Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1961, p. 2

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s ORONO WEEKLY TIMES euthorized as Seonrd Class mail, PoSt Office DePartmr', Ottaw& Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester -~ ïtoy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subscription payable in advancp Pmbllshed every Thurifty at the office of publieaUMf A New Educcitioncti Progrcun The importance o! student, parent and teacher counselling 'r taic familiarize them with the new, courses 1suylelgbagi into etfecd in tbeI- Durham Secondary Schools was brought forth at a recent meetin~g of the Durhami Board. Dr. MoCreary, chair- 'r aman of the Board, and Mr. P. J. B3igelow stressed the need for eou.nselflng quite eniphatically which must start prior ta enterirlg - HUigh School.- Mr. Bigelow, Port Ho~pe High School Principal, stated tha-t guidan.ce is heing taughit ini both Bawý,manville and Port Hope but - ~ that it is quite inadequate and should be more along tbhe line of coüunselling. The prescrit guidance course is just giving 'an insighit into jobs and prof essins after leaving sehool and this is less tharn is r-equired. Of particular ineetwere MrI. Bigelow7s statemrents oni Tepolicy in the ciyo eeboogii espect to counselling. 'r Here the home is visitedeve bef are the chiil enters public school in grade one. This starts a file for each student, first notingth home environiment and tie file is kept up-to-date as the child -- dvances through both thie elementary and secondary schools. T-his. procedure lias been in effect for a nuntber af years and a se-parate departiment bas been established It is quite evident that this area is far behdnd in counselling amid guidance wliich today lias become o! greater importance. 'r The success of the new programme depends to a great de- 'r' gree on thec use made o! it and thîs can only corne from having aknowledge of it. Counselling will play a major part in anyv suc- "r cess thiat is registered through the new programme, It was also apparent that students are going to ne-ed the help o! not only tirteachers but alsa their parents in makin their choice for the future and this, o! course, will necessitate parents becoming acquainted with the new system o! education. - OCasses of instruction, we feel, are almost Imparitive for parents lu order that a full measure may be realized through the new It was aiso apparent at this recent meýeting that there is ta bt rio easy road for stuidents in the new courses. It was stated that tu z.n1n~rng ievi'Ic-IAui r Itut h ua'n"di LLIý ai«uIdý,leer, : seqaI a~'rd, as is te Art~ andScene, epecaU$yAn the four ad ve yar courses. TXSese~ two brancehes will not bê a: cath-all and stüdents will have to have equal perseverance and initative as does the Arts and Science student. Trhe one and two year Occupational courses, are of ceuase of a difterent nature, but st andards ýare .ko be kept as hgf Kn owedge. ofthenew -educftional, programme must kstart -Cear-y In ie forthe studeftti gradesý 6.,7 and 8; if they ar'to take full advantage of the opportunities being offered. At this age it is quite apparent that parents must play a major roll happiest news yet ... for homes on'the grow erhe Best, Most Modern Way To Heat Recreation Rons Unheated Sunroom . . IHome Addiions, Economnically, Easily. ~ 1~ATnow mnakes it possible and practical to enjoy roorn-controlled heating eomfort in the added living space you are planning, without going to the Itrouble and expense of extending your exist-Ing heating ytm Builtin electrie' heating units operate independently ofyvour main heating syemn- delivering almost insaifl heat, îCwere you -»ait it, when. you want it. - without puttirig an added ttraiin on. your~ funace...without overheating the rest of your bouse. Il'IT~i~n~ATis safe, dean, quijet. You enjoy aheaithier atmnosphierein an electýriêally heated room i -because electrie heat dots nfot deplete the important oxygeicontent of the air. Ejectrie eat dots »ot create draughts, dryness or