Cannda's emnote Arctic is- landi rese-arcli progrmn now lias shaken down inta ha i1 fo exactly a routine- nssignrnent but has become what the riortherni expert, Di% Fred Roots, described as "egulIar." After ils second full summý-er o' f nctîty - the flrst was a trial iun-a gave-mme-ht party of 89 natumal sçci e-nti st s, sur- veyors, andi teclinicians fias yielded tie fruit of flnding the miter edge af a potential oil sedimnentary basin. It spi-ents acrass tie islands theniselves and their st-aits, but extends oi-ly tans off miles offshore. il stops far short ai the Soviet sida aif the norti polar ragions, altiaugi Dr. Reots, the- head aif tie Cana- dian party, daesn't ltnow fuil details ai any worl thte Soviets might have donc on their owni Arctic geological formations, This has been only ana phase of the aclivities afthie gave-rn- ment teami's present 15-year Pi-oram on the vast islanti - uwhich on Devon Island ta study wea- ther, odean, and glacier ,eading over tic harsi polar winter. Commercial il comipany ge- clogists also have -pr-eadi ci-ss tIis Vast i.ce-,snow-,and rackt- e-ove-i-disianti northlnnd ta atiti tie details they wish ta the- gen- eal outlines alraady provideti by the governiment maps. What is said ta .be the mojSt nti-the-ily oil well drille-c any- wheme in tLhe world wvas spuidded ài en Mlville island 1,700 miles northiof Edmnoruon. For pjurely scàentific lnweg U0 sea what is there, anlothar hale- is to bha psshed clown -witiin a year or twa by an exypedî'tiùn on Axe-I He-ibermg Island 2,000 m les moith ai Winnipeg. I ill be-trie m-ost northerly sub-surface Prub- ing in the Western Hemisphiere. In this strange cold land of the midnighit sun, gcovernment, uni- versity, and business teamnshv been strung out over many hund- reds of miles gathering the data, making the surveys, and stacting to drill beneath the surface where nio -m an has drilled before, wirites Robert Moon in the Christian Science Monitor. The scientisîs have gone out onto the ic e beyond the isiand shores again to continue the in- vestigation of the continue the sheif which exterids up ta 600- feet below before pluniging sharply deeper. The f irst aýtic-powered wea- ther station in the world has; been shipped north bey icebreaker dur- ing the suimmer for installation at Grahamn Island 700 miles from the Nort'h Pole. As this vast scieitific operation l]ows down at the approach' of the long 'winter freeze the ail tearn hope-s to continue for an- other m o n t h. Then the three driliers, nine roughne-cks, and onei tool pusher, a group which in- cludes four Eskimocs, will 9hut Player-Pianos Do Cr Corne-Bock Makers Can"t Keep Up With Demnand By WARD CANNEL of the crank-up gramnaphonie and Newspaper Enterprise Assnh. records, player piano papularity declined' and finally died by the NEW YORK - (NEA) - Can early 1930s, it be that a screw has cone Lbse ,By and by, of course, electrons în the supersonic, stereopho.nic, irelaced tho crank, woofers anid ail-transistor moderp American iweeters replaced the horn, and id? 1 so on untîl today when aD, mag- Afeter five yaars of reincarna- inet 'has repflaced the needfle and lion, the pianola appears ta be fi is so Ihi that only another ma- back ta stay. chine can really appreciate it. Today, pi'analas are ralling off. In the pianola days, however, assembly lunes at 300 per month I a h aka ucs o - not quite fast enough to keep professiofial pianist ta be invited up with the demand. Two piano- te punch a mnaster rail His cap- roll makers art now in full pro- les, sld f'or upwaýrds of $4 each, duction. Large depairment stores went homne with thousands of are carrying invenýtories e-of