Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Nov 1961, p. 2

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COMING EVENT COMING EVENT The Durham County Federation The Eveninig Auxil4jary wil nieet ýof Agriculture will hoki their an-ý -ûný Thrsdy. ov-nibr 1th,(tonuial Meeting. Banquet in the Hamp-ý -nilý ihrdY oeib~ 6h t ton Hall on Saiturdlay, November 25 ) a 8:15p-m G-es spa e commeneing at 12:30 noon. Mr. Wm Y,11 be Mrs Masters of Whitby who -Tilden, president of the Ontario spent tltree weeks in East Germany, Feder.adion of Agriculture will beý this pasît surnmer. Ladies ýof the'twgesspar.Pte$50 c ùommuity are wvelcome. a-C' h us pae.Pae$.0 - IWALTER FRA'NK 9 - RA LTO R 177 Chý-urch Et. F ý-wrat,;MpIe M A. "l COMING EVENT Renem ert!he Annital Pazaar,ý Home !Baking al ad espon. sored by the IHeatùher Social Club -- 'De ei mu1y eebt 2nd at 2:30 at the I.O.O.F. Hall To 0order your ýfavo7ur'ite Homye- made1 Chris4tmas Cake and te be sure af gettIng one, please place yiour order now with Mrs. Be-tt y Major. phone 15ý210. or Mrs. Irene- MIvurray. phone 14611. ORONO WEEKLY TIMWES THURSDAV, NOVEM#BER 16, '1961 HOLISE FOR SALE THANK VOLI lius forWè wis;h te express our sincerel Hoiefrsale ln Kendal for high.1 thanl1js to relatives. neigkbours and est cash price, no encumbrances. frieflds for mnany acta of kind.ress Runining water. Large garden. Must showT' at and after our recent fire. Al on accounit of sickness. Specl1al thanks to the different or- Apply F. Stoker, Kendal. gnzto hc helped us als. We certainly appreciated it. FOR SALE Thiank you - Year old Rck New Hamp henis lMickey and M\arloni Adamns for sae jppiy G. CaficsftPhone 2M14, Orono.a-c TEN DERS Te ,vs il! ber. ecei-ved hy thle undersignd untifi2:00o"1C kp.. expected. For further details contact Jhei follo-wing commititee: Charles Arimstrong AinisleeMce Ken Lauzon CARD OP TI4ANKS I wish to express my sicei thainks to ail of my frienis andl nieghbours for ali the love1y lil<e to thank Dr. McKenzie, nuriseýs and staff of the B-Twmanvilile YeS- pital for their good care; also 1k> Dr. Granit and Dr. Campbell. nurses an'd staff of the Oshawa Hospital for their good care; tibanks to theý L.O.L. for the lovely ý-planýt they sent me from the lodge. Thiank., to NOTICEa. The Ist Oronio Boy Sc-outs will be VoaMotn selling Christmas Cakes, satn November 18. for the purpose ofý DEATH S raising funds for scout actîities. BA>RR-At Suhae usn Please keep this ili mindiand Homen eae, on Wdedy watch for your Boy Scout S,ýalesmian.1 Novem ber 8, 1961, Ida May Gardi- a-c el, aged 6,5 years, beloved wif e 0f TIsa Barr, Tyrone and dear IN EMOIAMmother of Doug-las. Service wats In loving memory of Ch)arles eii) lw the orris Funieral Chapel, ýSamujel Wood Who passed wy omavle n.auraNovem- November l9th, 1960. ber llth at 2 o'ciock. Intermen-t Asleep, Blest thought, The ransom-, Bethesda Cemnetery. a.P ed fyl toypas - adie av BUCKLEY-At Southlh.aven Nur'- r efus teass -adwehv n~g Home, Newcastle on Sund-ay,l griesfateav rolsc ethn fNoven-iber 12, 1961, Mary Agnesl No afl ue emthnnk of Fergi-usoni, aged 80 years, wife of îBeodtewayti n tax of, Williamn N. Buckley. dear motier ,odhwayears. and f George, Huntsviille, dear s'ister Lovingly roemirbererd