Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1962, p. 7

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-mýý'CN4ýeSH v A New MODEST Hero At 22, Neil Sedlaka well e- menîbers is .qboyhood la Brook- lyn, where, as hesys "I was a soilflop. A big squiare!" The. son of a taxicab driver, a 'bright boýy withi a gift for, music. he wiaatedteo be popular. At parties, they laughud when h. sat down a)t the pianio te play Beethoveni and Chopin,. "Thcy wanted te hean tbings thuey couild dance te."' He opened last month lii New York at JackSlvra' Inter- national, a Broadway nightclub as large as some Catskill rsns Performing suich sonigs zas "Stu- pid Cuipid," "Happy Bîrthday Sweet Sixteen," and "Little De-vil," he whipped eut a refiaed rock-and-rol] charm that ba-s 2oldsome 8 million recordls and earns him a quarter of a million dollars a year, as w'ell as a pop- uiaýri.ty th& a i tbt overwý,helM- ln.He bas had te abaindon i- ing in the sbayfor i- . kids at thosu oldl Brooklyn parties have tunned irto an adoring, onripresent mob. He has had 6,000 fans swarming te muet hlm at the Rio de Janieiro airpont, breaking down fthe police bar- riens and braving the fine hoses, and has played te 30,000 people a ni ght for a soid wveek la the. PhilJippinesý. Mnh a wedge of pizza at Coney Island he over- heard one teenage Ir squecal te an- other: "Look, it's Neil Sedaka &nd ... -h. eatsi!" What is left for hlmn? Tii. 140- po-ur.d, gneen-eyed in-1ger sat be- hidahuge walnut desit iia his Rondak Ente;rises office and gid baldly: "I Waat te be mnore pojpular. 1 want Sdaate be a household vword." The Manihattan debut at the ïInternational represents ïa tura- ing point. Sedaka -wants te m-rove up inito the aduit îmanket, with ballads and folk songs. But he wants te keep the rock-and-roll numbers, tee, with the heavy beat, and the triplet piano. Those -will be for the teenagers. And he wants te write a Broadway mnusical. And he wants te keep up the serious mnusic (b;.- tiid ied et Juilliard and was once choslen bpy Artur Rubinstein to play on WXQXR). The meve inito populan mitsic, however, he judges now tc have been a good thlng, "net financially, but namewise." SQf bis peýes at JUiird Inàay have s.coffed when bê brougltitn "Stupid Cupld", to )iay la class, but they were snoýbs." The hardest thing la 11h. ,wornid, h. clainîs, is 'te write * JmpJe tuae.. Seda&k-a, père, is out of the. taxi (h. is road manager for bis son), and Sedaka, fils, is la a white Cadlilla.c convertible with black jeathen seats, but' he stili wvants fe be popular. "I wvaat te bc, tnea.ted as a normai humnan b.- *ng," h le says, gesturiag witb a hand whicb casts a linit from aF large tourmalinu ring. "I wanit people te acoept me for just the cld' Nuil. .But I gues5 it's impos- tible." When ye buiid yen triuiphanàt ench te yen conquein' hero, buiid Kt eut of brick-so the people Nwililfhave somethin' con-venient totiirow at hlm as be passes tbrûugh. Peter Finley Dunn. STILTED - Fred Berry Says thot using stifts helps him toý reaDch the ceiling better than scoffolding for touch-up jobs. Here's The Oldest Show On Earth Iis thle worid's iongest-run.- ning and m-ost pepular play. It appeal te people of ail ages., Punch and Jûjdy have been en- tertaining I Great Britain for three centuries and Britain'a hwenare celebrating the fact this year. The fimst recorded Punch and Judy' show î? thought te have been 300 years ago on the por- tico of the "actors' church" - St. Paui's, Covent Garden, Loa. don. A special tablet was placed in the portico at a service for Punch and Judy m.