Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 26 Oct 1961, p. 3

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OROI40 WEEKLY TiMES TKHURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1951 Best Buy! Save 19c - UL1-ep Browne,,d LIBBY'S BE-ANS 420oz7.,C tiken rs u i Best Buy! Save 4c - York HomogenizedJ - 16 oz. ice Boz Jar. 3 Free N.H.L. PEANUT BUTTER Best Buy! ave 45c - White or Coloured Roils White Cross Tissue 1 Save 22e! - Johnson's Liquid - 32 oz. Trn Klear Wax $1,07 Save 16e! - Standard - 20 oz, Tins Green Peas 7 for $1 Bave 4e! - Alen's Vltaminized - 48 ez, T[in Apple Juice 29c 4I1-kycarsi i LO for $i Bave 16c! - Bright's Fancy - 48 oz. Tinis Tom ato Juice 4-$1 Mitehell's Fancy Quality - Ba3ve 13c 20 a?, Apple Sauce 4-79c Feature! - Culverhouse Choice - Save 7c 20-oz. Diessert Pears 2-39C o HL U O'Henry - Pack of 1 mi@EL U Minature Bars 49c 1313Peanuts In Sheli 29cg a If I' t' f~ oGolden Heurg g ~ gHallowe'en Candies 29c 1 g g Package of 50 112-oz. Cello 2-z el Sheli-Out Suckers 39c UPlanters Salted 2 c 55c Peanuts 50 2c pkgs 98cg o Package of 50g Wrigley's Guni 49c g Golden Yellow Chiquita - This Week Bpeciali BANANAS -i lII Ifle!~E U 2 Ibs W29c Maple Leaf 1/ Cryovae - Sweet pickled COTTAGE RO'LL lb 49c l'hoice Plump Tender Young CHJCKEN BREASTS lb 45e Mild Seasoned - Pure Breakfast - Tray Par- PURK SAUSACES By the Piece - Swift's Premium Tasty BOLOGNA For Quick Tasty Meal - Beef - Pork - Veal ST-lEAKETTES 45c lb 29e lb 53c lest Buy! Wagstaffp's Rasp- berry or Strawberry - Bave 10c Wi JAMS WihAdded Pectin 24 oz 39c Best Suy! Bec Hive Cerni Save 4c 2 lb tin 29c Best' Buy! Saladia - Save 6ec STEA BAGS 60 fofr 7 7c Feature!-- Sve 3c - Gem MARGARINE 4 lb pkgs 95c AT CORNISH'S RE~D AND WRITE IOur Shelves are lined with many more cash saving foaturte Came ;n avqd se* for yourseIf. -Mu i E t s J I a c c j KENDAL NEWS* The Womeni's Institutte meeting;~a su e iwa hldatth lone f Ms.Aibe &m cisu-c Low on Wednesday evenilng, Ootob-ý e r 8sth. Mrs.; Couroux, the presi- dent, oee the nmeeting and ai joined linigingthe Insititute 0Ode!it andi repeatin.g the Mary Stewart w t Gole.The ili cail was aniýwered1 by niaminig a favourite fabric. Afterý the business part of the eeting, 1 MIrs. J. Sitapleton introduced lMrs.! Kerr of Buowmanville, ithe guet I speaker, wvho hiad a great man *y ea â samples of materials, wool, silk, cotýj ton and thie various muixes. A±teýr these fabrics lbad been explained,i týhey were passed around and prices asked. It was mentioned that wt FU EL O IL tihe drip dry materils, they shouldý be taken out of the tub and hungý ta dry, do-n't press th-.e water out,* lot it'drip away. It was an inlterestý,Qikîg Ig ig nhu ing- su'bject for the ladies and it was uc-gntnhghi et fun to examine ail the lovely ma-1 teniais. MNrs. Kerr arrswered many! questions and helped us to know our lo burnlng... helps prevent bum«. materiais bottfer. We were pleased roubles. to have with us tlhe District Pres. ident, Mrs. Wisemnan and Mrs.' Jones, bath of Bowmrianviille. The ý Automutically delivered witk peirsonotl meeting wvas closed by the singingý of "The