Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1961, p. 1

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i mana- for the ates Contesi PLolice Trustee Seat9i age of on Mon-1 cani-1 aae C ag Lomake1 n.- year. Bagk Reflmea'oished Lya 11 Ti1s week Mr. Ray Dickson of td~~~~~~ RY oovIè'itaigUp his dtie s' of the on1-o. Mi'. Dickson cornes to th-e O- ,l,)no Bneh iaflter being -manager of a m ontueWoovîlE Bac for, the Pas close at v as thean- Mr.anl Ms. ickonw1ill miovce hield on t rn ½ti henx eek. -'U er r. L-loyd King will take up 3tisý d cuties of thie WoodviLlle Brandhi of rted and iltheCana ianimperiai Bai tf ment of Cmec the first o! tl.Ms comriing lance of! week. Mr. King lias beenImanager7 t at the of the Orono Brandli of the banki receiPts!for t lie past thiree years. Mi'. and' -e atten- Mýrs. Kiýng will move to Woodvilleý [ts "vith oni Saturda3y of týis week. new1 also i floor. ýast couple cf months -es have been made oPf the Orono branch This cl-ange ias iii- kIote re-decoration of ior. Also enlancing ie new furnishings v counte(rs, and officeý ias been covered witli )d the building is also th the installation ofý .Air-conclitioning lias d as hias a ne1w tiue To fcltt faster service during' usL, periodis a second teller's - wick- ,t has heen add(ed and this alon-g it ho h eetyinsta1pllenighlt de-1 esiory stte Mr Kighas pro- 'bded fatiise ual t anyban ie area. The recent menovation, ntow co-- lete proides-a nw lok ij.orthe;ý -iedo! tlie local bank !in roo Volumne.23, Numb( Rebekahs HoIdng Bazaar Satuîdayl Plani to attend the Annmal Heath. F er ScaClbazaar anid Tea, at ti' I.O.O.F. Hfall, Saturday, Dec- embeýr 2nd., at 2:30 p.m. .ýr MýIrs. Lawrence Hooey is the very capable Convenor of this gigantie undcertaking andc as this is the big-1 gest project of the seas:)i, each Re- bekahi member puts fort ra The hall will be decorated and a beautiful Chiristmias tree, Rlits, andý ail1, will g-race a corner of the Tea Room whPýee Mrs. Jean Wood, Hos. ye tes,,with 'her efficient lielP Will hei read:ny tf .serve y-ou a delicio-us lunich iim iind cýup o! leu, flic Mrs. GrdnW'atsoniand Mr CI Jimi Major and their experienced supreswill be ready to spl you itt clelo uS nme a~in 10 the wekend. Th1-e COhristma,,s cakes, made Wviti fre-'sh uterand lail the very besi and fresh'e-ýst frui , willbe ed h~~for those who have orderec ahlead an soe etraonles fol' Saýle Mis vertt Bownand Mlrs. Sid lre have a "swe, ,et tot"le wi The pron boý)ýoth is runi under I ucatC the cpbeleadiershîp o01 Mrs. Wm. Anl I'omiin1onffldMrs 1Iree Murray. Uee-yoýu will lie servedl graciously in siz y epeienedseamntresses wh1o 1wa hae as-ýhoned many beautiful and Thîs colorful aprons to adorn youirself Gm or your friends. Thee 411bea "Penny Sale"aja table, hiere you will view a "table Ail full o! beautiful and useful gifts, dlatedi whichi if yu are very lucky, you ai-d could get f or one cent. This tableSlo ia arranged and managed by Mjrs. vairion Knox. *Foui, A table full o! novelties, new an and t( njteresting and tricky with a few as wr useful knitted articles undeir the book managemnent of Mrs. Dorothy Bail- m 'and( Mrs. Brooks Cowan. lsr The