Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jul 1962, p. 1

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IVOLUME 24, MJMBEIt 23 -r o Weskly TH UISJL 19, 1962, ORONO, ONTARIO TU os. Mnany View Faatures 0f New Medical Centreý' Saturday afternooii and '2venin.g close tothiree ' hundred and fifty resi- pi J det fth af oure th nlw or-I 1 flIO & flIIft~k To Restore Survey in m2nts- Ahl grants o! land, deeds, fransfere, mortg-ages or otiter instrumients reat- inig ta i-cal etate lanttis province are Grand National At Mosport Saturday MAlsport's big National Race, the Grand National, is ta be iteld oni Sat- urday, July 21, at titis famous circuit, nortit :,!fOrono. onio Medicai Centre in Orono f0 view ,j ý""' ç eltuer aîrectly or înctrectly reterred Anl excellent enti-y is loeing i- 1 tf0 and governed by the position off ceived and indîcates a record as oc- th netres o! th-e fentrie 1 (I1.srvey lines and survey monument's. curred last year. Thç eariy entrants MedcaiCenre owin se or he~, - oowaoras esta'blished a t the time the origi.nal include: Francis Bradley, Lotus 19, -past week. and a hlai proved most in- Crown surveys wýere -made. cur-ent leader-in the Canadian racing teresting forthie visitors and man1ciaposii;FrdHye !Too comnedaios er rceve b te Cordon V. Wright o! Port Hope whittholnstock F expeHientaflorcnt truslte o!teteFundations ee o!ve y b was iined emergency nmeasures c- lt sok -piiin a ir-,seesof he itle ouna-Lon týordinator for thé United Counties at al Such surveys cannot ne ignored, re- andTthe Lotus 23 of AI Pease majdiný O.ronoi who were instrumtentai ira the! rec-ent session at Coboirg. He was pudiated1, altered or corrected'-so long 1its Mosport debut. bu)iliding o!thie Centre and providing hosen fi-on-i 70 applicants, tbree o(f Las thiy control rights vested in the thîts service to thie Village and area. 1TeGadNtoa rvdatrl PresntiyDr. . F McKnziebaswhom wvere selected f0 ap>iear before, lands affectedl. TeGadNtoa rvdatr PresntlyDr.A. FMclýenie hsi -untes Cunci .1er )List year %witli Ludwig Heimirath, reafed the doctors quart ers in the, -~tisCuntl the .vinnier, after an exciting battIs Centre and along wih D, . J .. MCY- Termns o! bis employment vi- be 3 o,%îhDnSoei onsoý n n st out ina by-law te, ho passed thile It is estimated tiat at toast 000wt a hr t osot n n Gi-ail are providing the Aledicai ser- [session. 'Fie federal governenent J miles o! retracement survoys are re- isl ou. vices at the Centre. bears the major expense for the ne quîred In, order toirestore and pre- This year's event is eiepected hi be Thoso akn advantage ofthie of- service, serve thie original Crown surveys similar, enlivened with Gerry Brown- fîci-ýal opnening on Safurday to jieýw O h cimtte-espnïbe' which b--ave been made la this pJ'iov. root's niew Intercontinental formula hlie building were escorfed througb' Oncthevcomaiftee rofsponsible50or mcc by, the Ti-ustees o! the ChIýaritablDe emergency measures are Reeve T. To over a end somrne 10ya car, the Johin Camion Jaguar and the A. Brandon, Port Hope, Reeve R. Car- ti naln-ag retrace- El1va o! dleVoos, both from n 1treal. oudto.The condpcfed tourspro- ment uvyporme asbn ceeded fron thie extreme east en- low, BrighIton