DoIrZg We7Ll in trùvh ". The Po tilope win 19 i hcsond itthreoer bthe1s "m (lbourn' sthe, ofp oinm fa -ie ý Th latter game ws ped -lue, Fay 'Niolsnon iha"edstheir opuosition li-iirlthela te two cories ith *ero Th lan ees the opsiation off bal one thePotmou pe in the giecond game h,ýindthe plae tfor complSutetOron ,voaî wth your attendance and sup-ý port. ORONO FEEWEES The Orono) PeeWee Basebali teami under th'e guidance of Marvin Lun and Doug Poweh have played one. ,game to date. This gamle was played luý Keudal when the local boys ead byPaul Jones on the nieund edged Out a 1-1-12 win. These two clubs meet aýgain to-ni ght in Kendral for their se- coud game of thre season. If is expect- ed that the Orono boys wilh also mneet a- Bownan ville teami in the near fu-ý ORONO TYKES This group of boys wvho numiber a- r ound thirty and are al! eager 10 p)lay bail have had three gane 1 date. TEwo gaines were played in Xendal~ withi the third in Newcastle. In al three the local boys went down t0 de-' feat. The boys are currentily ainn expenience from theiir coaches, Paul Rutherford and William Bunting. The Tyke' s, boys under eheven years: wilI be playing at the Oro)no park this Saturday afternoon. Mr.1a(1 Mrs.Knet NealI wish to! dauhte Alen Maelto Mr. Carle Thomas StephenSoni, )nitar0 he marrige totke plac to ani~pe~dt nce the birthoi, 1 fa baby glirl T ee 2a , jqunI, 0th at Ote New aont 5s.Mi Hospting. a OF THNE IWisththank to Godsweandre hp Ont.Mr. nd Ms. . Nanminar.1 a-c dur-In mlsain erh foui ad ne returing homere A secialansto those who1) 'iootedaey 0,11i d "e n .a -p ! * ADVERTISE IN TUE ORONO WEEKLY TIES Durham Safety Council Plans Sumnier Prog, The Safety Coinnil met on Tlrsr-, day, June 21sf at 8:00 p.m. at the De-! partmenit of Agriculture, Board Room l SAFETY POSTER ' to plan the summyer programme.* The T %STOTW manfeatures of the programme willOVII OTW býe the featuring of farm equipment, Winners in the Dui sýafety fhags, the summer Landl Water, îy Poster Competitic Sa fety course, a Safety Slde Comipe- to visît Canada's tition and ai Rural Safety Eývent with Kemiptviîle Agricuitu firefighiting andi general farm safety res'ult of bhavingd demonstrations. work in the prepara TheSaet Clllct*1,'ý' 'eýidd oiposter. The winner The afey Cuncf hs dcidd t Bulen, Dr. Hawkin' purchase Safety Flags whichi wilh soîlU at $.75 each for, use on farm vehicles Hoelrd a 1- ~School, Newcastle;R being moved on the hlghwamy. These Shaws Sebool, No. flags are 15 xý 15 in demiension and are and Chariles Poyntci cf red durable material, secured V cte ot oe a6' long,- non corriosive- rod. A champ Sh,î Pr oe 1firmily fa.sten f0 tractor fenders per-1 Arrangements have miýts easy adjustmnent. To acquaint for the trip througb tegeneral public with thle imiport- prnin i giu ance of these flage, 33 bihiboards pro- villeandt o r uh noting the farrm safety fhag wilbelConv.ilen texpens usec luthoughout Onitaio starting in oi vnbp. April tis ýýyeýar iundlýr Étb auspices of yugfl ilb Ipn wo days v-I the Oitarlo Farro Euipmnt ealeri-s tePrimn Asocaio.Anyone wish!ing 10 secure asxpe Peal armt th-e fhg, ay secure the sa'me by con- the Kemiptville Aýgr1c, tacingth SeretryTresurrA. O. 0. Daîrymiple, Agr Daîrymple at the Onitaio earetsenltative1a"nd Mr.D c4fpAgrcilturie. The cost $175. incag1ftego lu 1961, adWaiter -safety Cous was resntcdby he Rd -Cose Other wilnners in hoped htsffcetineetwil.î a- werea flos:j gain b-, indhcited to carry o-n asmiaBrnaMsePt one night course titis summiier. Any- set, Port H-1op e, Lar oýne aganifrse-sol otc Hope, Roger serin, Milford -White, the Chairnman of the Ph p, Port Hope, safety commriittee or- the Departnit Hampton, -Michael A' oDf Agriculture. cas-tle,Patsy White, The Farm Safety Couni-cil of Onitarlo Pot oe. ivl is posonnga side competition.