Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jul 1962, p. 2

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OILONO WEEKL Y TIME M Congratulations to the LITTIE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION 0F ORORO on th-e officiai opening of their new ORONO ïEDI CAL CENTRE We had the privilege of installing the Plumbing in fthe new nr e Ail The Better Homnes Havza, Partner Plumbing and lleating ORONO, ONTARIO IPHONE 1 782 1. 'I Congratulations and Best Wishes TO THE Littie uCeharitable Foundation 0F ORONO ON THE OPENINO 0F THEIR NEW ORONO MEDICAL CETE * JIM ARD BUILDING 'CONTRACTOR Orono, Ontario Phone 35r2 THURSDAY, JULY l2th, 1962 Cha~IhrTo Reclognizel I Honour Students 1. The Orono Çhamber ofl Commerce held their regular monthly meeting orn Thursday everiing at the Mosport Restainant vith fourteen memibers present, Mr. H. Partner, president, presided over the meeting. Mi% R. Dickson reported that the mail service to the Village had been, e-xtendedl to incIlude two deliveries a day into Oronio as well as two deliv- eries out of Lice Village.j In confection with "Orono Signs" on the County Road north 0f the Vil-' lage, R. Forrester statedi that th~e Police Trustees are looking into the malter and he f cît that they would 'be erected withi the assistane of the Mr., L. Aslett reportedl that every-' ting was completed for- the visit to Orono of the Antique cars and that thiey woulcl be on display at the Orono Fair Gr ,,ound.s, Tuesday evening. The, Chamiber assistedl in holdinig a Bar-B-ý Q on Tue(sdaiy evening tiicl>,tlso assist- ed( wvhen many of thie cars are ecxpect- ud to retuirn for a banquet at Orono on Wednesday, evening athe Od- fellow's Hall. Mr, B. Hazelden reported that the Tourist Infoiia:tioni Booth, set-up a1t the D*ina Mýýotel under the sponsor- ship of the Orono Chamiber (X Comn- mer-ce hadl received approval from the lJepartment of Travel and Pub- licitY. The sign for the booth is to Ibe comipleted and erected as soon as possible. Considerable discussion followcd whna suggestion placcd at a pre- vious directo's meeting -for assist- ance fromi the Orono Chamiber in piacing niew cattie tics and for some' painùng at the Orono Fair Groundis was made. D. Found spoike in favour of giving thiÈs assistance stating that thc appearance of the grounds could, be imnprovddl and that the Oronio Fair wsthe big-gest event of the year hcld in Orono. Hie also support,,I,tIle pro- viding 0of prizes for the ýSchool child-ý ren who( would be attending thefit dlay of the Fair on Friday. Here, lie said the Chamber had wvorkced to-r wards gettinig the school childrcn outi to the fair on thc firstda and shIould f 0110w it up b)y providing some prize mioncy',v R. Forrester siffl that thec rcply from the directors to the Pair I Bord as oo abrut whn tein-,, tendeicl askinig tlic Fair, Boardi to imi- pro(-ve the appearance of thegons Aftcr ail l te Chamlber uises the filur gro ,d1fo their annual Colt tDcrhy antii other eventÈs and lie felt thcy Shouliass in whaýt ever wa thc.Y coulII to helimprove the grounids. H. DuIvaîl statedI that lie f cît the hrse mensholdtaýke 'carc 0f the fair gýrouti1s as thiey use it the ycar round]. -A motion byForete ad oud ha a ~ ~ b 1omite i etpt eet wttih1ý he boarud to se \n l-iat 1mannller they, coliassist li maiking improvements at Ithe groundis was passeti. Aproa was given oPnyoltoi us te roo CI!, 'r of Comumerce both or their annual carnival li' Aug-ust. The -honour studoents 0of Uic Orono R, gh SchIool arc to be jion)oureti ina illar manner as in pevious years Mir, H. Partuer rcported that lie padc (continued on page 3) Congratulations and Best Wishes to TRUSTEES 0F TUE Little Charitable Foundcition of Orono ON TUIE OPENING 0F TUE NEW Orono Medical Lloyd Taylor SAND- GRAVEL - EXCAVATING Orono, Ontario Orono Fuel an"d Lumbüer Ltdo extençis congratulation),-s to the men whbave converteci a generous donation intýo such a beautifuil andi funCtiional bu;ilding, The Medical CLexitre for use by those in the Village and1 area ,BEST WTISIIES AND CONGRATULATQNS TO TUE TRUSTEES 0F TUE Little Charita'-ble Foundation 0f Orono ON TU ACUIVEMET 0FTHE NEW OronoMedialCenltre F0 E. LYCETT GENERAL INSURANCE t IL 4. 'Orono

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