Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1962, p. 6

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When Ail London Was Afridd û Nt eve,*r y taxi crusinig Lon- don's hundredls af square miles is zs innocent as it appears at finst r ~glance. Not ail are even txs ias the Fly1-ing Squad discovered. -In the, autun of 1951 West 9-nd poiestations wene burden- tcd with aî reporting a spate of The heesbroke into houses a.nd flats in the early lours of -Thley worked expertly anýid left no fingerprints. Also they were P-gile at climibing, and swift in forcing eny. "It's damn-lled uuncanny, said - one Flyirg Squad officer at a confenence, where it was pnesum-. r cd that the robberies wene car- ried out by only two men. - Police on the beat were warnn ed ta ke(ep a sharp lookout for anything that happeuied in the rditricts wvhene the robberies - ~ -wene reported at the times the thrieves were o)perating-. r That "auythiiig" was very f or- - cibly undierlined by station ser- geants bef are patrols left on -~ Still th lned reports and r emergency caL came in. r One timne from a house in a - quiet avenue lined with trees, enother f rom a fiat ors the sec- ond floor ai a modern luxury - block. The thie-ves wene quite himpar- tial 'in the mnatter of wlose prem- r iýses they patron.ized 50 long as 'Uhe pickings included valuable gown-,, furs oýr je.wellery. FligSquad cars patnlled M'vayfair an-d the West End. Radio tnaps wvene laid. Detectives and uniiformied police spent dneary hours watching and waiting. Stili the thieves gave no sign of showing up whene they niight be expected. z Weeks wýent by. The numnben ai z breakings arsd erterings mounted. z The circulated list of goods, sto- F.. lent grew longer. Each wveek thea repo)rt an the - d r i v e against the phaitom crooks showved a blank. And London's wealthy men were frightene-d that they would - be next ors the thieves' list. Detective-Sergeant Bird w a s z given the case, H1e went through ail the re- ports, and like other detectives wlo al studied tlem- found nothing that offered the sugges- tion ai a chue. Suddenly le feit a gr7owing excitement. H1e f1icked aven the r-eports again, this time loakirsg for one mention onfly. 11e iound that mention in a fair proportion of theuw. - . in~ one case a houselolder told -. the police le thougît le lad leard somfeorse mioving about, but had decided it was only a taxi be saw f rom the window,, mnoving r . down the street. In anothier case a mars on the z beat saw% a taxi tunni a corner -~ about the time a burglary was committed ins the rext street, Sergeant Bird reparted lis find ta, lis superior. -'F "I thînk thieves are using a -F. taxi for their getaway, ir." - At a f resh conferen-ce aid Fiy- ing Squads lands vetoed any îWggestion that the taxi could be z one regularly emnplayed for lire. - "Wauid be too risky," tley said prom-ptly. "Besides, no driver would jeopardize his lîvelihood by hinîng out regularly ta crooks 'F and wingarouind ta pick them ' Ir. the opinion ai the me» whoý ISSUE44 -196?. INGRID'S PUPIL-ioe E. Ross -OfcîToody of television's "Car 54" - credits his acting success ta the hours he spent wajtching Ingrid B e rgmnn ernote on the screen. As a com- ediin, however, Joe reodily cid- mnits he olways has had ci face staîrt. knew ail about the users of Lon- don's streets after dlark any taxi employed as a gý_taway car would be an obsolete one. "There are plenty of themî about," they pointed. out. "Any private citizen can buy an oid taxi that's no longer licensed