Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Apr 1962, p. 7

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*roïm Birth to Death Aik Home Is a Tentp xapl îansabiiity t1) adapi, ng çeonCli1ions. The Cdeseýrt'snýe ve iejd uof horned srus ndJ cruby ras isworthluss Ito mari xcept aîfodderfor hi-q fine but t is convenrted t-) miik and nmeai y the camrels, sheiep, and geais. Phese aninihîs aise suLpply the~ 3edluin with hiair and wno n ,vhich lents, rug-S, and clotblljng ire spjun. SincL e hmnust fî (; f ail ai- tenid te tht needs of bis animais .ii onder teo btain from lh1em fthe veny nece.ssities of bis eitne he censtantly unignates over the grudgîng face of the deserti n search oft gra'zing andi. Thus be _ remnains a.nomad, in the centun- îes-eld tradition oet1hi.,nc or, HON, fer there la ne pe3sibiily of his Frost, seltling in a permnanent comýnmun- been ity foloc)wingc the pattern we sionoc 'sually considen 'ivlztin; Kenri is is that land described in thte Dld Testament (Lev, 26: 19-20): 'l will mak e yeur heaven as mron,Sc andi your tarili as brass: And So your strength shall be spent in A N vain: fer youn land shallflot ýyield ber increaseý, nither shall Seci the tt'ee-s o! the land vi-id Ibeir C;CIdedC fruiii." revolu The Bedouin hias uitile prutec- ýAmeî tion againsi the lheat cf th, sumn- Ao mer or the chili 'cJthvinter. One Ris clot hing includes tht gb11utra, Sergei a fouir-foot square of wbjite or a wee eheckered cotton &urrn as >a head Menti elotb; the black zagai, a ropelike On hoop that holds tht gbhulra in his ti place; the thobe, a loosc-e-fîtting Mrs, -neck-te-ankie garmeni 'usually of! and s white coiton. Duning tht colden shopc wveather and the mnonths of the in Loi shamals, or sandsiormns, he also Dai wiea-rs a brown siteveless ceai up aî ealled a, bisht or ani aba. The wantel youngen ebildren wardisbidash- ai Po' as, o;r kneeý-length white shifts. on te'l The womnen mnay wtar dresses o! Five brilant colons in tht privacy of picked thein tente; but in public tbey kit de Ikeep suchi finery .sbrouded bc- Baîley lieath their long black ouler gar- win E, inents, jusi as ihey kieep their e r. faces conceaied bebind black Tbe veis. son,1 The oniy homne the Bectouin spoliec 3uiows froin birth te death is bis Identi- tent, which la designed for porta- ,Yoi bilit;r ralher than.comfort, And 1tis e -cc 'ye ît is as true ferhmas r tht rnz thte ity dwelier that "homne is the ju where the heart i," and famniiy S ts In these nomnad iribes are beent txtremely close and dearly treas- offendl ured.-Froin "Kings and Camneis," îievcd by Grant C. Butler. . deaihs types. DRIVE CAREFULLY - Uhe In ife you save lnay be your own. C.I.D. "miyirec 7 in. 525 ira tic. La Anyi w anteé hie hi he thic questi subiect works phone, Then .~. Whel . .. .. ..exactly . .. .. ov.. . b rw .......A s qORED - Poet R ob er t t88, of Vermont, has -presented a Congres- ol Meckdl by President nedy in Washington, D.C. tland Yard Adopts New Gimmîk ,retly, Scotland Yard de- tab ex:periment with the ut.inary Idienti-kit "Waýnted Ipicture system invented in. rica. ýe C.I.D. efficer. Detective- *atRaymond Dagg, sperit ak Iearning how te use the, i-kit. ithe very day he finished training, fifty-nineý-year-cld Elsie Batten was clubbed stabbed to death in a curie *off the Charirig Cress Road ondon. ýg at once began building m Identi-kit picture of the ,d man. It was circulated to >ulice stations, and screened levision by the BBC. ýe days later, a C.I.D. patrol ýd up a man lrom the Identi- lscription . , . aind an Old iY Jury feund the mani, Ed- Bush, guilty of capital mur- ejudge, Mr. Justice $teven- praised the officer who d the murderer frclm ftht À-kit picture. ou deserve the gratitude et, omrmnity for regiii nan the way, you dld," eaidà udge. ce then, the C.ID, have using the kit to trap sex- ders, dangerous driveý5rs 'b.