Townshiip, Reeve S.uve rormm asme trnc trog he asmntto~ieLittle, Bowmianville and Deputy-- comnlenced by the Ontario Pepar'f. A starting program o! 8 races pi-e- frame trouh te 'osemnf o tn Reve enai Fslie, Cboug'. ment o! Lands and Forests in those todes t-he Grand National lor ýhe leel sta terwst e the f Cnt for. M- rgtsredoesa nt parts o! Ontario where settleniént Supertest trojphy, n which competitors levl a Éle wst nd f te Cente. Mr.Wriàt ervd oersas n 'ebas nof per-petuatecd the original, will be steking C.R.D.A. chamrpion- The varlous offices and roms on hLle Second World War wînning the Mil- mainl floor were then described foaJt0e iary Cross as a Canadian officer onionsre are li ons vistàr. n arivagat he oc ors n to thie Britishb army in 1944-415. An excitiag racî/; car, event for thie waiing i at the e ast, cnd o! theý Affer the Fba le vwas attached to the To restore and pre-serve orig1naý l ts lopy ill be well supported, buligthe visitors werc served n Hastings nnd Prince Edward e-Crw survey points wh imayS be with interest from th D.S,, Montreai, hghtlunh by the wives of thiedr ment as a railitia ,officer inPort f ound la a dleteiorated condition, tje 0Ottaaaii ornoaics TeGand etrs ad other interested ladis. Hoe[ Department o! Lands a3nd Forest. a ora a ae il ieyb hw M1iss Aima Cuitteil, Secretaryv for the Hews nchre,!th ecn issued authority f0 Ontario Land Sur- sopr Litti 'e Charitable Founidation o! oir-- peil iitatiai1g ors1t i- veyors f0 resto)re such a point with onoi, loo)ked Lifter the gucst book for' ton. Ho was !ormnerly employed at Withi camping restrictions removed a permanent survey monument. On Ilieccain Many baskets o!feu AMF Atomnics^plant.j and a complete program o! races, titl lowrswer nso n ispayat ______________________ ,an experimental basis, the Depart- statinig at il1:00 a .m., Mospont vwiil be, theopein, bin recivd y he aviur~ AglianGbucb orSunayment will pay survey1orS 35 dollarS1 Lac mecca o! ahl racing enthiusiasts f0 Foundatin lrecogntino!teir svcsadi i Laobrt etfor, each survey point rostored Up hi cee the Grand National on July 21. efforts il, provîding theie ew Ml(eia] Homle iinOrono. ~ja stipulated maximu~minamut Ihi_______________ Centre. Following the opening somie Otin 1 ai-es ed pi-i-rsons fs-om as far q-ý any Qnei year, Lands and Foi-este, biaflowei-s were placedl in thie Orono: Port Hlope and Bowmiianviîîe afteDdd, Miise the Hon. J. W. Sloooner, Pn- Local M i icins and Kiilby United Ohurches, thie St. the OfficiaI opelfing- on "Saturday'. I nounced. a s Ex .n Large Barn A t Gi,_arden H ililinr1ucagsuh pilt, m .1 Cnraualos-f orignalCron srvc pontswil hopUpils o! Mr-S. M. H. Stapies, \vho pnalCren suveypoits wll e were successfui in the recent Royal wiewudsomeoe biee edtored aad pei-pctuated wb,,,ich oihiel Conservatory o! ui -ýmnto- T otf.all1y D es tro y ea d B y F re ws ,udsinbcm " rtd Ilý wnmle Fli-e on Tuesday im-orning destroyed There were 17 sows, onle hog- eiitadrrexten sve,te iise it Grade Il ory ant.lrh l, arge bai-n on the fui-m o! Angw(; small pigs and rone cal! ini hie barn, iuvy f - etiinte lit Piano: JVL~ÂUI1U, Ge r .areî lîmALalpa theecati-and mosi- of thepigs1 MNr. MeMillan discovered the ierc ire nea ! ields and