Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1961, p. 4

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p r 3.. r r r r r r r r r r r r 6 r 6 r r 6 I r r 6 r r 6 r r rrp j r r 6 r r r COCKTAIL tin Fncy Stokiley2c28 z .3 PUMKJNtins M'"ap'ýe Lecaf HAMS 1 ", 104 Hieinz Ketchup 15o0Z or Chili SauCe 10ozL 29e ccIýàUred Chedidar IGA MiId CHESE12 ozi cut 47e Libby's Fancy - 20-oz. Tins Tomato Juice 2 for 25c Oceani Spray Jellied oreto'e Cranb-erry Sauce 15 oz .23c M ona rch Pie Crust Mix 18 oz pkg 33c N abisco Shredded Wheat 18 oz 25c IGA Biscuits , 3 pkgs 89C Rice- Stuffing Recipe on eachi Package Minute'Rîce 14 oz pkg 39c ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 4, 5,.6& 7. WE RESERVE THE RIGH-T TO LIMiT QUANTITlES ORONO 'WEEKLY TIME,4 rH-URSCAY, OCTrOBEfl 51 iS FOR YOUR a" Fioen Evisýcerated Ready for teOe 0OUNO 2Eb lle7 T~ONtops / IRoyal Guest Rindless Sliced Sie Bacon lb pkg 69c M lapte Leaf Reg. or. Readly >to Serve Smnoked Gryova,?c Boneless Dinner Hams IL 89c EX T lRA A Tota d Q ll iiBou of e V Tapes R-ECZIVE FREE $600 !IN BONUS TAPES WITH MAPLF= LEAF MINCEM9AT - 2-lb. Fin -SALAD DRFSSING. Miracle Whip - 16-oz. Jar REYNOLDS W RAP. Re(iular12 25 ft. Pro REYNOLDS WA-Heýavv Duty ,1C" --25 ft. Ro'I L,>DY BETH CI4000LATES - As-soried 1l.Pg CiGARETTES . Ail Poular Brands - Cajrton of 200r ROYAL GOLD ICE CREAM - ï, Cal. RECEIVE FREE 12.00 I N BO.NUS TAPES WITH ORANGE JLIICE Donaldi Duck Frozen 2 6-oz. Tinks N.B. POTATO ES- No. 1i Gradle- 10 lh. BagQ PURE PORK SAUSAGE MlEAT Maple Leaf 1ilb. Roi! Tasty Flamningo Red No, 1 Grade Lokay9 GRÂPES Golden Ripe Ib 29c 2lb 29c Sunkist - ur-ijrno with Juice ORANGES size 163 2 doz 69c Add Zest To the Meal RANBE R RIE S No. 1 Grade Sweet Potatoes Fraservale Frozen PEAS IL 25c 3ib 25C 2lb poly bag 43c LAKESHORE AREA HAS MORE JOBLESS Unemploym.ent for the Cobourg- Paort Hope area showed a slight in- crease for the nmonth of S"eptember when thie totals for the twoton hi,, 719. This is an increase Of 95) over the previous month and an increase of 66 over the same monthý Iast year.AIR SERVICE FROM OSHAWA Anot>' pasein 1the develo.p-1 mnent of Oshaw,,a took place Monday1 when Uordair Air Lines exYpanded hieid and Biih Clark of the Millbroo)ýk Caif Club was fortunate in securiag_ a cali, while in the Lamb Scranmbl,- Barbara Lee of the Millbrook Cu secured a lamb. At the conchlson of the show, a 1banquet %vas held in the eveningc wtiPremier Leslie Frost and Lady E--aton as special guest tti e'Vent. Folbowin g the esnatono awrsat the banquet, the gt(ou.p ler ten geseof !tl, Linda Central Exhibition at the Granýd- -A ne)aur f the sho)w tis ji m'anship 'competittion in both thel beef and d fairy sections. Creet tHard- ware of Lindsay donated a beati.i- fql trophy whichk weiit to the top daîry slhowrnan and ti was won- hy Edgar Werry of Durhiam County Lynin Brown 0l f Durham County was tirid in this competition, whîle BEryan Bradley also placed Up well in the competition. In the beef showansipthose taking part were Ronniie B3aker. Rick Rick-ardi and Donald Richard. Iln the eventgng a Caif Rodeo was j UjI3iER j 'ER I' 'Round About Us - -- its service [IJt1Uwee11 yviiiuauy diU Montireal to include east and wýest-1 bmm iigishom th Chaa eter Rxûya.n1 Airport. (Continued f rom pagD,2e i, ~ihigout the firet spot inth TWO CHILDREN PRINK ACI$ irst of fhe race Ryan wvas beinig DURING WEDDING RECEPTIONI pushed à,(labout one haîf lIap bhn A wedding ceremony in Po1r Ricardo Rodriguez inhis big H iope on Saturday nearly ended IFerarleis.Rcardo had to leave the tragedy