dust. rIndividual wall thermostats may be turned -op or down, at will. You control the hea ting cQmnfort and the heating cost. ,ýÈ z--; is easy an.d inexpensive to instali. Electrie wiring te the built- ini electric heating units is all that is required, You) can have the job completed quickly, even in midwinter-because thiere is ne neced te disturb your present he-.ting systemn or make costly structural changes. Calil your quaw4fied electric heaing contractor or your local Hydro for assistance in~ the use of modern eléctrie heating. for Comnfort ,. . Fer C onvenience ... For Ease ojfhinstallation. Complete your home with electric hleat, J' IDRO leI.Yeu" ~ to survive atomie attack. They cal]orn "Ke epi ng U p To Dated"atdsei ! ricls n o M<Gil it "extremely dangerou.%" 22n 1 Dr. Van Allen, who detected tl hrst Perhaps the most uniforg-ivaible bring aur religion up ta date 50 radiation belts circling the earth Wiîliart An of aur time, as measured by ec- 2-,at we have a faithi that --ustais throughi satellite studies, heads the oýnornic and social success, and by us now, and so that we express that Iowa physics departmoent. prestige among individuals and nia- faith in a way w¶vhich o1ther people The Iowa, physicists, in a letter ta tions is to bc "aut of date." iof ýoday will came ta know and ex- the editor a! thie Iowa City Press- perience. Citizen, said o! the series by Dr. Î ,The man who does business an a There wvere a number o! reasons Libby, a Nobel Prize chemist: I large scale knows that lie lias ta ;h the paintings needed to be re-1 "i is extremely dangerous ta keep abreast o! the times in manu- paired and refreshed. Paint fades,I give the impression ta the public ~ facturing and sales Promotion or-.ust and smoke create a film, moi- t-hat the building o! fallout shelters ' soon his business is in jeopardy. In sture disturbes the foundation, will enable' the average citizen to f the social world, let one be consid.J crac srieks and chips may appear. Is litsuvea nuclear war. ered aId fashioned and bha is likely iot srrnilar in life in relatianshipi NESTLETON Fl RE0 ta be excluded from fashlonab{e ta aur spiritual exýperien ce? Child- DAM AGE $50,OOO suprmacyin ams poducion nd ydemads or t esnsibil- ofA family of five were foreed out 0 Ch spcev cispit unqueso Otioal susmeoecnued and e nry !their contination general store i h spae vetrie pintunqesionbl isue beomecofusd nti w and residence in Nestietan early o ta the value placed on keeping Up longer fil aur rightful place and, Wednesday marning by a flash .firea ta date by the powerful nations of expression (YI life. We need contin-1 tlat caue 5,0 aae the wox-ld. ual refreshing. There is always the Oue 5,0 aae business of taking up aur cross Destroyed by fire was the Nestie. ( diýilv, and !ollowing after Christ. ton GeneralStr owned and! oper.j We are a generatiaIl of people ated by Norman' Mairs. He with his wlio realize how rapidly changes It was for this purpose that Jesus wf ndtre hlre ld0rrf taKe Place in aur envîroniment a a e, t tr a alsrgtu the store at 2:30 a.m. alter Mr La the importance o! adjusting aur e peSino if.H ac h U-Mairs smelle-d smoke and heard action ta themn. Changes in trans- rlexne price to make men sec their 'P1 oss"fo"blwnte portaitian mean Chan'ges ini rams, û~ need and the possiblfies isoe lawvs, educeation, mode o! living, dis- w1icL!_ God-, continually affers. Hie, tance values and a, hast o! otherý camne ta a peOpfle wlOioto o otn ________Cil_________ things. In ail this we are consciaus lookcd back, trying ta relive the o! th-e fact that things soon become'past, tryigta meet the need Of th-, outdated, but strang-e as il mayý day wvith the cus toms of yesterdan. )R ON OC>A RT secm, where religiaus matters ar;I brougit religiaus expression Up concerned, the maist important o!: ta da.te and althougli lie tauglit in twM Ihold theit all, we seem blinA! and! insensitiveý a rime ,vieti the main nneans o! ta change. We somnetimes feel there transportation was by foot lie is AN U L X I N is a certain virtue in being old4fash- just as much uip ta date in the! & N £*ÎL E H I ioned.sac ag& o! today, for hîs teadh1ngCS are tieless. Oi- short caming is A certain aId church engageA! an in !ailing ta seek out thieir contemn- lovclv artwork which decorated its, Wherever lie is given the oppar-i \"valls,,whidli had become faded wiith tunity a! restoring souls lie trans- In. the years., When th'& artisit lad coin- farrns self ishness into selflessness, 1 pleted the job lie sent in his bill ta despair into hope, weakness into thc commi,ùtee ini charge, viho un- i[rength, fear into, peace and hatredi OOUNO.