wýOOdS. He hadt uponretuninghom f rm Miibr oknt estimated his loss of ivestock. about 9:30 and whil.e he did what he, could to, save the livestock ',n thie-Aiso 10st in the 'barn were about barn his daughter ran to a 'neighbor'sý 1,000 bales o! hay and the heat fromn boue h phone the Port Hope fire de- the fire caused the tires o! a neairby partle2't.trac1tor to bursiinto flames, A nearby Thefie sred rpilyafter m. empty chicicen house was destroyed. Mcilnopened thie doors to ri veFiemen could do Iittle e-.xc(,pt haIt out the animiais, and oîlly the frameý the advance o!thie flirmes through was left staningil when th-e fLrem-en tae dry grass and extinguish the humr- reïached the -,cene. ing tractor tLiras. ".1 stayed .as long as 1 cou1d, to! Mr. McMiilan bas lived there for save theanmI" said Mr-. McMilgiian the past 10 yeaj's. "but the pigs kýept r.unnin-g back after He said be had $4,000 insurance oi, '. cýhased them out, and the lire the 15 year, old barin, but said 't spreadi so fast i had hi get out in a wovculdn't begin to cover uec-)Pstruel- hurry m-ysel!." tion. "Hziý-h M-1ii Rate No Inducementý For Industry And Business Total taxable assessment for, hie'Un- U(0.4 $26,098) M Aurray $,2,881,- ited Counties 110W stands at $79,'118.- 127i $659 Seymour $2,539,600 ý191. This represents an fncrease of- ($47,497); Haldimand $2,429,087 (3, ~$,5,3.over thie 1960 total. 1i n684); Cramiahe $2,184,597 ($100,467); this new assessment thât the 1L962' Manvers $2,119,*228 ($11,151); Cavanl -equalization i ade. & $1,951,624 ($10,544); Percy $870,860 Anrtuai report and suggested162 ($22,536); Brighton $1,742,069 ($46,- equalization of proDpert~y and business 033); Cartwright $1,678,110 ($29,197); asaesmets as eadto ouniesSouth Monaghan $877,650 ($2û,125,); The penalty for thie wilful remioval o! leýgal survey -monuments was deati wititout the benefif o! Clergy, la the days when Canada fi-eL becarme part o!teCrown o! England. Under the provisions o! tche Crni- mnai Code o! Canadla the penalty ie no(w up f0 five years ilnprisoumen., oGrade IV- Beverey Tennant,' Hon- Gra-,de III - Idsha Rienstra, 1sf Claes Honors. Grade III - Donald MeKenzie, Hon Grade II - John Duvali, Honiore. Grade 1 - Marie Yleo, Honore. and To pupils o!f Mrs. Marie- Pedwell: Plianlo, Grade VIII - Bruce Allin, 1 sf Clase Honore. Grade VI - K-eith Allia, 1sf Classe Grade IV - Doug-las Perrin, Honiore Peterborough Swimmer To Perform At Newcastle Poolý Residents o! Newcasfle and district - will baive an opp)lort.unity f0 see aný exhiibition >t Syaclironized 3wiynmin presentedl by the Inteaýnat-ionally Roe- nowa-ed Peterborough Oritumental Siming,- Club la the Waltona Pailt, pool. onSatuiday evelng, ia conjunc-. lion with the Lions; Club Carnival. Thte Peter*baroigit Club bas appear- ed in competitions tbroughout Cdnadaj the U.S. and Europe dcurng the past de,cde and bas won nufnerous, a- wards. They will ho presenting an bour show on Safurday eveai-ng. iTihe sane .vpninp' at least thi-e I counicil Monday ajfernoo)n by .GranAnwc 1,U (125)-. nef Shields, counties assessor. Ta presertting hie l-epor-t t onil, Ail lIc24 inniipaitts lafit' M'-.Shields- sald a total o! 1,357 spot I ie e t [ (counties shiowed increases witbhiechch