Queen". A vote of thanks w attention f. y@ur ne.ds. was extended to Mrs. Kerr and ourý hostess and. a socilal timne - was ion- joyed during -reýfresihlments, bring Cat us now t. airrange for next winter's comifoit., ing to a close a very -pleasant eveni- The Aniniverýsary S'er-vices in tefLf Keda niedC % revl a- ORuuNu FUEL& LUMBER LIMITEDU% morning. Rev. J. 11. Stainrtcrn, BA D.D. of Courtice spoke on "The Gm On14816 thînlgs God bas perpared." He e-.!O ,O, taioPhone 4 membered that it was about 30 years ago when lie was liere last, duringý the timne Rey. T. Wallace was niinister of the change. Our o<wn choir sang the anthein "The Lord is my Slh.ephierd" and a dJuet wasý renidered by Miss CarolyIn,ï Fosterg and( her sister, Mrs. Jack Fonk en- 1 ti'tled "H Lives." The or1ganist, Mns. J. Swarqrick, accompanied 1 'T t,(,s vonmbrwhc were I PA Y S T 0 very mutch enljoyed. 11n the evening, L Rev. A. M. Bu-tier B.A. hiad for blis , subjeut "Where is the Church now."i 1q Our owni minister, Rev. R. C. bt openied the service and expressed j Uh I I ! I appreciation for theo help of the I Westminster United Church choir AD.~VIi RATISEL1 0f Oshawýa wbo rendered the an therns "The Lord is my Shepcherd" U and "Rejoice Qreatly" which were f so much enjoyed. Thon rgait Mrs. Jack Allun, accompanied theseQ aiithems and the siinging of the hymns. We were pcIeased to wel-' came tihe Miniister of thie Wsmn U SE TH'E ster Church and his wife, Rev. and! Mrs. Porter, Whio camewihte choir. f Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Boyd of Ton- ý anto spent Sunday With Mr. and 1 Mr. o Mnerad tene teCO LU M N S O H MisBeverley Ander-son spenit theý weekend with Miss Jane Foster. Mr. J. D. Kenny of Port Hope o spent Sunday of last week wih-r and Mrs. F. Stoker.Mr Q Výisiting on Sunday with Mrs. M.' I Luxon were Mr. and Mrs. Hughesgo rono Weekly Times of Port Hope. Mns. R. MeM-ackin travelled byý plane ta, Calgary ta visit her son George and ifie and~ two elxildren.i 1 M. JmesArmour, Who at one"1 time owned the place now ooeupied ! R easoiable ±R ates -by Mn. Maartense, passed away last 1 week. The funeral service was held in Tononto on Tuesday. 1 Mr. Wm. Hoy is recovering froin j ,n injury ta his hand in the corn 1 ,utting machine. o Vigitons with Mr. and Mrs. J. ý Stapleton on' Sunday were Flight- Lt. and Mrs. C. V. Walker, Camp Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Gib-ý son and famlly of Millbraok, Mn ___________________________ and Mns. Dean West'-and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper 0ýf Orono. Pniends gathered in the Xendal I Sunday Scool Hall on Thur&dayý RN I SO appreciation of tihe service whMch Miss Marjorie and Mn. James Lux- - SITEET METAL WORK on bave giyen to th-is community. They have now left us ta reside Inx :rno. In 'the addness read by Miss L M eG S P IE C. W. Stewart, it was Cted tthat L M 1 G S PLE -1 ý 1 11 1hu--x bs -n e ii N 'N N 'N N N N 'N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N N "N "N N N N N N N N N N N 4' 'N N N 'N N N N s N 'c 'N N N N N 'c N N N N N N N N

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