-et and thieir dogs a few weeks ago. The traditionai meledramna ha% changed littie, Mr. Punch gety tough w7ith Judy, outwits -a beadie, ani undiertaker, a gho:st and the devil himaself, and bangg. ahangrnan in his ewn noose. Aithough Punch an-d Judy shows in Britain can b. traced back reliabiy, for onl1y 300 yearg, references te Mr. Punch have býeen found in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphies. His mnust be the olcdest show on c-arth. Mr. Punch bas aise been dis- cevered in Itaiy at the time o0f Julius Caesar, when h. 'Is b.- iieved te have been a red-nosed hunchback who earned his living as a jester. A iegend says that Punch or.- iginates. from Pontlus Pilate and Judy fromi Judas Iscariot. 'In, mnost Punch and Judy shows_ Punch triumphs over everyone TILT - SqtUeeze play tokes place at- workman ease a garage between a o huse and a tree in Topeka, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meyer wictch their garage play the biggest part. except the jester, hience the phras& '"as pieased as, Punch " Somehlow, the play is always up to date. Wberever there is a Punch and Judiy show, it att1ract4, a crowd, The performers are %Il puppets, except for the dog, Toby, -which is usuaily live. The shewmnan produces the fa- miliar high-pitched îvoîce of M\/I. Punch -with a "swazzle" -- a squeaker which he places in hiis mouth, and mnust be careful net te wllw A south ceast Punch and Judy showman who used te give more than 1,500 shows a season Onr the beach says that he usually swai- lowed his swazzle about two Or three times every season, but ai- ways managed te retrieve i. Ail gobd dog Tobys mnust have stage sense. Somie showmen Say that training a Toby is the most difficuit and trying part of the whole business. One man bouglit a dezen dogs before lie couid fiind onu that would taire te it. One of the miost intelligent Tobys on record wvas Blle, a Yorkshire- terrier. It was Stage- struck fromi the start, said its owner, and obvîously loved its job. Billie lived te the age of four- teen and appeared in more thaD 5,000 performances uLp and donv the coùntry, writes A sýl Brown in TtBt7 Some oid records say that Punch and Judy show., were par- ticularly popular in Britain in the days of Queen Anne, In those dlays Judy was often called Joan. A clause in the Magna Carta per- mnits Punch and Judy shows ln the streets of any tewn. Secrets off presenting the per.- eect Punch and Judy show have sometimes been handed down fremi father te son in familles for mnany generations. Fer years the. strong-roem et aLondon firmn contained a cen- turies-oild book of words for Punch and Judy -- complet. vith aIl stage directions. During the 1939-45 war a Czech ihowman made se mnany quips, against the. Nazis durîng each performance that the Gestapo an- rested hlm. He was lnternied, and 1h., puppets were IOcked in an underground safe. The effect of seeing Punch knocking his wife about in the traditioniai maniner is questioried frequentîy. Many aduits have conmplalned about the violence ef Punch, but miost psychologists tay tha-t It doees net harm younig- "The presentation in Punch *nd Judy of a m-an and womrart qjuarrelling appeals te the pri- mnitiýre in al of us, but it dees us ne harm because in such inci- dents lies. the kerm of domestL'ic comedy," says an Amnenican psy- chologist. Punch and Judy lias broujght at least ene unofficial repreof frnmia church - the on.- wbere, it stanted. In 1711, the sexton of. St. Paul's, Covent Garden, wrote an aggrieved letter te a maga. zine. 1 --' He augmented bis pay by ar.