Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1962, p. 5

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A Girl WI4 Beut The Strongest Men M-er vital taisisaten- five we\-re - 43, 29, 43. She was the strongest woman, -and per- liaps the strongest hurnan being, the worIcd has ever known, Each morninrg before break- rast she kept in training boy lift- mng her husband, who weighed J,54 lbs., high above her head six imes with eîther hand! One of lier miost famous acLa was ta lie on a bed afi nails <while supporting a 210-lb. aravil en lier chest. Mien in the audienc~e were in- v-ied to pound on the anvil with gledjge-hammers. By tensing her iron-hard back muscles aI Ilie moments of impact, Kati kept tise nalîs from piercing lier skin. Born in'a gi'psy caravan in AI-. gae-Lorraine, Kati Brumbacli, gt fifty, was stïli able ta lift lier 110-lb, son over lier head wiïth lune hand., Thîrty years ea.rlier -,aie defeat- cd strong man Sandow ini a wleightlifting contesi, From then eit, she was billed Smndwina, But it wasn't strengili alone whicli made Kati a leading at- traction -wItli Ringling BrotherË, Bavirn and Bailey and i vaudeville houses tliroughout the. worU ,She wag fa muscled monx- .4Lrosity, but very pretty, with a lovely and excithi igur.I- * dëeed, the first part of lier &Ct was d1evoted ta posing, in briefF and tailored costumes, 2s Justice, Columbia, Germania, Liberty aid other cliaraciers designed to rhow, off lier statuesque beauty. 5.lie stood 6 ft. % in, end weighr- ed 210 pounds. Fromi infancy, lKati had toured France and Germiany wlth lier elrcus-owner father and ac-,*- batie mother,_ Wlinen nly twa, years of age- shie could do hiand- stands. And wlien she was ý!x teen, lier father was offc-ring 100 mt-arks to any main who coule wrestle Kaýti and pin lier shOuld- ers tote nat. There were naiurally ny takers- but no winnere! In Sixony, a nineteen-year-old wiémployed acrobat nanied Mhx Xeymarnn accepled thet chai.- lenge. Wthin seconds, h. hiad been slammned ta the niai wfft aulh force that ail the br*,ath was knocked out of lu. Afraid thai she had hurt himî beadly, Kati leaned over ïanxious,- J'y. Max opened lis 'eyes and wbispered: "I love yau. Will yoil mnarry me?" Kati slarpcd down, bluslied, Ean said softly: "Pretend you eann't get up." She thon ifled Max in lier erms and carried him right out tf ihe arena! Later, Kati told friends: «I4' beat hum. J. Ihen pick him up In fmy x rmks, look at the littie man. (Max was a molre 5 fi. 3 in*> UThen I f&11 in lave wth m. Mlax and Kati eloped ta Nor- ATOMIC PILER - Technician Lester Race checks fuel bun- dle,ý in Yankee Atomic Elec- tric Co"£s nucleaîr plant. A second fuel charge of 25 tons of uranium oxide wiIl b. in- %talled in the reactor early tf-ils spring. The first nuclear core set a record by producing one billion kilowatt hours of eIectricity. waiy where tliey werg married. SO began almost flifty years of wedde'd. blisi. Kat! performed bfoekings, queeas, QmtPerors and presîdent. Ail Over the world crowdS stared in awe and a enazernent at the. ts-emendously Stron< m1-d beauti- fujirl. Once i cologne, Kati was, watching Sigmnund Breitbart:, then billed aPs "Thie World's% Strr>ngest Man." On seeing ies', lUt sneeringly chalLenged the glil to e-quail its mci. When Kat' jumiped down on. tie ztage, Breftbart threw liera length cf heavy can She at o>nce snapped h it ntwo eande tossed the pieces bitekl From that moment, the rivairy betWeen thim was litera1ly u4strong' -- and on Brietbart's part bitter. Tliey met in variouks cifles. Each Orne Breitbart chai- lenged Rati to beast-one of hi. mets. Anid eLeli Utrne sbhcdid. One day ini 1919, K.ati did lier usual two perflorininces, then ,went home. That night, the baby was born