Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 16 Nov 1961, p. 1

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upparent and teacher. Mr. -Horace Best. -chairm-an ef the Pu1 ýblic School Board aise spoke te lite gathering andi stated that Ca- adý0a's richest resources was ils yc/utIk. In Ibis dep--atmient a lot bas benspent in lits development anti asparents we sboutd be gtving sup- porrt. Lie feit thaft presence of the paýrents at this graduation wvas oe eX lte ways iia whici totegive sup-ý port. The Ins.,pecter of Pu>'blic eiea Mr.C. , iolmes, pe!nted te bbcý great opportunîty that is now epen-1 lng up for' studets nt? aecoridary e-i uication and u~rged te pupils 0ami parents to find eut ail that is to e ha kýnown 0f these new anti exteniedi courses i oider te open the door, te greater education. "Neyer inhite h-ustory of Ontario were e oppor- tuinities se great for educetioni," lieý NIidt. He cong,,ratuleted te scieelý on their Graduation anti noied ia Iisç evening was a gooti indication' of the disc~iline tof the sc11iýool vwbioïb mTus, botli comne from within anti wiîthout. Tite PubliceSditool Glee Club pro-i vîded six deligtftul selcctiocns bot In tanvo and tbree-part barmony. Thûe yeoufl gveice blenided weil together te give a pleasnre.tuilt The group was conducted by-Iheir music teaoYh- e-r, Mr. A. Çllson, aad were the f-[lovýing: Sopranos: Joe Aex- ander, Sharon Allin, Ann Arnott, Ralf de Jeage, Cefeen Flyn, Elaine Ferrêster, Pamela Hardiy, Patsy Hardy, John Hooey, Donnie Mc- enzie, . yalerie Mercer, Margaret Middleton, EIIen Millson, Rilchard Neal, Carol Nix-on, Gary Simpson, Mva,ýae ga'l, Beverley Teî- -tent. Mezzo: Geke de Jonge, Dor- c-hyrDunalop, Paul Jones Petricia Partner, Wendy Partnfer, Janice Rutiherford, Sharon Simpson. Altos: ClierylÇoper, Carol Gilbank Ruth,' -Sharron, Mary Tennant, Annelle Vandenbrnk Another feature of the enlertain- ni-ent xvas te RFhythlm Bad direct- ed by te music tee-cher. Thte mcm- bers of Ibis bandi compriseti stuti- ents from grades onie -ant two andi were a tielight fer the audience. Two Folk Dancing sets under lte direction of Mrs. M. buna, furtther- ecdth ie entertaiament when i tey square daaced te "Captain Jinks'" anti "Turkey in te Straw". Mem- bers of il-Le group were: Dale Citai- lice, GekIe de Jonge, Ral de Jenge, Davîid Dent, DorLothy Dunlop, Eane, Fô0rresteir, Glennf Grady, Glenni Haase, Patsy Hardy, Cecil $Ienaedy,l John Hlooey, Peul Jones, Valeriel MIerceýr, Richard Neal, Caro, Nixoni Janice Rutherford. The Graduation eddress was glv- - anby ~dtJ. Rýickaby wlitooullinet te,-new, educýafien pi'egraieig set-up lainQOtaro at Ihescoar sChoO leVli e said ltat feýr oo n1 n ears itere has0on1Y bee1 n e deroafer studepts andt If a I as 'a bile L eeti'cou!-rse. Il was fine, for those who could laite it but dis-ý couagngtoothrs. Ijader ltec-id, sysý,m ý; t very fiva going itl gaeni 4, il nly two weuld ps eut of -M rade-ttWe. - Mr, Rickaby warneti of - 119in Standards for stutienits ltat ùossI ly they could't cibtain- Nor, lie si sheuiti we feel ashamed if they dO! nect appear as intelligent as does te neighbour's ehilti. "Ilt im rpos- lt ýs nmost important thet we seeý that f-l new plan sucoeeds to-, te-ach, students to be emfcinth- mran, beings. "This should, be your, ainm whetbelr a 'teacher or apae" Com panyReno A Company of tha leolti Midianti Regiment hel i tie-ir first reunic-n aIl the Baltimore Holel Odtobar 28.1 A banquetý was serv-ed to apprcod- mately 100 memnbers of te RRgi- mient wnio ennstceain Cbugi Ihree pie Irapped 1 Hfl ead 'table guests încluded Lt. Col J. C. Gamey, Orono, one time Car At Cavan Corners commander of the Reg-iment, Major bunigL. Rail, Tori"ntO; CaptairJi. a i Three people died -in the brii_, :st i.'.lLr~-t wrceckaige of an automobile after a Belleville; Spt. E. Rdbison, Sgt.