Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1962, p. 4

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CORONO WEEKLY MIMES THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1962 FOOD PRICES E1?FECTIVE FEB. 7, 8, 9, 10 We Retseýrve the ]RIght to Limit Quanities FROZEN FOOD FEATURE Donald Duck Frozen Orange 36oz55 Juice tins U Lady Betli Boxed CHOCOLATES lb 87c 2lb $1.59, Huints CATSUP Il oz 2 for 37c Red Rose Orantge Pekoe TEA BACS Sta nding Rib Roast lb 69c kt EXTRA -ATOTAL 0F IN BONUS TAPES Receive $6.001 in Bonus Tapes SPAGHETTI DINNER Chef Boy-ar-Dec M1eat or Mush- roum 19 oz. Tin -CGORN RELISII McLarens 15 oz. Ja r INSTANT COFFEE Chase & Sanborn - 6 oz. Jar FAB DETERGENT 25e off Giant Size SIIAMPOO plus EGG ilelene Curtis 8 oz. Sîze ICE CREAM'Royal Gold '2gai.1 Receive $2.001 in Bonus Tapes TIILIP MARGARINE Clour Kwik 1 lb. pkg. FANCY LIMAS Fordlioiok Frozen Ventura 12 oz SMALL LINK SAUSAGE Tablerite Pure P ork1lbPk CARROTS No. 1 Grade - 3-lb. Rag 120 for $1.79, Faaey (lream Style $'%TOKuaLEY CORN 6AL15oz 89cAmý Pea or -Vegetable HABITANT SOUP 6&2802o9S i tins 9 Carnation EVAPORATED MILK tait 5 Magie Liquid - IGA DETERGENT 24 oz container APPLE PIE FILLER - Staffords 2 20-oz. Tinis-----------------..57e HUNTS TOMATO SAUCE 6 - 71'z oz.Tins--------------------..49c )«>BINHOOD CA,'KE 31IX - WVhite, Chocolate and Banana, 2 - 210 oz. Pkgs-----------------------------5e OGILVIE MINUTE OATS - 5 tb. Bag--------------5e VI1TA B CEREAL - U6 oz. Pkgs----------------33e Round- About Us The t ransport wasprceng et whien it ran inito a so plow owned by thie Ontario Highiways Depairmeýnt Driver 0f thesno plow was Hrl Taylor, 35 of 40 ope St., Port Hope. MUTUAL PFIRE AID Onitario Hydlro's Chairmnan, W.Ro Strike, QC, of Bwavle a made a chief of the Oiibwa Ida tribe of Lake Simncoe areüaonat- day night. His Indian niamei is Mal-. -Me-Ko-Zhe-Wa - which m Ieansý "Lucky Strike." The honor&4ry chieftainship was coýn- ferred on Mr. Strike by Chief Big Canoe 0f the OibwaLs in a brief cere,- inony Lltt pred a colorful clima.x to the farst annual Hydro Central Reý- gion. curling bonspiel held at Sto curling rink. OU4?9W duJtjli 1flS12f E1d. Bowesý, fire c-hief of Brighton, 100 MEN FIND WORK was elected president of the United IN DISTRICT FORESTS Counties Mutual Aid Association at a An extensive prlogram of wooýds - meeting beld in Bewdley. provemnent work is in full swinigno throughout the Lindsay Forest Ds He-rb Malory of Belleville Fire MUar- rnt. Commnencing in the ot with shall's Office conducted the election. projects in the Agreement Forest, t Rex, Wakely of Port Hope was elected Durham, Ganaraska and Nrhm vice-president while Albert Naylor of berland and extendîng northwaràds Newcastle resumned office as sce through Victoria County Forest arûi Wry-tresurer.Methuen, Bunrleigb, Oalwiay, Hindozn. tary-trasurer.Bruton and Cardiff Townships,me and machinery are busy. Iii all, it Edgar Phillips, Port Hope, Lloyd, bout 100 mien are engaged i ncryi Beam, Millbrook, Bru~ce Mercer, Or- out various types of lbrest improveý- ono were namied officers of th e pro- ment work on Crown Lands and A gram- com-mittee. Their duties are to reetFrss sehedutle prog-rams for the mionthly geeet oess meetings of the thirteen fire depart-1 Botb hardwood and softw.,oodI stan-djr ments involved in Mutual Aid.'Ken a.ýre beîng treated. In -oftwood areae- Ba-irid, fire chief of Cobourg, resumed g"ood quality red and white pine trees office as co-oditrla're beinoe nruned to a. hei-ht of 1Following the election, employees1 from Belleville and Cobourg Hydroi Commission showed sldes of faul1ty wiring. 