Less thani a week later, the -was again doing her heavy-lift.. ing aci. Ial' eats daily grew more and mûre incredibie. She st-ood up under the wei*ght of aý 1,200 lb. cannion bi.anced on her shouldiers. She balanee,ýd a bridge over ,vhich walked fborty Men and four h-orses. Shec supported three womnen, two standing on Iadders, the third holdingý the ladldets Lip- right, with aIl the weight resting î on aý leather belt around Kl'ati's, waist. When she died in 1952, per- haps the fines~t and truesttr- ute paid ta lber was: "She- had th& muscular strength of ten or- dlnary imen, and lhe charmning feminlinily of one 'hundred ordîn- a.ry women." Compelled To Be Two Parents In One Are we failing himn? Spoiling himn? Deprivïng him? Sucl ques- tions, sweapped among parents abo>ut thelr ehidren, are far.nil- lar. But f w fathers and ntoth- ers ask then i wth thei particular poignance of île divorced 2;njd Widowed. Compelled tai be two parents in one1 tle lone guardian plays a desolate and demanding raie that isicreasingly coniion in U.S. life. Today, there is one divorce ta every four UT.S. marriages; ail ýold, some 6 million cliildren live in one-parenthomnes. Badly need- cd for those involved: Advice and understandinig fromn symipa- theiic outsiders. That need is nlow bel-ng promisingly met by Parents Withouit Parîners, a five- year-old erganization wiil 65 national chapters and 15,000 members. Prom the Bronix ta the San Fernanda Valley, single par- ents are klatsching in homes and cliurches, listening ta psychiat- rists and social workers, Iossing backr and forth over the coffee cups theÇir )1-1 1on prpiexiîties about everything fremi discipline to adolescent sex. "I didn't realize w,,hai a sca oulcast I would be aftor 1 was divorced," reports Mrs. Anin Kel- man of P>alo Alto, Cabif., 1he mnothier of three tow-headed boys. At first, Mrs. Kelman en- joyed a iluxry of. invitations, but througi the. montîs tley dwindl- ed 'ta zero. 1 got the imprescsion," pie says, "that early ever ollier wornan thought I. was trying to i;teal lier hustiand." Parents 'Wltiout partners hes offered lier 4 iiew social outlet -- barbecues for tleehcids, an 'occaional party mlzcd -with thc erios eminars on parenthood. Inevitabfly, mnany a chaipter is an i icubator oe romanmce. Tii. national president, for examiple, *ot long ago married. us execu- tive vice president. "But this ]b not a club for womnen looking !or- husbarids or for meni on the prowl," says a>1Miamri-father. 'P"WP ,tres the famlly as a 5group." Iv, Los Angeles, the group reguarly txreke, off to Ma- ginclaM nd P Dsneyland, chl. dren ila tow. In Buffalo, N.Y.,, a q uppet show was reently otaged. lie Palo Alto, Calif., chapter à. starting a pre-setýhool nursery forý work ' ng niothers. Accordlng te> Mrs. Barbara Mordy of Mni Ar- bor, Midi,, "PW? lias >made mny tour children realize athers are ini the samne situation." The firsi Parents WVithout Parîners were two in number. In 1957, a pair of divorced New Yorkers, James Agleson, a corn- n-ercial a1rtist, and writer Jacque- line Bernard decided single par- 4nts mnight learn from jeaceh other end placed a classified ad ini The New York Post. Its nmessage cta ither !one parents - let's get together. Bath have since be- corne inactive, but what they planted lias blossom-ed into a Iloosely knit nati9nal organiza- thon that holds annual mneetings, provîdes group heailhiInsu rance, and is.sues a miionlvy journial whose topics range frorn "Who Pays a Widow's Bi? to "Don't Eat Up Your Alimony," If PWP lias aI urnes anri over- isweet flavor of uplift, il is uni- surprising, since the rnajority o! members are womien seekiig gpiritual balm as Well as answers- to financhal security and low tb b. a faîfrer 10 a boy. For maie