llWaTQn WEEBLY 'rIMES THUfiSf~AY, OCT6Bf»1 4th, 1962 3 28oz $ 0 MpeLeaf Pear Sha-ped HAMS Bicks "Yumtk Yum" ~SWEETA PICKLES 16 oz jar IlGreen <*ant Fruzen PEAS II EXTR Ji $24 RECEIVE $6.00 IN I Blended Grapefruit-< TREESWEET JUICI RECEIE $4.00 IN 1 IGA GINGERALE 2. heer DETERCYENT -,.12 Off Reynold's FOIL WRAIP 25c* 2 lb poIy Sic ~Aa total of lu-: Bocus Tapes BONUS TAPES WITH -range 'ES 48-oz. Tins BONUS TAPES WITH 2 SO0-uz. E'ties. Giant Size Regular 12, roli Heavy Duty 18" Bu,(ll RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITu 40 Fathom Frozen HADDOCK FILLETS SAUSAGE MEAT Cuooklng Onbrns Randum Weighits -b.Pkg. MINCENMEAT - Maple Leaf 2 lb. TEil 43 EANCY PEA S - Green Giant 2 15-oz. Tins 35e FA'N'(y PUIT'ýN - Stkl 8o.Tins 35, IGýA COFFEE - Sqimny Murn i1b. bag ")55(, PIE CEUST 311X -Mnrh 8oPkg. 33c DREAM WHIP TOPPINC 2-oz. Pkg-. 2W- SERVIETTES, Ballet Whlit ~ pkg.of '250 4.5cý CRNERYSAUCE 15-oz Tin 23c' Qcýean Spray - Whole or Jelliect MARMLADESirriff s Good M14oring 2-zjar 41e DAýîiZy DEPARTM~EST Kraft Cracker Barreýl MILD 12 ozdo CHEESE 16 oz WHI1Z jar 59 BAKERY DEPARTMENT HOSPITALITY PUMPKINPIE Special Thanksgiving Price oeilnly 3.5c O Ontario Nu. 1 Grade QPTATOESn é% Qb g Q bag QNoi. 1 Grade Crisp armd Tender LETTUCE 2 foir 35c gFresh No. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS lb 19c Huome Growng STOMATOES 6 quart 49ce gNu. 1imd SWEET POTATOES lb 8cQ Labr And Spac(-e SaîJving-De-, vices For To5acondrTs etinlkilos for, fle curl'ing oi bcomaty beeaed from the 1ýscene Ontalo Pee r ohn Rbarts ~v as a resit of moem techlogn som goe2nts have becomebe which hs now roduce a newbulk volntdicatr ips. And, he saF curngmetodcha cts obthspaýlCe er is a thU dividing nre betwccn- requirmentsand lbor i ioadng. ts and oppi on Tfhe new miethod utilizes a semni- atmtccurinrg F ssem inh)akidIn re- iemlbling a doubfle garaýge, says E. o. Wakr fth eeriexeimna farm 0of Delhi, Ontl,io. At Delhi, the new-type kilin rediuedJ laborin Bioading by one-haif and sIash;Jel space requiremnents to one- tfitthof that needed with c-onvenitional Timne is saveci by elimiinating the, ne(cessity of tying the butts 0f the leaves and stringing themi on iaths. Wmîth the new technique, up to 160 pouuýtds of loose leaves are pressed tig-htly in a metai trame five teet long by one foot wide. The ioacled tram!ies are fitted snugly on two tiers in the kIln. Last year, both commerciai-size and smialier experimental bulk units werle comypared with the~ conventional tyýpe. He-re's what the researchers found. When the leaves Were paci<ed in the com-mercial burk ik uit with the tips pointing up,' leaf qual'ity was e- quai to that obtaýined trom'the con- ventionai unit where thebutts ut the leaves are' at the top. Huw.ever, when the latter arrangement was us- ed in the commercial kiln, quality was reduced because of scaiding trom uneven drýIing. With the tips pointing upwards, drying was reiativeiy unit orm and scald reduced to a minimnum. Quality Oompared Premier Robarts caut'oned arga'-s the assumption thaL oent formn the best veiule "or admînsi t- H-1e was speýaking at the ai.m-ý meeoting uf theNrtu erad i- inig Progressive Conservatîive so cain meeting'Ln Wrwrh Te Premier sai 1" think w miust ail consider very carefîull schemes which are offered toý us xvhich mean 'that Èthe governerti going to do more and more for the indiidcual." Mr. Robarts, added: "In- each of these schemnes you wil 105e- somre amail portion of your freedoIr-k -td individuality." Durham 4-11 Sheep Club Aehieve- ment Day The Durham 4-H Sheep Club Ach- levement Day was held on ray September 7th at the OronoPFair, The- A-1 club merorbers had attended a sr ies of meetings during the yearii whlch they had coachbing on judgi,.ng, and gtneral sheep husbandry. 'Care and feeding methods are noted dr ing the year, mnonthly reports aire sent in and in addition to showmn'- ship a score is given on the lamb. The final standing in the club was as follows: David Brent, No. 5, Bw miaaville - 955;, Jamies yrBk- ton - 943: John Allun, Bow-,,manivillc - 939: Ted Skinner, Tyron)ie - 934;Ji Allin, Bowmanville- 924.: EdWard Stephen, Bowmanvilie- 924; Murray McLag-gan, Tyrone- 912; Shiela Siater, Orono 906; and Bruce Cooni-- bes, Bowmanville - 889. The smalier experimental bulk1 the Judge for the acluievement Day unit-even when the leaves were ar- was Mir. Earl Browni, f romi the CaIn, ranged withi the butts uppermnost - pro-1 ada Department of Agriculture, Tor- duced a quality of ieatf equal tu that onto. The( club leader 0yf the shýeepj ubta'n)ed fromn the conventional kiin. fClub was JameI omess of COw- iiowever, the experiimental unît was'j manville while the club was under the equipped with taise fluors and ceili djirection (-f the Ontario Departmnent ings which heiped provide a uifr±ir o f Agriculture, Bowmianviile. flow 0f air throug-hout the leaïf packs. CurIing time and leaif quaiity in the buik systemi were related directiy to uniformity ut drying conditions in the kiins, Walker says. -Quality was lmproved when the leaves were suspe nded t rom the tips, packed caret ully and ightly, and taise fioors and ceiiings were used. With these aids, and with a fan ut adequate capacity, airciclto wa- ss malntained at a sufficiently bigh Although bulk kilns in tests have produced a substantial saving in la- bor during loadiiî,, a turther saving- coul be made with the use of mech- anical equipment.1> Moreover, it is expected that thel bulk method will intensity deelop- ment ot harvesting equipment ad-1 iapted to, mechanical piclking and bulk- 1 ing ut buose leaves and that this %vil! open the way to a turther savlng in' harvest labor, ÉZM~I~ s 511 VI I ___ ~ i Q FRIDAY NIGHT Q0 Y Q DANCIN G QOrono Town Hlall. Friday, October 5th Q Round and Square Dancing Q Q tte Mius je uofflthe QONTARIO RANCH BOYS g Q DMISION;$1.00 V>ER PERSON E --Zý e -" -IN TH-L7ltSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 19(;2