Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Apr 1962, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIES THURSDAY, APRIL th, 1962 "Speialy Select ed"',"Value Checlcd- "For Frying or Brofling" Red or Bhiue Brant - SHORT - Choice, Julcy -i>- Cut any thiclaie8s Rib Roaats lb 57c STEAKS lb 79c Choice, fluap chieke. Legs or Breasis Chumk Style lb 49c Braising RIBS lb 49c 84e-t Buiy! - Save 4c - Fa4ncy Quality - 48-oz Tini Libby's Tomato Juice 31C Best Buy! -Sa-'.e 9c - Fancy Qullty - 14 oz. Tins___ 'Niblets Brrand Corn 4 for 69âmc Beýust Buly! - save 6e, . Instant or - Large Package QuickQuaker Oats Beýst Buy! - Saive 14e - E. D. Smnithi's - 20-oz Thins Apple Paie Filuer Blest Buly! - Save Se - il-oz. BOtilS Libby's Catsup Palm Garden - (lant Size - No. 1 Grade TMmaATO0ES 1Meadowglen Mushrooms lb 49c Ontario No. 1 Grade - Yellow Onio ns 2 lb 27c Catifornia Re( Grape Snow White - Caiilif 43c 3 for 79c 3 for 55c lb 29c -d Emperor ýS 2lb 49c .No. 1 Grade - Good Size Flower ea 39c 1l j1- - vol No. 12 on Sale Golden ]Book Save 4c - McýILareni's Sweet M*ixed 32 oz. Jar Encyclopedia PIK-L-BAmRL 45c jJSave 70ec! Non-Fat Dry Miîlk 16-page Cook Book Attacbied 3-lb. pg. I ea PET INSTANT 93e ý ,-Save loc! - 8c Coupon in Eacb Bag Chase & Sanborng Supreme Golden CO FEl bg g î>FRVE c H RI ESb Save le! Alan 12 ich Aluminumi - 25f. Rol g 4cSave 2c! -Pancack Flour - Package 0 gAUNT JEMIMA, 21c g ICECEA MSavge 2c! Crosby Gold Star Pure Barbados - 26½ý-oz. Perga g 2 Sc MOLASSES 19C GO0 RN141$SH's SORONO, Ontario PHONE 1121 WLUI a aeniuigh to flatten out frost bumps. KLriUML NEW S Doni't try to level out the lawn by oi K1iry in May when the weather is We were sure Spring- had corne1 warn, spray for weeds. Be sure the whenwe sw to flcks0f wld1temperatitre is above 70 degrees, and Jgeese going north early Friday morn- 1- rai is not emninent, or you inay be ing (March 3th) - but they -must have! wrorkrnig la vain. fin L-.,,,A ADril fwlon fn undavi 1-1 gYOU CAN BEGIN SCAREER TRAINING AT ANY TIME gThe Oshawa Business College gis openl all year and our mnethod of indivîdual instructot' perutits you to start at any tîmne. 8 Day-SchoOl Courses from whlch to choOse TUESDAV ai-id TH-URSDAV 7:00 ta 9».00 p.M.- Choite of Subjects g g, nil Speelal Classer. for ~1osOiVe -Shiftw,,orksrs Tee-n-Age Typistq 10 Simcoe-StreetNrt Dial RA. .5-3375 juvenated weeds. When a catch la. evident, aerate, and reseed . Use e. good loam or peat moss to top dressi Fertilize with 4-6-6, using 2 Ibs. pet 100 squart feot, to encourage rtu growth. Very heavy soils iight boe- fit fromn a top dressing of sharp sandi. plic-ation of fertlizer, a second dlose use a sharp mnower. sh o u ld b e a p p lie d to th iek e n th e g ra s s i 2 l n f r i i i 1 " e a e u - for sumnmer. (Some authorities ref- ()Pa etlzn n ecrfll omedfertilizers while the snowlapplying. îS sili n te grund.I prsonlly (3) There is a lot f difference in don't ee the point in fertilizing frozenrased.D ogofrbgin. ground to be wvashed off in the spring, g thaw,). 1 4) ýDo not let grass grow too long SIU11MR CRE-et he ras grw etween cuts and rake off heavyý to at least 1/ inches during the riot ttgs weather. If you have a amaîl lawn1 Thi.s article has been brought to) you and tap water, you mighit be able to; by your local Ontario Nurserynmafl'F keep your lawn green through JuIY Association members. Watch for îlet and Auguist. If you cannot put enough week article on Shade Trees. water on to penetrate 1 inches it is a lost cause. Water at night and do SCH4-OOL LEVY RISES I one area thoroughly before mOving- DARLVWGTON?