in one room alone? On the other hand is it fair te our family te lhave Granpa or Aunt Mabl living with us knOwing either may become a constant ch-arge anti possbya irritation to somi e mbers of the family? These and similar Tkuur- while problema concern the averagte person fer more tisan spaceeni in orbit. Otiier faraily affeirs of a more clieerîng nature a-ise seem ef greater importance. For instance lest week w, were tieligliteti wlien our nine-yer-old grand- son, Davidi, camne second in a sewimrning race intise Pcterber- ougli area for boys fnine andi under. He was gÈven a bronze'ý tropliy sy.)mboiizing a boy tiiviug inte tise wateir. In enother week or twe w. shall have otiier in- terests. Ross anti Jerry will both be aýtarting ,.ch(,>o - but in different schoeIs. H{w tliey wili react is e matter for conjecture but the~ resuit wiil naturaliy b. et great importance to their par- ents -- anti grantiperents. Tise saine, appiies te hundreds of par- enta fer miles ereunt who miay - or may net -- be readers et this column. Wisicis brings up enotiier peint i n a week or two tiser. wen't be any reatiers et this colurni. Wliy? For the, simple reason there wen't be any column. Mucli as 1 hate te do it I have decide t t stop my reg-ular weekiy writing .- but thet tieesn't rmean I shuah Stop writing entirely. i -miglit even do more. As regards this column 1 liave been et it continueusiy for thirty-three yeers and in that tirne Iliaven't nmisseti a single weekc. Se tisere must be readers whoc are tireti cf me by now and rnay welcceme a change of material in the space that is us- ually alloted te Gingez Fan».. However, 1 hope te stay with you until thie endi of ii. ronth andi then it will be "goodtbyt". "Good'bye" ý.jusit a short word but inivàiaiy it ca*ries a lot of significartee. hat is why 1 dori't want to leave rny tare- well until the la-st cclumii. For one thinig before saying good- bye I want to tell you ho-Lw niuch 1 hiave enjoyed i tweekly get- tegether. And se many. of you haqve heer kind enough (-ýte wýrite to me - sorne. becaus(c theýy feli they eere in toucli wi a kinti- red spirit - one, whe uander- stands and symipa thizes wit manýny oft tieir polm.And that, 1 cati assuire you, ispa-- fectly truc. Those )J. us whor came througii the dLpression are quite failiair with mjst et the probloirns theý average faily is cal led up)o.-ite face. Somne of My letter-frilends; bave w'rittena for acivice, Most of tle letters 1 have answered to the best of my ability - altliough lateLy I have f o=xi my' time 'and erinerg2y have heen somewliat laeing, and so, sere lettemrs, stil! exnair» un- answered. Whkih doesn't mneau ihey were not apprpeiateti. 1 have weliomed every letter that has~ coi-ne iny way. ïven tho,-Lghi the contents were soimetinies, heart-breaking. At stachi tirnes 1 kno-w it reieased an a.hnost utibearable tension for the writ- er te telli ioreone is or lier troubles. 1 might add thieir con- fidence -was always respecteti. Somnetiesit la eesier te write or talk te a stranger than io a member of one's owr, family. "A Strantgeýr» did I say? At Ie-sit I hope I amrn ot that -flot atter al these years.> -1 One thing lately hms rather disturbeti me - almosit every- one te whom I have annoýunced mny intention of dropping- this column thinaIs 1arn makcing a mistake. There is eone man however -who agrees witli me - and lie is a writer hirnseif. H4 knows what it means te haveý to meet a deetiline. Not many people understanti. For -instance goeie when we, have an ex- tra run ef visiters ever the week-end by Sunday nigit I'ni in a panic because 1 haven't lied a chance te even start this col- umn, Somretinies 1 wake up and write a page Or. two in rougli in the middle of the niglit, 'lhen 1 feel easier, Writing aheati off time deesin't seem te, work. 1 generaliy finish tup 1y