as a hackney carniage and use it as a private car with an ordinary road fund licence. That's quite But late at night aniyonie seeing such a vehicle would naturally assumne it was a taxi. Not even a policeman on beat would give it a second glarce, accordinig to Leonard Gribble in "Tit-Bits"ý. Howe-ver, such a taxi mîglit stili. have its meter and flag., But it would not be registered with Scotland Yard, and sa would not be îssued with hackniey carriage' plates. These are white plates fastened to the rear af taxis ply- ing in the London area, and are quite distinctive bLy day. A week, passed by and an a day in Nov. ember, when visibility ini the Thamnes-side streets was not very gooid, a Flying Squad driver found wihat lie was searching, for. A taxi that looked Iike a pre-, war mode! was driving through Lïnnehoýxse, in the heurt ai the East End. It had a mneter with the flag turned down, ta show that it was engaged and not at that marnen,,t for me. But when the Squad car nosed ln behind it there was no hack- ney carniage plate on the taxi's rear. The Squad car swung out of the traffie, gonged the taxi, and the driver had ta stop. He jumnped out but found lus retreat eut off. H1e doubled h~is fist and swung it at the~ first plainclothes man ta corne for hÉm. "*We're police officers, and But the taxi's driver wasn't listening. He threw himnself at hig captons. There was a hard strug- gle for one furious minute, and then he was overpowered and handcuffed. One of the Flyîng Squad men opened the door of the taxi. Ona the leather seat .was somne of the atolen property. The taxi driver, whose namne was Sid, was taken ta the new Limehouse police sta- tion. Sid was a barrow boy with e police record that included es- x of.twin engine airliner hanq- rdess Francoist deMoriere, 2, eni the dor accidentalîy open.d out Metol tray sucked out of ng Hiartford, C:onn., is shown capes fain bath a Borsta] nsi tution and Wormwood Scrubes. 11e- was, a tougl Cockney w.itl a slrewd lead tlat le usýed for beating theia - wlie. le couid. R1e becamne the first inmnate ai at ceil in the uew pollce station. This didn't imipne.ss hlm nfor- le2 escaped. Hi-, was free vwitl e-mpty pock- ets. Sid'qshslewd lea.d told himn there was one place wlere le could Uine themn. A dog track. There le mingled witl the dense cro-wd, and was quite, unprepared for the heavy land that feil o»,1 his shaulder. But SMd lad a partnier, Jimyii , who lad given the Squad me»n a tougli timie ins iidirs hlm Aiter learning tlat the taxi lad been "'knocked off," le w.ent into hiding witl some ai the pro- ceeds from the bunglaries that laRd nat been disposed ai, 11e left lis hiding-plae 0on1Y at niglit, tookl scrappy mneals, anrd lardfly' stayed out 1lo1g enOU9gli ta lave anyone rnememben the look af lis face. Lying 10w iwas the smnant thing. If Sid lad kept under caver aiter 1 escaping fronm lis ceil at Lim-e- house police station le .w:OLldn't have been i-ecaptuned. Jiriury was still comfotedb sucb thaugîts the day thie Flyisg. Squad nasc him out and cameiL calling. Ife dived into a wandrobe and hid behirsd some sta-len dresses. The door crasled in under the weiglt, ai Flying Squad imen. Jiimmy hneid ls breath in tche deptîs ai the wardrobe. Heavy, steps crossed the roamn the ward- ,robe doar was yanked wide, and tlene was Jimmy's scowling9 face aver a veny fem.inine garmnent. "My, doesn't le look pretty, said one ai the Squad rien. A short Urne later Sid and Jim- rny appeared at the Old Bailey. Whers they left the dock eal lad beers