> Dr. m mcdiately intfarmed hlm that hi. into love. This is the thung tînt tC& price was tOo stee-P, The final eut- world needs most, for it brings or- came was tlit lie receiveA! lis pay, der out o! confusion and chaos. K A . -N V the coimittce realizîng tInt if tkey Wherever this change takes F I A . -N V wanted ta bring their religiaus place il will Cost because 'it me ns syimbolup-to> date heyrust pna catnaway- PejudiC, 'dui.ng off price. -S oiund hëliêfs, touching uý_iînài- %I<eatfuFClearafli turc belle! s and! helpung ta change Times have not changed, for we wrong enviroxnent into geod, but1 Painti-s aL Cie ar toc' pay a pice to keep Ouir relliOtu5 in spendig we- experience the- deep- fâith , contemp>raXy. Yeste1rday'S 'est~ satisfaction, and experience the f aith will nct~ support us' toay, -nor' greatest sense of wellPbeing that Do drop in and st will the fntth of, our- parents or. the man can-rever know. churchi experience of aur chuldlioçd. Fron-i a sermon preadied Novem- hrl-"MN MA Thiere is always thec ch'alflenge to ber 19, 1961.. Rev. Basil Long Tee- MN A Round About Us COURT AWARDS $72,O00 AmUN TO DOCTOR, TWQ DAUGHTERS A r Ou u ACobourg doctor, and his twa $72,000 as the, resuit o! a judgement handed down in the Supreme Court in Cobourg on Friday. The judgement was a sequel to a two-car accident near Orono Dec-' eniber 29, 1959, in which Mrs. Kay Barrie lost lier life. Her jiusband, Dr. 0. M.L. Barrie, superintendent' of the Ontario Hospital in Cobourg, and their two daugliters, both spent long periods in hospital and for a period were on the critical list. Hon. Mr. Justice Kelly made theý judgement against Jack Michituil od Toronto, driver of the other car, wh.o was flot injured in the collision. SHELTERS SEEN AS DAN GEROUS Dr. James Van Allen and seven other University of Iowa physidistsý taRe issue with Dr. Willard Libby's YOU CAN BEGIN f AT ANY TIME 0i shawva Business Colkue la open ail1 year and aur f S method of indidual Sinstrction .eernmklts Yeu to.f stat atany tre 8 8 Day-School', Courses f rom whc Ochoose EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY and THURSODAV 7;" tc,9:00 p.m. n Choý(ce of Subjeots Special iasses for u '-1ousewives ShifLworksrs Teen-Age Typi'sts FREE LtrrERATURE a AVAl LABLE 10 SjmceStreetNot Ford Falcon Chain Saws McCulloch - Home Lite Remington Sales-Service hain - Bars - Sprockets etc. for moit makes Baulch Air CooIeJ akeshore Road, Port Hope Telephone TU 5-2760 GROUP SITION aiid E IcKeuzie's Store AMBER. Z4-25 ceofFramned ,awce- -Prices e u RTRI", Paris ICI1NG F Galaxie 500 Repairs hy Lincenlsed Mechanie NEW CARIS 1962 Falcon - 4 L)oor Sed an, Radio, Aut. Padded Dash, whiite w4lIs. Prize Package $2889-00 LISED CARS 1962 Falcon 2 Door Wagon, White Walls .. $2822.00Y 19519 Olds. Super 88 2 door liard Top ~1958 Buick Coach 1958 Chev. Sedan, one owner 1958 Pontiac Sedan, one owner 1957 Chevrolet Sedan, Sharp 1959 Vauxha' I - one owner 1958 Plymouth Sedan - V8 Automatic 1957 Plymouth, 2 door liard top 1957 Olds. 2 door liard top 1956 Olds. Sedan -, Sharp 1958 Ford, Coach 1955 Buick - 4 door liard top 1955 Buick Sedan 1954 Cadillac - Sharp 1954 Chevrolet Seda~n 1955 Uhevrolet Coach 1954 Ford Sedan Marley Rayes Bowmanville and Newcastle Phoine Bowmvranvile: Bus. MA 3-2301 - Res. MA 3-721&, Licensed Bodyman at Bewmanvllle Garage r- À Thne upexung 01 Harley's Mo-or Sales NEWCASTLE H-ighway No. 2 - Fina Station

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