ý on. Darlingtou Township ratepayerg night whleu the thermometer wenit down to twenty degrees. Mr. Roy Mercer says the deer have ruined his crop of fail wheat. No miatter how well the garden is fence -1 deer cani go over it like birds. The deer around hére are quite large as they are crossed withi somie deer that escaped from the Cream of Barley Camp several years ago. This writer! saw a very large buck cross the road and fences, in running leapa, ear thel old Starkville Station some time ago. Mrs. Albert Colin of Hamilton Is staying with ber mother, Mrs. Hattie Martineil who is very, very ill. Mrs. Bert Thompson has to stay in bed because lier blood pressure is so high. Mrs. F. Brimacombe has returned to her home la. Oron. Mr. Wm. Turansky ia doing a lot et renovating to bis home adjacent to the store. Mrs. Irene Mercer has. been able to leave the Toronto General Hospital and go to St. John's Convalescent Home on 285 Cummer Avenue. She in able to walk outside with two canes, Mr. Willard Perdu and family are now living on the Adam's Farm on the sixth line. They are busy planting the greenhouse. Progress is being made in making a fine pond north of Mr. Art McKay's farmn. This is the place where a cheese factory stood soi-e forty years ago on the Kendal-Newtonville road. Liawn Care by George Ellis Nursery and Landscaping In landsieaping, the lawn is the ean- vas on which the gardener paints his picture. This lush green mantle that covers the earth has many practical' functions. It keeps down dust, fcovers rnud, prevents erosion and conditions soul. I have listed a few practical tips in lawn care in the next f ew para- igraphs. SPRING CARlE-As early in April as -weather permits, lightly rake the lawn. If lawn is- thixn, aprinkle a f 0w pounds of seed over it, using straight blue grass or fescue. Rough Up any bare spots and seed heavily. Apply fertilizer 2 Ibs. to a hundred square feet, usinig a stroi'g nitrogen fertil-# izer, say 10-6-4, or 7-7-7. Roll lawfl Orville Chatterton Electrical Contracting i Etectric Ileafing and Service Phone 1031 Orono, Ontario rate this year as shown by the budget struck by the Gouncil recently. Although mill rates were xnalnly constant tbrougbout the Townii1>î, taxpayers will face an increase 0< about six milis iin the blgh school levy, Reeve Garnet Rickard pointod ut£ that the Township bas nM contrOl Ovev sehool levies. "'With the growing costs M, educa- tion, I think it ia tine that the tafni- Cipallty met with the Mfgh Staol Board to get a btter idea f tbeitZ problem." The budget was worked out 01n et ;assessment of $6,5W0,404. This total i-C broken down lunto f ari eidti $5,908,375 and commercial $502,029. rOYAL Bowmanville MA.3- 5589 FRIDAY and SATUJRDAY ,APRIL 6 and 7 MATINEE SATU1tDAY 21' Ml TWO BEARSI" Th-Ie Two Littie Demars Brenda Lee - Eddie Albert- Jane Wyatt ALSO "7,00, E"Lryesl" JEWEL -THEFT MYSTERY! Bears ut 7 and 9:3,5 - La1st complete Show, 8:20 MNONDAY to THURSDAY, APRIL 9 -12, 7:30 pi.. Adult Entertainment national Release Price - é5e ORONO INS-Hb NOW IS THE TIME TO BRIGHTEN YOIJR HOME WITH B-H PERMA-SATIN LATEX PAINT Il R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phne 11816 Oron., Ontario drought resistant varieties such as Merion Blue or creeping Fescue. Some deep rooted shade trees wil luelp keep your lawn green durLng the dry mo-nths. Lawn insects and June bug Grubg will be dlscussed in a future article. Crab grasses are a nuisance anld bard to get rid ut, There are some products on the market that combat crab grass wîth varylng degrees of suecesa. Use them caref-ufly and, early.1 FALUL CAIW-Exhibltlon tinte ber-~ alds the start of the fail raina and this is the time to work on your lawu. Pick a warm day and spray those re- l e - k.~ - I s MIN 1 Il Merry Anders Gene Nelson u

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