Hlome Balçing Booth will be l- illed wivtli ah kinds of good things i h,-ere you i ii be wvaited on gra- cosyand you might even findý meat pies and mince mneat, ]am and pickles at another table wilef'e Mrs. Youngman will be lýappy to assist yoit. Mr.. Youngman will be on !"and to serve Fresli Cider b.y the' glass ,3or, sell it by the galion. Last but not least is the "White ElpatTable." There wlil b,' f ive cent parcels anid ten cent par- cels and m-any useful articles oni ~sale here To serve you will be M\,rs. iGlady s cGamsby- At noterstlil, tickets whlbe yMr.Emma Luln and M rs j To Lewis on a large icedt Christ, )is Cake, a Permanient donatcd by, Mss, Jean Wannian and a Bride do01il 1 datdby Mrs. Jacýk Wannan. The ucytickets will bedan about four P.m1.0on Saturday oat the 33azaar Dth, 1961, Oronio, Ontarh Orono WeII Represented At U of T Convocation 4ac -UII Ra!IUlerr A chaLrgeo1 B a remarkable coincidence a is no)w on(, of some tweiity permau- persç'n unfmel5.8 rmajority of the recipiernts of the, ent memibesf bScoifrA, ople join when the pri(oel honorary degree of Doctor of Laws: vanced Studios at Princeton, and la owat'ed. Eeronewe4cone! (LL.D) at the f ail convocation of1 one of the worldi's leading Classical ___________________thie iUniversity of Toronto at one Archaeologists. timie li\,eýd on farmns in the suburbs, Dr, Sissons, also a professor o!f of Orono, Three $ch',olars Were s) the Chassics, taught in Victoria Col- iBooks IJate hionoured~ on November 24th. eeo the University of Trnt One was Dr. Jacob Viner, à.afam for f ort .y years. In 1921 lie atqudred Sous ecoriarait of Harvard Univer- the W. L. Smith farm, and sne 0 Lacuhy Kltby U 'e ity. The other two were Professor ýhis retirement in 1949 hjas mae hfe Toýmer A. Thompson and Professor praetresiderice there. Thec 1 ~ . Fok!ain al o h .B.Sýos latest of 1,is six bQo1s was published printingi in' 1869 reveal aý Dr. Thompson, about 1936, pur. i 99 riod of chanige to those- -w 4'hased the Joe Hall property besideM.I. ,tpeanMrad ni oui' schools. Thdý!s was -,e.! the old miii, and occupied it as a' r.M .SalsadM' i wç9nt1,y when an Qrono bsr1~r çiin~for some year, Mr. . . talesaswelus r Ol pupi' ' gxad *4gh~ 'ling greatly to )the attractive issSisnad hforosantei dbrougli tour c Llof the auhr prah oOoo ieattended ConivLpeation Dy ili ~dawta~ ~'nny e~rsY lanin th hli o hewçest, special invitation, stanin wasestmuiateoin th roll ini estalL:;I"iiiig the >y Bily wee aut tr,,e byý chief super:Intfendent of mcl-..... )or Oriaro.w da boks, was very mî nd in'dhile number o! ags ~rne n1869 !inloo}o ~gli'n . . . .....ok. ais ici to its printing in 16 Inr ,,T-, the stories are Meseoopoînte eut on major pro- '-'i ide ,vchq a inthe budiget.turc imcts shc ncue vork in tic Thisaontlhe felIshol ave PÀftîlic onewest o! tCForestyicsn doo'ld, e o f o! ticlust Te (earlie-ste( Stappeon' soie rend adas rml t ckî rand nusWstatacd Liawý iî !teos e-i iJare Imrc es ais lic moncy swas no1t availab1le diPl Lin1 The epuy-rcvcpeinted eut that id ne e oc U ing the pcriods;in.