about, people wha could hardly wait 800 different tiles with another to pumnp them through their 1UOO available op request. $1,0Ôplayers. ' c complete the scene, thereÉ The only alternative in those are naw two full generations cf days wias the mnusie box. But ïty young ,6,mericans extant who do prissy tinkle was really no cern- net know what any e-ýf th*ose petitior. for the whirig, eilck- vords ean. ng, honky-tonk. grandeur cf th& Well, cide, i omagae pianoae. a pianola is, a cros ewenToday, the rail costsq 89 cen-ts. Xpian ad aq cossputer, pgram- But nothing aise has echanïged. pieno ay a pýr-punced prgrm- Mare axid more major perform- paer whia pe atlats hed rpler-ers are punching out master rails pissian mech avivmand theptrand thousands cf people are atr edieanisiandervo-ech- rushing home ta pump copies ay rnsmcle d he foot. h- through new pianalas that caît Or, In ancient words- goadî, hNbdrelykos etween 1901, wheit a The closest appraach ta a rea- tvted1901,errnan at 1921ithe on conies f ram the Hadrnann pler dIno Wranystandard21 tr- Ca., the biggest pianola malter paeqian aetndard pesîve today: M.iLng crooimenthin ughent "People seem te be timeti of Heunt r. ut ithroth petfeon sittinig,liîstening, watching," Fa spakesman sali. " They want ta be part af it, whatever it is. We MIRRYM~NAIRlE could probally put a motor in MERRYMENA ERIE our pianala andi makie il work by remnote control. But why bother when nobcdy asks for it? "The only thing they want ta assureti af is that the music is gaing to sound rickçy-ticky-ticky, and nat like a concert grand in N. thrilling stereo." Unckr these circumnstancés, you coulti expect a revival in al- niast anything... say, music And you'd b. sbsoluteiy right. :-l Dealers sy the rmusic box mai-- e* ,.edgte ew i itoç1c ket hasn't been this goad ia In,%lor hayetRkl" couple ci centuries. çlown for the winiter. They wili nat start again before spring. They wýill not knrow for sanie timre after that, when they re a c h the 10I,000 - foot 1 Lev whiether they will strilte ail. The drilling ci-ew knows trie chances are slight. B3ut they would flot be dmll'ing at ail if the formautins were 1n0t right. The g e o gý r a p h y and the climïïate are against. commercial production so a finrd ,must bea good one,. Surface tankers, if nCt immý.ediately piping or sabmia- ines, wa 0u1dld ha ve ta move through parts of theie lgendary Nothwest Passage. What taltes it ail out of the aura ofi science fiction is the very fact of its C*&mmercial origin and the necessity for ail companies ta look far ahead. The pure science and tic gove-i-ment t-nsare- in these island, too, but elsewhcre. Is The Stock Market Afroici of Peace? The question-"Suppose tbeW,'s a really big peacý-esae"-o s Up at n strange tirne, but this wee-lt10 imenaremzting9 at Ger- eva under the. auspice1s of the United Nations ta examine that very possibility -the cconomnic consaquences of womid disarna.- mient. The situation they ara consider- ing miay ha pretty re-miote, bui whntthle-y find w'ill ha intemesting and siouid ba usefui, evan short of gene-mal disarmiament. For, in the Ujnite-d States -er- tainly, avery appre-ciable di-op in defense spending has produce-d somne of tiose "penace scare" tram- ors in tie past. The stock manrket hias eacted-cl- mornentamiýly, at leant-tie planners have been ser nto ce-ebral connîpions and the welfame staters hnave usually plungedl in ta dlaim that thie un- u2se-cl nilitary monies sh-ouid be turned quickly ta social pi-ajects ta preserve tia country fi-arn job- lessnes, fiscal ruination, etc.