giveni three years. Are Indica'n Guides LosÎng Their Skill? The fa me of Indian, guides whase cunning ias oiten brougî-t the white marissafeiy out ai the wildernesDs hag become legei-. dary. But look iv'lat, happeuied in Wyolning. A Shoshone Lidian guide wasq wlth a party ai Bureau ai Lan7ld Management surveyors return-. ing from an inspection of tim- be.The Sloshane becamne se- parated fnom, the rest aile party and got bast ir a dead-end canyon 11,000 feet up. His partY of surveyors returrsed ta theýir leadquarters unaided, tIen sent Dtut a grauip af horsemen M-10, with Vthe aid of a helicopten, re- cued the lbat Indian. T his was hardly in kceepîngý wibl the iegendary belief that an Indian cars see things lu tlic ,wi1derness t h a t a white m-ani can't. And what about a hlcp ter, which is surelY a pro0duLct ai the machine age, rescuing a lost brave -whose ntioocasin1ed feet have so silently arsd swifly car- ried himn throuogh Lthe f orest ta safety ins the 1pagt? Could Ja-mes Fenimone Cooper lave been 'wrong? Perhaps tIe legendar-y Indian is clangîig. H1e maY be mare nesourceful in the City tbhan in àVIe wllderness. For instance, thiere was titat old I-rdian whO always seemed to kniow whaif kirsd ai weatler was coming. Asked wly le ca l d predict weather 50aeourately, le ne- plied: "I turse ins ailthe weatheri bureau broadcasts."- Topeka (Kn.) Capital. HOW con 1 )Iy Roberta Lee Q.How eau i prevent the lu- teriors of metal or- brass planters f rom rusting through?F A. By ining the plauters witl sanIe aluminuirn foil. Q.1Hw Cal i get longer lufe ARTICLES FORSL HOIIIEMADE dolli cithes. Gifi box of ken $2.00 Satisfaction garntoed. If C.O.D. enclose 25c for asailIig. E'Tl1s lenigtli aud aist of doflMrs. Srim'ý sIaw, Box 551, Dartmouth, Nova Scotla. BUSYN~ESS OPPORTUNITIES CAB business In thirlving Wlestern On. tarlo town o, 4,000, Z cabýs, radio equip- ped, fiff prir.e $5,000, bhl cash. Box 256 t23-8th Street New Toronto, COnt. NEW INVENTIONS NEW PRODUCTS -- MONEY NEW IDEAS WE develop, flnance and soU. ANY PROFITABLE IDEA H-U 9-4443, BOX 154, POSTAL STA. "K" TORONTO oz Write SCOPE UNLIiMITED FOR SALE LOCRIER storage & buteher equspnient. 23ü Keeprite Steel Lockers, waxing- tank, 2- Defiance computing scales, frozen food couniter, Hobbart mel grinder (1½ H.P.> Borkel moat slicer, Brke] power savw, shelving, rmoat block, kettle stove. Griffithi smake bouse, N- tional cash register. Beatty pressure system. Esso al humner. Gison furnsce. Write Box 347 Tavistock, Ont. 0005 FOR SALE ALL ty ow breedlug Black & Tan- 2 fomiales I1 male,.i1/2 yrs.. beauties, femnales $3000. males $40.00. Reg Buetick pupa 2 maies, 2 femlaies, 4moh. Sire Vaughians and Pilai breed11ng. Damrs ide stroieg in Old l3râm, breod 51-ad for coan, will makýe good! deer or fox ýcogs 030.00 each., Cliffors Symington Watfomd, Ont., RR No. 3 FARM I 4fELPWANI'ED ,WANTED, man> for large dalrY farms. Must be fufly iexperien-ed. Mlodersa bhanse, or good homre Niagaira distrit. Stae wgesJohn Ronyn, RR. 1 Stevensville, ZOnt. FARMS FOR SALE 40# ACRE dairy farmr. 7(: registored Hol!