Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Nov 1962, p. 6

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fPaying For Damage Not Suffkcient Tlhere are în Monte Vi-sta, as in al places, recurring incidents of.' anasr.The problem -,is worse at some Urnes than ai, ot4hers, perhaps wocrse niow than in earlier days. But the miost worrying aspect of '(,he probiem. is that nowadays so many of the vandals, when caught, seem-i to fe2e l that paying for the damage -a broken window, for instance -"mnakes everything ail rigl-it." They don't seemn to f col that the, vandalism was wrong, but sim-Piy that they erred ini getting caught. Irrespective of the dollars and cents damiage caused, which may ,op minimral or great, vandaii shows aq iack of respect for the rights, as wi as the property, of othlers ýthat augsurs a lack of moral values. TFhe traditioniil- bt,--,- f Hailowe'en lhas been borne witii and conduLctod for ,n any yov ars-but we can't have Hallowe'en allilte yenaroud And even on HaIIow'en, tricks shocu'id no longfer' be considered wit'hin bounds when thley bec- corne destrýuètive. As Chiristians, and. as members ol a demolcratic societY, Amern- cans have tradition3alyv beiieved] in the right of the individual. But ti-s iralienable righit carnies with it the obigation of accord- igto the righits of others thIe samec rights which we enjoy Qur,- ele.Indlividlual nîghts dý)not Include the righit te destrOy, the Peace or property of fellow citi- Yens-even if w're wiing t pay for the dan3age, if caught. 11, is to be lioped that we will urever aliow the "Ainrîighty Dol.- lar"ý to reic he Ten Coin- mandmnents. -Monte Vista <Colo.) JournlalJ GROWING PAINS - Joe Sny- der, 5, is almost reaciy to toke part in a football game, but he'ti have ta grow a littie, first. WINDO*W- CLEANING - Arno Meyei, >who buit this large sairing model of the "Eagle of Lubeck" is recilly ü window clearier. He builds the ships ifn West Berlin, Gerrnary. Pigeons-The Poor Man's Rcce-Horse A slat-sided truck drove inte a f ield near Chalottosville, Va., one mýornîng l ast rnonth and bunirped ingerly f0 a hait. A msan got, ouf, waiked to fhle rear of fhe vehicle, and raised the ides. At once dozens cf beaked hea,)ds oni gray, feathety necks sýhoved f orward, beady eyes peýer- ïing suspiciously. The man jump- ed biuck aI, a f ew, birds flapped ouf cf the staclked crates, follow- edî im-mediately by more and then sf111 ioe-1.400 in ail, f ly- ig truck-hiigh) for several yards a nd thon swar-miisg uwrtheir wîïngs beating out an angry roar, ilke a baseýbsl crowd gl'ecting-a- Rog2er Maris strike-out. This was the sfart of one cf thie big lioing-pigeon races of the East Coast fail season. Th'lebirds woul'd fraye] al day af about 40 miles anhou-wi>liocrasionial tail-xvind spritt up f-o 75-sud reacli their hom-e roosts aroundi New York Cif y 300 miles away, by sundown. Sal Russe figured his bort bird for a likely winner, bui.V she ýfin- isheýd tif th. A. Bronx ;accountant, Russo i-s 3su e-xamiple of the new type of pigeon fancier and a far cry from fhe stereotyped slumr boy wisttuliy fending bis <ait- dozen birds on a tenemont roof, "Keeping pigeonis is anepnsv hiobby," lie say s. "Witli training an-d Shipping cosfs, I -pend $40 a week durin aing seasonsý, ani, about $1,000 ail yoar arourndcion 100 pigeons. Some cf fhe racing birds areworth $200. 