- In nmuci 10 muchworrying over uha pmoble-m, ther-e is i-he assumtianthat spendking for guns and m i s s iH1 e s is çsomreiow, economîiclly henlthy, aýnd that 'If the aims spanding is cýut off, other use-ýs must be found for tbis money extrade-cl firn the tax- payers or borrowad againsr the future. Basically it just isn't,> Nilita Khrus-hcIev, after hils visit ta tic U.S. a yeta r and a. haif aga, admitted asQ m-uch when he e- ported iLs findings liat "many representatives Aneic--an busi- ne-ss circles" we-re- confident a- U.S. Industial ablity "ta cape,) with 1h. tnsk ai the cha-i-ngeover aith lientiîre countr-y t the pro- ducti'o ai cvilian goods." Ini à sirnlar vain, the Morgan Guaranty Trust Comnpn.ny an- alysts, in a 1D59 stdudy, found that experienlce "gives n-0 support whatever te the vie-w Ihat haavy mnia- spending in iýself is i'n aniy way essantial ta prosperity and ecoramic growti", MiliEtai-y spending is lin realily a drag on the productive me-- sources f a nation. Il maltes nei more eooi sense than it would te hiave oe-hid f Vie popuîlatïion digging holes, anotier thir-1 iilllug them .up and every-. body else paying for the womk. Pence and disaarnent, even In frmall doses, shoulti be ex- braceti insteati <ý fenreti. Perhape the. Genleva experts will pi-avide sorne co>nvincerg, - Norfolk (Va.) 1,td gîtr a u BABY CHICKS PROM'ýPT sipmrient Bray 1-14 weeh, pallets, Ailes ani ter varieties. lsy- nlis býtched te ortier. Book Your next batch of broilers n'ow. See local agent. or write Bray Ilatcliery, 120 John North, Ilamnilon, Ont. BUSINES-S PROPERTIES FOR SALE VARIET'i Store ithe centre ofrlNorth- ern Onitarioo ThrlvIng tourist anti lum. berïrng area- FuIli asking price 3e0,006. $15,000 down, ter-nis. Phone or wvrite j.A Waterbouse, EUt Lakte, Ontario. NURSERYMAN'S SACRt]FICE NEW brick anti astone bungalow, seeti store, shade blouse, going, business, wth 290 ft. frontage on highWay In the moSt desirable commercial section. Credit ]River at etige of property affortis pesr- manent water supply for irrigation. 5 years in operation showing hlgh lol- umne. 40 miles to Toronto. Pricedtet selS -$23,500. Ternis. H. Keth Ltd., Realtor, EM. 4-4610. Box 80, Orangeville. SMALL GROCERY-BAKERY ONE mile from Plenetang, small grocery andt bakery~, catering borne baklng for tourlat trade. 3-bedrooni modern hoine, ali conveniences, fui! basenient, large lot. Excellent opportunlty for serni- retireti couple Priceti ai $Î2,500. Cili or write. WM. J. SANSFORD, REALTOR 26& KING STREET, MIOLAND, ONT. PHONE 526-5112 248 QUEEN ST. E., BRAMPTON Bu. 6-3581 BuSiNESS PROPIERTiES FOR SALE OR RENT PFRO-PERTY for sal-e-or ent, B.A, Service Station, wth living quarters, Ilib counter, smnall line &f groceries, two pool tables, opportunity for l- censeti mechanic, situated - aiWe- eombe, North Wailsingham Townslp lenry Marr, proPrietor, R 1 ei Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUN'ITIES PEOPLE wvanting extra money finti wontierful oppotunity wlith Cathollc rellgious jewellery ai whoiesaie. MiniÎ- mum order $10,00 Details andi full color ctalog 50c. Depi. 'W, Catholle religious Art, 776 MacDoniell, P~ost Box 6ý26, Port Arthur, Ontario. CHANGE YOUR LUCK ! COME TO TORONTO SELL REAL ESTATE Age-Education No Barrier Mony reel *stoe men e0m $8,500 êy*ar *nd more selling bouses, apart- ment buildings, land und businesses. PETERS AND WILES LI'JD. REAL ESTATE DROKERS 8 Toronto Ata Offices ever 30,000 Properties ld Immedicitely Requir. For 1961-62 Expansion 45 TRAINEE SALESMEN 27 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 5 SALES MANAGERS For detoils oE)lfictonpuy troifling programme, write - "EMPLOYMENT MAN'-AGER- PETERS AND WILiS LTD. 1190 WESTON RO"AD TORONTO ONTARIO FARMS FOR SALe 100 ACRlES. Excellent beef farrni 70 miles west of Toronto. 