wremaeduin he eaf largest being MWurray Tonhp compare asseesments foreqlualiza- P-ark Progxcim where 2a reassessnient raised thr eiflo .5 pèeramcunt od tota$8,585,055, Enrolmnent la the Oronc, Athletic township fatal by $965,094 to an al. en 1. prcn !toa aal Summier Park program bas 'reuched ti-ne higlita! $2,881,271, and iC assesement, As annexaf ion is pending 32 and Miss Mary Lynn Baiiey, te bourg wrbere an increase o! $577,88'?71 t - n !Pr Hp !!etn supervisor, reports that a daiiy aver- duefanaurl iduf -li ad tite- 1Hope -and.IHaniilton Tow%ýnsbips, seinO e o f 0,f025 ai-e presentfo)r te ,-adjtstnïents will have ta be nmude. org seios;ttePrl'h gi-owtb aiedthe fatal fa $112,570;728.moîg550n tbe-ar. Pe raise1 These iil only result in franefers 0f childi-en' Continue hi, show intereef lai- Nwassessi-nents witit increasesI the amnount e o! asseesment. Bu'ý't hebbc pogruni hich bans înclutled Pup- ihnal braekefs are as foflows: 1Mur-ay Tpiwtnship, wbere land May1 pt d.ay wben puppets were made and Towns -- Cobourg $13,570,728&$7,i b ho annexed by Trenton, the annex-- ePuptSo prdc.A ay ,387l); Port Hope $10,243,602 C$81,066); flan will ni-aa a oss e f0 h ie ont.s)a upeShwpoded Cad ýe 1 e .Sci-amblý)e and an Indian day , baye, $7,68,687 ($200278) Mi- -Sields said: -Somie municipal-' alsO been On bt rga,~wc Vilages - Brightton $2,034,653 ($287,1 ities bhave been foi-ced f0 lacreaý,e wcck crafts ar-e aiso tatughfla whn Çalnpti-bellford $2,827,291 ($511,999). thi omrilfxrt 9 i]lle a gi-caf deal o! intei-est is slIown. Ô5'ý ,olborne $1,255,931 ($451,350); and aver ta meet coste. A large per- The programi will close on Friday, M cste$1,0:15,040 $20,039); 'Hast-j rentage ,o! thile, hOwcvIe, le ',Iuncon-' JuIy 27th iwben in anticipated thaf a! $718,,3 ($5522); Milibi-00k $627,- rlal (education).iThese biigit hike will he arraaged for those reg-1 '~$~~.-mili rates are no5 incïcen-ti-it to iW nw' isterýed in h-ie programi. The pi-agi-ar Tow,,nsliîps - Dailington $6,500,4041 industries and oCher businesses locat- bhas -heen lbeld !rom 9 fa 12 O'clock ($157,271); lHamilton $4,600,054 ($152,-1 ing or wisbing f0 locate la Oui- muni- five da-s a wcek silice tite furetoo!thie 1775); Cla.7rke $3.831,030 ($189,705); -Hope cipalifles."mot. ai-ca Lions Clubs have entered feams in the Tnteri-Club swimmnigrea racé. There will be no admission ý_tharge made for, these swimming ev- ente, titoughi a collection wIill be takýen fo heip de!i-ay the transportation cosf )f th~e swimming club. Mernbere of the local Lions Club wlll be mianning the usual boothe andJ gamies an-d rides are being suippi,ýed, for the kiddiee and draws on a Hi-Fii and lawn furnifure ai-e being conduc- Led with all proceode o! the eveniag býeing used for Lions Club OommTruaify Service work. Lift Ban On Mospoi t Camping The ban, on overnight camiping at Mosport -Park, imposed after the "Player's 200" on June 9, has been i lifted and special supervised and cn trolled areas have now been set asidel for the convenience of campersý,J'im Clayton, Manager of Canada i~ao auto-racing circuait, annouineed. "TJhe whole question of overnighIt camping was reviewed Incl reconi- sidered at the request of manyrc ing entliusiasts,'" Mr. Clayton -tated.1 "tAs a resuit, a special area "'or pub- ilc camnpinig has -icr been Set asidJe] Di the meaclow, imminediately souh ] the paddock. It will be rigidly super- visecl hi prevent a repetition of 'van- dialism, such as previotq)y occurredY.' Meanwbile, somec changes we(,re i-e c! orded on Mosport'e Board *of Du-cc- tlors ut ashr'hicr meetiag juet bield, New Board members Jincluido Gerg Cishol0m, Jine W ahlace and Bla-iy MitoaIl!of! Toronto. Keen inter(edis being shonwin lathe "GadNational'- race meýet schc-d-, Uled to 'be held at Mosport on July 21-- undfer the auspices o! the Grand Val ley Car Club. If has- been nnouaced, too, titat ne- gtiat ions 'are nowv underway tvitb'I omeo!hie World's top drivers f0o par- tielpate in the second annual Canat- dlian Grand Prix at 'Mosport on Sep'j-! tember 29. This will be one o! ibbc maormeets at Mosport during hi 1962 ri-iîng season. Drivers will be vieing for $10,000 in cash p-izes and flie coveted Pepsi Cola tropby. The Durham County HEoistrih Clubr he!d their Annual Twiligh-t Meeting ai the Farm o! J. W. Boman, Ennisk- iflen, Three hundred and !fifty breed- ers and their famies and 4-H Ciuu miembers attended. Fieliman G. ', Nelson conducted ,±he judging compe- tition. Francis Jose presented tha prizes to the wimiers, the ladies - jun- lors and seniors. The following were thewlners Men, Senior - M1vark Hancock, 100; Harold Wetr-y, 949; Don Richards, 99; Ken Holliday, 99; Bob Stevens, P99; Raiph Glaspeli, 98; Ai-chie Muiîr, 89,ý Juniors - John Hancock!, 100; Ch)as. Stevens, 99; Jane Flet'.. 99; ati INelson,. 99; Wayne Down, 99;Ji Kennedy, 99. Ladies - Mrs. Bob) Flett,, 00Mrk4 Mel McHolm, 99; Paftipon 8 Mrs. Francis Jose, 97; Nargaret Coombes, 97; Mrs. Don Budci, T Ruth McHolmn, 96; Mrs. Ken Hli~ tendiag Queens .University h.ile sumk. mner, spent the week-end witbvii family. Port Hope BIonk Orono 9-O At Local Park 1The Port Hope Intermediates blank- with thi scoring play. Inth fit- ethe Orono Intermeudiates at the framne the Port Hope qua bok ýOrono -Park on Tuesdaiy evening bý,y out for a cIoneybrook of six runs w-ben a scor'e of 9-0. Bill Wakiely, on lhe fou.r single hits were -!ver, up along Por~t Hope miound gave up aQ ineagpi' with a base on baius. Mercer and Fen. four hits and thlus heki the Orono ton scored again in the sixth ti brlng, boy s off the scôre board. The Oronio the- total to eighit with Wakeiy, the pit- batters wer-e held hhýtless for the first cher, scorîng in the seventh thIle scor- four inns Wakely scored five' ing wvas completed for the Por Hpe strike-outs with the Orono batters ibit-ý boys. tingforeasyout. -Orono placed oniy six runners on George Jolies was the losing- pitcherifases in the entire gamne and Tied giving Up thirteen Ilits tQ Port Hope, Stonie was the best of hie COrono bak, which alonig witb four flelding errors ters witJb two singles. The ot her bita ga,,ve the visitors the inargin o! vie;- for Orono were registered by,,- elly tory.j Lane and f--on MIercer. Port Hope ieading with the heavy hiittiag-, of Mercer who drove out four hits in bis five trips to) the p late, scored twio runs in the first iniirng when Mercer anid Kelly both singl,1. An Orono en-or assistecithe visitoriu Frorn al reportethie Port Hpeen- fi-y in thte league bas been picking Uip moiie.ntuni o! late and le making ,an advance toward thbe toýppsto iiow bield by Orano, Ccrolyrn Elizabeth Poster Bride 0f Geral1 d G. Byers Pink ad white peonies, yellow 111- les and orange blossomes decorated Kendal' United Churcit on Saturday;, June 16, 1962 for thie wedding o!fOui-o- lyn Elizabeth Foster, dlaugliter o! Mr.