Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Nov 1962, p. 2

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ORONO WEEHLY, TIE I in thje last few years and we hope tl j wîaî JUi. U ILUy o e wnig te join ilb moeta cainera club wll be a suc-es and jwane nwil e or ta give us inany pictures o!flite at wloe Carke Hgh. This year a new club bas 'been form- ed It's a Dance Club! Pupils frein The auditorium was a very busy grades 10A and B have been energetic place on Tuesday when Clarke was eaeugh to help students in the school host te twe velleyball teains frein who cann<t dance. Pickering Higb $choel. Our ju.nior EeyWdedyatrona -1 girls piayed well but were de! eated EeryW dcinyaternaunitr3:1. three gaines eut o! tbree. The Picker- teei acn i h uioim ing enirs erealsovicorius.TheThis is a chance for sanie o! the stu- lzsenoswr ieveeiu.' dents wha de net know how te dance, scores in these gaines were as even ler hIai tp.Teaes as 13-15. These were only exhibition' tolerthbacstp.Tngr, gaines and we will ail be cbeeriag for this is your chance te learnaail the ,our teains when they soon enter into old dances and the modern dances too. a teuranlent. On Wednesday, October 25t1i at the - Oreno Park, the boys on the Clarke Tlhere wa-z much rejoicing on Thurs-HghSoafotllsudpye dc.y a!terna>on wben it was aifirinedi Henry Scheai f rom Whllitby. E&ven ttdue to a teachers' Convention, though the first few snowuflakes o! the Frda wul b ahla ily. year came tumbling to the grouad, LynhBaiey.the teain froin C.H.S. was rareing to go. The Clarke teain put up a -allant! Pupils at C.H.S. have started a figlt but failed to win the gaine. Journiialisi Club this year la order to 3 ý-etter luck next timne, fellaws! be able to write about different events SeekToHavelan Fro ire idExcluded Protection Costs Mr. and Mrs. Morley Richards will live in >3owmanville, Prior to the wedding a trousseau tea was held at the bride's bomne on Wednesday, O)ctober 24th. Showers were given by Miss Jean, Wannan C~ Kirby, Mrs. David Sutch, Pontypool and Mrs. Neil Elliott, Toronto. Vandermeer-Sikma Married recently ini Rehoboth Chris- tian Reforined Church, Bowmanville, iwere Miss Edna Sikina, daughter e! IMr. and Mrs. Gosse Sikina, Orono, 1 and Mr. Sjerp VanderMeer, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Hans VanderMleer. New- castle. The Rev. J. C.- Ver'brug-ge perlforied the ceremony with Mr, John Biersina tas organîst, Given in marriage by lier father,l the bride wore a full-iength gown o! silk organza over net 'and taffeta. The fitted bodice was enhanced wvith1 ap)plique and designed with a scalloped neckl1ine studded with sequins andIý pearîs. The f ull skirt was adornied wihbows and flower appliaue andý a laqrge bow at the back. A tiara af pecarls and crystal lbeld ber short il- lusion veîl and shie carried a cascade' o! whiite carnations an-d stephanotîs. The RP'ural C-opertor ln its Most; pretatian O! the Assesment Act, sec-1 The miaid o! honar was Miss Vernt rece-nt ediiti"on carried the folowing lion '17 (1) which states that municipal- VanderMeer withi Miss Betty Sikina aicnt which fire protection ta ities mnay pass by-laws partiy reiiev- Isotgwsa eael lesl r rural areas cam-e up for discussion at ing certain class0 Io! property owners sotgwso evnybu iko- as bridesmaid. They wore identical a- -r:eting o! the Durhain Federation o tax burdens if it is shown that the ý,aiza with scoop necklines and shir- ce A.ýclue rpryoiesdntbenefit as LAgriculture proper s ty wers fon ot services. red sleeves, The gathered skirts were LAND~s IlIRJ~OF muc asothrs ro sane opped by shirred cummierbundis. TheY DuhmFederation o! Aýýgricuture Services inêludec police and fire pro- lwore matching veiied crown ad 1,3 workt;ng on the prablein o! fire tection, water workýs, garbage col- care acdsa ht anIains protection anid farmi-ers are reluctanIt lection, sidewhalks, oiling, lighitinig, (ar acdso ht to, pýaYthe extra taxes which a muni-tarîgBu the cost O! other services, The flawer girls, the Misses Edna cipa4 service wouid cost. such as education, municipal admin-. Feddemna and Edna Reitsmia, wore isti-aitions and rond construction, inust short frocks o! white silk organza, T'hey say they pay taxes on their be charged on the *full assessament with lace edging. They were desigaed ýanCd3 and it wouid be unfaîr ta have base. with -Peter Pan collars, short puf!ed thrE-ee axes used t10 ýayI for ire serv- sleeves and full gathered skirts. They teas lan)d dojes tcac fire. Atthr