- dto be res.Ponsibie for road as nd criminais of rmary mnany conistabularies the Î!, working wlth the new icie» box, 10 mn. by 4 In. by It contains approximately ansparent lides, each bear- ii actua] facial characteri:s- ,ch slide is numbered. ybody who has seen fte d person is asked: "Wat air dark? Curly? . . Waàs ick-set? Was his face stern, Ily or- craggy? .,.Straight oý,s?" and -host of s'riUar eons, As the wiiness des- al possible features ret thik et,> an officer trained in thisý slips one transparency over ter until a face is built up. Switness and the Identi.-kit ýe huridreds of miles apari In can be given over the It la better for the witness the Identi-kit at work. m the, officer can ask- h. anything like that?» witniess may sugges-t e -nt iirair-line, or make al- oni so the ipýs or eyes. en the face 's bulit up as ly as possible from the wit- m yemory, the picture cani ,.red to police stations al the country. eaeb transparency is num- the, detals canl be Phon,-ed ied to anyone eise with a anid an ýidlentical picture Up. Scçffland Yard 1 wPs itoId: rt fre-in the spee<i, tht big iage of the Identi-k.it is rr thLâ first time we are ,get the pictcires ereened evision. the past we have frequerit- d a_ ïani.iiy anapshot of a cperson, but for legal al atual bphdtogâh , cairnot b. pubsrx .Te sar b.e uiç.Aise, eprsoin happenea to b.z d nnement, h.e might b. sue itthé poice Ife a Photo- 1la msed Ii thle Pre, Cr çBd. gh I4enti-kft plctiem . dot -M m t4 . f à. Partlcular e1si14 -- 1pot pheone WA6- EGG specjDiaîs Conet, Wte4 Bray hba daly dlual purposa _ixeti chîcits, nequast price wrIte Bray Rat Hsamilton, Ont.' BUSINES!3 undvidal.Thsis gives ithe C.i.D. aqre h-iid to radctalilt'he HubC, conlchiel of the civil cdivisiinof thýe bos An. gecles Countiy Shieriff's office, toured Europe afier tht waî He hbad taiks wiih many poIiceý chiefs, and nealized tht need for a new visuai identificaâtion svs- cem. He toek a rough idea te tht Townsend Company et Califor- nia. They spent nieariy twýeive yeans wonk-ing witb experts such as the assistant cirector of the State et California's Depanrtim(nt et Justice, George Breneton Tht resuit çwas tht Identi-kit. More than 40,000 photograpbs were taken al oven tht world te produce thse facial characier- iscseen on Identi-kit gildes. And fthe.y n'qake 62,000,000,000 fa- cial cembinatiens possible - men and women, youngI and old, fair and coloured. Tht Identi-kit is net cheap It bas ro be hired ai around $15 a month. Scotiand Yard aI nd rmany CiD. fonces wouid hlike te be able te buy ibein ewn Idlenti-kits. We enly aliew police te have Identi-kîits on a leasing arrange- ment," states a company officiaI, "bcaýuse et tht nIecesiiy ofpro- viding împrovem enta as thiey aIre iiroduced, arid for ex- chanîiging lest or damaged slides "We ha2ve te keep kitIs uniforin ail over tht world, and if we sold theým we should bave ne contro'L." When Scotland Yard became inierested in tht Idienti-kit, Hugh McDonald came ever and taughlt thiriy-one police citfs bow te use il. He left twenty-nine kits be- hind, ten of whicb are ai tbe Yard. Thetiransparencies includle 102 pairs oet eyes, iwenty-five mous- taches and beards, ibirty-ihree lips, frein ibm te sensueous, fiftiy- two chins, tram weak te jutting, and tbhirtyv-lwo neses. But ne cnars. "Our. tirat experience," said the invenior, uls thai the victim et a Crime - say rapt or robbeny -is usually facing the crimrinal, end neyer gels a chance te sec Il'ils ars properly. "Speclal mnarks like scars and ,moles and the ears, eaunb ei.raw,- in afterwards on thetrizansparent qles wlIth a waix per6ii." "On, Method 