ý cýollision at Cavan Corners on High- M attaiwoiss11i h r way 7A about 6 P.M. SiMýday. nyv at Camp Borden and Pte. P. HegrSwanson, .30, Of lRexc!ale, iio Toronito. Mý,ayor J. 11Reenan driver f -snall Erpencar, an- and his wife were also g-uests ofý the two passenigêrs Beatrice Boucher, re-ujnion. 50 and lier daughter, Wilma- Bouicb- AfIter ~the balAïuel a vete er, both.- of Bolton wvere idJentifiedl ex soldliers held a meeting and it, as thc victimis. 1wasdcie that thle affairfwil beý Mr, and Mlrs. Joseph Flepsher ef an annual one. Arrangents for, Will~dae, ccuantscf he the the banquet were comnpletcd by Sgt. cýar, llere taken to hospital for Robison and Sgt. Cedric Smith. treatment. Both suffered -mino)È lacerations. The accident occurred as thefl smal car was headed west in1. i play In lighi- rain. After the collision it bounced off ithe road, crashed 'Libraru Virdow throughi a wooden fence and burst;. into flânes. TlheoJlatter part of lest week the Flames rose as high as 20 feet Orono Junior Garden Club arranged above the car and s0ee 1ctgun their Christmas display in the Or- shelis inside the car expioded. ono Librery window. This display After firenlen put eut the blaze, depietsth Natt-vity, Christimas thic car iVith the bodies inside was Mantel pieces, dining table centre towed to the J. W. Hey Funeral, pieces and an intrigin.g replcaý Heame in Millbrook. Firemen wVere, branch on which are perched bijrds1 called again as lire broke out when ae of Milkweed pods. the bodies were renioved. !mTe Nativity scene is maÈ[e cf Coroner J. W. Wright Of Mill-, straw and corn and is a complimentý b~rook~ sald il was impossible to tell, 10 the Junior Gardeners, The color-' whether the victims were killed in'ed birdls are quite impressive andi the crash or in the fire. He said anl imagietive as well as being realis- inquest will probably he held. ic Students Aw.lardecl Graduatlion Dpoa At the Oreno Public School Grad-.Cey Cooper, Dorothy Dunlop, uetion Exercises held on Wednes- ie Forrester, Susan Gilbart,, day evening of iast week the fol Paul Joncs, Bruce Mercer, Patricia lowing awards were presented: Partner, Lynda Pears, Dane Roger- Acaleic: Sharon iAlin, B3ob Bes son, Rulth Sharron, Gordon Simpsonl C-ordoni Dent, Ral de Jonge, Coleen Bryiýan Tamnblyn, Mary Tennant,l ?'jln1n, Patsy, Hardiy, RobIeiLuxnBi Todd, Fr-aser Wallace. Bruce Mercer, Douglas Moffat, Ter-! Attendlance: Joyc,ý Alexander, -yl Myles, Richard Neal, Caret Nix- Gordon Dent, Carol Gilbank, Di-: n', D-anýe ROgerson, Janice 'Rutherj n ne Partridge, Beverley Tennant,! odGordon Simpson, Bryan TaMa- 1 1ry Tennanit, Dougas Wlker,. ]yn, Mlarilyn Tamblyn, Fraseýr Sicoo Letters: Bob Best, Danle VVallace, R ; r on, Gordon Simpson, Doug- Musc: harn AunLyna B-~ _txr with. five2 years of per- 1, k12 Rail de Jonge, e4atna~e t)rtyDunlop, Coleen Fly, R. ar1eon. Elaine Forrester, Carol Gilbank, Su- by Mrs-. san; Gllh Uart, Patsy Hardy, v.John 1Hoo- Cet uite feX pomion reA eýy, Paul Jolies, Richard Neal, Pat-. wxddt h iwn yM.A ri;cia Partnier, Lyndla Pears, jM i e LMcGee.rs R'utherferd, Ruth Sharron, Shareni i q Graeordo16-6:Ln aPimps, Sinipsen, Bryan Tamblyn, Marilyn Dan ,tie tRgerson,GadnSmo, CTaniblyn, Mary Tennant, tberyl Rdben Taggart, Bryanl Tarnblyn. Cooper, Patsy Hardly, Dennite Mc-i Junior Certificates 1960-61. Shar-- Kenzie, Gary Stmpscni, Joyce Alex- on Aluin, Raîf (de Jonge, Dorothyl ander. DIunliop, Patsy Hardy, Ian Hughes,j Oratory: Carol Gilbank, Pane Cecil Kennedy, Robelt Luxon Regeson.Ricky Morrison, Richard' Neal, Car-1 Art: Paul JO'nes. ol Nixon, Leslie Tennlant, Douglas Sports: Bob Best, Ly4nda B1owen, Waiker. TI-e Orono Art Group will bWiný- _____________________'o Orono on Friday and Saturday, HërerfN.Scott 1November 24th and 23tih a little cf ~1rditt>iw,~Stidj ~ ne . S~ RR. ,th e atmospere of Mont Marte '3' %-avle te Mmral HNospbitalxhîottion of art. This year tihee- wmevtle, undy, ovebe 'iifbitt Il resemble the Mont Marte-. 