recent meeting, Durhain carried baskets o! white shasta chry-ý directors also niamed Bruce Taylor, santhemuins and pink carnations. Y-'-.ain federatiaon dir-ectors dis- Ennîskillen; ta be county mnember tai cuse te roblerin -eently and e-,te ntaridý Federattion o! Agrjiculture The best man was Mr. Donald Van-ý cid-ed ta Seekfute inc)îmation froin for the caming year. decrMeer with Mr. Pier Sikmna, Mr. thýe Ontarto Fedratio'ýn of Agriculture. Peter Feddemýa and Mr. Sidney Van- They want ta know w ,hether toýwnship Leslie Prijchard, Cavani, reported on'drMe as usherg. contsare alowed to raise ta-xes the insurance coinittee's activities. foýr fre protecti-on in such a wvay that Robert Mo!! at, Oronc., reported on After 'the reception, held in the the buràen is sbared out more fairly., the county medical c-operative. church auditorium, the bridai couple Du is uaderstoo)d 1local councils are'Tecut eeainsana left on. a boneymoon trip ta Northern wf~igto ease the burden on land- Tecut eea,'nsana Ontario. The bride was wearing a ifn l~ h*-Q alo Id meeting, previously to bc heid Dec. 1, light green suit with browa accessor- now will beheld 'n another date yet les. TheIse w ;Iil 1,ke.yang on inter- ta be deided. Mr. and Mrs. VanderlMeer are mw- ing their home in Oreno. N U(,lI ulLt T he Council1 of the MunÎcipality of the Township of Clarke hereby gives notice that it intends te pass a By-law to close or stop-up the Road Allow- ances in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durhan, following, that is te Say: 1. The Poad Mflowance between Lots 34 anld 35 in ftie Fifth Concession of the Township ef Cliarke ex- tending tromi the southerly lmut of the said Fifth Concession te the northerly hauit thereof; 2. The Road Allewance between Lots 14 and 35 ln the Ninth Concession et the Township o! Clarke ex- tending frei the southerly limfit of the said Nlnth Concession to tlhe northerly limit thereof; 3. The Road Allowaace between the Eighth and Ninth Concessions of the Township of Clarke ex- tendmng from thle present easterly limnit of provincial Highway No. 35 and 115 te ftue production southerly of the easterly limit of Lot No. 23 in the said Ninth Conc-ession; 4. That part of an unopened and unnamned strect ilafthe Police Village of Orono lanfthe Township of Clarke nrcording te fthe plan of the sold Village made by C. G. Manning P.L.5. lying and running ad- jacent te the easteriy unmit of Bleck "F"' exteiidiig tram fthe nortluerly limit of Cobbledick Street te fthe production easterly o!flue southerly limit o! Victeria Street, ail accordîng te the said plan; 5. Part ofthfle Road Allowance betweea Lots 12 and 13 la the First Concession of the Township of Clarke extending f rom fthe present southerly boundary o! Provincial Higluway No. 401 te thec southerly bound- ary of the said First Concession; 6. Part o!fluhe Road Allowance between Lots 28 and 29 lanfthe Fourth Concession o! the Townshlipo! Clarke miore particnlarly described as tollows: ALI, AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premnises situate, lying and being la the Townshuip of Clarke, Counfy e'trumadPovneo naibilcmps o!prto heRn Allowance lying between Lots 9,8 and 29 la the Fourth Concession o! said Township and part o! the said Lot 28, said parcel aor tract belig more particularly described as tollows: COMM13ENCING at a point ln flue 'asterly lhaut o! said Lot 29, said point being distant aortlu 17 degrees 36 minutes West in said limit 1096 teet tramn its intersection with a post and wlre fence beiag the uine betwecen thue Nort Rai and fthe Southu Hait of saîd Lot 29 as sluoin on Higliway Plan No. 16260 deposit cd ia the Registry Office for the Registry Division of thiepWesf Riding of the said County;, THENCE Southu 58 degrees 01 minutes East î feet 10 laches; THENCE Southu 62 degrees l8minutes East 14 test 1 z indh; THENCE South 67 de- greecs 51 minutes East 12 test 2 incues ; TRENCE Southu 76 degrees 53 minutes East 17 feet 3 nlches; THENCE 'I4>itli S9 deg-rees .16 minutes East 22 teet 7 inclues; THENCE Northu 87 degrees 44 minutes East Il f est 8 inches to a point in a curve ruiming south-easterly and is distant wester1y é75 feet tram the centre o! thue pavement et Provincial HligluWay No. 35 as shewn on sald Highway Plan No. 16260; THENCE Soutl-easterly lnanad aiong sald curv e having a radius o! 2939.79 feet and parallel te the easerl hmit0fI~ihwy No. 35 according te said IHigluway Plan28fest more or less ta the inter- section of said curve witlu the said easterly ]imit of Lot 29; THENCE 'North 17 degrees 316 nminutes West in and '1161ng said hUrnt 318 feet More or Iess to the pla<ýe o! commnencement. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desiring to mnake claimt or te oppose the said i3y-law, wili be heard in person or by proxy at the meeting of the said Council te be held i the Town Hall1 at Orono, Ontario, on the 6th day of November 1962 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, East- .ern Standard Time. Dated tlhis 2 day of October 1962. H. E. MiîlLson, Clerk of the Municipality ORONO WEELY TIME!Double Ring. Cerem-ony United Rev. Verbrugge At ae lasr &uthorized as Second lass mail, Post Office Departmefmt, Ottawé od bas been remnoved frem our u- Estahlished 'n 11938 by R A.Forrester ' 1' t l TT1 7ture. roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager J n uhror-V .Rc ad U Subscription payable in advance oA nR tefr - .R c ad i' w-a1-UC Fblse evr &à" a office of publicatku~______________ Tmro Begins YVesterday" %vas The Rev, Mr. Verbrugge conclud- The Oronio United Church was the 'le suabject of an address given by bI-s message by advising that t*Atý etting Saturday 'afternoon, October' a hij ~Fo Rev. John Vehbrugge of ! na- agers need direction and t1he place c 27th for a double ring ceremony in vah r M e o ille to the Thank Offerinig meeting of beg-in to improve these climnates ý, -wyhich Jo Ann Rutherford, daughter lie Newcastle United Chiirch Women in the homes. He said mnother.% hould LOC -XL N WS 1h il n tegli P4r~~~~~ 0f~I Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford of Distxict Convention '-n the school room of the churçfl, turn toah il n teghlte* O)rono, becamee bride of Morley attractively decorated with arrange- own principles since. "You cann: Mr. Carl Biflings receivNed word on -,%r1s. Russell Osborne and James, Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- "h new program 0of education fori eto lryatemm.gve away what you do not have" Wednesday of the deatb of is sister, Bow,manville; Mr. Arthur ThompSOn , lon Richards of Bowmanville. th!-e secondiYry school.s in Ontario was- inso hyateus K4rs. W. J. -Inch of Weston. Mrs. Inch i Kendal; Mr. and Mr5. George Bowen, '_________i__te______f___________al wvas the former Irene Billings. e1, nd Mrs.Neil Raiey, Rev. B. Long offîciated. rvrs. P dinîgned in the hopemossprovidin.g ai an ,fm Nilton Car adCaaeS ndafd r Mrtn ogaî ccmpn e enecessary types of education re- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barber ad a-MrltnRal and hares, Tornto; rs. otoognit comquired by al students, witii more the I"Climate" in which o0wyoung ly arc moving tisweedt h Alan Wibur and Sharon, Oshawa; Mr. a choir of grls as they sang the Proi tes~igptonbsns n eh people are beîag raised today. First> iouse ~ ase oomryo ned h at r. n Ms Ae CrutesGren -essofal, "Praîse My Soul the King nical subjects but with no decrease in he said was Moral Climiate - Freedorn and Mrs. HarriY Fae nÇuc t Hill: Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancock Glory".Drigte inîg 1 tete stress being put on acadeinjithu pniiiy .RlgesCi outh. and Brian, Bowmaflville; Mr. -and registry the choir sang an anthein. subjects,"- said the Assistant Super- mate - Religion without redemption. 3. olit o town visitors whose naines Mrs. Stanley Chapinan, Kirby;, Mr. Gie ntendent of Secondary School Edu- E ducýatiofal1 Climnate - Education with- ~vee otd n heOrono United and Mrs. A. J. Tam-blyni, Brampton. Gie n marriage by lier father, c-ini tePoice0 naro u irection (We are teaching our ie podbook over the Cne Hallowe'en passed in Orono witl h e rd ea fte gw f wit Williami Stewart, as he addressed 550children bow to make a living, in- ,rcb eeen r e aPsu e oi wtoachpeotai. e teachers assembled ait Port Hope High stead of how to live); 4. Cultural Cli- Ma Paykndae as owavllo Mr. n ultitude o! young childrefl in gay bouffant veil was held by a coronet o!f col rdy !