- ranging .,te place people close te f'amous actera and actresses at I5ervices. But the Punch and Judy sh1ows outside wuere cdrawing' away the sensation -seekers. "There now appear am-ong us none but a few ordinary people who comnes te church enly te say theïrpres" he comi-pla-iniecl bitter1y. Shanghai On The River Spreel TCo escape from Walter ULT- bricht's waiie'd-in East 'Gerimn puppet statle, ingýenlous nefugees h ave crawled through sewers, julnped from1rLooftoýps,, and slenl suc'h escape vuhiclus as iau,,.ncry Vans, i-iored ca rs, buildig cranus, ue an entire passenger train. -«a- T -, mlonl 1,t, thirteen fugi BABY CHICKS BRAY bas dual purpose and Amen avallabie. prompt shlpment. AIse broUl- cr.Let us know your requtir(eents. - let local Agent, or write Bray Hat. «;kery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BOATS CATAMARANS DEMONSTRATORS AND TRADE-IN Outhoards Volvo Outdrives Bargalns 17' Cat as Low as $1 300 AERO MIARINE INDUSTRIES L'rD- 21 Walker St.,* Oakvifle, VI. 4-3381_ BUISINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUILDING fur sale or tease In towni of Foret. Suiteble for almoat any kind nf business. Approxlmately 3,200 sq. ft. selag spece wth about the samne for storage. Air condltioned. Will remnodel to suit tenant. Situated be- side Post office and acroas the street fromn new ICA supermnarket. For more In-formnation, contact Ted Robe2rts, For- est, IGA, Ont. GOOD famrily clothinig business for sale et sacrifice price. Reasson for seil- in1g, owner mioving to another eity For prarticlars, please write te Box 121. port Stanley, Ont. kiOTEL, 12-bedrooem, doncrete block; exterlor complote, interior partially; il acres lend, 8 learedt. 400' scjni frontage. sandy beach; surrouinding property value $2,000 an acre. SacTi- fice quick sale. 111 health. nvstcd $21,000 $15,000 wouîd buy it. Prexi- mitly of Trans-Canada Hwiy. miakes valuable investment for sommer busi- nesýs new. W.Stepovlk. Batchswana Beny, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR' SALE GENERAL Store Business with large living quarters - stock - fixtures, fuily equippd-oil hcated; gas pumpiils. also P.0 Sscrificing due te disabte- mient. in good hunting and fishing dis- trict. Write C. J. H.oýffmnan, Golden Vaiîey, ont. WVELDING and mahinie silnP and resi- dec.FuIil com1piement POWer toots, good bnsiness, la rich southera Ont. farming atres Box 55, Mebourne. Ont. A Cthriving general store operating on a, cash hbasis off crs a golden opportui- nlty te secure a splendfid Ulving. Be- rides a weii equippcd store il bas ex- edilcait modern living quarters, a comn- plctely imodlem ii cemfortabic brick hom1e. You wilt enjoy this spotless hoewhicbhahecail îmodem convenii- encea. The property inclucles store, bouse, garage, b arna, store fixtures ad half an acre of choice gýarden aand iawa. Wonderful business p)otentiel. Feiting hcalth reason for setîîng. You muest sec this prop)erty' to appreciate 1t. Prlced et e sacrifice for quick sale. Box 251. 123 l8th Street, Toroate 14, Onit. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. MOEN fioor covcring and uiphol- gtery shop. Floor space 40ý'x30'. Geod living quartera uipatairs. Ideal busi- niess location of any sort. Full price $28,500. dewn paynent $10,000. Town Sopullatien end*- district 40,000. GRO- ERY, meat and confcctlonery store, 3-bedreemi homne and store on 1 lot, Including stock and eýquliaent. Ap- prox. turnover $000.Fui price $28,- 500, dewni payrnent $10,000. Owner bias ether hiterests. Pleasýe aetify Mlr. W. 5chwenick, 544-C Prinees Ave.. Med. line Mat, MA.tp $END for new free illustratedcatl qguc and Tweddle Montbiy Money Saver. Von cave imoney eon ',wc- mcen's chldcrn'e and baby's wear, ao electrical eppliances, cummirer furni- turc. and hunreda of ether 1items. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING COMPAsNY PERGUS il ONTARIO COINS AND STAMPS JUST rlesed June 6 editien of "Cash for - our Canada, Ný,ewfoundland, Great Britain & Unted States Colas", 3,6 pagea, 90e. Now payý,ing $11-00 fer Cdn. 1923 cents; fer 1925 cents $7.00. IPor Cdn. 1948 dlimes $,425. Countlesg ethers The Guidebook of Cdn. Coins 224 pages, 2300 full llustrations, 2nd Revised Printlng, April, 1962, wlth lateat prices colectora will psyfo Canadien coins in ail conditions, $,50 REGENCY COIN, 157 RUPERT WINNIPEG, MANITOBA 110W TO SPREAD GLUE Toý spread glue or similar ma- teniais ovei a large surface, ho me handymen wîll find that a ýrubber kitchen spatula is an ex- cellent tool. The rubber is flex.. ible enough to enable smearing on a. thin, even coat, yet stiff eniough te provicte uniformi con- ro.The glue cani be washed off easily wihen the Job is done. Even ifit dries on the spatula, the glue- can sill be peeied off eas- lly by -im-ply flexing the rubber blade a few times. The dried glue w'1 crack and flake off. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS $$$ ,SAV1NGS $$$ 28,different Amiericain sphin cast flshing ticres F1.5, eg. $2270. World re- nowned battery Portable translstorized tape recorder S3495, reg. $49.50. 'Bat- terylessa rechargeable flashlight $5. 95. Superb battery razor $14.95. Amazlng new pocket liglîter, men, ladies $2.95. 7 day money back-guarantee. Postpald. Dealers Interested send $1.0,0 for par- ticulars., Ontario residents add ý3% sales tax Sendl cheque or money order. Trans Canada World Traders,'Box 217, Station 0, Teronto 16. FLORIDA PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIDA Orange Grove NEWLY planted, $1,150 per acre. 1/3 dewni. Capital gain opportunity. Excel- lent for retirement Income. Fi. SNOEK REAL ESTATE BROKER 4938 VONGE STý. WILLOWDALE, ONT. 222-2581 HELP WÂNTED MALE TWIO tag press operators wanted ias- mediately, by weli establishedsubur- ban printin ,Company, experience on New Era, oeung or International' ta g presses valuable, but net essentil good startlng salary, with opportunlty for advancement, 5-day week, ail bene- fits If leu are ambitious, have a meý chanicaT aptitude and wsnt a steady .ob wlith a future. Appiy ln person tu Mr. B3onnetta. Atlas Tag Company of Canada Ltd., 72 Bayly St., AJax, Ont, I nterest Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST- CERTIF ICATES 2, 4 OR -VEAR TERM $100 MINIMUM AND UP SterlingTrusts CORPORATION 172 BAY ST., TORONTO EM. 4-749e G UN-S SHOTSHELL reloading comiponents at iowest price. Reload youir own shot- gun sheila for as Ilttle asý $1 per box. Mortoxn Broc, Linited Mt., Albert. Carry fuIl tire of Tools & Sulpplies, Write for price iat. I have another herd of reglstered Jer- sey cattle for sale. IWill finance on ternis of 36 months, so they viIllpay f or th emneeles. Apply lnmnediately te ROSS Butier, 742 pavey St,, Woedstock, or telephon-e LE. 7-8155, Woedstock, MEDICAL FRUIT JUICES: THJE PRINCIPAL INGREDIENTS IN DiXON,'S REMEDY FOR RHEFUMATîIC PAIN, NEURITIS M4UNRO'S DRUG STORE $335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1 .25 Exprev Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAINISB the tormient 'et dry eczemna resýhes and weep-ing skia troubles. Post's Eczenia Saive ,wiLI flot disappoiant yout 1tching.1 scelilngR and burning ecze. ma, ecne, ringworm, pimrplesand, foot eczéma wil respond readlly te the sýtainIes&, 'odoýrlees ointmrent regardtess of hew stubborn r h opelees they seemn. Sent PctFret, cn Rêiceîptf o Prtcg PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 Se. Clair Avenue East Toronto OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DE A IjAIRDRESSER LOIN CANAOA'S5 LEADING SCHOOL Great OPPLrtunhity Learn Hairdresslng Pleasant digified profession. geed, wages. huad-fscesu ilervel Greduites, AaerIca's GreqetsSysterm illustrated catalogue Frea WNrite or Caii Marvel Hoïirdressing Scitool 35e tloor St. W.. Torônto Branches: 4 1,n112st W., Hemilton 72 tidauý Street, Ottawe NURSES WANTED One Matron wlth knowledge o£ X-ray and two Generai Duty Nurses required immediately for 15 bed Hospital. 