mnembers, iowever, the, problems5 are largely the samne. "When we gel wiil ingle people," sayk Chicago's John Jenkins, who hasý custoidy of two chidren, "we flnd weý don't belong there bDe- cauise we have kids and tbinik differently. We're like ducks aýut o! water." For Jenkins, PWP 'lias opered a fresh rsr oir fiCc-as adcornpaniionsip - even 0of confidence. E a AGENTS WANTEO EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES Applications for representatives, to cali on Service Stations enrolllng member- shIps with a service peitaining to al phases of thelr business, legal, Insur- aýnce, etc.) - are Invited from ail cities cf Western Ontario. Saiary and com- mission. GE 4-0961, or write S.S.P.A., ,130 <Welington St., London, for person- ai iInterview. BABY CHICKS i'"S 1Bray for Anes, Sykes and Cornet egg speclalista, to reaeh best egg mark.- ets. Dayold te rcady-to-Iay. Beat dual purpose vairieties, and Leghorns; niixed cbieks, pulets and cockereis. >iequest price lilt. See locali agent or write Bay Hatchery, 120 John North, H4ami- ton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNlTIES HIGI4 CLASI HAIR&TYLING SALON Hamilton Owner r&tiring. Good opportunlty for ekllei hairstylist. Equlpment at de- praciateci value, stock at cost. Batten. 5 Third Lin. S., Oakviie, Ont. ATTENTION MEN WITH INITIATiVE AND DESIRE TO GOITAHEAD. SMALL lnvestnsent required tu get ,startèd ln a very profitalie busi- ness righf In youi- own bomne towgl. Lirolted nupibar of 4ealerships available in t êwns amd itUes througbout southersa Ontarlo. If yen have the required desire to succeed we may have tbe oppor- tunity you bave been looking for. Fer f ullIinformation contact BRUCE SMITH4, SUN4-GL.O PROOI>CTS LTD., I VANCOUJVER AVE., TORONTfO BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALK GENERAI. STORE LOCATED in Village South of City tf Barrie, near Lake Sinscoe. Soiid brick building 40 x 60 with nmodern living quartera above. flîness forces owner to sacrifice thîs lhriving business forý $22,000.00 plus stock ai cost. Dovjn psy- Msent $5,000-00 Plus stock. Yearly turn- over $51,00000. Phone or write for fur- thel! particulars. This la a wonderfuI buy. S9ENVICI STATION, GARAGE WITH CENERAL STORE RESTAURANT a CABINS THIS fuIIY aqulpped busineasf includinig bvingquartera localtes! orth of ORY- ILAon No. Il Highway. Owner wRI£hea ýto retire. Full pricce $80,000.00 e UiSt*ock ai ceai. Down payment 5,600.0r, wlth Ist. mortgage for bal-. ance at 0% with fair principal pay- aents. Yearly turnover $90,000-00 and tlree-'rdg to Contirn. Phone or %itle fot ftirther particulars. Sec ibis busi- nlbesalrsi before ever consîiering liew %venture, en eveninga fri the abeve caIlWmn. Aderne, Uevers Bridge, MU. 9-2341 Jý W. "Joe" iNacDonald *eâl Esiate and MUortgage Broker ,8 Pater St. South ýORILLL4, ONTARIO Phwno FAIrview 5-5679 ANYTIME CATALOGUES CANADA*S MOST WANTED NURSERY CÂAiLOGUE Over ,000 guaranteed selections, Jo. page ail-clor catalog feaiurlig thse llewest and the bestinluroses, shrubfiý trees, flowers, evergreens, fruits, -lyubx - frein Canada's largest gr;rowte-you nursery. Write teday: McCONNELL NURSERY CO. LTU. i8 Nova Seotla Si Port Burwell, COINS WANTED YOUR ciel coins rnay be yaltiable. 12gh- est prices for Canadian and Amierlean.. )lustrated Catalogua 50c, Coronet Ceinis, 1611 Churcb St., Toronto 2, Ont, 0008 SAMOYEDS, St. Bernards, Scotchl. ies. Gernian Shephercis, Foex Terriers. etc. A il purebred and regisierd. Agents for 'ait breeds. Tarins 10 2o monlhb avallable. Jerdon Kennels, 47 St Paul Street, Brockvliie, DI-2-344.1. FARM I4ELP WANTEO - MALE I'ULLY experienced narried mian for purebred Hlstein l)siry 'arm. Sepa- rate houseý Write, statlng wages and experience, ln first ieiier; also refer- ence f rom a previeus emiploiyer W. Wesley Werry, ER 1, Hiampton, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE GENTLEMAN farm n e ar Oshawa. Lrebrick homne, modern kitchien, 2 ahom,~' lilving roeln u itb broad- boni,ý 100 acres of roliing medlum dcay loani, iront streaili running tbrough cedar bush. Cotact ilowe and Peters, RBeators, 67 King St. E., Oshawa. 