~fr. Stn Pane, owmavineMr.attire mauldng their usuai rounds early tantiIi AtîIdeniw and Mjiss Helen Haw, Tor- 'n the evening. Throughout the cele- edpasan rbetofe adW h >ntlo; M,-. and MrS. KennedY Gray and bration littie damage wNas done. The bride carrîed a, cascade ofawite or- Lavid, Býurketon; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mi Sre wsbwever, .1tee chids and tptt1. The anmual convention of Secondary for, employmet"h ad 1-.anorkand GantBelleille Mr. ain treetwas littre 1Sch001 Teachers' Association XDistrict' et"1 ad Eacc n rnBleil;M.with somne debris. A number of fires TemiofhnrMss eael 2 a edi otHp ihatv aLnd Mrs. RosStonebouse and famiiîy, were started usîng bales of bay but Th'is-etir wa ei nP oeWe hope the new program i ill! Tooio r.l 1 teewr onetnusidb h Jc tpeo edl 1-lro sister of the bride, wore ties aimied primarily at a better un- I Mr.;.Carlie Hrrs, Bornnvile 1Orono Fire Department. One fire did in aqua Peau d Soie gown with fit- derstanding of the new province wide keep more students at school and Clyu Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fraser, WestoEnecsstae1h use o! the Orono Pumn- ted bodice and mushroom street- educational system.behwil enbl -r tne emu n isMr e wheni a buggy wadded with ay length skirt with mathing coronet hritobaistsfcryepo1 lceedPu is Se.-oiToronto; Mrs. G. Cathca't,' was igrited on the Main street at nd shoes. She carried yellow munis,.etuo eaigsho, rt ot echanical Contractot Sey'rnou rs.B .Buw jSk ete tet Following tbe address by Mr. Stew-igher sources o! edtcatioji,"lhe said, Ketind .a d Mrs. . . Purw s , Cntestet Mrs. David Souch, a friend of the art, who outiined the details and pur- _-and it off ers a baîanced education for' who sels, instaill ato;M.an1i.E . atto, Badminton started in the Orono bie sabiemi oeauapsso h e ytmt h ahr Bo«wmanville; Mrs. E. J. WillÙamsofl, Community, Centre on Wednesdaiy o!f rda rdsad wo qapsso h ~wsse ategte both business and technical students adgaate London; Mr. andMs.A!pre last week when close to fifteen were Peud oewt acýtooe npnldsusoswr ed who will spend more than hlai their Newcastle; MissLeaJaksn present. Everyone la. welcoine 4o join and shoes. She carried yelw mums.1t: me in school on traditional academrie i anville; Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman, in this sport whether a beginner or MisJnc uhrod itro h The main purposes o! education subjects."'C RA Nemcastie; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cry'- bride, as bridesmaîd wore gold Peau rean nhngd"sadMrAtwatN dermail, Mrs. Ada Gabraith, Mrs. Winter came' early ta Orono last die Soie with matching coro0net and wvho went on to describe objectives as He went on ta discuss various GidusJensBowm anviile; r n week when a blanket o! snow, 7 inches shoe.She carried bronze muins. to teach students "how to live, and phasies o! guidance teachers and prîn- LUM IG &H A NG Mrs. H. M. Foster and Mrs. S. 1-. uCaid- in deptb, f eh on the Village earl hovw to mnake a living." ciaîs would be required to give stu- M I well, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Mer-1 Friday morriing, necessitating the use MT. Donald Richards, Whitby, bro (l ents and parents with regard to the Win Mauntjoy, Hampton: Mr. and o! the snow Ysiiovel. ther o! the groom, was best man. The -~The new prograin is an attempt options available under the new pro- phone 143 Oronoe ushers were Mr. JamesRihrs to furtber the education o! the student fgrain and ta explain somne of the de- Bowmnanville, brother o! the groom, and at the saine time to prepare them tails o! the governrnint grant system Ir nd Mr. Paul Rutherford, brothier o!f to schools adopting thenew systein. "ihNotes From The 'New ___________________ .LThe wedding reception _____________________________ai___________________________ SChool ho me o! the brides parents Clarke High S h o where the guests were received by the bride's mottier wearing a coffee print- On Wednea-,day the Camexra Club meti that take place du ring the scbool year. ed brocadée heath with matching T eC t t e M n c p lt 1cer the firat i n¶e ,,hth Mr. Carter as1 The Jo7urnaliesm Club Is An interesting jacket and white sand accessories ~IfP -tLf~ advisor. A good number o! tu and an educational club. The students aron marîbasatwit utilred uithe déents have shewni their interest in this 1Wilil earni to wite better and that wil con hlasitd b h club where enithusiasts wha already' saie day heip thei on the road to grooms mother,, who wore an impor- 4geem adepyt at taking pitures will besuccess. The ltudents describe som etd it o! b ite chocolate ihope IV V siiowa ways to improve their pictures. event and then it is later printed in a d acc essories, chocolate shoes camera and may later iearn te de-1 ag ub o sue aee- For- the wedding trip to Florida, the velopep ronpcue.Pcuetk bride chose an emerald rgn suit ir a bue hcore a verv vopuar hob tered the club and we hope that more1 -il1 ;^ cý --ip +itClrkeH.hand brown accessories. 0N pl i I 0

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