- ntins achneiy. lNear Otawa. Tw(o hanses blydro, water bouses and barn. one hanuse fffly modernlzed. fileal for partnors. Box Ï55. î2.lth Street. New Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLAI4EOUS FOR sale diesel and portable sawm111, diesel siable for feed mill, bath.I1 excellent condition wil sel] separately. Reasonable. For detaille contact: Roy Tokley. Ta -eed, Ontaria. HEALTHMINDED? Introduction facili. îlies.for anyone Mwth specli ealth i- terests. Singles or familles. Details 25c. (Canadian,, coin acceptedî. Western, 1417- 46tbl Avenue, Oakîand 1, Calfornia. S H E LP WA N T ED -MAL-E COMPOSITORS LINOTYPE OPERATORS MONOTYPE KEYBOARD OPERATORS NEW,' Engiand's fastest growtng trade typographic plant needs men wvitb lob sbop experience ta handle greatly In- creased work ioad. Good psy, g00J worîing conditions, These are perman- ent aUl-ear-round jobs with a res] fu- ture for campetent, dependable mnes who can hold thoir own i a fast mar-ý Ing aperation. WRITE: GENERAL MANAGER locsterr Typesetting Co. 433 CHURCH ST., HARTFORD, CONN. OR CALL COLLECTý HARTFORD 525-B27i CONSTABLEs AND CADETS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AGE 17 TO 35 M4E (HT-5 9p" WEIGHT-160 LES. EDUCATION -. GRADE 10 APPLY IN PERSON TO METROPOLITAN TORONTO POLICE Personnel Office 92 KING STREET EAST OFFICE HOURS: Monday te Friday 8 sa.to A P.m. WEAR gas pens earn you instant dol. bars. Jus, supply the -demand! $8.95 re- tal . uh $5.00 for samiple pen, free sheila, big profit details. SafetyQvard Products, 4024 Weequahlc; Newark 12, New Jersey. MEDICAL SATISFY YýOURSELF -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITS SHOULO TRY -DIXON'S REMEDY. MIJNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 EXPRESS COLLECT _ POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISI] the tormorn pof dry eczema rashes and weeplng skin troubles. PQ.st's iczemna Salve wilfl fot disappoint you, ltcblng, scalding and burmng ecze- ma, sent' -rlngworm, pimples and foot eczema, willI respond readlly to the stainleaçs.- odoriesa intment reg-ardbes z- r NURSES WAI-LTaD EIIRLOTERD nrses& eevtitle rs tssg asstataits requiired for 52 lied lioa- pttal - C' i salary - Accommiiodationr -Nurses' residere. Apply Superinfendent KINCARDINE GENERAL HOSPIltAL Kincardine, Ont. REGI sIE r,%ED NURSES REQUIREl] immnediately for amail mod- ern hospîtal ln northorn, Ontario. Ex- cellent personnel palicles and working conditions. Resldence accommodatin and usual failities avallable In progres- sive communlty. Salary $34600 ta 8:422.00 montbly- up ta $50 00 allowance ta. %vards travelling expenses ta Smnoath Rockfails after satisfactary emipboymnent basý been establisbed. Ploase gzivo tle- phone numb5.'r If passible. Apply Tc Personnel Departnicnt ABITIBI POWER & PAPER COMPANY LIMITED SMOOTH ROCK FALLS, ONTARIO 0F INTEREST TO ALL ATOMIC Radiation Detector $1.00 poat- pald. Amazing Detector works wlthout any electricity or batteries. Ready ta use. Kramer, 1340 Grant Ave., Bronx 567,. New 'Yerk, US.A. GPPORTUNI'TIES FOR MEN AtiD' WOMEN' BE A HA&IRDRESSER J'i~CANADiO.A'S LEADIIQSCI400L GreatQpatsat Leamufaideai' pieasant digntfied prafessibsa good wages. Thocseands of successfil Niarvol Graduates Aar.saGreatest seu ilTustrated catalogue Fiee VWrite or Ca»l Marvel H<rrdressing School 50Bloor St. W., T.oronto Branches 44 KhOng st. W., Hamnilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PEÉSONAL AUTHORS invited ta sbmli MMS aIl types, (Including poems) for book, pub- lication. Reasanable terns, Stockwell Ltd.. llfracombe, Englind f estd. 1898). JESUS la camlng again (this timel te rifle the ivarld! Be prepared snd e- jalce in confident hiope. For free liter. ature wrIte Box 8.11 rantford, Ont. NEW! Quiekle Bible Veseiindeýra! Over 60 pleces. Ideal gift any age. State Protestant, Cathalic. Mail $1.00. Box 1, Two RIvers, Wlsconsin, U.S.A. STOP SMOKING! No harmnful druga or p lls. Money-back guarantee. Affiliated, Box 511, La Jolie, Calfornîs. UiNWANqTED HAIR VANISHIED awsy vwith SACA-PELO. SACA-PELO la different It daes not dissolve ar remave bair fnam the sur- face but penetrates and retards growtb of ÎÙNW A TED RIAIR. Lar-Beer Lab. Ltd, Ste. 5, 679 Granville St.. Vancou- ver 2, B.C. lrANI%DANfl patent for saie or royaït> Nationallly aidvertiséd and sald 11,4L U Wanted bY evlerY %wamran. iltalisa at Si Write 1Rayai Seot, Waterbtsry, Cauni1 PROFITABLE GGCUPA10fle $1,000 UETU-TNED $20,000 iu 36 imontb, Neyer a loss, rio worit seulnag or publie.