've fu-ued dlown $500 for a female orýeeder" But the returns are aise higli these daýys. At somne offlic iarg- er meets, prizes sud beUing poolsyid thousands of dollar's oflithe ownviers of soccessful birds, If the tînanýcial stakes have1 risen, the hazards of the sport remaý-in the samie. Foir pigeons are nof the mnost dependable (3f creafures, and they are capable of disastrous mistakes. Thirsty racers inir California have been known to swoop low over oul ursfhinking fhey were wat or, and oil-log thecir wings. On'e pi.- geoni,,relfased outside Los An- geles and simed for his homne 25 mil,1es away, was ulimtlyds- covered perched in sente bewilId- ermonrt on a tree beside a Iock of thse Pan-ama Canal. And once a bird gets lest he's tforever useiess for racing;l, his confidence is gone. Some fanciers go te gýreat lengt-hs te-coax -maxtimum speod from their racers. For exam--ple, they use motherchood ruthlessly. A setingi pigeon, wil suddenly beccnme av are that one cf lier ~ggs-hichshe bad assumed was qsevera] dsys trom 1hatch-inig -bas mystierious!-Iy berom-e ai- meet à point. Not realizing ta a substitution lias been mbdce, 1the bird wifllibe cutrsged wvhen she( iS taken arufi'frinbr. r1,st, craed sd trasisported tc, the race, Once, releejsed[, s!se -,il! f ly back fý o her ogg.rwitlho Crat est possible speed. Suc-h taictirs are condioned in thse bes-t pigeoi-racinig rls fgom California snd Texas te Michigan and Petn-sylvaniai. The. fap-cier- a mto-f-at ac- knowiedgeýd their fierce comiipeti- iveness 1)y adopting clieqspr-oef mechianicai timers or t-irCon- Courses, wilore victory m1-argins are mecasured in spIit seconds. The Ivre of the sport wa--,s cauglt very vsimi-ply net long fa,,o)by Paul Betliner, a Callifornia higl- iway pafrolman xho has r-aced pgosfor nearcly 30 N'cars. "A raciug pigeYon," Bofhrer said as lie waited for bis owni birds te finiish i cncure, is a pý-oo mnan's race hornse." -from nNEWSWEEK How Con I? By Roberta Lee Q.llow eaui) 1remove old var- nish fromi furniture befiore re- varnishing? A. By using three tablespoons of washing soda teo one quart of wat!er, and applying thiswt a roghrofli. Q. 1s there any way at alilI can cnt lown the sh-ediding Of niyagoaswe-aters, glos n srves? A. Try keeinrgyrur anria s in t h e refrigerator be t w Lenr wcari ýingsý. Wcriks wocndoris. Q, 11ow caI1 remnove paraf- fin easily frm a container ili whieh if b as been melted for soli-e caninlg? A. Fith ot ainer wii o- ingI, water, thený1 allow this te cool. Theý paraffin will float on. thse sturface cf the Aater. QIs there any way to re-' jmove seorehi stains f r o ni gar- inents? A. If ithe material is white cet- ton, or linen, mnoistening if and exposin'g f0 direct sunlight may faka-ý ouf the discoloration provided une scoroh isz a light on)ie. Unfortunafely, scorcli can seidomi be rem-oved frein colore(-ýd Tough Year For Channel Swimmiers Upwaritd, of $60,000, according ta oneeiabieestimaîte, lias been spent ths -vear b 'y swiirmnmrs from as xnany as a dozen coun- tries try-ing te conquer the Engý- lish Channel. Yet net one has, made it. If anyonie does mak{ it now, he or She wiil set a new record for iateness, In 87 yea.rs of En- lihChannel swim-ming ncoîody has mnaged it, later than Oct. 1 4 That ,as as long ago as 1927 when -la Yorkshire housewife, Mrs. Ivy Gil, crossed ft'romi France to England in 15h. 9m. After mnid-October the water gets progressively coider and codtosgeneraliy