90 aýcres under cýultivation, balance hardwood bush. Gondi buildings. 2 wells. $130001 wlth $5000, downe. Many otiiers. Jackt Ueilly, sa>lesmian, F. J. . reure, RealItor, '1Aylor 218 08 WoolwIch St., Guelphi, Ont. McILLOP Twp., 73 acres, güoot buIid- ings, trilleti well, pressure throughout. üil furnace3 bath, modem i kitcheti, hon bouse In barni for 1000 hiensCln house andi garage. <VIII sellI wth or wlthout ontire crop; Immediatepûpsses- sýion. Apply Box No. 2J4, 123-lth Street, Toronto 14, Ont. PFAUM MACHINERY WANTIED ALLIS Chalmetrs Combine wanteti aIs. one to wreck with Bin. Ford à n Ms Jtr tractOr. 49-51 wanted. W. Scott, M .Owen Sounid. POR SALI1 - MISCELLANEOU9 DIAMOND Drllling machine,' *150i000 2 inebhcor, drill pipe e fout mast 3x duplex yunj1,4 6xe truck. H> E. iur- Man., Noý. 67751, Rochester, 11linotes, ISSUE 45 - 1861i SHETLAND PONIES FILIES anti stuti coltsï for sale, 100 anti up. RlegWsered, besi of blooti lIses. Blytb Acres Pony Fanms, Blyth, On- tario. Phones !10 anti 191. I4UNTNG & ISHING BLACK DUCK! Fînesi "Duck Cail" imade, useti exclusi vely by Professional Guides, ducit hunters, $7.00. Duck call- ing record, $2,50. Black Ducit, 1737-C Davis Avenue, Whltlng, Indilana, -TRY MT EVERY SUFFÉRER 0 RHEUMATIC PAINS OR. NEIJRMTS SHOCULD TRY OIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1,25 Express Collect. POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tomment of dr-y eczemia rashes antiveepilig sloin troubles. Post"3,Eczema Salve viii not disappoint yeu ltching, scaldlng anti burnlng eeze- cla. acre. î4ngworm, VpImples andti oot czemna wil responti readlly ta the staîineas., odorleas ofintmnent regartileas of bow stubbown or hopeless they seeni. Sent post Fre. on Recelpt r?.Prîce FRICE $3.50 FER JAR POSTIS REMEDIES 1865 St. clair Avenu~e East TORONTO eMSCELLANEOUS DWARF TUBE, 16 inches high, grown In your own home. Senti $1.0t) to: 311gh, P.O. Box 4671. Oaklandi 23, Calîifornis, for complete instructions. .JOIN Economy Club anti save! 10ç brings Catalogue, offers, imprlnts anti etc., plus a big mail, Bernard Hager, 306 West Warren Street, Lebanion. 0h10. NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS Of NUTRIA When purchasing nutria consitiez the: followlng points whlcb Ibis organizz- tion offars: I. The best available stockï, no cross- breti or standard types recommentietie. 2. TIi reputation of a plan which ia prvng Itself gubstantiated b,/ files of sa.tîlfied ranchers. e. Fuil Insurance against replacemient, shouid they not Uve or Ir. the avent of sternllty <ailfully explainet in G ur certificate of mer1ti 4W. give you only mutations wblclsb are in demand for fur garments 5. Vou mecelîve froiibis organization s, guLranteeti pelt marktet in 6. Membership in our exclusive breeci. ers' association whereby only pur. chasers of ibis stock mnay participate Ir. the beniefits soc offereti. ? Prices for Breeting Stoc(k stait ?t $200 s pair Spieclal offer 0thwo qulalify', earn vou.r Nutria on our coopemati-ve basis Write: Canadian Nutrie Ltd., gt.R. No. 2, stouffvlle, ontanl. i. DECOME AN ENTERTAINER FUN - PROFIT - DISTINCTION Two books show you how to overcome, usng 1 microphone, sang writing. Learn tihe real secrets of Ventrlloqulsta and how, to malte your own Dummries. 