725- 4701. 15(0 ACRES e1xcellent state cultivation. 4 acres in mapfle bush, spring crac, good bouse, bank barn 5DxBO, hog pen, hen Pen abGve, 3ox56), watar, bydre throughout. $17000. Appiy Irene OU- lies, RR 2, or Miliford Dowling, Fergus Si., Ph. 491R, Mount Forest. FOR salÇ, $6,500 cash, 100 acres. B-ol. land townshlp, Grey county, go0 mile, lhorth ef Toronto. For further particu- bars apply Wlmier Clark. route 1. tierke-Iey SALE due i. iliness, 100 acres good lard. self dralned. Modemr 7 roonis and bath, half ed 4 ears, al new aluin-n Lïm4dig, nd tormore storïns and aeceens Bank barn 35x75, upper part new 4 ys~ othier buildings. Schoob bss mail miiiç routes past door. [n Warwick Twp., Lambton Ce., 14 Fmile No. 7 I. Immjediate possession. Owýner Wmi. \Waiace, 43 Wigie St. Leiington. Ont Rleasonable dowu{ GOATS & LAMBS WANTEO FOR SALE - MISCLLANECUS INTRODCCTORYi OFFER! Se'nd this Advertisement ln with 98e for 3 pai*rs of mien's wool, rïiyon aii nylon rork 011s O 1 pair of Ladies' finesi quiality nylon hose for 65c; 3 pairs for $1.89 .- colovrs,: liiht or diark beige, ORt one mien's flaýnnelette plaid work shirt for $196; two for $3.49. Postage p aid. Money-back gaate Free Il- iliustrated catalogue ia nid montbiy MýonceySaver, listing bundreds of top qlity marchandise. TWEDI3LE MERCMA-N»ISING CO'MPANY FERGUS 11, ONTARIO GRASS S180 GREEN PASTURE SCARCE? SORGHUM GRASS MAY ANSWER YOUR PROBLEM Nine foot growth in sand and gravai lsoitFarmer ai Encrerby, BC. pasýtured stock calves In. Sorghum ui ntil snow -fail. Dalry farm.er pastured bis cows on Sorghum wben bis other pasture -faiied, tbs'ough drought. Prove te your- self what this grass niay do In your area This annual grass Is good for ,a sinre or hay. Easy to bale and cure, Ten) pounida cIaivared, for $1550; Tweniy-flve pounds, for $37.50 deliv- ered. Requires about two te three pounds per acre for row grop. Place your order now. Ail No. 1 sead. C. E. KINGSTON DIST. CO. LTD. Box 424, Karilops, B.C. HORSE SALE Quarter Horse Sale APRIL 14, 1962 3rd Aninual -MICHIGAN STATE FAIRGROUNDS Detroit, Mîchtgan. For Catalogues Contact Sud Leetch or Tom McKinley Fenton, Mich., U.S.A. LIVESTOCK SALES BARNSI LIVESTOCI< Sales a --ctdn - traiO-n-tarieon ai lgwy. Out- sitanding buildings. This, Nwe belif-e, la one of the botter iocated Sale, Barmna In Ontario with vary good petential and priced te seil. Make ail On quiwes In confidence ta: IDon Wilson, Real Et- tae, 184 Charlotte Street, Peterbor- LISTENINO DEVICES INVESTIGATO RSi Write for -fre bro- chure on latesi submniniaiure electron- tc Ilisienlng devicas. Cifton Electronic Devices, 11500 NW 7th Avenue., im 50, Florîda. MÂLE MELP VWAITED GYPROC Lathers & Roofer for new bouses &- experienccd fairm hand for dalry fanm. <oreski Roýoflng & iLalhisag, Port Ferry, Ont. MECHÀNIC An excellent opportunity exists for cm- ployment of a mechanlc or aiitomiot.ve machinist In Hamliton, OntarioOur 8hep operaies 52 weeke par year, we have a pension plIan, 2 group Insurasiçé plans and excellent walge scale. Appiy with full details to: F.O. Box E9, Sta- tion "C", Hfamilton, Ontario. MEDICAL READ THIS -EVERY WTJ#R 0F RHEUMATIC AINS -OU NEURITIS SI4OULD TRY DIX,0141 REMEDY. MIJNRO'S DRUG STORE- 333 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1 .23 Express 'Colleet POST'S ECZEMA SALVE DANISII thbe tornnent of dry eczemai rash,!s and weepilag skin