ýf Prt Hpe ard, laid 'the! new Clarke on Thursday k. The nieW; way between east of f ligh- is the f ourth' rham District broughit inIto ier stone brief re-1 1wvaicing the proceedings are (left to0 righit) CarIes Tanmblyn, roo Relv. Wooiandi, Newcastle, Rev. B.. Long, Orono, Stewart Grey, Warden and Mr. Baker, architect. I-igh Schoo'zi i Full eTo0 L eaà,Il Square Dance Classes offered by heClarker(,wiistiip Recreationý Cemmtteewilil be enjoyable, inter-ý einand provide those that enrol 11), th Opportunity to learn i spuliare dancýe steps in a frienidly at- mosphere, under ilhe capable direc-j tion of Mac Ransberry. The instruc-, tion periods wvill be every 7otherI' Tuesday, lasting 11/2 to 2 hours a.nd cost about .7-,e per person for each! cltiss, depending on the numiber ofP Jo-In wïi your frienids and nieigl-! bours and leds cet lthe classes start- .1 More inte(rest ba1ýIs been siheown -i tis ueek, for forming, a Cameura lis Club forinrongsds and stiili os Volumle 23, Number Memorial service( Members of the Royal Canadian Leg-ion fromn Orono and district, Newcastle and Bowinanvilie akrng with the Ladies' Auxiliary, the Or- ono Cubs Scouts and Girl Guides at- 9 tedda Memnoriial Service held in Vl the Orono United Church on Sun, r day evening. Prior to the ChurcliT service the g-roup marche,ýd to the Oreno Cenctaph, lead by the flow-- manvlllle Legion Pipe Baud. Hie with the playing of the Last Post by R! Forrester and the Lament by the Pipe Bandi the group observed a tiwo minutes silence. Mess'rs. E. Dent and C. Wetiber read the iist of namnes of those who had died in action in the past wars from the Township of Clarke. The various local organizatlions placed wreaths- at flic Ceotaphi. Thie sotting was quite impressive, being flood lit and with many small white crosses and poppy wreaths being placed on tlhe surrounding lawn. At the O-hurch the colom-s were I reevdby the minlsster, Rev. B. Long. Mrs. J. Major then placed a reth at the front of the ch-,urch. and wvith the lights dimuming thel Last Post and Lament were again played. During the service at the church f the choir presented the anthemý "Recssioal"and the sp)eaker, .tv Long, took ass sub jedt, "What1 teCross .Reveals" F.olowngthe service the greupý march(ledï back to the Oddflelliew's k Haill whiere refreshmentswree- veýd by thie memybers -of the Heatherý RIýbekah mLodge. te 2609 andi te camnera cues1 ramtlyn stated Abouit 35 more people are requtired urama Woiirkshop L[ cthus sehoslî? in order to succesdfnlly carry eu accmmdation Mhe plans cf having a series cf lc- handie the in! turcs hy a qualiuied person froru the Ptrbr eiv Community Pirogrammines Bac. fleBowmlauv\ilje DrýaaWol. .senative aîd If youi are interested in "aing shop met at the 1ion% Centre welpl-asPd bettel!r pliures do't esltate e nadd beig ruade ira our namie te the CamerPa Club ist, S 1p. M.- bat Illicscàocl Contact b'averne ycrtarALviygcpdsnsinavc oopcdvell, ' l onhpReraincoru- cd,, hngesnluMteadistin f mittee. e ýl, :nb l e m mrl c s ite becor led upon te de-. f cshools vwas of primeP im mrnatv priipnslualt de aton - '~taceau tha mdeu duatouphases cf dramatie work. Mlon-n a eranyua lio un t 1I wsresolv-edtLo postponc i , . R-1 C.R. hatcffreedouniand jusice. Tut' PirouctOn Of WJ1JiMU - tic sdpryr hden Of this s(hol wIî d wit "Dukut the Top cf the Stairs" LI preseted it~i ess Lfficulty ,on what we ow la- titemmes a a oe îer ef Pu'tldhur with. 1perience aud woulten be al s -the ohol. r ie ,Principal cf thel make Beuwmauviîîes first f Soeh Chair- Por O pIeHigh SCehool, M.A.ilelgth Play a memerable event. e ordWihespoucfth Oon Hgh it cas decided te substituteî ot teset itr Sehoul nd M.Spiers cf fthe Côurl- cight w\eek course iu wcrksho tie Sehool wvere preseut feir the tiviIlundr the d (ire crsh'p Sp9ore briefycny as M , hepinmlas cfFMu John Shocumnaker. This W snningham Of the neihbouring publie cshools. A- enable almembers of the group~ ate th ~ord outflfty were prPsMt ifor the îay-1beaoivlyperformnin u andexpej l'he p ocu f inig cf the ,stone. meniting lun whatc-vcr aspecýt of il 'la thlearea., Ths oenshrlîliou of i-he16 1,,,M ramna best suitedto their ilir arke TowshP raura school is ucaring ids comple-âtesand capabilitis. sep thle school tienas f ar as itd catrior and work N"_ memibers iuitcrested lun'L I paiedth fis now takishpe i l h eiorthea re arc aîays weicomiea ng of s pro- c tebuilding. The school wilî ac- ex,,tmetn i t Ille sali ýen of the ara'omo 00 pupils and is oxpKct- p0 at 8pm uTusaNo rey cf Ho-Pel cdtu open lu September