and sadly of Teia M. and George B. Fergusen both of Newcastle. Service was held, missd b hiswif Hida ad fxflin the Morris Funieral Chape], Bow- ily. a-p manville on Tuesday, November 14ý IN MEMORIAM lat 2:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cern-ý ALLIN-In loving memory of a etery. a-p1 dear father and grandfather Sara- uel E. Alun who passed away Nov- exnber 16, 1960. There is a face that haun'ts us ever, And a voice whiÉch brought Us Cheer; And a smif1e we'll ferever remem- ber. When lin silence we dry every tear. Ever remembered by daughter Ellen and grandson Larry. a-p1 SOO'Fl-AJt Memnorial Heýpita], Bowmanvilfle, on Sundlay, JNcweniber 12,: 1961, ~Herbert N. Sett, R.R. 2, Orone, in his 74th year, husband of the laIe Florence Pearl Trewin aiid dear father of Trewiri, Helen (Mrs. Dr. Rudeli), Roy, and Doroithy (Mrs. James Little). Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow,manville, on Wednesclay, Nov. 15 at 2 o'clock. Interment Bethesda Cemetery. a-p IN MEMORIAM ANDEWSIfllotugmemry f1GRAHAÏM, Ednia KathIleeni Wilson- Normn R.AndrWs wo pasedOn Friday, Novembter 10, 1961, at aw'ay November 19, 1t960. Toronto, Edna Kathleen WYilson A year has passed silice Ihat Sad:aaduhe o h aeIid daya ,dtihe fte at id Whe one welvd aale orsyth Wil'son,. moýther oDf William w ay.le eIve a Jack , sister of Freeda, Beltia, Ken- GGJy tokhmhm twas Hîs neth, Virie andj the late Basil Wil- Gr,! cýo, hm hme itson. At the funerai chapel of A. W will Milese ivl- 30 St. Clair Ave, W. Servicel Witin ur eats e lvet ~ was on Mondicay, Nov. 13, at 1I1 a.m.. Ever rememnbered by his familyItemnBoraveO.a- a ~ nd sister MUargaret Farrow-ýv a-p ItretBwanilOt - gBuilding a bouse? Expe«knditures m ade In tr endligyu rsn 9 one then contact Orolno And Vicinity By Floyd Nicholson CurplyWood Products Ltd. Poellrn ORONO, ONTARIO FOR THE YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 1961 îaitn Wages paid to Employees..........$153,333.21 (65 Employees) nuac evc Taxes (Township of Clarke)...........2,527.92 Inuac evc Fuel..................... .........3,841.34 alisBace Orono Hydre........... ...... .....3,127.41 lisJ ac inzlisBace 'Orofto Telephone ........... ......... 2,956.80 I uo akg n opst Cars & trucks, gasoline, maintenance AuoPcaean-opst & epir 680.2c.u Policies , Fire, - Farm, Life,Q Priuting & Office supplies ...........464.79 u[ Electrical repairs ........... ......,683.84 o Burglary, Liality Marîine, HIardware, supplies & Maint ............3,597.55 Eregh....................8,081.65 O Accident and Sickness,Wnd Sclrh ..................... n iBoidr 'Mi"clanelli ................... 3,152.25 Feiyu.rE.9 ilî amlo r ~~~Signed by SdeHmlo President. E. H. SAMIJEL 9' PoeOrn1Rt Vice President. J. KLASNER. "RGE FIO tO-TAG ON I Do drop in and see us Thcme - "~MONT MARTRI", Paris i you wanf ta-, .make more WELL DON'T WASTE- TIME OU THAT WL AND TROUBLESOME CHAIN SAW TRADEI NOW ONUA BRAND NEW CANA DA'S NO.1 CHAIN SAW' ~U8OOWPHONE 143 ORONO ' Stutt's Pharmacy ORONO ART GROUP wii hold their ANNUAL EXHIBITION end ORONO . MKni'tr FR!. & SAIN - NOVEMBER. 24-25i Wondeaful Clearance of Framed Paintings at Clearance Prices ORONO, ONiýAFtIO PHONE 168,P

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