12. ae d been sick sin,(, ls 'w NI~iiluw~i*unnFû& ~ e tws t bi 74th yar, bank of Paris where the artiste, IJLUIIEII&aUIIUIiThe late Mr. Scott was bortia . y hi avasso lh ia walks as welJl as in the stores. The- The regular montl-lly meeting of Tyrone in 1888 and was the son of Orono exihi'bi wil ha held in tih& the Or<>ao anid District Credît Union the liste Tomr and Selena Scotit cf vacan McKenzie, store and aloagZ directorate was heidon Octeber 26 Tyrone. Hie was married in 1914 toither,aak in front cf the store. in the Board Rooni4.of the Co-op the late Florence Pearl Trewin, and, Cc-leur and zay aftmosphere will Building, Orono. Perey Werry pre-ý livefi on a farm near Ox-ono al bis be createti at the exhibition )as the sideti. life. local artists in ettendance will be The late Mr. Scott engaged in i dese similar to those Who fre- The special guest o-f the evening farming near Oirono. Hie was ;ecre- was Mr. Jim. Simpson, represenla- artre-ýa5urer of the C1arke n quenit the famous Mont Marte. tiv oftheOntrioCreit ni n~ o Board. Hie wa,3 a mnemr f The instrudtor, Mr. Bennett ïn' tivu e e xaie the OnatoCeurUnon ferms ius that the display wîll be an Leage. H expainei th purosethe Unitedi Churclh in Orono, and a - ~ of the, Stabilization Fund and its mnember of the indpn'- oprto.Ils main purpese, hel ,f ' saiti, is to guarantee the safety of thv- meniber's' savings. If a partice- pating Credit Union loses its bond: of association for anly reason, theý Sta'blllzation Funti assumes ils as-i sets and liabilifies, returns the menembers' shares, andý collects the boans as they fail due. Hie therefore stronf,îy etivises investtng in theý Stablilization Fund, le fuliy protect the mnemlber's' savi ngs andi bans. Mr. Simpson em-phasizeci. that ail suirplus filnts cf local Credit Uni-' ions should be investeti i the Crýed.it Union Leag-ue Central. H e a thrr Rlebekah Lodge TIuesdlay, Noveraber l4th ilthé ,reg- ular miee(ýting- of Heather Rebekah. Lodge jwas lheld iiithe 1..2. Hal with Sister Emma Luinn, No~ble Grand in lier chair, assisted by, Vie- Grand Sister Alice Hooey. Roll eaU 1showed bhree offcers absent Next order of business was regular meeting also minutes of thei redngai the mifni"tes of the )ast special meeting held in Orono, witih jlodges taklng part, Iast Thurs- day nri the formn of a Sehiool of In- StIruction. Accounts were exarrined and pas- sec tfor- payment by the finance $ister Alice Hooey gave a fil re-l port of cards treats and calls te theJ sick and cishu,,t-in1s. Furtboe- plans were completed forý the annual bazaar. The memb rrl in charge of advertising was î. strudýted to announce wbere toe phone to order' Christmas càkes for this year, Plans were completed to Ivisif Whi!te Dove Lodge, Ajax on the occasion of their fiftli birthday. Two car'loads witll attend. Lodge closed according f0 r!itual' after which a social cup ef tea was enjoyed. Take Part In Tocsin Exercise The Orono Publie Sehool along with the Orono High School have exercised dru ii eomwction wit~h the national Tocsin plan caied out on Monday of this week. Pr'lor to Monday the sdhool held a prac- trice run wh'en the pupils vacated their classrooms to the basement. The sehool have sent away for the bookiets on survival i case of a H bonb attaclç. These ' will be dis- tributed amongst the students. Uay eb7rvice t _nýite uIrch The Orono Public ai Oronio was ad by- Fraser Wýalae. Hhgh Sc.1o0l joined in a serviýe cof Thie!lev. Basit Long edilresseeli Remenifbrance on Friday mornîng, the student body wibh li te thougLite 'vihwas helti in lte Orone Unitedti eiInd Iltl eie andtipeinted eu, Churcit. The sttident body of boIt 'o theHigh Scheol grouP fuel many, sch-ools filieti the churcli to capacity wlho hiati(diedtin ta le great