troubles, Posl's Eczema Salve %lilt net isappoInt you. iiching, scalding and burnlig ecZO- ma, Rene, rlngworm-, pimpies sud foo1t eczemaf will respond reacliiy te thse àtainiesa, odorles intmenl ragardiess of how qtubborn or bopeles they geemr. *sent Pest Freteon Raceipt eft Prie. PRICE $3.30 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue Eat Toronto MONEY rO LOAN' MORTGAGE LOANS Money availabie fer immediate toar, en Firsi and Second Morigag, and- Agreements fer s.ale, on vaca ntin ïrmproved preperty, resîdential, Indus. trial, clty, suburban and eounlry,'and 2nuier cottages. Forty years experi- a oe - s NURSES WANTEO_ NUTRSES and Quallfied NursingAsit ants for Newe Modemn 15 bcd hospitai treeting Medilcal and Surgîcal cases,i the Niagara District close to Niagara Falls and St. Catharines. Apply statlng tage, experiencce, qualifictlons, expec- ted salary, mhen available and tele- phone number te the Admlnistraier Medical Centre Hospital, F.O. Box I10, Virgil, Ontario. REGISTERED Nurse requlred for thb. Arrow Lakes Hlospital, Naicusp, B.C,, fifleen bcd, standard wage rates, boit- days, seml.amsnual increases, etc., 40 heur we.ek. Rooni and board available ai iHospital. Admiînistrator, Arrow Lakes H-ospital Nekuap, S.C. OPPORîUNITIýES FOR MEN AND WOMEN RE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAOI#40 SCHOOL Great Opportunity fLearu Halrdresslng Pleasant dignificd professon,geed wages Theusands r0f successful Marval Graduates Amnerlca's Greatesi Syvstein îllustrated Catalogue Fre Write or Cal Marvel Hoirdressi.tg Schocl 356 loor st. W,, Terotite Branches: 44 JKing St. W., Hamiltona 72 ldeu Street, Ottawia OLD COINS WANTED PLEASE write te me wviat, yeu have lii old Coins and 1 will advisa yen of their werth. A. A. Nelson, Dennison, Ohio, V. S.A. PARTY GAMES PARTY Ganmes! Adult's, Chiidran'si Beih 84-page books potpald 5Oc, Ar- cane 800k Mari, Riverdafle Station. Box 529-C, Dayton 5, 0h1o, PERSONAL R.YGIENIC RUBBER GOOS Tested, guarànteed, miailed in plain parcel In- clnding catalog, free ,,ith trial assôrt. mient 36 for $1 00 (finest qutallty). Western Distrihutori Box 24 TF Re- gins. Saab. OVERWEIGHT? A sale, effective reduciug plan iwltn "Way-Les" Tabiets âledically approved. 1 niontb's suppiy $7 00 Lyori's Drugs, Dept 32, 471 Danforth A\ve. loronto. STAMPS 100 DIFFERENT stamps 10c Tc Colectors Requestlng Approvaleý Winston Philpoti Box 306 Beitwood, Nfld., Canada SIEP FOR SALE KARAKUÉ FOR SALE: Karakul (Blfack Persiant lamba rýnd ewves. Edward E. Dickay, R.6, Brampton, Ontario. - SPARE TIMI PROFiTS SPARE Tume Profits for Womenl 120w te achieve higb earnlngs wihlItbtile çus. ased ont successfkil experiencem, Flo$1ý00. E. M. Badg1ey, CI N. Main. Adamas, New York. TRACTORS MOR SALE INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR Clearing s conipletely rebulIt 1940 In- ternational Farmnail Tracter, complet., wiib aide eutting imower attacbmnaes-- Sacrifice 'Price $39500. Standard Eni- n es, Equipment & Supplie Linilted, 916 Parkdala Ave. N., Hlamlton, Oni- tarie. TRADE 80H00.5 ACETYLENE, electiel welding &rnd Argon courses. Canada Wldlng Cama- non and Balsnm N. Hamulýton. Shep LI 4-1284. Ras. LI M-283 WELDING MACHINES FOR SALE 200 ,AMP PORTABLE WELDERS We are clearing ojur full stock cf Lin- coin & Hoert Portable Weiding. Mach- 1nes. Ail overhauled, $400.00 each and up. Standard Engineis, Eqnipmnentil& Supplies Llmited, 516 Parkdiale Avenue N., 1-laiiton, Ontario. WANTED TO BUY fflGIEST Prîces Paid for 01<1 Canada, U.S., Newfotindland stamnps-cotne. 1Write. Joe Morgan, Dnnklrk. N Y SNOWED IJNDER -- Workers try to uncover a railrocd station complefely bût-led by sno)w nec-r Oslaf Norwciy. Câ;bLASiIFIED ADVERTISING

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