- and Mrs. Hafçber Fosteci, Kendal, and Gerald George Bycrs, son o! Mr. and Mrs, Frank Byers, -Port Hope, The Re-v. R. C. 'White officiated ut hie double ring ceremony. 2Mrs. Allen Foster played the wedt- ~ding music and accompanied the, soloist, Mr. Laurie Stapletdh~, wbo sang "The Wedding Pi-a3ýer" and "7'l ývallçBeside o" The- bride, givea in mar-iage hyl lier fatbelr, wore a full-lengtb gown o! white silk orgaza over bffet a. Thel enmpi-e bodice was fashioned with a portrait neckîmne accented by api ques o! Swedisit lace and Ilong lily- p)oint cd eleeves. The fuII 3kirt Waeý appllqued with Swedisb lac e and A_ reception -was bield in thte lurchi itack inbei-est \vae a-bowý. Her sbould-' Hall where gueste wvere reeved by ci- lengtb vel was gathesed fa a5k the bride'e mnother who %xj,,e a mnossý crown of pearles and crystals and ebe gi-eûn linon sheath with mnatehing carried a cascade o! yellaw roses, jacket trimm-ed la white, also a m-iat- Mrs. John Fonk, clse c-of bte bride, cbiing- bandeaux accented with h wae mati-on o! bonour, with Mrs. tulle, and white accessories. A cor- Robert Cari-uthiei-s, cise-of bte sage o! yellow icarnations coenpleted bride, and Miss Donna Byere, eiser bier costume. o! the gi-oo-, as brîdesmiaicle. They Tegoms ohrrcevdi were hlentically dressed la street- Togomsmte eevdl longthi dresses o! yellow silk organnuI avy ai-net-linon sieth -fb itb xnatchiag over tfatea designed with scoopI packct, white flowered bhat and ac- neeklines and fpýll pleafed site cessories and a corstage o! pink car- wvaist being acccnted witita pleufed naios C'Uibeibund. Thley caried cascades For the wedding trip -boObbwa of yellow and white shasta mumis andi and Montreal, the bride chose an lito-eurhedpieces were yellow organzu f qua linen sheath witb mnatching i-oses circled wifb nef. jacket and white accessories. She L Mr. Jackt Byers attended his brotit- wore a corsage o! pink rose hude anrd ci- as hest man, and Mr. Wayne Foc-, carnat ions. ter, brother o! 'the bidr&anid Mi-.Day-, The couple wiill eside ut fteîr Iiew id Houston were ushiers. tiome in Wioe RR 4ý, Port 1HaOpe. 300 Attend Durham -Hoistein Twilight Meet President Ross Stevens co)nducted the prÈ)Iogramm-e andi W. Bowmn-iwei- com-ed ail present. A qatte Fu' In-Accord' entc-ained the gathU-eizng witb some fine Barber Shopha-ny Clubý7 Directoj- R. B. Brow-,n itoue the guest speaker, Mi-. G. MN. Clemnonk Secretary Manager o! th!e Hoie t' Friesian Association of Canada.p Mr. Clemions spokýe o! bis,- recent tnpIr to Africa aad mwhat living cbn- ditions are like in that country. VicePresident Me! MCEHoîn thni ed the speaker and theQtte and commenfed on Mr.-. owman's ouf-. standing herd o! catttIe and finei-,i and buildings. flefresbments %vere served- by the Club f0 over 350 guests. 1 1 T

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