more uncon- geniai. Not that they have been at ai congeniai in thepeod that passed as sumnmer, 1962. Water temperature was seldomqn mnore than 61 degrees Fabren- heit (16 Centigrade) and fa-vor- able fides and winds rareiy, comn- binied. The only SuJccOSSftl amphibianrs at the urnme these uines went into prinit were those artificaily aid- ed. On Jiy 11, New Yorker Fred Baidasare fuifilied three years of frustrated effort by xnaking apunderwater journey1 from., France to, England in. i911. Olm. Eig-hteen days later, Lori- doneur Sinsi-on Paterson, also wear- ing a frogmani's ouffif, completed thîe saine journey in 14h. 50m., There is no officiai record of ohaninel challenging kept., Any- body can walk into thse sea at Dover anid stnîke ouft for the coast of France, or vice versa. Someý people do just that very thing, requiring no fuss af all. Oth1-ers, usuaily sponisored, seek- ail the publicity fhey can get. In mrost cases, howeverý, an authentic aspirant to swim fihe Engish Channel is one who bas, proved himself uin otber waters. HIe wants to pit his strengfh and ski!'i against a strip of water no- toriouisiy unpredictabie and re- garded as th le supremet test by most of th? wor1d's greates1t l ong - distance swimniers. Shýortest distancge between Exsgý- land and the continental main- land cf Europe is 21 miles. But a swý-mmer miust be expected. to cover a distance at least half as much again on accounit of tidal currCnt1s that srwoep uip and dw the StraitS bf Dover. A good sw,1rilmer -anlturn these tideçs to adv--ýantge, ieaving on an utg ing one and sweýeping in on anl To get b)est advice in this d i- rLetion il is ïioccssarv teengaý,ge the course in ,ani ac:ompai,ýnîn motor lunch. The- pilou knws the tfimes of the -favorable tides. ,rnd 1propos-es tisat the swlmmnei silbe rad'to ,,o)at aspcei- fied tm.Th)e swmr ~or-ceËý th<' boat an(? bc),tm-,n, an êpr- _encc L t.He 0j0Lts ails foranl observer fromi the Channiiel Swim:n- inng Assoý1ciation)r, and reýtiresý for eighIt or nine ,hitursý' rest 1befo)re embarijking. During thaut nine hour'ý a great deal crau ihappen. The inds; whisilJe up and theL currents, liable to -suddeil chan,2e on de- counit cf te ever-mnovinig God- win Sands. play %'havoC with Itle etladplans, wvrifes Sydney Skittin lu the Chlristian Science BtenAug. 7-12 this year, * for.oxampi , hn the ueap fides îwer- favor-ableý and several well- known chiallengers wvere encanrp- ed on the coaSt, gales of' such fer-ocity wlipped up the chanuiel that ferry boats were stopped s number of fîmes. Despite thiis, and as a mi-atter of interest en the g1rowing vol- umre cf fraffic between England aind the mnainiand, a record 2,- 20,00paýssngers had crossed by Au,. 20. If was 170,000 up on fic pre2vicuis summer, For the chiannel swimme-irs, of crsif was disastrous- They spent nornyengaging boats and 'IHeý wanfs to be babled beiorê ht alces lits m-edlcine," BUSINESS OPPORTUNI N4EW INVENTIONS NEW PRODUCTS - MOI, NEW DEAS W! dûeleop finance andi seil AMAY PROFITABLE 1[ HU 9-4443 BOX 154, POSTAL TORONFOid Write SCOPE UNLIMII FOR SALE LOCKER storage & buiebier equipsuient. 