wars-, for te service which was directeti were ne iiDder titan thiose la a te- by te Higit Sciteol students. dance at t Iis service. These boys,. Miss Margery Tyrreil conducteti te saiti , itat dreamei similar teD tite service opeing lIt with tae yours ia regards to their future. hyma "0 Ccd Our ta nAges Miss Cheryl Cooper ai-d Robert- Help R Pobinson laid two wreaths et lte PasI." front c-f te Ch-urcli whiteh\vas fol- The Scripture was read by Wayne lewedi by the souniig c4 the Lest _Mercer andti th Sentences of Re- Post andi Reveille by R. C. Forrester membranýe hy Miss Sheila Barra-ý intercedeti by a two minutes silence. 1,all1.1 Miss Derlene Raasberry read "In. The Glee Club eof te fHîgh Flander's Fields" andi Miss Aiae<4tc citoo1 sang "The Lord's Prýayer-" VandeaBrinit read Sentences o-f Re- and lte Hy1mn "Lanti cf Hepe ant'!i mernbrance. The sentence ef dedi- Glory."i catioa was given by Miss Linda "mhe Failea" by Laurence Binyon I Pears. IYOU CAN SWIM IN THE SHAUiOWSI Frem Sermon preaced on Nov. 5th.Rex'. Basit E. L~ong 1 When learniag tb swiý oea amy' hei essons'on lte shore mor!iha!a few ites of weter, but if he is te, hecome an accomplishied sw'immrrr he must leave thte shallôws and gel out into lte deep. An -àttemrpLt te win tavery sliahlow wated wl ony eSt tanskianetid esanid kesas lte swimmar bejcomes grouietirem tlime Iot lime, net cen one leara te wi even tlieugi moving eut into deaper ,vater as long as ha feels il aeéessary toi keep oaa foot on lte bettem- But if litewill gel, outite tielfiwateW relax aad let lte water buoy li'ni up, he willl scon kaow the exililar'a- lien and satisfaction of propelling" imisehf titroughli te water vilh, sonie degree ef ease anti speeti. If titis is true ia learniag to stwim, 50 if is wiit regard te Iffe la gea- erai and particularly wtth spiritual clievahc->pmenit aad ifs expression ta! practical living. Il is a common' cýitaracteristic 1Mb wa are very experieaice. Hie bcante a disciple cf, hiesilant le leave lte shajiows eïl Jesýus, a learrner, a fisher o-f mer., -ornial expellie..itdeandi swiln -out! instead eof fsi. lHe experieaceti aq liet the deptits eofitesea oflilfe de(iptit of rdevelopmýenit wtitin h-ii-, antiexpriece.JuisIas Jesus raid - Self, ihe epftt of a more ImIaingIý- te Peter, "bauincit ouIt ino lte teep" -f ul relatic-n.ship wititoblitars, as ('St. Luke 5: 1) ttc musÉ we puisiteout well as-te depti o-f inew dliscoveries taet dee(per lhinigs of l'ite spirit newv spiritual iiitlh anti ex-peri- and life ita gener >al Pete-r's Jimmèodi.} ence. le found tal he ithatidiscov. ate respoaise was te say, "Thiere1 reia wfitùie exV worldeof oppor. isn't any use" for lie hati jusl re- tily and piirpose. Whist was ex aiuried f'romn a wvhole night's laibo~uir prin y- Peter h titis respect 'Xh ~ 6iigacmlstd.Hu-Loa aisebe- experienceti by others. ,ç %ver, la! ebedlienica te lite request of Se 6f tei we try te don our living ha- Jesus lie matie a new discavery, te shallows et lifIe, fearful for one( sometthngla-t is of lte utmost reason ûr anotitar to-gel eut into - =mportance le us aise, andt ia-t was, lte dadep. But unless we do we m'ay "titiigs tat are impossible for us sp)enti our lives wisiting for things ahlone are neyer impossible for i litIneyer deo corna truc. Christ. Se c-flan we say, when we Thare are mnaay wito f md life have tried and faiieti anti have been ratliter dui, un rewa.rding anti pur- asçedti t try again, "there isn't any' poseless. Titis is revealeti by te a-- use." We navet itnow unlil -Christ most fratic anti neyer endig al- lias hatil its Way. tempt te fiad somethiag exciting When Petler gclItalqt e ep waear titretglit bing entertainet in a en eat Jesutt request be found ti i as nananer or anter. Such persons oafly te beginning cf a mnarveIoUsý (Continuad pagE 3)

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