teering up what I have written and start al over agein. Oh well, eniough ef my wor- ries fer now. l'Il se. you agal.n next week anyway. Until then it's just "au revoir". ISSUE 3à - 1962 Inclian Squaws Puy A Formai Cal Upen answering a knock eýt ts docor one briglit spring morning, 1 was accosteti by tMrs, UIriE» uï% wife ef a Crow ciiet, who Was in lier beat attire, e buckskin dress hanging frein tiese hould- ers anti elaborately adosid ith eik teeth sud eipbroidery olý porcupine quills. Buckskin tringe finishet Ille ibettom. A 1blaieL leather beît fon wlitise Mbitk smith bati embetidtibrasa heati' eti tecks speWtiïnfgthse name "lrosii Blull" encircietid her expan5,îve,ý waïitasd was faý-1ened witlî. an. army bucke . .. Round lier ireck iwere strung rews eof lttglt beads,, tisa werce te' lier also a.ý great deliglât. Her glessy bický Lair always haag downi Dern back-. ]LtePinahawney, who, vwas heu- mnoither's, conistaet companiofl4. wore a similar dress withoutiihe~ lielt. Tiie eause ef this festait costumning was, teý be explein,-edi4 by an i iterpreter who accomi- paniedtilhern, se 1 askedti iens inte e ur living neoin. It seenried tbere were, seiveril squaws, outsiiewbo. wishedti te see the, Bi.g White Chief's squaw andth ie Pae Sqtrew,, a.i: my sistier -was; calleti, beirsg a blonde whil.' My hasjr waS; damk.. AbOVe aïl 'L soon fo aud,, they w-erc mest an- xicus esee tise isaýly(Eit F ut who. was, tie tst. enti sny whiteýbaby ever at Pirt C. F. s"-4,TWa3s reluceti totlctr them ial comneini the bIouse, s. carriet Ibtiselittie dear na, olte doors anti sbowýed ber ezaretuii, te eacis'squaw 1» turnx -Thei, terpreter toli me, hc»we'ver,, that. they were very anxieus te, holài ber in tlieir arma. . , I > concludedi te grant their wisli anti todith&tie interpreter te liave them aýit ona the, grounti in a row in ftrenli-&e, Our quarters. Mss. Ieon Bull held the, hittk]e- one first anti with an etimitring smile anti cemments passeti ler te the next squaw. Whet thiese' wisisperings te eacli other meait w. coula net tell, but jutiging frem the eagerness te liolci tise baby ani smiling conversation, their admiration appeareti un- boundeti. Theý beautiful golden b-air, fair akin anti hazel eyes appealeti as se very different from the invariable straigisi black hair anti dark eyes of aU their pepooses. Kisses were oe course torbititen; liewever, no, attempt was made in that respect - indee, I cannot say tisathI- diens ever indulge in c-aressýes. 1 nieyer saw a mether kiss lier eutNeither have 1 ever seeiý on, punisheti -Fros» "Indiens, Infants ant i nftintry: Andrew anti Elizabeth Burt on the- Pro- tier," by Merrîli J. Mettes. Firsi Pictures of New Paris Fashions by GAILE DUGAS ThFe f irst pictures f rom Paris show that foshion continues ta ?volve. There is no revolution. Thi.% je the way fashien Shouild develop, season by season. Newest fashions f rom the French collectionsi include the Iong Jacket suit thi ewrap. ped or cape look, the modest eveninig gown, the tunic Iook, the peplum and abeve ail,, the return to Q rouinded, femnneng curvy figure.- Despite -hemnline discussions, hemrlines remain, short, just covering the knee in rnost of the major coll.- The new l4ong jacket sîuit fromn Here la tise wrapped look froin Pari-, in a barrel paria luf doue by" Madame Grteccape by Jules Crahay of Nina Ricci. Cape la ineti with ixn A cocktail costume of nav'y black nsnk and worn over rnatching- suit. Fabric for k14>0 end SIIk, FabrIc lendsa a eoulided look tetise, season'i both cape andi suit la a mixture of orlon, silk andi mo- ': ,ew roUntied, eîîn <ý hair done ln e tweedy, nubby fab)rie., Thle short evenlng gownl for feit anti winter by Pl Venet in -white orlon ai Overbieuse is beateinl of Miac. Paria trend4 in e gowns la awayfr ýIg 1

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