Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Oct 1962, p. 5

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W~OEO WEEKLY IES l THUflS1IT, ---' -- -,Iff F'EPREVENTION WEIEK OUITOBER 7 - 13 Lives And Dollars Could ]Be et .1 1r - --i the rnuoker feels4 the least bit drow9Y. He inay doze off and if he ls 4ortumLte be may be awakened by tiaxues or smoke. Too often, bowever, the d07- Ing smnoker 's rendered unlcoll5el0i betore lie avakens, and so becofileS Zýaved Itirougn rtire rrevention another tire tatality. Octo-eber 7h to 13tb, is Fire Preven- These famiiar objects are not -o lin- Nuw; a word about m-atchles, if lion W'eëk. This week is observed eacb nocent wbeù lJt cornes to tire. Dû you only people wouldn't be so carf,,eeSs yeaýr- in an attempt to educate, our know that, lnet year, they caused one about them.i So otten they toss a match itien l the ways ut Pire- Satety and out ut every four tires iu tbe nation? into a wastebasket. Tbat's an Invita-I tkwJ ui ow eenut 1011 i i l tion tu big trouble. And touot>teni sud ro~>rty j Bcaue smkIn andmathes re atches and lighters are lef t where so trencherous trorn the standpoint tte'l nrgeoflrn isedu ¶ascb education is uecessary, ftire satety, care with themn should b2l being placed sately out ut' reacb of teobiosf rom two tacts: Pire in1 your tiret consideration. You know, tho-)se innocent hands. Cbldren play- Cà-ê.n in u1961, cost Canadians over bow a cigarette is put aside wbile the' ing with-matcbes otten cause tires, $17,O,00in propel'ty loss and over 1mkrge oase ala h but it's the aduits, flot the cildren, mo5r lives, ot whicb over 200 were hi s or ge to 00k f r a tlisi thn wbo are really responsible for such gram guide. It's s0 easy to torget - and s0 dangerous. Sometimes at a Lanail you can about Pire Safe- party, a cigarette tips off the ashtray Tbere's nu doubt that it's the aduits i %j w' è put wbat you learix into pract- and dowvn out ot sight i.n the uphol- wbo are responsdble for bad bouse- ùEe - .every da 9 tery. t can smoulder there unnoticed keeping, wich simply creates tire for hours. Later - maybe after every- hazards by the dozens. We permit, iRe are some pointers trom the~ body's "safe lu bed" - tire strikes the trash to accurnulate in attics and Cý4aàdxan Underwrter's Associatâi unguarded home. basements. Old newispapers, clothes tbat OU Wit Oficours%. Iand upbolstered turxilur(ý are lefttly- 0fcusyou knuw peuple should ing around the bouse. Instead otf eDcars with matches and smokirg never smoke in bed. But smoking ia throwiing it out, we leave this rubbish *nidcerainxly rank top ut the list. equally dangerous in an armrchar -if, there - hand fuel for many a big tire. A littie systerna~îc cleanlng Up et such, ods and endi would prevent this type ot tire. then o n th fves ad poebkyout, openthe sdolof r oku edom t rht tetln be red fpupeertam- g paeyu ad gis the door, Tor eicon.rt iliar with the proper steps to talce.Ïit feels bot, it may mean that Uia thê ar, imDe teDs. 'irst:I ,andihot or noisonous nases ari-c And in the kitcben too, this bad j3sciy[e r inpczLpj Lý housekeeplng menace of ten shows 5 1eteveybWo 'outl u~ be~ Grease is pernitted~ to, acotnntxiste Icall the fine depaftment! DYelay on on stoves ani-i pans, where ýt canI either of these rnoves bas often prov- burst into flarnes readlly. I.ncidentallyl ed costiy. it's a good idea to keep a long-handled fork handy .sbould a pan catch tire, The best way to save lives ln casc ia that case the blaze cali be quickly, of tire say the '"Underwriters" is to eetinguished by lifting a lid wîth theý have an escape plan alrea<iy worked fork and cuvering and smnothiering the, out. Fire strikes witbout waruing and flarne. it tends to breed panue, unless people are disciplined to proceed trom any part ,-,f the house to tbe nearest and Another great cause of fire - one in safest exit. And to do this, they Must Èive tires iu tact, according to the know the way in advance. Su /donî'î Canadian Underwriters' Association delay setting up an escape plan in is the misuse ot eiectricity. Sonme your bo-use. Here's bow it is clone:ý peuple use to9 rnany extension cords trom tbeir outlets ad easiiy over- Figure out two possible escape load the circuit. Tbey put in tuses that routes to the ground (rom any upstairs are larger than tbe lbue was designed roomn. This way, if one of the routes fo)r. They run extension cords under lis cut off by tire, 3,-u will have an- carpeting and bang themi over nails su alternate exit. Every inember :,f the the cords become trayed. Frayed wir- fml n lovstr n ay ing represen-ts an open invitation ta sitters shoulci bc faiiar w'h b f ire. If there is any doubt about the ' W"ruts eemetisl b safety ofthtec wiring in your horne,I way to save lives! caîl iiu a qualitied electrician and have hllm ,check it out. Suppose one niglit you are awakened SON DISPiLAY; OCT. 4tk to mnw-ueyou... ijynamicou-. Super 88 Holiday Cou-pe ~Thre~~omthig etra abutol-v7g 8fql-?