230,-eeprite Steel Lockers, waxing tank., 2 Defiauce comiptingi, scales frozen food counter, Honbbart imesl grin)der (1 1.P ). Berkel imeat sticer. Bei-el powver 5w, shelving, meat bok kettle steve Griiffith smoke bouse, Na- tional cash register, Beattyý pressure- systeni EssooGi! borner. G!lson furnae., Write Box 347 Tavistock, Ont. DOGS FOR SALE ALL mly o.wn breeding Baci & Tan- 2 femiaies Irmale , 1½ r, . eauties, fe-males $30.00. nia le',4000 Reg Bluietick pups 2 maIes, 2tmis 4 mnouths Sire Vaugilanseci Plili breeding. -Damr)s side streng In Old Drusu breed Bred for con *Ii mke gaod deer or fox dogs$30 each. Clifford Symingqton Watford, Ont.. RR No 3 FARM I4ELP WANTED WAàNTED)- mai for large dairy farma. Must be fily experienced. Modemn bougë. or good homne Nlagara dlitrict S-tate viages .iohn Ronyn, R.IStevensville, Ont. HELP WANTED - MALE TEAR gas pens earn you instant dol- lars. Jtust suipply tbe demnand! $895 re- tati. Rush $500 for sampfle pen free iabel1s, big profit details. Safety-Guard Products, 4024 Weequahic; Ntewark 12, New Jersýy. CONSIABLES AND CADEIS AGI 17 TO 35 H-EIGHT- 3A'1" WEIGHT-16C LBS. EDUCATION - GRADE la APPLY IN PERSON TO METROPOLITAN IORONTO P OLICE Personnel Office 92 KING STREET EAST OFFICE i4QURS: hMonday t 1 r. a 8 aem. to 4 p, LIVESTOCK_ _ J'OLLED shorthorns put more profit in beef rais'ing. For informiation, where you eau and wby you should examinle tis ltsad lbn'e witb modern look, write C. V. Wir, 355 Morfer Ave., Toronto 14, ME13ÎCAL WANTED EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEUMATIC PAiNS Oý' NEURITIS To TRY DIXON'S REMEDY_ MIJNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA -$1.25 EXPRESS CQLCT POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAINISH the toriment ît drv eczemfa rashes nd weeping skiia troubles P'ost's aczema Salve wilt not çisappoint vovl, tehing' sealding anid burnhyg ecze mua, au'ringworm. pimrpes ?udô foot eczema, wýili respond ra iô 0thle stain1ess, odorless eiïntment regardUess ofholw stubborn oebpels, lyseeml Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $350 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East Toronto MÈSCELLANÉOUS 1 OME bre wig the easy va y, "0e bringa, you complete instructions for .a quality brew. T. Passey, 13091- 106 A Avenue, North Surrey, BC. MORTOAGES ~ WE WILL BUY YOJJR MORTGAGE IF you sold your bouse, and hold a mürtgage we will buy 't frosu you, w rite or phone Morgan 8. Co. 67 Rich- mond St. West, Toronto, Phone number EMpire 3-8747. NAÎME AND ADORESS LABELS 1000 PERSONAL0 printed, gumnmlred imaine suid ddress labels lu bandsoime reus. aril plastie box. Amazing value $1,M. Postpaid. Toppaul, Dept, Z-4, 6587 Pearl, Cleveland 30, Ohio. otheis was the 25-year-oi]d Amer- icani girl irom Detroit, Mary ReeLShe mrade anlattempt a.s late as ct. 10, bIut aftergetn h-aifwaýy to France retired on, ac- count of cold after f'ive hbjurs. TemnperatuLre of the water was then .55' degrees Faliren hît (13 CentLigrffde), M;ss RUeveil, who arived there with -ýsuccUssfuLHcon'queStS of the Straits of Gibraltar, the Darde- nelles, and the Bo--sporus to her strin, first tackled the chbanne, on1 Sept, 24. She .wantedi to be- coirne the first wo)rntýan to malee it there and back. But she gave u.p after about six m-1iles in 4h. 33.m. Argentina's Antýonio Abertondo made history last year as the first man to make it there andýe b ack. :01MJss Reveli's boat and crews, piiots and board, are understood to have cost something in the region~ of $15010. T"hat upw ' ards of $60,000 lias been spent throug-h- out the -year gives sorne idea of the numrîber of people who stili beLieve there tc& be -a future in chlleniging the chrannel. riEs