40 heur week statutory holidays end reg- ular vacation. Roonm and board. $40.00 per mth, BeautIful location A.pp'1y with full detalse, salary 'B.C. Standards. Admînîstrator, Arrew Lakes .4ospital P.0, Box 87, Nakusp, B.C. 010 COINS VWANTED COINS WANTED! Payinig $1LOO fer 1942 brasa (Tembac) Nickels. Buying other ceins. Tell me what yeu have. Colema Coins, 545 "E"l Street, San Bernardine. California. PERSONAL A miodem way te helipyou reduce. Est 3 meala a day. Lese poucsda and luches fast. Cinicctfly tested Slim.Mint helpa aatlcfy your craving for food - SUm-.Xciýnt plja1n makes reducing easier than yeu ever r -eamied possible. $2.00, 2 weeks' cupp)lly. LYON'S DRUGS, 471 DANFORTH, TORONTO PROPERTIES FOR SALE CRYSTAL Beach. 7 room bouse, bath, gas furnece,. possession lmmediately, Price $4,995.00. 3M. Lemont, 285 Lan- caster W., Kitchener. Slierwoed 2-5355. $32,000 .- Beauitiful location on Perry Lake, Kearney, 22 miilesnortheast of Huntsville: .custom-built family real. dence. Insulated throughout., Spacieus living room, native-atone firepiace, dia- Ing reom, kitchen, 2 bedrooms 3-pieceý bath on main floor, 2 bedroeme, 3-piece' bath 2nd floor. Fuît size baeement with bedroom and storege space. Oil heet. ing. -garage and boathouse. 80' front- age on teke and suitable for exýclusive home or lodge. Termis. Cati G. M. Deans. Broker, SpruccdaIïlç, Ont., 05. PONT SALE CONSIGNMENT PONY SALE at Clinton Sole Born ON SATURDAY. JUNr. 30, AT' 1 P.M. For information or consigamnents write JOB COREY, RA4, CLIN-TON, ONTARIO Phone I-llnter 2-9889 TEACHERS WANTED A Protestent teacher for cS.S . 4 andi 14, Hillier and Ameliasburg. OUTIES te commence in Sept. APPLY in writing, stating qutatificA- tîins and slary te: C. K. BLAKELEY, SEC.-TREAS. CONSECON, ONT. R.R. NO 2 VACATION RESORTS WONDER GROVE CABINS' HOUSEKEEPING cottages; accenm- date 2-6; ail convenlences, cabins for 4, $40 wveekly. Central',y,,tocated. Write or phone 24, M. Douglas, Grand Bend. MINNEHAHA CAMP i4ousekeeing cottages on Pickerei Itiver waters. Runnlng water. refrigere. tien. ahowers,rbeach, boats, good ftsh-i ing. Write Haertley Moore, Loring, Ont. PAIGNTON HOUSE Motel ond Cottage Units L&ke Rosseau, Muskoka. Open June 23rd. 9For çomplete Information on sumnmer vaication write for free coiered f eIder- Phone Port Carîing, 76543155 L(e Moniclair IN1 THE LAURENTIANS, P. QUE. MOST OUTSTANDING RESORT 1N FAMED STE. ADELE VILLAGE 1, L.ARGEST SWIMMING POOL IN '!MI LAURENYIANS; 3 VING BOARDS, SLI0E. 1. iLLUMINATED RUBICO TENNIS COURT. MELS BEYOND COMPARE. RIIG BOATING, MOVIESe GOLF ANOD rtIV1NG RANGE NEARBY. RiEASONABLE RATES WRITE FOR FOLDER T. S. COILLARD Lé MONTCLAIR, STE. ADELE. PQ VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE DEER PARK COTTAGES Boyfield, Ont. 9 COMPLETELY FUrRNISH-ED RENTAL COTTAGES, and O)WNER'S COTTAGE located on a beautiful site just rnerth ef Bayrfield on Hlighwcy 21, 300 feet of private aendy beach, eclet motel s ite and play area lncluded. Numierous guest reservetions neow made, will be transfcrred te purch- aser. Yor comptffete ifomaio iad appoint- ment te inspeet. Cali or wýrite. SHAROLD \W.,SHORE REAL ESTATE BRO1<ER 38 HAMILTON ST. GODERIICH -P1HONE JA 4-7272 rRÀZ - These photos show different views of a ceil in Aka--trax robberm mo.,r)de an escape. At Ieft is a guard's view of the cell on the piIIow. At ïn ghe a guard looks at hale through which 09 .@- CLASSIFIEO ABVERTISINO -9 N N N 'N 'N 'N N N N N N N 'N N N N 'N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N 'N 'N 'N 'N N N 'N 'N 'N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N N 'N k- N s' 'N 'N N 'N N N N 'N N N N 'N -'t, "N N 'N N N

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