/ À?WLUfW to deliglit you There, waiting for you, with its long look of elegance to sweep you mnto 1963, is Oldsmobie This is the car for you ... with unrivalled performance *.unstinted luxury. For 1963, each Oldsmobile series î8 distinctively different, with its own special grille and rear-end styling. So which '63 Olds will it ho for you? Your Olidsmobile Dealer has al the answers. See hlm soon! A GENIRAL MOTORS VALUE OLDSMOBILE FOR'63 Whisewall tires optionai at ext ra cot ROY W. NIOHOLS S1 UI the u r d-s1 n t-- el b t,-r- thea dourwintb hertu hieyuoe Il Keen Teen Text For Horne Nursiog The receutly publishedl Teen HomeIIý Nurslng Manual will be verypoua with bigli school .tudents acrosCn ada. This te-xt, published by theCa- aian Juniior Red Cross, is ne ;),, the muast cunïitiprebeýnsive m.1anuals If its kind ever printed lu Canadîa, and the first oena writeu specîicallIy for teen,- W at rmakýes it su attractive ,ý I Ifs Isensible and honest approacli otu inividua-,l. It "taiks" to the teae la is own language and provides hlin with a weatb uf inform a-tion that ha- cair use for thie rest ut bis lif e. There are eght chiapters en 'oe il- acolorful booklet uf 198 pages. Titi first chapter, "A cent ou You". i- cusseS the pysical and psycologicalý) ellbeiflg uof the individual, min- tainiiiig, that before a teenager cau, et-I fectiveiy bear the eoniitY f caring for the sick, e umust be bu to Care for I bimselt tirst. T 'he next thiree chapters are aboutWî nursing care in the homne. They cver al the responsibilities that muSt bis borne by the Homne Nurse, boys asi well as girls, and the piractcal seps that they miust f ollo-w in carng for theS mr-ry afflictions that au sýtrike tbe- famiy. Clapter five is a co mnplte ba - s4ttig course in itsel. With baby- sitting being the big teenage business, that it is, students whu are raind o take care of a smnaill hild cau aleas9,t guarantee thir employers that heyV ave the qualifications to accpttis rcsponsibility that is placed upoftn them, This section djeas with evr'Y need f romn changing ciapers ti e boi- ngater the amlily pet,.. Anoter chapter deals wthhoe 1cratt, ways of keepiug the patient o icupied and interested durig the per iud (uf corfinemetit. tion n safety practices, even frDA- Çapter seven is an excellent sC ults. It covers traffic safety, wts safety, boatiig, ire, electrical an genoral lhomne afety. The final capter called Stop Cp la a brief course in irt aie, whaý3t to do until Cie dotor arrives. Throughout the book, colui'tl e- ches caMiiy iffi4cit point% and adI (Contixi1Id on nt-xt page) . ..... . ..... . ........ . .... -1 . ....... . ....... .................. . - ---------- -- - - --------- - it sligbtly. Keep yuur head away fronm the opening. If the ballway seemrs vta be cool and there ara nu fiarnes oe smnoke pouring up thie stairway, yuJLï m.ay ,be able to use it as an e.sc'ape- route. However, if there i s anY question about safe Passage, clo0se the bedruum duor, go tu the windv3w.f and cali for help. If there is a phoe>ý in the .rooûm, use it to eall the tired- partmneut. Do not jumpi except aa & last reerit; you may injure yusI needlessly. If it becomes neseccary to juumi, first drop bedding and pill, os,-r anà'- thing else Soft, to thel grouund to Cusb-ý ion your landling. Then, carefully w- er yourself from the wludow s!Uiet', reduce the distance to the grou-ud sudin drop onto the cushioning. peuple slouid neyer leave cildreit alune in a bouse. Wbeu tlsey go) ,Ut they sbould be sure the bay sitterý knows that in an ernergency shc sbould get the children out first, thon1 call the tire departmnent, and to notify the parents. Betore leavingfo their evening out, they sbould caution1 the baby sitter against letting the chul- dren away from the kitchen, 'fl's sible; an-d iustruct ber to look lu onm the children regularly tu be suie, ev- erything 18 ail rigbt. Pire damiage to lives and prop1ert.y can be reduced by simple precaiOtiSý,. But each and .everyon ti.- fus mue- as sume a share ut the respunsibility fo tire safety if we are te put an edtC this senseless suttering and wse iThis week - Fire Preveution ee 1 î a good time Itu tart PHONE 728-fflo BOW14AN ONTARIO

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