NURSES WANTED REGISTERE-D nurses & certiied our- NEY Ilng assistatnts required tor 52 bed bas-, çtal - ood saîary AccomniodaflOli i - Nurses, residence DEA APPIy Superinteradei - STA. "KI KINCARDINE GENERAL H-OSPITAL Kincardisse Ont TEL" 1_D_ I ý titb lt Im NuRSE-S 1" RtEQUIBED immediateiy for sm-aïl mod- erm ihospitaJin unortheeru Ontario Ex- cellent personne! policies nsud working conditions. Resideunce accommodation and usual fadilities avaýiable iu progres- sive comusuurlity. SaiarY 534(5.b0 ic $422 i m 'ntb n p5o .$.0 4>0 aVInbace t'- wAards travelling expenses te Sqmootb Rockfalis alter s'atisfaMtory empioy«m 'eu.t bia, beeon establishied. Please gi1ve tele- pi-one numbei if p)ossibie. Apply To Persornnal epartmeLni ABITIgBï POWER & PAPE R COMPANYe LIMITED SMOOTH ROCK FALLS VNTARiO OF INTEREST TO ALL FINE grftî for mothier and babyý, For free catalogue address post card ù, - Don Sumrmers, P.O. Box 6415, CharIes-, topi, West Virginia. OPPORTIJNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DL A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CA NA DAS LEA'OING SCHOOL Great Opportunsty Learn HIairdressing claauliguîfied profession 9gooô wagea rlhousands of succesafu) MavlGraduatesý America's, Greateeit Sysýterm fllustrated CatialogueFic W1rite os Call Marvel- Hoirdressing Schont 358 Bloor St.W-. Toronto Branches 44 King" St. 'A,, lamniltoný 72 lideau Street, OttawaVZ OPPORTUNFTIES MEN & WOMEN RAIL.WAYS muthave youns mess a*ý Agenîts -Iid Telegraphers. Fi-rý at p Earound $350. a mionth wtlhjob secu'rity,. t) train ai borne with loan o1 Self- Teaching code machine. Free f older - ithovut obligation. Cassais Systema 1§9 Easibourne Crt., Toronto, 14, Ot.. PERSOI4AL UN,,WANTED HAIR VANISI-IED) away with CAPL. SACA-PXLO is ditfereut fit does nOis dissolve or remove hair irom th1e sur'- face, but penetratesanasd retards grelitlh, of ÏN WANTED HAIR. Lor-Eeer Lait LýtctSte 5. i579 «raïsiville St., aeu Ver 2, B.C. PHOTO STAMPS PHOTOST1AMS! Your photograpiii ae* negative made inoa real, 100 stamp'l ise photos. High glosa,' pertoirated sud gunnnied bacica Fast service. Youi or- iginal returuied wuuarm.ed 10(ilboo a-ampa, $200. Toppalji Cc., 6587 Pearlt -Dýepi. Z-3 Clevelanid 30,. OMo. -PHEASANTS AND WATERPOWL PHEASAINT breedcr, $7.95 tre.ttl) bfrds, waterfow% Rgs-dut Northern Pheasant Farma.ý, 'Hilton Beach, On tario STAMPS AIL different p3acicets: 100 UYS gass, mema $1 )0 10-$200, 5 Vttcau' $140) 50 Vatican $3.00, 1000 Worid \-wïde $2 50. ARMONK sTAMïP Co. Arsuonk, Newe York. SWINE KAMOREJrn,EngItli ortlirs Ani foundicatten lsitck firesu top eed hunes Shur-ýGain Fanas and Waises Farmi Herd Sire Champion Turk 7MR Currently offering aus 9serviqýe s g býoars suild open ifl R.R. Ne. 1. St-. Agatha, Ontario. Phones: Kitchei1er' SR 5-7887,, St. Agatisa: 742-37P5. VACATION RESORYS VACATION IN FLRIDA ,RENT m-odlem 40 fi. traile, quiet paris available Oeber-Februsity R Cot1i1aS IlBattrasu St - ThomiaS ___ ONTARIO VACATION RESORT 'FOR SALE RESORT ou M,ýanitouliu lland accouan- moda-Cion for 71 guesta owuer wisb"s ta, retire, substantial down iPaYmnent ru- quived. balance arrauged at 6%, Wr'ite Sunset Motel anid Cottages, Little Cur- rent, Ontario. HOT SITUATION -- Steel beams and-guard rail of over- paiss on Chicago, MI., expreýr-,, w'uy begir to buckle f ram her,f -),f blazing gaisoline truck r g lm -ýJ

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