0' offacts anti techniques. SPECIAL, OFFER $1.00 for both books. Fortunei Pu'blIc4ationis 12334 - 77th Street, Bd. monton, Albserta. MEN AND WOMENd RE A KAIRDRESSER JOIN CAMADA'S LEADINO UCHOOL Gret Oportnrity Laarn Rairtiressing Plaatdig>nifieti professiýon, g0od wages. Thousantia of successful Marvel Graduâtes Amenlcea's Greate-st Systein Illustrateti catalogue Frac Write or Cali MARVEL HAIRD)PESSiNC SCHOOL 358 Iloor St. W., Toromto B41ranaches: 44King 3St. W., Hamslton 12 Rideau Street. Ottawa LIARN WELDING NO TIME LIMIT Certificale Courses in AR.C. SCHOO0F WELDING 92 John St. N., Haâmiltont MA. 9-7'427 MA. 7'-9691 PET STOCK TROPICAL and Buropeani Flnches, Can- aries, Budgies, other cagebirtis. Mon- ke.ys, Haimsters, Guinea Pigs. Chame- leons. Litematum Detalleti pricelist 15c. Thousantis Birds Fammr, Delta, Ontarlo. PjRSONAL IF you lite to reati join our -Novýel lb Informxation for selff-adtiressetistampedi envelope. Nove] Club, 11.0. BOx, 4207-CL, WOMEN! Want to be desimeti? Ineren S.1 v e expert professlonal Moteing Course by mail. Frae information, Car- ole'a ilouse of Charni, 29106 Devine Street, Columbia, South Carolina, I4,-YGIENIC RIJBEER 00005 TESTED guaranteeLi, mallat In 51 lain. parcel, includîng ecataýlogu.e .and.tILgaz book fme ýwltb trial assortment, 18 for $ 1.00 (Finest qualityl Western Dîstribu- fors, Box 24TPF Reginla Sask. PIPE SMOKERS pIPE SMVOKERS! Sensational Stinles Steal Screens. Give dry, cool, free drairln oke. Stops w,,et heels, plug- glng. Senti $100 for 12, Satisfaction .guaanteed. Roberts Screens. 3046î N. O;akblll Roati, Cuyaboga Falls, 0h10. PHOTOS PHOTO Enlamgmnents! Two 8xlO's or four 5x7's glossy' froni each of your gooti clear black anti wbîte negatîves,' only$0. KARL'S, Depi. C., Stoclçtonl, Kansas, PROPERTIES FOR SALE NOISWOOD Ont., near Peterbomovgh. 6 rooni 2 stomey brick ln gooti repair. 3 bedroonis, 3 pea bath, sleeping porch,n Sun pomchi, firepïace. Lots of cupboards. Hep", Wiring. 011 fumnae Hardwood floors down. Town water Goot i grden, nice treas, barmy buabies Double gêa- rage. Near stores. churehes anld excel- lent schools. Price $7,200.00 Ternis Box 237 Nomwood, phone 09-5848. REAL ESTATE WANTED ALL1- Cash for bush landis. uinîmproveti lanis Ativise tomwnship, acreage. lot, eûoncession price, hy latter. ZeLsm.'n, 130 Shaftesbury St., Downsview. Ont. STAMPS STAMPS of Ca nada Album, 23 pages, 9paces for 370 stamupa Senti Fifty C eta to: Wightman. iBox 328, Smiith's Clove. Nova Scotia. STAMPS FOR COLLECTORS SELECT APPROVALS FROM MORE THAN1100'i,000 foralgn varieties nid. b)y counitry ai 50%, off Scoti. U S. at 25-50% aoff.eAlso books at .02c, .03c anti .05c eaeh stamip. Worldwide .lc stamps unnitt. Senti for yours today. S &, D STAMP CO., FRENCH. TOWN, N. J. The Cooler Agricultu rai Ventîloting Fans for PoutryHouesDainies, Hatcheries, Bomns, Etc. RIDEAU SPECIALTY CO. LTD. Smiths Falls, Ont, SOUNDO0F ART-Holding a miiahogany dish with the deli- cacy of fine china, William Frank shows how corefully hé con machine a pie-ce of wood nifthough he is blind. Franik con determine thickness cf wood by sounds in laithe. His work has won prizes in art ex.- kibitions. naýn daat 25% LESS Visit friends and relatives in Europe -or bring themn to Canada S e with your ain folk this Christmas. Cunard's new round-trip Excursion Rates offer five fullI wecks, Sthree of them ashore. fe'cçvoç Fun begins the moment you boaird a Cunarder.IENA ANA Superb food . .. faultless service . specli Nei3 frem 0*& t4 er»MNew Yorke S YuIetiç*. parties ... pus ail th e pl si@ S #t H, vr, ubm tnC bh, i.vrpo*l- **9 traditions of a Cunard crossing. PIAY LA TER IF YOU WISH SSE OUR LOCAI. AGENT - NO ONE CAU SERVE YOU SETER ~~ CORNER SAY & WELLIMGTON STI,I TORONTO, ONT. TEL.; EMpire i-2911I OCLASSIFIED ABVERTISINO N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N N N N s. N N N N N I. N N N N N s' s. N N N N N s., s N N N N s' N N N N N N N s s. N .5 s N s, N N N N N N N .5 N '5 8 N s s. .5 I h s. N N N N N N N ~8 N N N N 4 'N 'il gimi w eep>fflawjqg,ýý