±sOh $3000 had been spent on calcium (Continued enl Page 12) tom'cHu.. ar ir '-_ - -Dow sw the0 or' Roy ýr (bot T vo mni'oers et tf L-,- a -iau, Mrs. R. J Taý,g mdMrs. J. Rtckaby (rL' Ml (nlin d ngte On Stien last wveek te explain Viewîig Local Montx T'le Ori-no Art group leld an iM- ',,rssive Art display and sale onOrn Std~ ý'siday and Saturday of hast week on ula ïicl created considerable interest )r~ local residents. The art exhilbit o re: ,as a major intemest for, the villagel ifli j r the weekend. S d The dîsplayas heid in theMils Tie MonS'Unedl Kenzie store in the Village in) a Pa'r-qeo are te prese a'1ýý ýn Ment Marte ahmosphere. Can- "The Four Paths Ioe isses wcre dlisplayed( both inside -Saturday evening, D ocToutidcthest whch s so :at 7:30 cik in the ai'terstic of the famous Paris the ChuI"' ~s'hjbtios. ocl asts wes ' arIv prt of 1[tired n Ypioul csumes 'a j Iail vtllhain charg ofD mior ere taken on a guisded 1o h urat f thie dîsplay. - ~£r"g ia-swlas bbuitfonithe tact YiCck te. È-i thn'eyc the pa0tng0,si rVt i' rio " NC b.lacl et uiass cho ii t L chirs f"[r the ~very oek foinstructwion in th!is ane ndonc 'Soi ta\ ar iith lcl, At traiigaieffot ain tl a' ;wi ic u! i n h tduea h h rd is'Il roduc ion in th w e n i g n ti c r o n o M u n i i a l i d l hin g , s e w e r a rl ie tons C li 11amaseGin the displav oeo na an sujee matervared n Snda;y Sck-,ool agi À'ý pv! )uý 1vt1itr i alP ost - lp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - !nls v -drcio.Olspedmnte u prgralm Se if yoe e\-,,ýrý clir-olion. net pacmeadyliilattonc nianly o! bout wateL colours, weme aiso in evi- c'lwwllb 2iical na- î,deý'ioe i the 41;,vA fwcnassj' eae etSur tended towards thlemoe ine- he collen- sonist The majmliy o! canvasse'S as low.ý at $7D.50 a Bible wee on sale and a ninher hiave 'i l theexlbt don, Eng- since found new owers. T!e - cs, aclar display off 10e good cn- as aderttscd ere nmodest, stairting mal tcrecit 'ùte cloca shnip aiMethdist mi1tr4 a peaino the CoLunies tHom-e bui!ldig at a' Cost e! grctl iteese i pùvdig d-1 ýr fie Aged Golden Plougi Lodg w esndf cainferoi. tjaî-eý. yerson souci- or tic first ten mentas of 1961 buildng had been t%, ted unds in England te assist dès pnorehd $145955,the rep ort ! he Ï0SSOah sewer ha d hi iiork lOtario. He was instrumen- board of! management rcvealed te famnieuse, nessilai wa n eteiki ûuch u utesCoun, Tu'Cesday. Iseti ank brie owi Clboturg. ThFscolge asLaten itcved te $6124, ieaving a net o!f$8, 70' Tcbordrlem te TootLuasourtM muhicnvemsty n ic i a 70 per cent govemimnt possibilty of an enclo, of Toonto.sbsiy weud be paidf, li-vinig tcthe se-ond lfloo! i' Ryese ws appeinted Supervis couchtes te pay tic balance of $25,-ue ti second flor o! r or o! E,-ducation for Upper Cnaa112. lIn e invetgaewl. i.j' .auiîo ?.ain tic ycar 14.'lic pur dim rate, f ormeniely $3.0,1, cost wouild be $,000, J h1ýîjU n 'husc e1ow betng meuiscd Wrc hs new been raiseclte $»J33,based cent o! wfc hwoubld Dcpît- ev Jon îtix an bouitfroin-lBroigliara, States" on cross expenditumes. govermi-ent sub1sidJy. newlt mebrt lii ereBly Lm is f mo inved te Thie report statecd tînt two mooms! consider 111e 'njve ai -nuit ~ ~ Orone. md 'been redecornted in thie old rcmenain 1( MW-

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