1110H SCHOOL BREAK-IN NETTED THIIEVES $500 A break-in at the Port Hope High School la et Thursday nîght netted the thieves $500 in -cash. CifCartaktler P. A. Donaldson discovered the breakin at 6:30 Friday myornIinlg Mwben be opened up for the day. A bole about two feet in dliameter was found in the foot-thick birick Wl leadîng to tbe vanît f rom lie offi-e.,ï Stlnws the petty cashcaeri receipts and other fiunds normally,, kept in the vault for saf e keepîng. Entry was gain.,,rl by f9rc(ing -t win-1 dow in the- rear of the building lead-ý ing to the careteria. It is believed a- lock in the main office was picked. DRTLLING STARTED FOR -101 SERVICE CENTRES A. T. C, McNab, chief adinîstrat- or of the Department of Hîghiways, confirmedl recently that a service centre will be located on a piece of department property on the "outh side of Hihwa 401, five miles west of the Highiway 2 interchange. He also stated tbàat another is being located on the north side of the Higb. way east 0of Newcastbe. Well drilling operations were start-i ed several day ago on tne first site by J.F. Hedeso , Wte(r Wells' of Lindsay. MNr. 1McNab smo tat tenders hbavýe been called fo-r the building of service stations and lunchi roomrs at several locations along Higbwav ,r401. A numlber C0f meca t ndbci e mes earlier this year raised objec- tions to fthe etblsi o f ýervice centres on Higbiway 401 beas hey, feared it would hurt local business. The policy oL the minister of bigh- ways is to provide a -minimum of sýer- vices to the driving public with the least possible disturbance to establish- ed busines3se.s, Mr. McNab said. 1 LOCAL VOTES 'SUPPORT FOR1 NE ,W IPAR'T Y Sevenity-eight p Jer cent of theLoa ~222, Un ited Auitomnobile Workers (CLC) voters ca,,sting ballots duringý a three-y vote o ecic¶e upon thie local's aýffiliation with the New Dem.- ocratic Party voted in favor of affili-1 a tion. Howvever, the numnber of voters! castingl- ballots wavs not disclosed. AI recommendation wll befrtcmn f roin the(-eutv to a gene.ral miemn- bership meetinrg to decide upon the percentage of the local that ,vill beý affiliated with the NDP. teet ,by means of long handled sawv,. As everyone knows, knots inlubr are caused by branches. The remioval of thesei branches resuits in ear'- wood production which greatlyt- creases thevalue of the lumber. In se½raî areas nature is beîng as- sisted by tbinning out stands er overciowdinig exists. This allows eacý.h tree more room to develop and asr es it a larger supply of nutrients andý lîght thus stimuitlating-- its ovyerail In other projeets, low quality hard- woods with no market value arebeg killed by g[rding (completely ringiniz the tree by removing a notch of wo about one inch deep). This allow)- younger stemis of more valuable pe ies, sncb as pune, basswood, yellWd,, ibircb or maiple to develop. OFFER PARK LAND FOR NIWFEDERAL BUILDING The Port Hope Town counicil bas of. fered to give up part of Rotary Park' and the site of the public lavatories t theý Dom-inion gvrmn for a prist ofýfice siJte 'in exclan;ge for, the Cro-wn' own1ed former drîll shled poet theceta park. Thie off erý pas-sed b Councijllor William y1Anderson su pok, at length aga-in1st themesea- ng thiat the(scrfic 0 park land ïer any kind would be regretted -in h future. Hle saîd wheh came onte council the town was workin1g on1 p1.1lato secure the river banks d keepý as much of thiem as possible a green park. This attemipt to take a 'vysomue of -our hrseddwtw Par k are')S1011u(d be resisted. Reeve Brandlon statedtbatthe De- partmient of Public Works wvould u their land in Central park if no other site wvas madfe available. He :11ow)~ that the Departmnent was not bufa when they said they wuduse le Central Park location. Representatives from ïlte Rota Club, wbvo hbave spent a great deal o money on theRota:g,' ak, lde resistance toofern the Rotary pa>- for the uew Federal building. Lean Mild Cured Peamieal C OTTAGE ROILS lb 43c Choice Imported - Chops, Roasts, Stews Lamh-in-a-Bîaket Royal GluestRZinxdless SIiced Side Bacon lb 19C lb 59C TRA-NSPORT PASSENGER 11ILLEDI IIN loiWY 01CRASH A passenger in a transport was in- stanitly kIilled on Tuesdlay of last weeki onl .ihwy01 half a mile west of Welcomne inteýrchIange. He was How- ard Quenisenbeýrry, age 40, of 25 Cedar StAjax. ýl

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