Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 15 Mar 1962, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDAY, MARZCU l5thi, 196! ____________ UNITED CHU1tUH WOMEN , o'i udfrmpae4 tations made recently The Lord'si noolýý> ome of the ladies were quiting Prayer was repealed and Mrs. Rain- avef'ýy attractive dlesign, ey spoke of the meaning 0f each line in detail. Another record "The Ninety UNIT NO0. % and Nine" was played and inuch en- The February meeting of Unit 3 was joyed. held at the home of Mrs. C. B. Tyr- . reil with 16 members present. i A discussion regardcing- a project for On motion, Mrs. Taggart was ap- liesUit n hefc oeo h pointed as Secrýetary, Mrs. Tyrr-eli, Iai, had squares to be quilted, it Trreasurer and Mri:s. Sherwifln Programa was decided to work on this for their Everyone enjoyed listenînig to a h-yn "Grdnof Frayer" played o .ne record player. Mrs. Armstrongi gave the devotionial message- re'adinig Psl 3. verses 1-4i, followed by rcommnenits on tche need f-or Christia-n L.ducation. Roll caîl responded t o an 37 visi- .1 ~"> The meeting closed with repeating the ieeito nd refreslimients wvere served by thle hostess. UNI NO. 1 Unit N o. 1 of the United curch1ý Womien met at thle lhQme of Mrsý. Carlos Taby on Mardli 6th withi to our flostess, .M.ary Tamblyn. NEW SPRING WALLPAPER Oupr New Sprîing Wl lipr as nrrived. SunworthyWaippes WaQlhabie, Plakstic Coate-d, Precision Trimmed. Paper f*or every roo0m. Also a inumber- of rom lots at Less than 11 Price. SPRING FASHION NEWS The Deani Liz - tineiy gathered romantie ruffles highlight ýIhese cotton and shantung charniers. Prettlly accented at peanlry button front closing, 3.1 iength sleeves with ruffles, string tie or beits ip lu the waist uine. Colours i)ack& wvhite or green. Petite size 9-i. PRICE $16.50--$17.50 SPRING DRESSES Wle have a wonderful assortment of Dresses and Baterials. These are ail newv. Plain or figured materiais. Sizes 19-Z41/2 PRICE $1395--$27.50 NEW SPRING BLOUSES SKIRTS la snowy white cottons, Embroidered fro<nts, Sirts in wool flannel in pastel shades, light Frilled neckllnes and gay prmnts. bluie, beige, gold, grey. Double box pleats or stitehied pleats. Size 9-16. PRICED $3.25-$5.95 PRICE $6.95-$8.95 HALTS - The New High Fashion A Fantasy of ftowvers adding up to a lot of Spring Hat exeitement, Beauitifuil cocke of Rityon and plush llowers, softly mutted emibossed petals. Colours beige, bliie, green, pink, white. PRICE $4.95 - $8.50 Crisp houtmd Itoth Straws PRICED FROM.$7.95-$10.95 ýMlan Straws witb ribbon trimn JPRICE $9.95 Open Ail Day A m to g Wedniesjay - Store Openi Monday I Cmpl ete tne Byo nder Brac Cottona Samim Fleur de Lis S$3.oO 0 $4.00 FLEUR DE LIS cotton $EP ion gline front ihook é" Mens & Boys Ail sizes - Red soies RUBBER OtOTS $2995 & $3.95 Bo>ys, & Girls - Brown and Blaek Leather only $2.918 Me' eatflsmart ShortFse Colar - Do)uble or, Single Cu.ffs. Au 'jjiomed c.otton.ý Size 141/' 2 ARROW WRIE SHI T uat$50 WINKIEGI LE Pull-on aand Pantie .. 40 Lonig Legs Fantie (*lrdle... ....... $6,00 G -rter B e 1ts . ................ .ioO - $L.69 Obliqu~e by Tru Balance -mae hips 2 sizes smailer. uo . $12.N - long leg panie . $4.1 T'OMiS& Sons ý Ltd. FASHION STORE FOR MEN AND WOMEN Newcagtle, Ontario Mr. and MVrs. Carl Billings aid Ms T. Fairbrother, Nwateare attend- ýing tP he HrIcýýIutural Convention -In Niagara Falî's, thlis 'vxeek. Sauraynght dinner guests %with Mr. and Ms Geo. Dunlop were Mr, aind M\rs. Herman Dunlop and Sharon of Scarborougi; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hol- ligwrhand Mrs. W. sutt. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hollingswý,orth of Cowanville visited iater :ýn the evening. Doug Gamisby has accepted a posi- tion with Campbell and Associates, Consulting Engineers, Orangeville, 4tio Ilut;ue, to commence Mareh 12th., 1962. Mr. and Mrs. Jîmi Gamsby and Mel- anie Jayne s;penit the >weekend with mrs. Kep1 Gamnsby. Notice To Creclitorsi IN THE ESTATE 0F JOHN COWAN late of the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham, Farmer, deceas- Ied; {All pérsons having claims against the Estate of the said John Cowan, who died on or about the 2'th day of .fJanuary 1962, are hereby notified to [send to the undersigned Executors or their Solicitor on or- before the 31st Kday of March 1962. their names and addresses and full particulars of their - daim-s and the nature of the securi- tics (if any) held by themr duly yeni- fied by statutory declaration Immiediately after the said 31st day of March, 1962, the assets of the said deceased will be distnibuted amongi the persons entitied thereto having re- gard only to the claiims 0(wi: h Excuitor's 0orthe undersieSocir shaîl then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 15th dlay of AMarch 1962. REA LAVERN COWAN, Orono, Ontario, CLIFFORD COWAN, 268 Liberty Street North, Bowm-ianville, Ontario. Executors. W.K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. c-7-c NOTICE TO CREDITORSI IN THE ESTATE 0FFRDIIC BALDWIN LOVEKIN late of ithe Vil. lage of 1Meca>,tLe in theCutyf Durhm, Rtird Farm-îer, dcas Ail personshvigcaiýagis t he Estate 0fu;Lhe si rdrr ad wiu jLovekin, wodied on or :abouLt thie 26th day 0of January 1062, atre hereby notified t, endl 'o the udr signed Exctoso ter oiîtro or bfor-e the 3lst day .-f Marchl 1962l, Uthir unmes and addre.,sýssand fuli particulars of their dlaimisan th Unature. or me ,securiti(es tif amyl held' by t-iemi duly ver'ified by statuitory declarationi. Iimm-ediateiy after the said 3 lst day -f March, 1~962, the assets of the said deesdwill be distributed ami-ong the persons entitled tLhereto hiavilge fgard only to the dlaimns of which the ýExeutor-s or the uniidersigned Soi- tor shal then have notice, Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 15th day of March 1962. MARGARET (-EORG'INA ý,LANG LEY Newcastle, Ont. "4LARENCE REGIALýD LOVEKIN, Newcastle, Ont. Executors W. K,;. Lycett, Orono, Ontarlo, Soli- citor for the Executors. UNITED r4IRCH Orono Psoa charge Ministýer Rev B. E. Long SUNDAY, MAIRH 8th, Oronio - il a.m. Leskard - 1:45 p.m. Kirby - 3 .p.m. SUNDAY SGHOOL Orono - 10 a.m. Leskard - 1:15 p.m. Kirby- 2 p.m. UNIT NO. 4 sceay Unit No. 1 of U.C.W. miet at the 1Ma tters of .ses were deailt with home of Mrs. McLaren oni Thursday iand discaissed and an EBaster projeet ,ývening, Ma-Ihi lih with hi members was vkiplnned for. presnt.At the close of the meeting the Miz- Kat y, Armistrong the leader of the pali benediction was pronounced ±n ýiùnt, opened the mneeting by calling Unison afterwhieh auc ndsca on Mrs. Pre for, the devotional. The lhaîf hour wau enjoyed. Bible Study w %as dealt with in a most Within the past week the, Directors neetn aniner by thie leader. of the Dur-hamn Central Agricultural Socie-ty met in Orono. Little businiess Am sertrÈn reasuirer were ap- wa's deait with at the meeting. Fýilmi-s pofinted, inmely Mrs. lone Forreste(- of past fairs at Oirono were shown and as 'treasur'er and Mrs. Ruby Porter as a lunch was served. Kay Chapman, leader of the Unit, 16 mmber preent.LOCAL INEWS -caJIed the meeting tLo ordïerý. Mary Tami-blyn assisted by Mary Foc, leadi Mrs. C. McLaren and Mrs. :N. Por- the devotional. Ma,,3e Allen rend from te), left by plane for Florida on Sun- the Study Book and a short discussion day, whiere they will spend several, perîIodï followed. vw0ý ks holiday a nd moto r home withi Mary MJuIer and Kay Ch1lapmanl Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Druimmondc. '~ted TheV&c intheOldVilage Mr's.W.Stit is:stayiat hehme Chol r f 0f iand Mrs. Geo. Dunlop while re- Thebusnes prt -f the meigCovering :'rom thÏle -2lu. was~~~~~~ te ancrefan rert Mr. has. Wod uen Tesday rend. -with hrdagtrMs.FeBok, Afler lnhwe eniioyed a musicdal11-i, shwa contest "Name that Tune" witb ar M. rokad his Ohaa Fer ithe vpiio assisted bv Mry Mrs. (Q. Cowan J s igher -daugh-. Millr. Bforecloing -te mein er Mris. Harvey ÈBranton, Dr.Brno T?'m C(a1an ov a ote (0f thnsaaVJmiy indsor. #%in diamond & saphire NAIL DRESSER Rust-proof gems in pure nickel Gives a "Mirror Smooth Finish" Prevents Splitting and Peeling N ails Unconditiona,1ly Guaranteed for 5 Years 4" 6" 89 $1.00 $1.35 $1.65 Remember Rexall Sprng ONE CENT SALE March 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 Stutt's Piarmacy PHONE 168J ORONO, ONTARIOi Ti is Week At The ORONO0 5c. to $LOO STORE 10 DAYS ONLY- iMARCH I15 -m2 4 See the large hand bill in the mail, to-day, or better sitiIl visit the store and see this me2ýrchan- dise a£t first ho.ndJ. ORONO S"c to $1 STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS T~àî N ri AAiNiNE& p '. > , ', 1 , - 777VFktÈU.ý .OMM M7,7777-77-77-77.7 '. N. 'N. N. -N. 'N 'N "N N. N. N. N. N N. N. -4 N. s-' N. N. N. --4 "N N. --4 N. N. N s N. N. N. N. 'N 'N N.

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