whien two simal children ac in thie 47 lap and this lefthi tried te. dr1ink -a bottieo ,f aci-co - other Pedro to f iii his position in tann iquid. t. Pedro L,,owev-er hand toe ul cries firom' thechildren brougî 'niot f' a lap wihgave thethe the 1ý- faiyt hebsmn o fn drivers a one lap lead in abc Phe wototiMyig ith te iquid. rae over the Mexican. in the 70ii 1ap1 Moss pulled (oult to 'his pit ol Thetwowcr ruk' 13t Port Io return shortly. This howeýver HoeHopta hceone had iis pîaJced bii iin tird 'CiPo'sition wtth th edý orelo the, liquid it was re" Mss as tfrced to the phif tice ported.r. In the 8lst lap thie race lead._î Tue the chd-as,;treated for rGewncbien wýas frcdout of the mînr brnsto acfac n taenac, due to gearbo trouble and hom. Ranwas in the lead for the first ____folio 'ved by Pedro Rodiriguez aq' La-P MA SRIUSY URED back and Mvoss stl urtherba-ck, !N FACTORV EXPLOýSION Don Kelr15 fBileoo ~ Ms' speed was quite evidn in port Hope Hospital in Serious, in th L ast ten laps ias he endeaivour- côndition as ai esuit of an exploion'ed to maike Up) time and better hi1e Saturday mnorninig at the Mâathews asbito.lHe establishied a newtrc Conveyer Co. Ltd. plant. He is suf- rec(ýord in these dash'eý-s of 1:3ý4.2 fering from lai ursto the face, whichi is a 91.5 miles ain houLr over hafids, armfis, legs and back and the .2.5 ile Mosport track. Another uorkman , KnBiddl The attendance at the mieet v RR C". Cobourg, was thrown 1u feetanuce swlli ceI f3, oýff a ladder from the blast butheo* Traffic to anid from osor esppd njris.passed aongquite orderly and p escpedinjrie. geatty-ups as in the jur neceet c- Mlr. Biddlle was on Mhe ladderi istd.'Te Provinicial police wme weldng a cap on an oul tank venit ou in force to hanije thethund iine. Th'le flamres from hbis torch are: of cars. beive o have set off an accumu-l latio)n of gas in thie ne. FI.RE DESTROYS......... - ftEPCYkTER'S CAR i ... . A car ownied by Port Hlope Guide reporter Mlack Wilson caught fire Saturday nigh't and burned almost.aui f to a ýomplete wrcc-k in Newtonville. ~ ia itn The fire started under the hood) when Wilson aittempted to start the-Q car. A short circuit is believed tofl IIUaC tIV, o have touched off a floodcarbr-U aitor. J Pire departments from O(rono 1 lsurance Ainail Ce Icanéhes and Newca-ïstle would rnot:come I when thiey weure inotified. Auto, Packageai Cmpsie A fiîre extiniguisher borrowed 0, from a bystander and a garden hose, JPlce ie am ie faild to extingiiish the 'blaze. Q [J urglary, Liability, M arineri The interior of the- car was cou-p pletey guted.Acécit and Sickniess, Wind, DURHAM iSHOFTI-IORNS ,TOP CHAMPIONSHIP 4CH SHOW U Boiler, Fidelity Bond, Etc., finlen optii at theDist rict 4-HIte1 Cubshow Pt Lrnd-1 tors of Shorthorn calves from i £ Durýham i4-H Ecef Caif Clu,am ly LDon Riclkard, Rick Rickard..nd Carol CGilbank and Walfer Rcadf went thrugh to in theGradwU Phone, Oroýno !Rit Champonshp awrd wich s aý trpydnat-,ed by A &l P. In the' ~~GAE~~ Shorhornclatss. inithe Bby Beef Q Stee clas, RionnieBaker of .Eamp.n, toin placfjd first.,vwhileheBaby Beef group of JohnDavd Aun placed second to O)ntaro Counfty. VunIle in the Junior AHolsein Heifer Cal'f ' secnd.'th Duhmsctlion, Peter- borough wvas fret,Notubrad secon. rh fruianiJuiorGfroup mareUpiof GlennAWery, Sharon AI"Sm IC'SYP E Tamblyn and Ge(;forge Saunders was SOL~EAP~1E thrwl :ie the Durhami Senior LET US CMEC. WST1HATE, Dasiry Cai11 Club group withI Paul AND ïO~NIE! TabyPat Knrox and Bill Tamn- blyn uas fourh.

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