0f Taking Off Fat OklaRhomra'g Rev. Oral RobDýerntS>- the ticry evangellst who appeamrs on1 300 radioe nd TV staii9ns ,very week, lai reponted teý bave Overcoeem aensdeafness, and blindness with ftih. He used more, rrundane meihGeds te ever- corne ebesity among bis 375-man staff rccently. Last Decem-ben, Rober-ts served notice that if overweight employes, warntd a year ago te reduce, had net siim- mned down by Mardih, they weuld have te take enforced leaves et absence wvithout, pay and migist cventuaIll battheir jobs. Last nionth, Roberts (wbo lost 2a peund imaicisit) victoriouisly Announced his staff lest a ton ef collective fat; ont womnan le>st moreë than 100 pounds. No one iaS breen fired, but net zveryone im happy, "Where 1, tiser, any Chrïstlanlty in an employer, hi±'- hig overwelght pe-ople," said ont fe'Iiower "anbd then threat.nîng dlnlairegardless of theïr effi- ,ncy or yeart, of servlcee't 4Ov*rîndulgence," said BoberA,' "lma ai.' e s i n! ail kintiaofet ega love Merrti mthîl ta, Amas, Sykea and cis beat egg markets. -d te raady-to-lay. hast ianietiea, andi Laghorns, puilets and cockerels. [lt. Sea local agent, on chery, 120 John North, >OPI'ORTUNITIES ýeaîership avaliable Ini f Ontario Honasi andi s who have $675 te ln- Sheur business el their 'No seing. Senti al pan- toea number te Box 2419 tNew Toronto. Ont PORTUNITY r Own Business 'vice Station fer lease .iyjle, Ontario sellent epportunity foi :hanîcai background te ,pandîng and profitab)le s experience net nec- plate traning ls given phases ef service station 10, 123 - lSth. Street, Toronto, Ont. BUSINESS P OPERTIES FOR SALE GEM NRAL STORE LOCA PED lit illaga Souths ef City et ~barrie, neur L4ike Simncee. Solid brick building 40 x ý60 with radern living quarters aboya flîness terces owner te sacrifice thls thriving~ business foF $22.000 00 plus stock at cosi.' Down pay. ment $5.000 0N0plus stoch. Yearly tursa- over $51.00o 00 Phona or write fa fur- tiser partîcuflar Thl'is is Pa wonderfufl bulY. SERVICE STAr1ION, GARAGE WiTHi GENERAL STORE RESTAURANT & CABI#4S THIS lully equ ipped business inludinp living quartera located nons eof Olt* ILLIA on. No Il Ilighway Owvner wlshesýto eirl ull pricce 4$80,M00.00 vplus stock 'ai ceai Dewn paymient 25.0L00.00 wît h las iomrigage fer bal- nance Pt 6% ii fair principal psy. moenta. Veariy turnover $W11,000.00 and( ail records te eonfinm. Phone or write for further pai ticulars. See tisa '>ýsi nesa first befora ever considering a nwventure.i On ovening2 fer the. aIov.e all Wm. Adrnis, Severn BrIdgqe, MU. 9-2341 j W 'Jeg" MacDonald Real Estate endaiortgage Brokçer 38 Peter St Souths ORIL LA. ONTARIO Phone FAirviv 5-5679 ANYTntME COINS WANTED RIFTAILERIS, Routemen, Churches. 11Ca- nadian Cents,", before 1938. We pay $1.001 per roll, mimed dates. Mai] te: Bemnac, 003 Ka ie Avenue, Toronto 15. D000 FOR SALE LAB." RETRIEVER PUPPIES CKC Regstered. Exellent show and field stock. Pedigree 'lus- bsed. kleali guariteed, Wbalped 17 Dec.,'61. Thse worïi's tletriever ansd corn- panien dog.î Alise *ioe rtined pups, 9 mepihae e1id. frein champion ,stock. 1 STUDSERVICE HAWKRIO ,? E KUELS Reg'd 1110 Lakesart Rd. SemrIà, Ont. - i 2 -5270 DAIRY FARM FOR SALIE l'OR eawL.'iairy tarin. M.F. 10 Baier; Laval Mliking parler; Laval Bulk nillk cooler! Lavai Mlk pipe ine. Ail about asew. Reykoop, iias-wood Road, Baiti- more, Ontario. FARM I4ELP WANTEO EICPERIENiCED- dalry farmners one single, one hsarried. Puxrebreý Roi- ten.Steady' work, .good wages to re- liable men. Repiy with retereaces and wagte, §xpected te: E. E. Mcflenald, Rit. 1, Schemnberg, Ont. How Con I? Gy fRoberta Lee Q.How casa I remove those annoylng and unslghtly fu.zz bails that sometimes colleet on sweater? A. These cap be wihisked ,jff very easiiy with a dr'y Sponge. Q. 110w can 1 make a good utufflng for prunes? A. Cream ni d roquefort 4'iee*se make a fine coanbination blended *gterand used te sttd4f prunes or. dates. A doudcous additiüxi to thlg, mxture can b. naade wlth a t tw nuts groui-nd fine. VALUABILE C varlot.s parls 0 reliable persens vet i a shor own required. ticuflars and ph 123 t8th Street 0 f For Yeû W, IDunâ This la an ex mnan with rnie atari in an ex business, Previý essary as cený wi,ýth paiy ini al r operation. Apply @x 1 New, BABY CHICIKS %A HATCHING EGGS What the doctor ordei SIX DAYS ON A SU If mçiket good sente and bettr healtb wben you travel toelurop& by #*a. Ifs a n extro holiday - beous, your CUNARD tiket Includlet memorable menue, dancing, Iatest Movlec5 parýties <md oceans of fimi and réIaxationm Thct't why "QITTINQ) THIRE 19 ) AI! THE FUNP' ) ooh New iFer A WId.ïr Choie. 0fAcemdf soeYour TravI Agent Cor. Boy & Wefllngton $te., IToronto, Ontorlo Telh 362-2911 c - ~ e- -3 - - - . ._ -, _ _ _ e e s FARMS FOR SALE G -ENTLEMALN lai-ni n e a r Oshawa. Larges brick hernie, modern kitchen, 2 bathreoins, 30' livIng reorn wlth broad. looin. 100 acres of roUling nmediumn day loaln, trout strearn runnlng through eedar btsih. Contact liewe and Paters, Reallers. 67 King St E., Oshawa 725 4170L. FOR SALE MAISCELLANEOUS FOR SA"LE - Miniature Pennsylvanla Dutch i etties. Send for f ree celer photo and prices. Ralph Lorah. Oley, 'aý $1. 49 TABLE Bowling Aileys on aluni- inuni bases. Five balla in. cups <ne pin s). Orbit 28 Esgore Drive, Toronto 12. Ont. FESCTRIC meat grinder. Enterprise miodal 2112, $175.00. Aise two six foot standing electric fans, "O.O eech. Ail ln excellent condition, iusd sAuce new ln private dog kannel. Box 39, RR 1, Milliken. Ontario TeleýphûeaMarkham 648. FIRST quality marchandise sold at 10wý prices, due te large turnover and 10w rnark-up. We list a few Items: Men's Flannelette work shirts - $1.986; Rayon sport shirts - $3.01; White shirts - $2.1"9; Plaid Glngham shirts $2.49: MVen's ail wool worl ssecks - 89ç; Wo an rapyon socks 79ý; Suimmer %vork socks - 3 pairs for 9d4; Ladies' fîrst quaiity nylon hose- searnless 59e; Full fashioned - 39(,; Girls' and Ladies' Bobhy socks - 3114; Ladies' Foam-Iet aUIppors - 89(,; Sanso-Domlnlon I2 sUice toaster- $13.915. Free iilustratad catalogue and ûonthly 'Morley Saver. Postagea Paid. Goods aatisfactory or money rafunded. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING F$Gs COMýpANT IGISi,- ONTARIO HELP WANTEO MECHANIC An excellent op)portunity exista for em- ploymnent )f ka machanlc or automotive rrachiniaýt in amlton, Ontario. Our shop operates 32 weeks per year, we have -, pension plan. 2 group Insirance plans and excellent wage secale Apply with ful] details te: P.0 Box 89. Sta. tien "C" Ilamilton. Ontario IIELF W^NTI111 FEM1ALE HOUSEKEEPER required for modern Hamilton homre. Ail automeatic apipli- ancas. ne chiidten, good wvages and evary night off. Apply wtth full detaiLs teo P.O.Box 89. Station "C". Ramullton, Ontario. MEOICAL GOOD ADYICE1 EVERY SUWFERER OF RI4KIMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SI4OULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA4 $1 .23 Exprese coIIect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE .BANISI tihe toriment of dry eczeina rashes and weeping akin trouble,;. Paosst's E c ze ma Salve w,7111not disappont you. ltchling, scalding and burning ecze- ma, acnernm, pimples and foot aczenaa will respond readiiy te the stainless, oderless olntnient regardless of hew stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sont fPos Free on Recept te Prîce PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIÉS 2865 St. Cloir Avenue Eost Toronto music LEAIN Guitar - Record Courso - Charts. Beginner $,4.915. Advanced e6.25. Bongos, Large Mexican, Goatslin ileada. $6.00 Amnerlran Gultar 'Music Mart, 615-làlrst. IHastings, Nabr. MUIISERY STOCK GOVERNMEINT certif led Lathnrn sec- ond yarraspberry planta 560.00per tho Iaand, $7.00 per hundred. Jamnes nadisoumne, E 4, T ara, Ontario. OPPRTU ITESFOR MEN AND WOMEN DE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL GretOpportounfy Learn Hairdresslhg pleasanjt dignified profession. goedý; wae.Thousands ef successful Marvel Graduates America'i Greatesi Systeni lllstrated Catalogue Free Write or Cal Marvel Hoirdressing School M à1Boer st. W, Toronito 44 Klnjg St. W., Hamilton 72Rideau Street, Ottawa M ERSOItAL OVERWEIGHT? 4 ae, ffectiv@6 roduefin n plan rPàyt.e6 17.00. eàcaliy jppreve. nonthe igDe,,yl A.i . yon oni M, t t t t t t t PROPERTIES FOR SALE SAUBLE Beach ý176 ft.on, river, good dock, cottage. RLrs. Rhae, l1, Emery St , London. WISIIING to purchase bumsiness ho me, fruit, dairy or general farmr on Mlagara Pen'Insula? Write Peter Paul Lepp. Bc-al Estate, 7 Taylior Ave., St Cath- arlues, Ont. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS WANT Money? For $1.00 loin Kramrall. Safe new ,way tohe arn. Send $l.0f0 te: Huestis, 115 Nort OtStreet, Terre Haute, Indiaa.U.S.A. STAMPS 100 DIFFEREN1 etanipa 10e To Collectora, Bequesting Approvaîs Winston Phllpott Box l06 Botwood, NfId., Canada $1.00 MIXTURE $6.00 cat. American and Canadian commemoratives A few good forelin. One order oniy, plcase. SMALL FRY STAMP Trenton Ontaglo TRAILERS FOR SALE TRAVEL TRAILERS FACTORY TO YOU Il models to choose froni, 14' te 32'. COMMERCIAL and display traliers. TRUC K caxnpers and concession units. CUSTOM bulit to suit your need. OPEN weekends. FLEUT LINE PRODUCTS LTO. 380 MAIN ST. PH4ONE 443-5395, WATERFORD,. ONT. ~rAOE SCMOOL8 ACETYLENE, electi weilng ani Argon courses. Canada Welding Can- non and Balsani N., Hamilton Shop LI 4-1284 Res. LI 5-6283 TRACTORS.FOR SALE INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR Clearing a cmieeyrebmiif 1940 [In- ternational F;ermaill Tac orcniptete with side cutling mnower attacbhmenf Sacrifice Price $3,95 00. Standfard Eni. gines, Equiipmient & Supfflies I.iniited, 516 PakaeAe N HvuinO tario WELDING MACH'INES FOR SALE 200 AMP PORTABLE WELDERS We are clearing iur fuli stock vet Lin. coin & Hobart PortableWlinMah imes Ail overhauled, $4n0.00 ench iiic up. Standard Enginés, Evuliment & Supplies Liriteci, 5]( 16 Prkd1ale Avenuie N , Hamilton, Ontario. WILD ANIMALS YOUNG OTTERS WANTED Society ior Promotion ci WiIdlife and Forest Conservation fInc.. R.li 2, Stev eissville. Ontario. CLASSIFIEO AOVERTISINO --- - - s - - - - - - - - red- )MMER SEAI Fm Mo 'un!oed Quebee 8AXOI A PRU.20,MAY i", lUNE 1 2 lY 3 MG CAâRIMTHIA APFI 27, MAYl, UE8,2,JULY 1, 3U~ O IVIRUA M y , 1,JULY 6, 20, IJG Io, TeCI, AASoUrfIAM'QýGroreEt'o CK aced LIVERpoo, TARTNO MY 4 IVI~jACALL& AT COII ON AUL SMLiNGS 4y th* A Q EN regulor soîiîlngs from;y k by~~~~~ ieQUIEZANeniQE MARY, -worîd', lorgel ie,0_Su cami OhMAUREITANt' Und SyLVANIA NJêAROf %y Air-. Reginr service by CUNARD EAGE ARW'AYS t Miami-London vin Nrrss'lu; 4vYrkBrn;J.îr,- 15 FOR LIFE Nelihr ofyou Il eNv'r forger youir l'heaelyoeyolon dhaYsaut Gra erok l" tsuna ;' i .verÉ4,lakas ansd trees, warmtl i fnientiinasa aIl about yen -- conspicte privacy when ycu WIGsh, Tish eteÉ5yeta wll meet at Graiy lte Innýý are part of ite clissyni - ente et ite delîgiste -- is4ormsai but gelect. S1ýupeti, Culine thse year 'round, e.very Sport ln Seasen: Golf, Tennis, .Ridlng, Swing, DmsclssgfBoat- Ing, Canoin, Skling, -kating, Sieighing. Mtter rehone lyýým>n rates GRAYROKS III :;E3F«iw - iiý , . q2b - -

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