ý Eaclh counity is eigible fo send in SnirSetin colour 2 x 2 sides depicting such sub- Port Hope, Richard Jects as accident hazards, actual acci- muanville, Charles Pc, dents, resuits of accidents or the pre- Linda Parker, Newc> County Safety Council is offering $3.00 Port Hope, Ray Riplt per slide to the owniers of the top sixGinger Balson, H; vention of accidents. The Durham Miînle, Port Hope,1 sides tbat are sent in andl they are PotHoe atMC selected by the council. These wlll re-i otHpPtMC main the property_ùýf the counicil and The judges of tLhe p the reinaining sides wViIh be returnied Kîfleen and Mrs. Wc tothe owners. tIhat the calibre of tl cTentative plans were made for a cellent and congratula Rtural Safety Event to be heîld ili the ýwinners, but aIl who laesummier or- early faîll They plan is interesting to not< tw have a speaker from thre Fire Mar- post'ers per sehool cc shal's Dep~artment who wifl put on a but there was a tota. demonstration ou proper' Vse of fîre On the hasts of ahi pul fighiting equipment anfd the tiecessary room doing a poster, equipment about farm buildings, ti approxirnately 1800o is aIse planned to have a safety dem- farmi and highways onstration from the Ontario Agricul- pared. This in itseifd tural College, using miniature tractora people aware of safe and othier equipment, wil1 be paidf at the Rui WINNERS .rhiam Rural Safe- on will be g-oingý Capital and the tural Schooî as a. done outstanding ration of a safety ýrs are .athleen i 's Sohool, Port - ker, LakeshIore Rtichard Robinson, 4, oravîe >nx, Dr. Havwkin's e been cOmpleted h the Ontario De- ture in Bowmnan- iarn Rural Safety as of theý four, raid and they w'ill 'iting such paes Buildings, Central -the Museum nd n cultural School. A.- ricultural Rep)re- Dalryrnîple will be ip on tlhirttip. ithe comipetition Juniýor Sec-tion -ý LHope, Dawn Bis- rry Bridien, Port Port Hope, Gail Roger Moffat, A1acGregor, New- Port Hope, Jame.s le, Stephen Wilson Kathleen Bullen dRobinson, Bow-. oynton, Port Hope îstle, Ron Sproule [ey, Bowmianville, Ham-pton, Gregg Elaine Dehaney, erdy, Porýt Hope. posters were Mrs. Vood. They stated the work was ex- ated, not onIy the )o had entered. Il Lthat only three could be ente,,red,1 ~lof 250 pciaters.1 ipils in the scheolI rwe- expect that posters on~ home safety were pre- does make manyi .ty. prizermolley iral Saflety Nhght. aealinmer îpep' pm at tre VaVon Park July2ls llso ner- othergames0f chnce. a-c Kruv e suitngDa r.Sc. F, ill1od Salaci and SDrawL.erry Suppvce o tu l sdf uly 3 -dnoSue, r.wil e sr- inedb fro 5p.m ted yah are ser4ed, Aduts $ 2125,ewcastre, O. 2- NOTICE Ausdaof July 31, 19aD. S. J. MeGril wil ben asthengesDr. 6anF.12cenzie ono anldy eDtr. . ik, mNewcaDstle Orono y orn21 eastrain a-ci $NOTICE The roan teic o ssociatîone Par -Prgrmme will rommence ony detWn the mages of 6 an 12 yars nt med is tere, may doSo on Tuesday mornng.hegNwstioleeios ThCporamm ins to be Perkevery mrning 9-y 1 Mndathrough Frîdaby h DPettr missuhe Iamntr-lubSwmn-1 Club. Other features include Rides,j Bingo and draw for Hi-Fi, a-c STRA1V.ERRI41ES FOR SALE ----------< <,,ere n uare A -, 'ci40no -mu ne easi ofa uwc w Oaks Mtelmusic Exceller t hi taÂe use, freczing and preserv r". - Please <ve u~ veur order early. Albert Pos, Phorw 2237, Orono. a-c FOR SALE Fo)ur Burner Electric TRa-nge, Iigh oven with cnrl odcondition. Cheap. Pi4one 185, Orono. For SALE Electrie Range, Hotpo-int, 4-surface ,ooking elemients, ighý, baking oven themostatically contro)lledj, %walning o)ven, Also a coffee table 36"x20", a pale green decorative table lamp, and two) automatic electric ýirons. Bargains. Phione Orono), 1741. FOR jPAINTING -DECORATING BUILDING -CUPBOARPS f REPAIR AND FINISH ' FU RNITIJRE Cali DOUG SIMPSON -Phone 208. Oronoif PUMPIKG OUT SEPTIC TANKS, WIUTE WASHING STAIBLES Bert Tounpkins Phone Newtonville 4721 L c NOTICE Oronio Red Cross Water Safety Pro-! o armto begi n on Tuesday. July 3rdi at 10 a.m. Registration fee will be $1.! per child or $3. for 3 or miore in a! family. Scehdle wiIî be as folîows:, 10:00 - 10:40 . Beginners (o--m mers) 10:40 -11:40 -Tadpoîes Il::10 -12:10 -Junliors 12:10 -12:35 -Intermediates 12:35- 1:00- Seniors & Bronze Med- allion. This