ORONO WEEKLV TIMES TI Plans Formulating For Wading Pool At Orono Fai Planning o buuld a new wadingy Miss Aimna CuttelI supplied -or. te Oron-o Park te be open1 Board witih infor~mation on , lor the 1962 season has lead the Iphiases of a wading pool ani Orono Park Board toapa~point a would now appear that possibly \y-i7 onmittee to seek thte neeessary fin- Board faveurs placiig te pool fýprrnatIîOrf or such a pro&jedt. 'l'le tihe youngsters near te locatioa by the Board that it will be possible ï o i ave the pool constructedi by lo- rk Mr. John Stone reporited thiat the Lr :11pool hadl been knocked out and or thatt ceinent from this pool had Hl the been used to bank up the sra ,omen( where spring floods generally wvash A d it ît out. IH. 1M. Mverc-er staitedi thaiL the p, t 'he l3o shouild consider c-leaninig out Si 1fo0r i the east ciitch at thie park 'Lo stop n1 of il-f],w4ing oif water on the base-w W.9 R ý-11 inmrm ~~t1in iEs rontrhIy meewig on un te ou swimij.LII pooJl. Xk MS bilcIarjnonjjp Tuesday evenIlng appointe Mesr ointedl out that sueh pools are gen- John Stonie, Harry Mercer, Erniel erallY draîned every dac ase Miss Cutteli reported ta h Den an Aler Wet t ivesigae ut and refled. It is riot crammon Board owved a sum of $ 00.O ,o the the ecinstruct".,iiOnf a new wadin 1praotio'e Vo connect a wadin e wming pool a1 'letatthi tof a filtr1ation 'plant. Iltis also feitait of xnoney was now borr&,w- ed fropm the bank. On motion of S. B. Ruýthertford and J. Ston the ~~ ~Board is to again have 12 picni ,Î tables constructed trnder Winter's 'iI, G wokLIrouh the Orono Police OF IILnPN N an endeavou-jr to inraefil cBoard are to enquire of the availi. abilitv of land in tihe Park area for' of the NE W c Tsupervise-d camping during the Gsummner mnonths. They wishi to leaseý do%à&- Uand if po-siuble. it was feit that, Q r EN D A L SC H LOcl's ;ucha developme.-t,,properiycôn Qtrolled, eould bring added revenue O BE EtD iunity. VridyM Nv.e L7t PLocel Ne-ws COMM~ENCING AT 8 P.M. CnrtltostoM.adMs JV Mr w Wb lhyLyte whIo wr married on Satur. E VE TON E C M ay. Mrs. Lyte was the former Ms Q Qllexd hohas been teaching inth OxeoPublic ScýiooL. Mr. and Mrs. ~ Lyte w11reside in Oshawa. Harvey Woods Underwear For Men TI-THERMAL UNDERWEAR-Is adïe from sitiiaflypian. ned fabric tha-t trps bocdy heat te g[ve unusual insulation,. The right amnount of warmrth wvithout bu[k, We beleive yoýu wil find Harvey Woods the ntost dependable'therma[ underwear on the market with, of course, Harvey Woods tradIltion of gooà tarl- oring and good fit. We have two d ifferent weights - HHeavyweïght ýÎ'.j »-for he man who works or plays oultdoors in coîd weather. Prtced DRAWERS per pair ... ............... $39 4SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS eaCh ..............2.95 Fe-atherweigt-For men who w.Drk m-ostly indioors and where long periods in exýtreme coird are flot a problem., Pri;Cec DRAWERS per pair................ A ~~~~~SHORT SLEEVE -H -iRTs each.......... 25 HAý6RVEY WOODS COMBINATIONS-Fîne quality coýjttonr b Copiinations with long leg and short sîeeve'. Whiïte only. Sizes 3M te 42. Pricted..... ................. 3 *,BILTMWORE IIATS FOR iMEN A new shipment cf Men's Hats style ta omlmet h nrew trim look. Sec thene gunsmoke shadie, S cs61,/2 te 7 1/2. Priced f rom .. .... . ... .........te...$. ..... MEN'S SKI CAPS Cotton Twill Ski Caps, water repellýent, all-rotrnd-kflit eýar- bandis. Colours of oharcoal, oive, spruce and taupe. Priced .... $1.25 MIEN'S LINED SMOCKS Haugh's Big 88 Work Jackets with rcd flanenel Iining, gener. î1ý cously proportioned for cohifortable fit. Navy or green, Sizes f rorn 36 te 44. PriCed--------------------.......... ............. $7.5 MEN'S SWEATERS A fewA shipment of pure Botany WoÇNl Card4ý4ian4 tiy ipnlih" ifferent desl.gns. Si5to f it 32 tp 46. coloeurs blue, beige mlxy, grcy and green---------... from $9,95 to $12.95 An MNEN'S LINED WlORK PANTS H-augh's sanforized Work Pats flannel ilneti-.CGreen r-iandl avy. sizes 32 to 42 - ...,ý-.9 5 Otrong's Evenmgs Friday and SatuLrday Open Ail Day Wedrntsday est Cooper. LAC Neil Barrabal weekend for Air erce S nipeg, after spending hi, his pare nts, Mr. and MI rabalil and Willis. Mrs. Robt. MdLeod -Ni Mrs. J. W. Jewei, Miss ell, Bowmanvilile visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mrlis. Ed Graham and ed on Sunday with 'Ml an-d family, Dunbarton. gr. 