ý contact. Write taday for exciting de& tala. superlor OH1 Co., East Hy. 30, 8oz 97, The Dales, Ofegon. PHOTO' STAMPS pHOTOSTAMPS! Yaur phatograph or negative made Iuta real,- 100 stamp, sire photos. 11gb glbss, perforated andi glummed, backs. Fâst service. Your *r- iginal returued unharinad. 100 Photo.. stamps $T.00. Toppaul Ca., 6587 Pearl, Dept. Z- Clevelamid 30, Ohio. PHEASANTS ANDI WATERF0WL PIEASANT breeders, $795 trio Other- birds. waterfawl. Rggs-adults Northern Pheasant rFarmaý, Hilton Beach, Ontario~ RABBITS RAB1115 600-700. meat tye M10eages, and e ~pent. Moving. Sutton-. PA, 21-5027. I'sW. Elwell, RR. 1, Pefferw Iaw. SWINE KAS£MOORE Farm, Engllsh Yarkshlres. AIl f ondhatlan stock fromr top bibodi iines ShunGaïn Paris and Wlker Farms Herd Sire Champion Turk 731t (0Ilrrently offeriihg young servite-age, boars an,&' çpea glts. RR. Na-. 1, St. Agatha, Ontario. Phones. Kitchener: SH Y517fl7 StI Agatta: 742>375. BE et home wherever yu are. Nkw Me «' J'axwaryX ý,Patfrfihiefr 8x27'travell traiTer, corPletety rioieilt, i beda, bedclestrfeit; -piece bathb' . FÎ-sgl dire 4-burner proiane stove Y, ih ovonr. i oletnan propsuýie Ieater emtbF frced1 draft and 4 floar vteut.sý-12 ~h* water heaten (;st $,.alikiig rict- Ma50). W'rtp. G.S.A.,, Lot 71, Mobite, Vk lage, Treniton, Ontarîa. VACATION RESOP«TS \VACATON ýN FLORII!A lIENT niodemn 40 f t. tralOar., uiet ParkM, avaîlable Otie:Fbm Co Retioru 1). Battraru. St.. Thomnas. OU FTO-WN R EAL ESTATBM RETREAT TO LEISURE LIVING IN the heart of Florida'a Gold Coasi. VENETIAN rARIK luxury ce-oPerative apartments, located east af U.S.. No 1 beiween Poiupana and Deerfield Beachi at beautifuil 11lithause Point, Florida., Spacilus 3anld 4½,' rooma wlhth on,- or two baths, c omapete wlitb Individual central air condioning and heat, s»l- eectric kitchens, elevator, swlmning pool, puttlng glreen and shiuffleboard, and many other features on 5½ý acree Fram $9,000 witb 10w snontbly mainteis- auce. For free beautiful ecolored tire- chure and complete details writetW Venetlan Park, 2141 .E. 42 Court Llg4hthouse PoInt, Poipano Beach, Florida. DRIVE CAREFULLY - Tue, lUfe you s3ave May be your own. - OR DRING YOUR RELATIVES TO CANADA Take advantage of Cunard's special round-trip Excursion Rates. Enjoy tihe most memnorable Christmas of your lite. Two' won-derfui weeks of fun in a carefre. CUNARDER . . . Thirty jayf ul days oS reunion with iovcd on.esi1 Thse spirit of thse season wiiI lie with you rom thse moment you corne aboard. Special Vuietide parties . . dancing .. . superb food.. service with a seagoing smilci ONLY 3 PRE..CHRISTMAS SAILINGS From Montreai & Quebec Nov. 3 - ta Cobh, Le Havre & Southam ptan Nov. 23 -- to Greenock & Liverpool UYL.VANIA Dec. i frain New York (Dec. 8 - S romi Halifax) ta Cobh & Liverpool. Regular.salngs frami New Yor k by Queen Elizabeth & Queen Mary. PA Y L.4TER - SEE YOUR TRA VEL AGENT f CUNARDýý Corner goy &, Wellington 'Sts., Toronto, Ont. Tel.: 362-.2911 60 eo-lý

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