cf 1962 CF1b5 16, 1961. enI of the LUnSt-Mi w an crîm o f three hundrcd cwrkhpsf irst prcoductii ut the buildLugI The total Poe st $6,0.0 c ~i itrseason196P6 au, __________________________________ eenut.the Peterlberonýgh Drar ýFestival on Fr.id1aý, INovembe)r 17't 1 p iS F fe G sl Mouaham Rd, Perberough. It one of Teunessee WIilam's jt - uear1ly pieues c "TTrl-l' C Ç er9th, 1961, Chamer WuldSupport mi Sunday Sport For Area ssect ny, ig three estuden l auu(- - resen- now been etiuîightened on six differ- ýSionS.';,ent-P rof ess ions as three Werýie aise hlave, (continuedl on page 3) 't' 'r he~ HydrCI tortUndergroud i' Te I , 1n:stalla1tic)nIlin GOrono of street c- was coarotd y tNe Orano HietsdruloM ip te) Coiihsîn oiTedyCf this .0allai>on of two cndctpipes in il we-ek. 0Over Ille past fe'w yars the j chbi a~p)riary anld eeeon- Coxninissîýn ion hs Ihad ilitres l dr li sarPpae u Tepipes are sn sd' aprojcct it the resuit that bre c ~ hc he etj~ arcfilnes are now dspern ne-aogwa etesd~al of ground. ue 01i This first installaton of under- ItiYS q 0 1Smd onheConm n- rondwires in Orono is taking Pmis y a a y-ne 1ecýmpd on pl !ace on ChI urchl Avenue off mue stfe yfstrs eet sagin whipri heC,,pchptreetjut northofthe couic p oilr the anential a-Pub'l-,ic ehoThe une is bii xsyec e~ast n he 'l he istnceof somne 200 ,fout andi pro- alý izdl rpsteasno big visio is lso being muade at this tsoni.cnu, cf the unew sub-divL- ne tinitesuply -bioth sideos cf' the :ns, The Orono Chamber of Coxr- merce on Thursday evening at their- regular mointhly meetinig held at the Trading Post, came ont in sujy- port of Sunday Sports in the TLw'n-~ ship. The question was brought be- fore the meeting by the preslldentL Mr. A. McLaren, who stated that he~ haud.been approached by Mosport m the question P! Sunday Spots tu- Clarke Townshîp. the latter having, asked if the Chamber ýwould bc, tui- favour of haxing Sund'ay Sports iri the area. The president informed the et ing that ýte operate Suïnday Sportý it wvould bce neessary for a Vote- tta be held of th'2e Towvns'hip electors ta dletermine whether or nett heyT would be !n fapour of such a scheme. Even though a vote is bc[Id and assen>t is givýen by -theel'or. the To'ývnship must then pass nc essary by-Iaws to allow certain de- sig-na'ted sports tô be held on Sui.i-i day. It'%was. pointedi out that upi could 'give permission for sports cakr racing.. at Mospert but witheut ani- preval for oth.er sports lu the Tewri- ship. Mr. MecLaren and Mr. Aslett' sautl that 'Sunday rcig t Mosperd would bing,, a sizable snm of reve- ue te this area and wou-ld aliso ci- ate considerable empleyment whieýi. cenld affect up-wards te one hundre! famnilles. At the present time ne definiteý decision has been inrade te when o r if al. vote wlifl be hcld on1 Sunda-y Sports. There is, ]-uýwever interest being shownl by -Mespo-rt Ltdl. Other-ý trcssuch as Mosport ilu other countries, operate onSuda1we someet teirdargst aceýs are heild, ~ i s s ald, Am 0tinlyW.Il. Cr iiilau alud H. Paýrtuebt spprtth a vote was hield, was spetdb f lmajority 0 f tle Cabr fA letteioal eciedfor t. Treil aud ice La-ke Tlonrist Ad& ~ pomoionforithe ea aise, asklug. expenditures dringthe past yn tou sucL prmotons The 'president, Wsautherized te)poitarepu' the DmamCuryDit c Hg Hù~~- 'ci3od xprc,5siug the ftbanka* cf tie Board fo l Èr thercguznoi -eprtc abank Lbalance 4 ci son R. FoirresI- ter ased whatrnf oyra I c tat ne such isuig cudbe s. - up lu'C Chabe i t aaiji hdaSauta Clans parade Ip t lic assbledat b 'Cg he Tis fDcmc.M ' te Ilrlteevn.Sne issso centired areuud l'ether îidea-s i -tAf man te dccide. bers vwith the to Dh f stigu nised teC)assisi Ulsouetr Un iversity. He ,gesc hajt$, wnouî,-iem apprpriate -o UI fifun ad an iscpcntd utnt ' St udents worcvd benefit thr1lough 1such a fuudninl l1 u thleir profes,,sion fol'O7loingUner tty, illiam Carman aise spoke briefly oýnnother ïplan u ised lit s'ee entres where they' assisted ii finaucing a pupil ln a certain pro- esonon the ulldMstauding ta w'n thle sýtudenu-t onipletes ii schoîing he retturnis te practice l his hiomie tew. B such a ,ncthoý-- if is Possible t)o give assirtancean ait the same time build up -the conlm- munity by providinig grceater'ser- v %ices. A sturjent could bex sponsored lui many fields ef endeavours or occutpationms. J. Stuft aise) brongh before theý meeting tire need -for funds at -the MjTemorial HouGpital aud althoiigf he' saiddlhe was not suggesting lit, tUe- Býoard Would appreciate aniy help~ tbat ceould be gliven.