'ai The Orono Choir are now prePaý ing a spec"Ial service of musi iiih will be presented in the 01 ono United Church on the evenin of Sunday, November 1.9th. On i occasion the choir \vill present numiber of favourite anthbems. $1250 Top Price Fro Bull At Blacksloct< Sa1i pearture of the Nîneeenth Annual Blue Rîbbon Sale, held at BiaIck- stocy, Ontario, wýas the top -bull price of $1,250., this constittlting a record price for a bull sold Pt this sale. The bull was eonsigned by Master Feed Farms, Gormley; O- tarie, and had a comibination of type and rate of gain. He had been grand champion at Oshawa TExhi- bition, and had gained 3.13 libs. per day, on official test. The purch-aser, was Heatherdoon Farxh, dmemnee, w rea strong new herd is being assemb led. Hliglh priced female was $600. and the purchaser, anotiher new breeder Adam H-. Clark, Dundas. This was a polied heifer, consignedl by Grant Campbell, Moffat, Ontario. Secondý highI female price was $550O., for a thre2e year olci consigned by Bakerý Fams1ampton,.te purchaser be-1 ing eathedon arms, Oeie Cattie from titis sale went toi PrneEdward Tsila.nd and Qtelbec, as wvell asegh cointies in Ontario. TI s sale, sicelis cpin a been undfer t-be anagement of jack Baker, HamrfpIton", Ontario. CHRISTMAS SEAL. lIME IS IEEAGAIN Nextweekthe 1961Chitta Seal Campalign will commnne. Fýr1 somne time now the Chrýisýtmtàýs S S;taff has been very busy prepatriing for t, ns~l".n a m1-ailhng isýt of mrore ,than 19,00 j)ames, adesn that m1 nelps ndi&ring 9 lin them th(, appeal letter, ytr envelope, blank cheque form and of! couLrse het of the very ttaciv C6 hristmnas Seal. Bags and bags iof mail are piling- up fla the, office( ready te o e ut in imoe for delivery on or about Novenubein l3tb. Des- pte te great. prog-ress achieved the need stili renilins and the Christ-, mias Seal Commilttee is confident' that Vite people of Nontumerin and Durhamwilrsoduth Isamie splendid i anner they have in the past. UNKITED CHURCN Orono Pastoral Charge. M inister Rtv. Basil LUoig SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12th Ooi.- 11 a.m,. Leskard - 1:45 p.m. Kirby - 3 p.m.- Sermon Texit: St Mt.5:6 Topt 'Rghtousor Setf-Rig'htecus? SUINDAV SGHOOL Orono - 10 a.m.. Leskard -.- 1:15 .Ki-by - 2p.m. Your heating system Lni OPI make you a HOT HEAD? 'of 97 Get uniform f loor to ceiling oomfort with a new Ii Id. ceCLA&RY-EASY OIL-FIRED winâter air couditioner Constant uniform distribution ends o. "o pt"adeteetmea nd ~ture variations . .. gives you even d comfort f rom floor te celling O. 's from roovi o room. And the air is dlean and filtered at aIl times, tee! Look ait these money-saving fea- New Exclusive QufrLve Blower first gently delivers warm, Is, air then shiM to high spee-d as furnace reaches 'maximum Mut put. Mfter burner stops, blower cireulate4s residual heat at 10w. speed (te prevent tanpleasant - it-"drafts"), Vlhen cuts off automiati- )bs cal rvnts hot and cold "lyers" ler 'ferom ferming. lieNew Filter Sentinel guarcls a- ndl gainst clogged f ilters, cuts fuel losses. signais wh'en f ilters need attention. 5 VEARS TO PAV ai L.OW DOWN PAVMENT SMAL.L CARRYING CHARGE rCarman Plnmbing & Heating PHNE13,OON0 OT Master Duat Mops' Made of fine yarn , could be used as mitt Duster IRegular $1.98. This week Special......$1.59 Deck Mops, regular 69e. This -week........ 57 c PatcStormi Windows, Do it yourself style Competeandreay for, installat-ion. Size 6 ins x 72 ins . 23C Double size 36 ins x 144 ins . >... 39e Plastic Pails, 2 gallon, Turquoise colJor. ... ...69 Covers for saine............ 39e Free Gillette Shiavinyg Creami, Gianit Bottie with the purchase of 15 super blades at the reg. price .............$1.QO Limited Quantity Toilet Soap, 10 cakes Phillips assortedi in cello bag. Extr-a ValuLe ......... ....... ....9 MoesCarfree Napkins. Pkg. of 12., Reg, 51c Special.................... 4âû Christmnas Cards at real1 saving«,s. A large as- sortment to choose from. Glitter Brite assort- ment, Gold trimmed assortmnent and Seripture assortment. Ladies printed flannelette Nightgowns. Two styles, f ui length, Slip over. Size medi. or large $1.98 Somethin g new,- English assQrted Toffee, Rn.g-. lish Old l-;Iýshioned Humbugs, English Rum & Butter Toffee. Assorted or separate l2b .......... ...25 c 1lb ........... 49e ORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORnE, OPEN F-IDAY EVENINGS M ut t N N N N. N 4 N N N ~ti ~1 -4 N1 j N 1~1 N -" -N N N N N - N N N ~1 N NI 'N N N NI N N NI N N N N N NI N N N N N N N N N N N.. N N N N 'N N N N N N N. N s N s N N t- p 1 M, ý ýl -"77M ý , Ir ý ý-,, = ý; . - -eM MM -Mý:: 1 Fi