Schedule is subjeot f0 changce as Beginners, Tadpoles and Juniiors w11ill b e ividted into groups on regis-, ,ration cday. STRZAWBERRY FESTIVAL Plan to attend the Strawberry Fest- ival at the Shilohi United Churiiich o Wedaaesdlay, Juiy 4th at 5:30 p.m. un-, tii aIl are served. l Admisio: Auits $1.00; Children This is Shiloh's Centennial Cele-1 brations. Corne and meet your friends., gDamnes and Byam g oPLIUMI-iLNG Tand IHEATING0 Sales and Servieef 241 HOUJR BURNER SERVICE -FINANCING L"w Phones:s Rates g Hampton CO. 3-2288 g gTyronle CO 3-265f)f Feddem a Real Estate BO WMANV IL.LE. BuligLots, 1 'acre each o-n LsrdRoad, 600 ft. north 0f Tunv- ton- Rodonly $0.0 lircome hom - 2 apart-men1s. Build- iug lu top shia'pe.Moe cnv- leuces aiiica ,r gaage Ony 1$Ï500.00 dlown, easy terms. Sacres, 6-room .bouse, ~o eh water on tap, near Leskard.$800 Terrns. 4 acre lot near Higlïway 115, good gardea soul. Onhy $2200,0Q' 14 acres with creek niear Hampton on new Highiway. $2800.00, only $500. dlown. 34 acres near Mospont, small bush and creek. Paved road. Onl.y $5000.0D We have a good sehection of Build- ing Lots ia Orono. More information on reuiest. LIST OR, BUY PHOTO CO-Oil THOUGH OUR OFFICE Many other listings thr-ough01.t Durhiam Counity and Oshawa, A. J. MoGili Phone 1407, O-ronot Local Representative '-~ kyc~ v -tv - I Wione 1031 f t Orono, Ontarjo i i j 0 =- SWALTER FRANK g D. W. McQUAY R f-iALTOR61 l- Church St. Bow/manville MA. 3.3393 j Box "133 .Mo. 8-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited 318 DiIndas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Cemetery Memorials Dealersi Domestic & Foreign - Granites and -MarbIes - Inscriptions Cul and Cemnetery Repair Wo)rk 9Insurance Service lflSurance in ail its Branchesô g .ut, .aKZge and Comt-posite SPelicies, Fire, Farm, Life,O fBurglary, Liability, Marine,ô GAccident and Sickness, Windi, t] Beiler, Fideity Bond, Etc. Sadie Hamilton 0 Phene 'Orono IR16 0 FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS or rc-modlellng yeur present one thon contact Floyd Nicholson JPhone 211Orono OP Electric Motors 0' WidIgRepaired Wiuhins, Switches, bearng' aluD0 Electrie Tools and Smallfj Appliauce Motors U Work Guaranteed g AI. Heard. A. F. 'McK1ENZIIE, M P;S--A ed FSUR317G EON Office Heurs 2:00~~~~~~~~ Re40 ,n :0t :0pm vErF-xL»,"Y SURGEON 1Phont- '%f6 Orono, OWd,' tawrence C. iMason, WBA. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAN4ViLLE, ONT. Phones., Office MA 3-5688 HoQme MA 3-5S5" g .KAI LY CETT B.A 0Barrister - !ý*flcitor 1:1 the Ofcsor p,.R. WadýeII Q-C. g MAIN ST., ORONO O telphon 138O'rono g ~ERRLLD. BROWN PROFESSIONAL E'N(;IEEILý gOntario Land Surve-yorg g]2t Qleen St Box 1659 ( owavlle, 02tario g Telephone 63j5 L. J. SKMIFE 1Chartered Accouetant "1BV APPOINTM~ENT ONLY" MaI SteetORONO P.0, Box 98 Tel. 188î IN SUIRA NC E General & Lie SEE OFFICE MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 12516 Rs 11 J A CK EID Aucioneer 'and Valuiator Specialize in Farni and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orono TEID JACKSON A -ucioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail s.n and, at reasonable rates Communicate with Kim at Pori Parr%~ Ontario- Monuments 'and Fainily Memorials Our quality and service leaveâ n-othing ta bo desired Ask the person who bought f ror us a necighbour, friend or relative The RIJTTER i'rZTE 73 Ontarie Street PORT LHOPE "lLargeet bispIay in Southern Ontario,, Flower Loyers aur cordialîy finvited tovw thie llsplay of finle roes"" lit their best, starting Saturday, June i-30th and conitiinmngi, throghot te fîower season at 73QcnStreet,Bwavll Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRTNG Free Estimnates APPLIANCE SALES1 P'rompt anld Guaranteed Repaire to ail kinds cf Electrical Equipmient and Appliances Suc!, at Metors Water H-eater, T.V. - Radios- Stoves - Irons FOR ALL YOU-9 BUILDIN(G NEEDS Garage, Kitchen cupboDards, etc. Brick, block and cement work. New work and repair. cal Phono: Orono 34P.19 or 51M li